Tag:sewerage treatment facilities



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UDC 628.31:614.71

Kolycheva M. A.

Controlling malodorous emissions of wastewater treatment facilities


Wastewater treatment facilities feature malodorous emissions into the atmosphere that result from the process of wastewater treatment and contain mercaptans, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, amines etc. The preventive measures against negative impact of malodorous emissions on the urban development include two stages: collection of the polluted emissions and their subsequent purification. Preventing emissions into the atmosphere and collecting gases are carried out by installing covers on the aeration facilities. The advanced and technically perfect method of air purification is used in «Iatagan» gas converters. The principle of «Iatagan» units operation is based on the combined effect of bulk barrier-streamer discharge and ozone on the molecules of hazardous and malodorous gases. The use of «Iatagan» gas converters is the best solution of the air purification problem at the wastewater treatment facilities.

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UDC 628.2/.3:006.057
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.02.05

Samburski Georgi, Pogorelyi Anton, Leont’eva S. V., Nikitina Svetlana

Aspects of designing wastewater treatment facilities in terms of the BAT process indicators: priorities and consequences


Switching to the concept of the technological regulation occurs simultaneously with implementing a number of federal environmental projects including those included in the Ecology National Project. Considering that water utilities, through the spectacle of Rosprirodnadzor are among the main polluters of water bodies, the construction of new and upgrade of the existing treatment facilities is the focus of public authorities, regulators and, naturally, the wastewater facilities operators themselves. The paper considers potential and possible inconsistencies of the current design expectations based on the technological indicators of the best available technologies and the very concept of using the best available technologies that does not imply stasis but the development and consistent tightening of those same technological indicators.

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UDC 628.2:006.034/.053
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.12.01

Danilovich Dmitrii

By the basic technical solutions GOST 70953-2023 is a new tool for improving the quality of wastewater treatment facilities projects


The problems that arise while designing wastewater treatment facilities are described. The goals and objectives are given of developing GOST 70953-2023 «Wastewater treatment facilities. Construction and reconstruction. Basic technical solutions. Requirements for the development, structure and content in order to ensure the optimal capital costs and operational performance», that will come into force in 2024. The fundamentals of the concept of this standard, its basic definitions, and advantages in relation to the practice of designing wastewater treatment facilities that prevailed prior to the standardization are outlined. A brief summary of the main sections of GOST is given, in particular, the requirements for the composition of the main technical solutions, the report on their development and the approvals package.

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Ekoton: 15 Years of Innovations

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UDC 628.32

Shtonda Yu. I., Zubko A. L.

Intensification of Wastewater Treatment at Small Treatment Facilities of the Crimea


The problem of treatment of polluted and insufficiently treated wastewater of small objects and settlements of the Crimea is elucidated. Data on intensification of operation of small sewerage treatment facilities of the settlement of Kanaka (Alushta District) are presented. To increase the output of small sewerage treatment facilities and efficiency of wastewater treatment the flowcharts with the replacement of physically depreciated and morally obsolete equipment are offered. Reasonability of the use of mechanized grilles and aeration systems with aerators АПКВ-120 manufactured by the scientific and production firm Ekoton is considered. The successful experience of reconstruction of sewerage treatment facilities with increase of their output and improvement of efficiency of wastewater treatment as well as construction of the new facilities using power saving technologies for small objects and settlements have allowed the SPF Ekoton to realize a number of projects at the territory of the Crimea.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.09.05
UDC 628.345.1

Egorova Yu. A., Stepanov S. V., Nesterenko O. I., Strelkova T. A.

Study of the chemical removal of phosphorus at the municipal wastewater treatment facilities of the Samara urban district


