10 2023

Number 12 / 2023

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UDC 628.2:006.034/.053
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.12.01

Danilovich Dmitrii

By the basic technical solutions GOST 70953-2023 is a new tool for improving the quality of wastewater treatment facilities projects


The problems that arise while designing wastewater treatment facilities are described. The goals and objectives are given of developing GOST 70953-2023 «Wastewater treatment facilities. Construction and reconstruction. Basic technical solutions. Requirements for the development, structure and content in order to ensure the optimal capital costs and operational performance», that will come into force in 2024. The fundamentals of the concept of this standard, its basic definitions, and advantages in relation to the practice of designing wastewater treatment facilities that prevailed prior to the standardization are outlined. A brief summary of the main sections of GOST is given, in particular, the requirements for the composition of the main technical solutions, the report on their development and the approvals package.

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UDC 628.166.094.3
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.12.02

Raff P. A.

Experience in retrofitting chlorammoniation technology
at the water treatment facilities in Severodvinsk


The results of retrofitting natural water chlorammoniation technology at the water treatment facilities in Severodvinsk are presented. The specific features of processing river water with a high concentration of organic substances are considered using the example of WTP-1 and WTP-2. It has been shown that using chlorammoniation technology at the water treatment facilities with different input points of ammonium sulfate makes provides for preparing drinking water that meets current standards for basic chemical and microbiological indicators.

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UDC 628.161:66.081.63
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.12.03

Tsabilev O. V., Uglov Sergei, Vasil’chenko Vladimir, Kopytin Iurii

Pilot tests of VSEP technology to minimize the amount
of reverse osmosis concentrate


The results of pilot tests of the VSEP vibromembrane liquid separation technology for concentrating wastewater with high salinity from an industrial reverse osmosis plant are presented. VSEP technology provides for achieving high filtrate yields from salty wastewater eliminating pre-treatment and the use of antiscalants. As a result of membrane separation, demineralized water (filtrate) is obtained, that can be reused in the production cycle, as well as a highly concentrated solution of salts (concentrate), that also includes insoluble sludge. The tests were carried out at an industrial facility using a pilot plant of the VSEP Auto-LP series using reverse osmosis membranes. Procedures for choosing the brand of a polymer membrane and determining the optimal operating pressure were carried out. The experimental data on wastewater concentration cycles are presented to determine the conditions for the stability of the separation process and the duration of the installation flushing interval. The test results provide for designing an industrial wastewater return system for reuse.

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UDC 504.43
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.12.04

Lapin Pavel, Eliseev Dmitrii, Kopulov Sergei, Pashkova Valentina, Dan’shina Natal’ia

Groundwater of the Oryol region: hydrodynamic state and chemical composition


The specific features of two aquifer carbonate systems – the Voronezh-Livenskoe and Zadonsk-Optukhovsky, as well as their role in supplying groundwater to the Oryol region – are considered. Based on the methodological recommendations, groundwater monitoring is carried out under various conditions in the wells of the local observation network and in the wells of the state reference network. A brief description of the methodology for studying the quality of groundwater is given in order to monitor its condition to make the required solutions, if necessary. The dynamics of the development of three depression pits in the region and areas of groundwater pollution are analyzed, in the zone of influence of which drinking water intakes are located.

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UDC 631.6
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.12.05

Amirova Turkan Nazim gyzy

Optimization of a sequential irrigation system on differential irrigation plots


The optimization of a sequential irrigation system used on differential irrigation areas is considered. The sequential regime of differential plot irrigation is analyzed in detail. Target functionals have been generated for the synthesis of two extreme modes of sequential irrigation of differential plots based on the Kostiakov–Lewis equation and its derivation. As a result of the analysis using the variational optimization method, it was found that the first synthesized extreme mode provided for minimizing the corresponding target functional with an inverse relationship between the irrigation time and plot area, which is estimated as a negative extreme mode; the second synthesized extreme mode, with a limited total irrigation time, allows for a direct dependence of the irrigation time on the irrigated area, ensuring the maximum of the assumed optimization criterion.

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UDC 628.355:004.942
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.12.06

Yermolin Yu. A.

On mathematical modeling a biological wastewater treatment process (for discussion)


The process of interaction between an organic pollutant and activated sludge underlies the biological wastewater treatment technologies at the wastewater treatment facilities. A mathematical dynamic model of such a process is proposed that is a system of two nonlinear differential equations that quantitatively show how the treatment process proceeds over time. While developing a model, considerations and arguments of a physical nature are given in detail for the inclusion of each member in it. The conditions for using a palliative version of the developed model, i.e., its linearized version, are discussed. As a result of calculations made using the model, for some situations analytical expressions were obtained that connected the parameters of the treatment process with the characteristics of the organic pollutant and activated sludge.

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UDC 628.33:627.834
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.12.07

Martynenko Grigorii, Naimanov A. Ia., Naimanova Asiiat

Purification of mine water of a non-ferrous metal mine in a pilot plant


The results of pilot studies of liming, coagulation, sorption and ion exchange are presented to determine the efficiency of removing contaminants from the mine water of a non-ferrous metal mine to meet the MPC values for fishery reservoirs. Mine water is polluted with suspended substances, ions of copper, manganese, iron, zinc and nickel, petroleum products and nitrates, as well as with a small amount of feces. The pilot plant provides for two stage treatment: first, chemical-free sedimentation, addition of chlorine, lime, coagulant and flocculant, and clarification in a vertical settling tank-clarifier with polymer «brushes» in the top media. At the second stage, primary water is filtrated through parallelly installed a sodium cation exchanger filter and a sorption filter. The plant capacity was 1 m3/h. Studies were carried out on water purification in different seasons of the year with significant fluctuations in the quality indicators. It was established that the proposed process flow scheme provided for removing the main pollutants to meet the requirements for the effluent discharge into a fishery reservoir.

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UDC 347.265.6:504.064
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.12.08

Iantsen O. V., Gogina Elena, Kolosova Kamilla, Spasibo Elena

Исследование характеристик поверхностных сточных вод


The results of studies of surface runoff (rainfall and snow-melt waters) are presented. The qualitative composition of surface runoff from various catchment areas in the urban environment was determined for the subsequent estimation of their possible splitting, local treatment and reuse. The problems of battery limits associated with the discharge of polluted surface runoff are considered, and possible ways to solve the identified problems are proposed. The results of the studies prove the possibility of rational use of surface runoff by legal customers to split the flows and draw up discharge reduction plans. It is advisable to reuse rainfall and snow-melt waters collected from the roof of a building, including as process water for a number of facilities using a minimum amount of the treatment equipment.

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Журнал ВСТ включен в новый перечень ВАК

Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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