09 2023

Number 9 / 2023

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UDC 628.1/.3(470.23-25)
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.09.01

Volkov Sergei

Transparency and social responsibility


Solving one of the main tasks of the life support of the city – providing residents and enterprises with high-quality water and wastewater services SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» has been always committed to such important principles as maintaining continuity of production, ensuring decent working conditions for employees and active interaction with St. Petersburg residents and urban organizations. The main activities of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» are presented.

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UDC 929

The great man of the great city (in memory of F. V. Karmazinov)


Феликс Владимирович Кармазинов – генеральный директор ГУП «Водоканал Санкт-Петербурга» с 1987 до 2019 г., доктор технических наук, профессор, академик Инженерной академии, академик Международной академии наук экологии, безопасности человека и природы.
Ф. В. Кармазинов удостоен многих званий: «Почетный гражданин Санкт-Петербурга», «Почетный гражданин Кронштадта», «Почетный работник жилищно-коммунального хозяйства Российской Федерации», «Почетный работник водного хозяйства», «Заслуженный инженер России». Лауреат государственной премии в области науки и техники (2001 г.). Награжден орденами Почета, Дружбы, «За заслуги перед Отечеством» IV степени, Александра Невского, медалью кавалера французского национального ордена «За заслуги», командорским знаком 1-й категории ордена Финского Льва и многими другими наградами.




UDC 628.1/.3(069.014)

Water Universe Exhibition Complex is 20 years


19 мая 2023 г. Экспозиционно-выставочный комплекс «Вселенная Воды» отметил свой двадцатилетний юбилей. Его создание стало подарком петербургского Водоканала горожанам в честь 300-летнего юбилея Северной сто­лицы.




UDC 628.336.71:628.477
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.09.02

Rublevskaya O. N., Lysova Tat’iana, Sarkisov Artem

Sanitary and hygienic estimation of the impact of emissions of sludge incineration plants on the public health in St. Petersburg


The safety of the technologies applied for the disposal of wastewater sludge, in particular, the incineration technology, is confirmed by the results of emission control; it is an extremely important issue in the relationship between the water utilities responsible for this process and population served. The lack of available public data and information on the measures taken to ensure environmental protection and public health in the implementation and operation of sludge incineration technology does not provide for the population estimating to the full extent the current situation in such an important area of the urban economy. Explanations of approaches to sludge disposal and emission control in St. Petersburg are given on the basis of the actual document supported studies.

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UDC 628.21:628.52
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.09.03

Svitskov S. V., Lobanov Fedor, Rublevskaya O. N., Klokov Aleksandr, Malykh Ol’ga

Current methods of odor control in accordance with Amendment No. 2 of CP 32.13330.2018


In connection with the increasing demands of the environmental health, the issue of eliminating unpleasant odors holds a specific place. This problem is especially relevant for wastewater facilities; accordingly, it is reflected in the new editions of sectorial regulations and reference books. The main recommendations of Code of Practice 32.13330.2018 regarding the measurement, control and elimination of odor from organized and unorganized odor sources at wastewater disposal and treatment facilities are highlighted. The practical experience of applying the technologies specified in the CP 32.13330.2018 is described.

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UDC 628.1:543.68:658.562
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.09.04

Lobanov Fedor, Portnova T. M., Bobrova Irina, Ganin Aleksandr, Mekhnetsov Il’ia

The history of designing a modern system for drinking water quality monitoring and managing in St. Petersburg


Efficient quality control of the manufactured product is one of the main tasks for any production. Of particular importance is the management of the production process in case the product being produced is the basis for the life support and health of the consumer. The functioning of public water supply systems is of paramount importance, primarily in terms of reliability and safety [1]. The need to find a new paradigm for the safety of drinking water supply as an integral part of the national security of Russia was timely estimated by Felix Vladimirovich Karmazinov. In 2004, a vector was plotted for the development of water treatment systems inclusive of replacing the water quality control system based on discrete sampling for laboratory analysis, recording water quality change events post factum. With regard to the water supply security paradigm, this does not correspond to the level of risks from premeditated actions, nor to the modern engineering capabilities of online monitoring. One of the priority areas in the field of improving the safety of public water supply was the task of designing advanced monitoring systems that provide for predicting, identifying in a timely manner and preventing deterioration of the quality of processed, stored and transported water to the consumer. The chronology of the stages of implementing online monitoring systems for the control of the water quality and safety at the water supply facilities in St. Petersburg is given.

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UDC 628.1:661.183.2
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.09.05

Volkov Sergei, Luk’ianchuk Maksim, Rublevskaya O. N., Gvozdev V. A., Portnova T. M., Galaktionova Ol’ga, Akchurin Aleksandr, Samonin Viacheslav, Podviaznikov M. L., Spiridonova E. A., Riabykh Viktoriia, Mekhnetsov Il’ia

Technology of using powdered activated carbon: the experience of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg»


In the context of progressive urbanization of territories, increasing anthropogenic impact on the environment, global climate change, high probability of environmental and manmade disasters, depletion of natural resources and the current demographic situation, the risk of reducing the level of safety of drinking water supply increases. At present, the threat of probable pollution of water sources due to possible terrorist sabotages or manmade disasters has significantly increased. There is a potential hazard of detecting toxic chemicals in intake water. Surface sources of water supply are subject to significant fluctuations in water quality owing to the impact of natural and anthropogenic factors. One of the key tasks to be considered is possible prompt and effective neutralization of the water source pollution with organic substances of natural and artificial origin in order to eliminate supplying water of non-normative quality to the consumers. The feasibility of increasing the reliability of sorption technologies alongside with introducing production processes that meet modern requirements has been estimated.

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UDC 628.166.094.3:661.418
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.09.06

Gao Yuan, NEFEDOVA E. D., KINEBAS A. K., Lobanov Fedor

Disinfection of water with low-concentration sodium hypochlorite


An advanced safe technology for the production of low-concentration sodium hypochlorite from salt brine is considered. The main stages of the technological process are described in detail. Particular attention is paid to the issues of industrial safety and reliable operation of electrolyzers – units for the preparation of sodium hypochlorite at the Southern and Northern water treatment facilities of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg». The use of low-concentration solutions of sodium hypochlorite provides for improving the safety of water purification processes. Salt is the raw material for the production of sodium hypochlorite. Since the chemical is used directly at the place of production, there is no need for transportation. The combination of disinfection of treated water with low-concentration sodium hypochlorite (first stage) with ultraviolet irradiation (second stage) before supplying it to the city water supply network guarantees full compliance of water quality in terms of microbiological indicators with current standards and its high epidemiological safety.

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UDC 628.166.085
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.09.07

Kostyuchenko S. V., Koudryavtsev N. N.

UV disinfection in water treatment: when, where, and who was the first?


A look back review of the origin of ultraviolet water disinfection technology in Russia is given. The paper describes the experience of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» in the implementation of multi-barrier disinfection schemes in the preparation of drinking water, and the effect of using tested schemes on the introduction of UV technology in other cities of the country and abroad. Disinfection of water using ultraviolet irradiation that originated at the beginning of the last century, in St. Petersburg, Russia, as well, has now gained recognition around the world. The industrially proven multi-barrier disinfection technology using UV irradiation implemented at large-scale facilities in St. Petersburg, has found wide application and is dynamically developing in Russia and overseas. Unlike many other areas of science and technology, Russia has its own modern scientific and production school in UV technologies; the role of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» and personally of Felix Vladimirovich Karmazinov in the formation of it being undeniable.

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