

UDC 628.387+330.322.5
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.06.02

Vurdova Nadezhda, FESENKO L. N.

Improving the efficiency of water recycling systems at oil refineries and petrochemical enterprises (part 1)


Petrochemical enterprises produce a significant impact on the environment; therefore, they are obliged to develop and implement programs to improve the environmental sustainability; the programs have to reflect the compliance of the technological processes, equipment, technical methods, methods used at the enterprise with the best available technologies. Accordingly, the growing demand for practices of improving the effectiveness of environmental protection measures in the operation of specific economic entities stimulates the search and development of new methods as well as particular and integral indicators of the effectiveness of environmental investment projects at various levels. This study presents the results of applying proactive measures related to the implementation of an investment, environmentally oriented project for the reconstruction of water supply and wastewater disposal systems of the enterprise, development of technical measures aimed at improving the efficiency of water recycling systems, reducing the volume of effluents discharged by the plant and reducing the abstraction of raw water from the surface water source.

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For citation: Vurdova N. G., Fesenko L. N. Improving the efficiency of water recycling systems at oil refineries and petrochemical enterprises (part 1). Vodosnabzhenie i Sanitarnaia Tekhnika, 2023, no. 6, pp. 12–22. DOI: 10.35776/VST.2023.06.02. (In Russian). VST.2023.06.02.

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