

UDC 628.166.085
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.09.07

Kostyuchenko S. V., Koudryavtsev N. N.

UV disinfection in water treatment: when, where, and who was the first?


A look back review of the origin of ultraviolet water disinfection technology in Russia is given. The paper describes the experience of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» in the implementation of multi-barrier disinfection schemes in the preparation of drinking water, and the effect of using tested schemes on the introduction of UV technology in other cities of the country and abroad. Disinfection of water using ultraviolet irradiation that originated at the beginning of the last century, in St. Petersburg, Russia, as well, has now gained recognition around the world. The industrially proven multi-barrier disinfection technology using UV irradiation implemented at large-scale facilities in St. Petersburg, has found wide application and is dynamically developing in Russia and overseas. Unlike many other areas of science and technology, Russia has its own modern scientific and production school in UV technologies; the role of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» and personally of Felix Vladimirovich Karmazinov in the formation of it being undeniable.

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For citation: Kostyuchenko S.V., Kudriavtsev N.N. UV disinfection in water treatment: when, where, and who was the first? Vodosnabzhenie i Sanitarnaia Tekhnika, 2023, no. 9, pp. 45–50. DOI: 10.35776/VST.2023.09.07. (In Russian).

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