The parameters of the chemical removal of phosphorus from wastewater in Samara have been determined. The studies were carried out by the method of trial coagulation of raw wastewater, primary effluent and mixed liquor from the aeration tanks. It was found that at the same doses of the chemical, the enhanced removal of phosphorus occurs from the sludge mixture. While using aluminum sulfate, the removal of phosphorus phosphates was enhanced by 0.3–1.6 mg/l more than while adding Aqua-Aurat-30TM aluminum polyoxychloride, depending on the initial concentrations. The concentration of residual aluminum in the effluent while using Aqua-Aurat-30TM was on average 8% lower than while using aluminum sulfate – 0.168–0.221 mg/l versus 0.173–0.274 mg/l. Comparative results of the chemical coagulation with the use of flocculants and without them showed that additional dosing flocculant did not result in an increase in the efficiency of phosphorus removal. It was determined that to achieve above 85% treatment efficiency at a phosphorus-phosphate concentration in the mixed liquor of 3.7–5.2 mg/l, a 1.3–1.8-fold excess of aluminum sulfate was required, and at lower concentrations of 1.23– 1.87 mg/l, this efficiency was achieved only with a 3.1–5-fold excess of the chemical. The research results were used in the project of upgrading a tertiary treatment plant at the Samara wastewater treatment facilities, that provided for the chemical removal of phosphorus in addition to the enhanced process of biological removal of phosphorus. The accepted calculated dose of aluminum sulfate 10 mg/l for a commercial product will reduce the concentration of phosphates after the main stage of biological treatment from 0.53 to 0.2 mg/l.

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UDC 628.315.2

Shuvalov M. V., Tarakanov D. I.

The history of the Samara wastewater treatment facilities project
designed by engineer V. G. Lindlei


«Drainage of Samara» project was designed by engineer V. G. Lindlei in 1907. Technical and process solutions approved in the project were at that time most advanced. Domestic, industrial wastewater and surface runoff was treated at «designated» facilities that included grit chambers and «moving screens» with a bar spacing of 5 mm. The removal of captured pollutants was completely automated. Extraction of other pollutants was supposed to execute at the «treatment facilities». For this purpose covered horizontal settling tanks with hydraulic sludge removal systems were designed. Biological wastewater treatment was to be carried out in oxidation basins (total surface area about 16 hectare) filled with feed. For wastewater transportation collectors of piriform 1400×1750 mm cross section were planned for construction. According to literary resources at those times wastewater treatment facilities were only in four cities; at that in Odessa, Kiev and Moscow they were represented by sewage fields, and the only treatment facilities with biofilters were built in Tsarskoe Selo.

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UDC 628.35.002.237

Strelkov A. K., Shuvalov M. V., Astrakhantsev D. V., Dudarev V. A., Stepanov S. V., Tarakanov D. I.

Conception of Reconstruction of City Sewerage Treatment Facilities of Samara


The results of years of research aimed at improving the quality of wastewater treatment at the city sewerage treatment facilities of Samara are presented. The technology of the Capetown University is the most acceptable for the further reconstruction of facilities due to the low concentration of organic substances in clarified wastewater and a high ratio of biogenic elements concentration to biochemical consumption of oxygen. At present the studies of biomembrane treatment with the use of hollow fibre membranes and equipment of General Electric Co. are planned. For that it is necessary to build a screens building and to place also the unit of UV-disinfection of treated wastewater. The cost of reconstruction of the treatment facilities will be 11,8 milliards of roubles.

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UDC 628.35

Kevbrina M. V., Gavrilin A. M., Dorofeev A. G., KOZLOV M. N., Aseyeva V. G.

Best available technologies of wastewater treatment:  implementation experience of «Mosvodokanal» JSC


Owing to the transfer to process standardization from 2019 (Federal Law No. 219-FZ) natural resource users are bound to introduce the best available technologies. Advanced technologies of municipal wastewater treatment ensuring the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus have been used in Russia at less than 10% of the wastewater treatment facilities. When transferring to process standardi­zation many water utilities will face the problem of upgrading wastewater treatment facilities. Successful practical experience of water utilities where BATs have been already used at wastewater treatment facilities will be useful for choosing the optimal process flow scheme. The introduction of advanced wastewater treatment methods has been a priority task for «Mosvodokanal» JSC. For a long period the company has developed and adapted to the conditions of the Moscow wastewater treatment facilities the process flow scheme of wastewater treatment with the removal of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) which is the best available technology. This made it possible to introduce this technology at the Lyuberetskie and Kuryanovskie wastewater treatment facilities – the largest and extremely large-scale facilities as well as at small- and mid-scale wastewater treatment plants in Minzag and Shchapovo settlements (Prefecture of Troitsky and Novomoskovsky Administrative Districts, Moscow). Experts of «Mosvodokanal» JSC developed a pre-design concept of the reconstruction of the aeration tanks at the treatment facilities of Cherepovets and the local treatment facilities of the Optina Pustyn monastery (Kozelsk, Kaluga Region) with the introduction of nutrients removal technology. The practical experience gained in «Mosvodokanal» JSC shows that the best available technologies have been developed, can be introduced and operate successfully.

