10 2023

Number 10 / 2023

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UDC 628./.2:644.6
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.10.01

Frog Dmitrii

Trends and development goals of the water supply and wastewater disposal branch against the backdrop of global challenges (for discussion)


The work objective is studying the situation in the world and in the Russian Federation in the field of water supply and wastewater disposal while setting specific tasks to correct the development trend. The overall state of the water supply and wastewater industry was examined through critical analysis. The components of the global challenges shaping the current situation in the industry have been identified and systematized: environmental, social, demographic, medical, hygienic, epidemiological, criminal, reliability, technological, military, political, etc. Therein, the provisions of the «Clean Water» Federal Project  were taken into account within the framework of the «Housing and Urban Environment» National Project, the data from the 2021 State Report of the top sanitary official of the Russian Federation, Order of the RF Government of July 8, 2015 No. 1316-r (as amended on May 10 2019) «On approval of the list of pollutants subject to the state regulatory measures in the field of the environmental protection», as well as the data of the Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene named after. A. N. Sysin. The events, situation and consequences regarding the life support facilities in the territories of new regions of the Russian Federation (LPR, DPR, Zaporizhian and Kherson regions) were taken into account. The development trends of the industry are presented with account of the current trends and development prospects. The need to develop water supply sources on a noncentralized basis while providing for backup sources of drinking water supply at vital points, in residential and public buildings is emphasized. Decentralization of water supply based on redundant systems (including self-contained ones) for preparing water at the point of consumption creates the basis for transferring the nation to the consumption of physiologically healthful water.

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UDC 614.777:504.064:502.52
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.10.02

Kuz’mich Valentina, Miller Elena

On the need for making amendments to the statutory regulation of impact of the business operations and other activities on the surface water bodies


The current system of regulating the permissible impact of the business operations and other activities on surface water bodies does not provide for improving the water quality and condition of water bodies to meet the requirements of the RF Water Code. To eliminate the legal uncertainty of regulating the impact on water bodies and taking into account the transition to the technology regulation to achieve the goals of protecting water bodies, it is proposed that the Water Code of the Russian Federation captures the environmental standards for the surface water quality (ESSWQ). These standards have to be developed with account of the natural characteristics of specific river basins, and applied along with the existing hygienic standards instead of the fishery water quality standards. At the same time, the standards for the permissible impact of business operations and other activities on water bodies (SPI) are developed on the basis of ESSWQ in accordance with the requirements of the current environmental legislation. Making amendments to the RF Water Code will provide, among other things, for reliable calculating fees for the negative environmental impact; for calculating the amount of damage caused to a water body; for reducing the costs of developing standards, and carrying out water protection measures, designing and constructing treatment facilities, etc.

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UDC 628.237.2:628.521
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.10.03

Tcherkesov A. Yu., Israilov R.

Removing malodorous substances from gas-air mixtures in wastewater disposal systems


A scientific justification is given for the use of the method of hydrogen sulfide absorption by aqueous media containing an oxidizer – hypochlorite ion, obtained electrochemically in a stream of reusable absorption solution, in a countercurrent absorber for gas-air mixture purification in wastewater disposal systems. The results of theoretical and experimental studies of the influence of operational factors on the efficiency of removing hydrogen sulfide from gas-air mixtures using the proposed method are presented. Recommendations for using the method are given. A process flow scheme for gas-air mixture purification in wastewater disposal systems using the method of hydrogen sulfide absorption by aqueous media containing an oxidizer – hypochlorite-ion, as well as the process parameters for its application, are presented. The results of estimating the economic efficiency of the developed technology are provided.

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UDC 628.16.081.32
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.10.04

GERASIMOV M. M., Belyak А. А., SMIRNOV A. D., Arkhipova Elena, Metelitsa Ekaterina, Trost’ Andrei

Assessment of possible reducing the concentration of total organic carbon in drinking water by using powdered activated carbons


Processing of the data on permanganate index and total organic carbon for 2021–2022 revealed a clear correlation in the dynamics of changes in these indicators in both source and purified water. Samples of a number of brands of powdered activated carbons were tested in a process flow scheme of river water treatment. The test results showed that treatment with activated carbon provides for increasing significantly the efficiency of river water purification both in terms of permanganate index and in reducing the total organic carbon.

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UDC 628.387+330.322.5
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.10.05

Vurdova Nadezhda, FESENKO L. N.

Improving the efficiency of water recycling systems at oil refineries and petrochemical enterprises (part 2)


Comprehensive studies were carried out to improve the efficiency of water and wastewater treatment facilities at one of the oil refineries in the Southern Federal District by adding one or more stages of tertiary treatment; by improving the design of the existing facilities; and replacing the technological process of one of the treatment stages for a more efficient one. Research objectives: 1) analysis of the operation of the water recycling systems (units), existing wastewater disposal and treatment facilities; 2) development of the optimal solutions and schemes for upgrading the recycling water supply of the enterprise; 3) development of technical measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of the water recycling system, reducing the volume of wastewater discharged by the plant and reducing the amount of raw water abstraction by arranging the makeup of the existing water recycling units with effluent. The previous article on this topic presented the research materials on the first two tasks.

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UDC 628.169.7
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.10.06

Butko D. A.

Optimization of designing the systems for waste water purification from waterworks operating with low-turbidity waters


The issues of designing schemes for processing wash water of rapid filters (contact clarifiers), sludge from wash water treatment facilities and sludge from sedimentation facilities are considered. The results of a study of wash water of rapid filters at the water treatment plants operating with PolyDADMAC organic coagulant-flocculant are presented; the qualitative indicators of the sludge from the sedimentation tanks at these facilities are given. Options for wash water recycling are considered, such as supplying to the headworks and washing contact clarifiers, as well as process water supply (road washing, production needs of industrial enterprises, etc.), and agricultural irrigation. The water quality indicators for each of the recycling options are given, and an algorithm for selecting a process flow scheme is presented that will provide for the required effluent quality standard by adjusting the treatment scheme. Options for the utilization of sludge of sedimentation tanks and wash water treatment facilities as potting soils, stone and ceramic building materials are presented. The criteria for choosing a utilization option and the algorithm for choosing process flow schemes are presented. The proposed approach to designing schemes for wash water and sludge treatment simplifies their selection at the stage of a new design or upgrade.

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Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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