
Ekoton: 15 Years of Innovations

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UDC 628.32

Shtonda Yu. I. , Zubko A. L.

Intensification of Wastewater Treatment at Small Treatment Facilities of the Crimea


The problem of treatment of polluted and insufficiently treated wastewater of small objects and settlements of the Crimea is elucidated. Data on intensification of operation of small sewerage treatment facilities of the settlement of Kanaka (Alushta District) are presented. To increase the output of small sewerage treatment facilities and efficiency of wastewater treatment the flowcharts with the replacement of physically depreciated and morally obsolete equipment are offered. Reasonability of the use of mechanized grilles and aeration systems with aerators АПКВ-120 manufactured by the scientific and production firm Ekoton is considered. The successful experience of reconstruction of sewerage treatment facilities with increase of their output and improvement of efficiency of wastewater treatment as well as construction of the new facilities using power saving technologies for small objects and settlements have allowed the SPF Ekoton to realize a number of projects at the territory of the Crimea.

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  4. Goncharuk E. I., Davidenko A. I., Kaminskij Ja. M. Malogabaritnye ochistnye sooruzhenija kanalizacii. – Kiev: Budіvel'nik, 1974.
  5. Jepojan S. M., Shtonda I. Ju., Shtonda Ju. I., Zubko A. L. Intensifikacija ochistki stochnyh vod na malogabaritnyh ochistnyh sooruzhenijah poselka Kanaka v AR Krym // Naukovij vіsnik budіvnictva. − Harkіv: Harkіvs'kij derzhavnij tehnіchnij unіversitet budіvnictva ta arhіtekturi, 2009.

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