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UDC 628.32/.35

Meshengisser Yu. M., Fomin I. I., Belen’kii Gleb

Advanced developments of Ecopolymer plant for wastewater treatment facilities


Ecopolymer company is well known in the market as a manufacturer of aeration systems. Over the past five years the company has expanded the product range adding a metal product line, upgraded production by installing advanced intelligent machines, and increased the staff of the design engineering bureau. The article describes the equipment, the production of which has been mastered over the past five years. The company strives to produce not individual types of products, but equipment packages designed to carry out a full cycle of process operations supported by the proprietary control systems. To date, the production facilities provide for the release of a full range of equipment for mechanical wastewater treatment – coarse and fine screens, conveyors and thickening presses for screenings, sand separators, grinders, etc. Particularly noteworthy is the innovative system for collecting floating substances in primary settling tanks in combination with the traditional scraper system. The produced sludge pumping systems have no rival among domestic manufacturers. Also, in addition to the well-known aeration systems, Ecopolymer Trade and Production Enterprise has developed AQUA-TOP 500, a new aeration system with a working capacity of 20–25 m3/h, that is equivalent to four 9” aerators.

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Ekoton: 15 Years of Innovation

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UDC 628.336.57

Shtonda Yu. I., Zubko A. L.

Dewatering of Municipal Wastewater Sludge at Mobile Compact Complexes


The actual problem of reduction of volumes of wastewater sludge and areas allotted for them accordingly is considered. Specific complications at sewerage treatment facilities of the health resort cities of the water areas of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov connected with significant seasonal changes of volumes of incoming wastewater are described. The original economic method of sludge dewatering using the compact complex on the basis of a belt press filter ПЛ-6K manufactured by the SPF Ekoton is offered. The use of the compact complex of mechanical dewatering of sludge will make it possible to dewater both the sludge from municipal treatment facilities and from sewerage treatment facilities of groups of nearby settlements without necessity to construct separate shops of mechanical dewatering or transportation of large volumes of sludge to stationary shops.

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UDC 628.32:502.36

Il'in Iu. A., IGNATCHIK V. S., Ignatchik S. Iu.

Determining the environmental safety indicators of wastewater treatment facilities


A method of evaluating the environmental safety indicators of wastewater treatment facilities is presented. The method includes confirmatory analysis with the help of computer simulation of process technologies applied at the wastewater treatment complexes that consist of different purpose blocks in order to evaluate emergency outages affecting the effluent quality. The risk of possible failures of separate units that are parts of the process layout as well as the degree of environmental impact on the entire treatment facilities is determined.

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UDC 628.349:661.63

KINEBAS A. K., NEFEDOVA E. D., PANKOVA G. A., Rublevskaya O. N., Pirogov A. G., Popova N. I., Klimenko A. I.

The experience of introducing the technology of chemical precipitation of phosphorus: from laboratory tests to industrial-scale operation


Meeting the latest recommendations of the Helsinki Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (HELCOM) calls for the introduction of advanced efficient methods of nutrients removal (mainly phosphorus) from municipal and industrial wastewater. Ferix-3 coagulant was chosen as a chemical. Industrial tests of chemical precipitation of phosphorus at the Kolpino, Kronstadt, Metallstroy settlement wastewater treatment facilities, as well as at the Central wastewater treatment plant, South-West wastewater treatment facilities and North wastewater treatment plant of St.-Petersburg are discussed. Chemical injection points and dosages for additional chemical dephosphorization were chosen depending on the treatment technology, automation level, wastewater composition, stability and irregular incoming flow rate.

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UDC 628.35:004.69

Strelkov A. K., Stepanov S. V., Strelkov D. A., Doubman I. S.

