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UDC 628.17.08:681.121

Lurie M. S., Lurie O. M.

Assessment of a Random Error of Vortex Flow Meters in the Course of Their Operation


Methods of the assessment of a random error of vortex flow meters and water meters in the course of their operation are considered. This methodology is based on the statistical treatment of measurements of instantaneous values of vortex formation of the flow meter placed in the working pipeline. The scheme of connection of the vortex flow meter implemented in the submerged variant reducing the cost considerably and making it possible to use these instruments for measurement of a flow rate in large diameter pipelines and open canals is presented.

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  4. RD-50-453-84. Metodicheskie ukazanija. Harakteristiki pogreshnosti sredstv izmerenija v real'nyh uslovijah jekspluatacii. Metody rascheta. – Tam zhe.

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