Number 8 / 2010
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UDC 69(083.75):628.1.033
Mazaev V. T., Shlepnina T. G.
About the Normative Document Sources of Centralized Potable Water Supply. Hygienic Requirements. Rules of Selection and Quality Control
Issues touched upon in a draft new normative document concerning the sanitary classification and rules of the selection of a source of centralized potable water supply are considered. The comparative analysis of a range and contents of the sanitary norms in force applying to natural water objects and sources of centralized potable water supply is made. Three professional tasks of a sanitary inspector for solution of which this document is necessary are formulated. The approval of this draft SanPiN (Sanitary Rules and Norms) in the capacity of a normative legal act will stimulate the solution of problems of potable water supply sources by means of their structurization, making on this basis the plan of concrete prophylactic measures with economic analysis of their costs and risk for health.
Key words
centralized potable water supply , control of potable water quality , state standard , normative documents , sanitary-epidemiologic inspection
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UDC 628.3.504.05.69(083.75)
Danilovich Dmitrii, Dovlatova E. V.
Suggestions to a New Law in Draft Regulating Ecological Aspects of Settlements’ Water Disposal
The system of setting of output rates for discharge of wastewater treated and payments for discharge of pollutants from treatment facilities of settlements operating now in the Russian Federation is in need of radical reformation. After the example of EC it is proposed to develop and adopt a separate law about municipal wastewater based on a step-by-step achievement of indexes using the best accessible techniques. The discharge of wastewater from potentially dangerous industrial enterprises, into municipal sewerage systems including, must be regulated separately on the basis of the system of complex permissions.
Key words
water disposal from settlements , wastewater discharge , pollutants , maximum permissible concentration , system of standards , best available techniques
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UDC 628.1.033:543.3
Sokolov D. M., Kashintsev I. V., Sokolov M. S., Kantor L. I., Melnitsky I. A., Trukhanova N. V.
Potable Water Quality and Innovation Methods of Control (a problem and analytic review)
Chemical and microbiological criteria of potable water quality are considered. Innovation methods of the water quality control – highly sensitive, selective, reproduced and express, having high accuracy and reliability for evaluation of its harmlessness and safety are presented. The regular production control of potable water quality is exercised at accredited laboratories and analytic centers of regional and municipal organizations. The experience of the Center of water quality analytic control of the Municipal unitary enterprise Ufavodokanal in the use of innovation methods of quality rating of potable water and wastewater including metrological approved methods and up-to-date measuring instruments of control (analytic devices, express-tests and indicators, petrifilms, chromogenic and fluorogenic nutrient media) is discussed. Equipment of domestic accredited laboratories with up-to-date means of comprehensive control over the potable water quality increases efficiency and reliability of its analysis’s results.
Key words
potable water , potable water quality , methods of water quality control
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UDC 628.113:502.65
Shushkevich E. V.
Influence of Ecological Conditions of Water Sources on Water Supply of a Megalopolis
In theory the improvement of conditions of surface sources of water supply is an effective method of enhancement of potable water quality. However, even if there are possibilities to realize nature-conservative measures they have long-term character. In practice the most realizable methods are correction of water quality at water treatment stations’ water intakes changing the hydrologic conditions and operative control over water treatment at water treatment stations. The application of classical technique of water treatment with coagulation and clarification in complex with ozone sorption and ultrafiltration makes it possible to ensure the necessary degree of water treatment and its compliance with the perspective normative requirements regardless of conditions of a water supply source.
Key words
potable water , pollution , water supply source , water treatment technique
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UDC 628.1.033
Artemenok N. D., Nikitin A. M.
Certain Issues of Safety of Potable Water Supply
Issues of the safety of potable water supply for population using the surface and ground water are considered. Draft Federal Laws On Potable Water and Potable Water Supply and On Safety of Water Supply give preference to ground water and if a surface source is used it is recommended to organize an additional, reserve water intake of ground water in case of emergency situations. In perspective, a part of ground water used for water supply will reach 50% all over the country. But in many cities having the reserve water sources the problems concerning the influence of changeable water quality on human health are not solved.
Key words
potable water , surface water source , water intake , ground water , pumping-filtration station , redundancy of water sources
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UDC 628.162
Getmantsev S. V., Linevich S. N.
Treatment and Disinfection of the Don’s Water at Contact Filters Using the Coagulant SKIF™180 of the Latest Generation
The high efficient compact flowchart of treatment and disinfection of the Don’s water has been developed on the basis of experimental and theoretical studies carried out. In the process, mixers, coagulation chambers and sludge blanket clarifiers or settling tanks are eliminated from the scheme. The use of the method of contact coagulation with the high effective coagulant of SKIF™180 mark makes it possible to reduce reagent consumption by 65–70%, to exclude the necessity of primary disinfection of water with chlorine or reduce chlorine consumption to minimum, to ensure aluminum residual in water within the limits of MPC, to stabilize conditions of water treatment and reduce considerably the cost of water treatment.
Key words
potable water , disinfection , turbidity , chromaticity , coagulation , flocculation , water treatment station , contact filter
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UDC 628.173:681.121
Filatov A. I.
Swings and Roundabouts of Door-to-Door Accounting of Water Consumption
The installation of flat’s water meters in residential buildings makes it possible, other things being equal, to reduce water consumption by 1,8–2,2 times. Reduction in water consumption in building after installation of the flat’s water meters does not lead to adequate reduction of consumers expenditures for payment for water. Reduction of the consumer expenditures will be significant only at the initial stage of introduction of door-to-door accounting of water consumption.
Key words
leakages , water consumption , tariff , flat’s water meters , water supply networks , saving
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UDC 628.162.1
Filatova E. G., Dudarev V. I., Syrykh Yu. S., Nguen Ngok An Tuan
Extraction of Iron Ions (II) from Aqueous Solutions with Carbonic Sorbents
The absorbing capacity of carbonic sorbents of ИПИ-Т mark regarding iron ions (II) has been studied. Sorbents on the basis of carbonated polymer materials stable to aggressive media, have a developed specific surface area, inexpensive. Isotherms of adsorption under static conditions at temperature of 298 K have been obtained. The isotherm of adsorption is described satisfactorily by the Langmuir equation. Results of the study shows that carbonic sorbents of ИПИ-Т mark are able to sorb iron ions (II), in the process, a sorption capacity is 0,24 mole/g. The kinetics of the process has been studied, thermodynamic parameters of sorption have been determined. The sorption method of treatment with the use of sorbents of ИПИ-Т can be economically sound. Сarbonic sorbents are perspective for selective extraction of iron ions (II) from industrial wastewater.
Key words
natural and waste water , iron ions , carbonic sorbent , absorbing capacity , sorption capacity
Lars Jensen
The Disinfection System Oxiperm Pro for Filling of Planes with Water
The Disinfection System Oxiperm Pro for Filling of Planes with Water

Key words