The experience of upgrading wastewater treatment facilities of Zhigulevsk


The experience of designing, constructing and upgrading wastewater treatment facilities (16,200 m3/day) in Zhigulevsk, Samara Area is described. Prior to the reconstruction the technical condition of the facilities was satisfactory. However, the effluent quality parameters exceeded the maximum permissible levels for BOD, suspended solids, nitrogen compounds, phosphates and oil pro­ducts. The efficiency of primary settling related to BOD5 and suspended solids was about 50% resulting in BODfull: total mineral nitrogen: phosphorus of phosphates ratio changing from 100:12.5:1.7 to 100:21.8:3.16. Despite the deterioration of this primary effluent parameter in the process of nutrients removal it was decided to retain primary settling in the design layout because of the insufficient capacities of the existing aeration tanks. The techno­logy of nitrification-denitrification with anoxic and aerobic zones and chemical phosphorus removal is suggested. The bioreactor capacity was increased 1.5 times by establishing the third process line in addition to the existing ones; besides the construction started from the nitrification-denitrification aeration tank to provide for the sustai­nable effluent quality for the entire reconstruction period.
For tertiary treatment a filter-bioreactor with a brush head was used. Disinfection is carried out by UV-irradiation in a trough-type unit without changing the gra­vity effluent flow. The design documentation was approved by the state expertise of the construction pro­jects. By now a considerable part of the facilities has been constructed and put into operation. The successful experience of Zhigulevsk wastewater treatment facilities reconstruction carried out without interruption of wastewater inflow can be overspread among the similar projects in medium-scale cities of the central part of Russia.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.08.04
UDC 628.35

Popov Nikita, Grigor’eva Anastasiia, Zalyotov S. V.

Experience in the reconstruction of the wastewater treatment facilities operated by MUE Teplovodokanal of Pushchino


In the early 1990s, after the introduction of new regulations for the quality of effluent, as well as due to a significant reduction in the available funding for water supply and wastewater disposal facilities, a tendency arose of a widespread violation of the requirements to the quality of wastewater treatment in the context of the impossibility of improving the situation. With the resumption of the economic growth at the beginning of the 21st century, Russia began to allocate public funds for the reconstruction of large-scale treatment facilities in order to provide for the required level of wastewater treatment by way of retrofitting advanced technologies. The access to financing for the reconstruction of wastewater treatment facilities is possible on the condition that the full-fledged project documentation that has passed the state expert appraisal is available. The experience of reconstructing small-scale wastewater treatment facilities in Pushchino that failed to be included into any budget financing program, is described. With the support and recommendations of relevant organizations and specialists, a list of measures was compiled for the stage-by-stage improvement of the wastewater treatment technology, taking into account the available funding. One of the first stages while implementing the measures was the introduction of the advanced technology for the biological removal of nutrients with the allocation of anaerobic and anoxic zones in traditional aeration tanks with mechanical activated sludge mixing. Russian-made vertical hyperbolic mixers were chosen as mixing devices. After the reconstruction of the first block of aeration tanks combined with the installation of mixers directly by the equipment supplier, the first positive results were obtained, i. e., the achieved indicators for organic substances and nitrogen group compounds were better than the required ones.

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UDC 628.17.001.4

Kostyuchenko S. V., Khrenov K. E., Khramenkov S. V., Filatov N. N., Glinik A. I., Kvalvasser A. I., Koudryavtsev N. N., Zhoukov V. I., Petrova O. N., Parilov P. S.

The experience of UV equipment operation at the Lyubertsy Wastewater Treatment Facilities in Moscow


The experience of the ultraviolet equipment operation for effluent disinfection at the Lyubersty wastewater treatment facilities in Moscow is presented. The modular design of UV equipment provided for establishing large-scale facilities with minimum footprint for UV-disinfection of municipal effluents (1–3 million m3/day capacity and higher). The high performance is ensured by the unique UV-modules with specially designed superpower bactericidal low pressure lamps supplemented by numerous systems of monitoring, control and energy saving. Equipping the entire wastewater treatment facilities with UV disinfection modules will ensure significant improvement of the environmental and sanitation-and-epidemiological conditions of the Moskva and Pekhorka Rivers.

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UDC 614.71:613.15

Sabirova Z. F., Budarina O. V., Shipulina Z. V.

Special aspects of substantiating sanitary protection zones
for the municipal wastewater treatment facilities


A comprehensive hygienic assessment of the municipal wastewater treatment facilities (with a capacity of 73 and 180 thousand m3/day of domestic and industrial wastewater) as sources of the chemical and physical impact on the ambient air and public health is presented. The studies were carried out in a city in the Moscow Area with a population of more than 150 thousand residents. The characteristics of the wastewater disposal system including wastewater treatment technology, standard equipment of the treatment facilities, technical operation parameters, composition and amount of emissions are typical for the Russian small cities including the cities in the Moscow Area with a population of 100–2000 thousand residents. It was stated that the maximum input into the gross emission was given by sludge beds (68%), aeration tanks and secondary settlers of the biological treatment process (12.4 and 5.3%). It is shown that the impact of the chemical and physical factors on the ambient air and public health (following the methodology of the assessment of the noncarcinogenic and carcinogenic effect occurrence) does not exceed the hygienic regulations and permissible risk values. Based on the results of the study a system of criteria that can be recommended for the substantiation of the sanitary protection zones for the wastewater treatment facilities is proposed.

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UDC 628.3
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.06.03

Koulakov A. A.

Features of wastewater composition at small-scale treatment facilities


The composition of wastewater at small-scale treatment facilities differs significantly from the composition of municipal wastewater both in terms of pollution concentrations and their proportions. Information is presented on the collection and analysis of data from long-term observations of the composition and temperature of wastewater from small settlements at 31 treatment facilities. It has been revealed that an increased concentration of nitrogen at medium concentrations of organic substances is typical for these facilities. Such a disproportion results in a shortage of substrate for biological treatment – denitrification; consequently, dosing an external source of organic matter is required. Wastewater supplied to the treatment facilities has a very low N–NH4/Ntotal ratio, which indicates incomplete ammonification and the need to take into account total nitrogen during laboratory control. At some facilities, the temperature of incoming wastewater is below 10–12°C during most of the year, which significantly reduces the efficiency of biochemical treatment processes.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.03.06
UDC 628.3

Koulakov A. A.

Estimation of the achievability of the environmental and technological regulations at small wastewater treatment facilities


The transition of water and wastewater services to technological regulations imposes new environmental requirements for wastewater treatment facilities. The probability of meeting environmental and technological regulations at 117 sites was estimated. For two groups of treatment facilities (midget, small and minor), the achievability of the regulations for suspended solids, BODtotal, nitrogen (ammonium, nitrite, nitrate) and phosphate-phosphorus was determined. The smallest proportion of the facilities could provide for meeting the maximum permissible concentrations of suspended solids (12.2 and 8.8%), phosphate-phosphorus (24.5 and 8.3%) and ammonium nitrogen (12.2 and 9%) in the effluents discharged into water bodies of commercial fishing importance. Meeting the technological regulations for water bodies of category B looks more likely and is 30.6% for ammonium nitrogen, for other indicators – more than 70%.

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UDC 628.387+330.322.5
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.06.02

Vurdova Nadezhda, FESENKO L. N.

Improving the efficiency of water recycling systems at oil refineries and petrochemical enterprises (part 1)


Petrochemical enterprises produce a significant impact on the environment; therefore, they are obliged to develop and implement programs to improve the environmental sustainability; the programs have to reflect the compliance of the technological processes, equipment, technical methods, methods used at the enterprise with the best available technologies. Accordingly, the growing demand for practices of improving the effectiveness of environmental protection measures in the operation of specific economic entities stimulates the search and development of new methods as well as particular and integral indicators of the effectiveness of environmental investment projects at various levels. This study presents the results of applying proactive measures related to the implementation of an investment, environmentally oriented project for the reconstruction of water supply and wastewater disposal systems of the enterprise, development of technical measures aimed at improving the efficiency of water recycling systems, reducing the volume of effluents discharged by the plant and reducing the abstraction of raw water from the surface water source.

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UDC 628.387+330.322.5
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.10.05

Vurdova Nadezhda, FESENKO L. N.

Improving the efficiency of water recycling systems at oil refineries and petrochemical enterprises (part 2)


Comprehensive studies were carried out to improve the efficiency of water and wastewater treatment facilities at one of the oil refineries in the Southern Federal District by adding one or more stages of tertiary treatment; by improving the design of the existing facilities; and replacing the technological process of one of the treatment stages for a more efficient one. Research objectives: 1) analysis of the operation of the water recycling systems (units), existing wastewater disposal and treatment facilities; 2) development of the optimal solutions and schemes for upgrading the recycling water supply of the enterprise; 3) development of technical measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of the water recycling system, reducing the volume of wastewater discharged by the plant and reducing the amount of raw water abstraction by arranging the makeup of the existing water recycling units with effluent. The previous article on this topic presented the research materials on the first two tasks.

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