Tag:permanganate oxidizability



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UDC 628.17.001.4

Strelkov A. K., Egorova Yu. A., Bykova P. G., Nesterenko O. I., Strelkova T. A., Talovyria Larisa

The influence of the ecological state of the water source
on the mode of operation of water


While studying the water quality of the water source of the city of Samara – the Saratov water reservoir, special attention was paid to the main indicators that influence the choice of chemical treatment: turbidity, permanganate index and color. Seasonal changes in the water quality of the water reservoir require constant adjustment of the chemical dose in order to meet the regulatory requirements to the quality of treated water. The results of the studies of changes in the water quality of the Saratov reservoir at the water abstraction points of the city of Samara for 2017–2019 by turbidity, permanganate index and color are presented. Due to the abnormal temperature differences and onset of autumn flood (end of December 2019 and January 2020), the water quality in the water reservoir dramatically changed in color and permanganate index. It was noted that an increase in these indicators required an increase in the dose of chemicals during the source water purification. The optimal dose of chemicals is selected with Lovibond ET-750 flocculator depending on the composition of the source water. Regular test coagulation allowed maintaining the quality of purified water in accordance with the regulatory requirements of SanPiN «Drinking water. Quality control», except for color and total iron since the values of these indicators were increased within the measurement accuracy.

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UDC 628.

Strelkov A. K., Egorova Yu. A., Bykova P. G.

Selection of most efficient chemicals for water treatment


The Saratovskoe water reservoir has been the main water source of the Samara public water supply. The municipal water treatment facilities have been built after typical projects and designed for clarification and disinfection of moderately polluted water. Lately sharp suspended solids reduction and organic pollution increase (mainly of natural origin) in the water source have been observed. During flood periods technogenic pollution (surfactants) is present, the concentration of manganese increases, phenol is found. At low water temperature, high color and permanganate value higher doses of chlorine and coagulant are required. Coagulation at low temperatures is inhibited which results in the concentration of residual aluminium and permanganate value exceeding the maximum permissible levels. Higher chlorine dosages cause higher concentrations of chloroorganics in water. Therefore a chemical for using during flood periods that will provide for the required quality of water shall be selected. The results of the laboratory studies of selecting the chemical type and optimum dosage for water purification from the Saratovskoe water reservoir during flood periods are presented. Eighteen coagulant trademarks manufactured by domestic and foreign producers were investigated. The optimum dosages of coagulant and flocculant were defined. From the coagulant samples presented two were selected that could provide for the maximum drinking water clarification at minimum levels of residual aluminium and permanganate value. The final choice can be made on the basis of the technical and economic calculations taking into account the chemical price, delivery cost and required water quality.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2019.08.04

UDC 628.1:543.31

Govorov O. B., Govorova Zh. M., Rudich Ul’iana

Changes in the quality of natural water from a public water supply source during transportation


The issues of the water quality transformation from a natural water supply source during transportation by long-distance water mains from the water intake to the water treatment facilities site and the reasons affecting the changes in the qualitative composition of water are considered. The results of the studies on the changes in the water quality of a natural water source characterized by low turbidity, medium color, seasonal growth of phytoplankton and the concentration of organic compounds are presented. It has been established that in certain periods of the year both the improvement and deterioration of the quality of water transported by water mains by several times occur in terms of the following indicators: permanganate value, total microbial count, phytoplankton count and biomass, resulting in several times increase in the pollution load on the treatment facilities and decrease in the efficiency of the water treatment process. Continuous monitoring and systematization of data on the changes in water quality will make it possible to timely adjust the modes and parameters of water treatment plants, thereby ensuring sustainable water treatment efficiency according to the regulatory requirements.

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UDC 628.161.2:543.317(943.8)
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.06.01

Raff P. A.

Some aspects of conditioning high-color river waters of the Far North


Some aspects of water conditioning of the Solza River at the water treatment plant in Severodvinsk are considered with an analysis of the quality of natural water for the period 2020–2023. The results of statistical processing of initial data on the river water quality are presented. The features of the chemical treatment of river water containing a high concentration of organic substances, and with the composition varying in dependence to the season, are considered. Based on statistical processing of the data for the 2020–2024 period in terms of color and permanganate index, the range of the color coefficient variation was determined. In the course of studies, the optimal pH range was established to provide for the minimum concentrations of residual aluminum in purified water.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.09.04
UDC 006.3:628.1

Egorova Yu. A., Bykova P. G., Talovyria Larisa, Strelkova T. A., Nesterenko O. I.

On the introduction of new sanitary and epidemiological requirements for drinking water supply


The main source of water supply for the urban district of Samara is the Saratov reservoir. The municipal water treatment facilities were built according to the standard design and intended for clarification and disinfection of moderately polluted water. In recent years, a sharp decrease in the concentration of suspended solids and an increase in the concentration of organic pollutants (mainly of natural origin) have been observed in the water of the source. At low water temperature, high color indices and permanganate index, the need arises for continuous monitoring the optimal doses of chemicals in order to prevent the formation of residual aluminum in the purified water and permanganate index exceeding the MPC values in accordance with SanPiN By Decree of the RF Chief Sanitary Officer No. 3 of January 28, 2021, new sanitary rules and regulations have been approved and effective in the Russian Federation since March 1, 2021: SanPiN 2.1.3684-21 and SanPiN 1.2.3685-21 that require a more stringent approach to the quality of the purified water. The validity period of the current SanPiNs is until March 1, 2027; however, they do not provide for a transitional period for the operators of water supply and wastewater disposal systems that have to arrange and conduct epidemiological (preventive) measures to ensure drinking and domestic water supply meeting the requirements of SanPiN 2.1.3684-21 and SanPiN 1.2.3685-21. The water treatment facilities in Samara in the transition period need upgrade, and some of them need reconstruction. To carry out the research specified in the regulatory documents, updating the equipment of production laboratories and expanding the scope of their accreditation are needed. Equipping accredited laboratories with advanced means of comprehensive monitoring of drinking water quality will improve the efficiency and reliability of the analysis results.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.12.01
UDC 614.77:628.161

Strelkov A. K., Bykova P. G., Palagin Evgenii

On the state of the water quality in the Kuibyshev and Saratov water reservoirs and the prospects for one- and two-stage treatment schemes


The results of studying the physical and chemical composition of the source water of the Kuibyshev and Saratov water reservoirs at the water intake sites operated by Avtogradvodokanal LLC, Tolyatti Urban District, and Samara Utility Systems LLC, Samara Urban District, for 2015–2021 are presented. Limiting values ​​of 59 indicators of the water quality of the Kuibyshev water reservoir and 52 indicators of the Saratov water reservoir have been established. The water in both water reservoirs polluted with resistant to oxidation organic substances, can be referred to the III hazard class and is assessed as «moderately polluted». In the water of the Kuibyshev reservoir increased concentrations of phytoplankton and zooplankton were found. The reservoir water needs physical and chemical treatment before being supplied to the consumers. It is shown that the physical and chemical composition of the water of the Kuibyshev water reservoir in terms of turbidity, concentration of phytoplankton and zooplankton is worse than the water composition in the Saratov water reservoir; therefore, it requires additional treatment before being supplied to the treatment plant.

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UDC 628.166.094.3
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.12.02

Raff P. A.

Experience in retrofitting chlorammoniation technology
at the water treatment facilities in Severodvinsk


The results of retrofitting natural water chlorammoniation technology at the water treatment facilities in Severodvinsk are presented. The specific features of processing river water with a high concentration of organic substances are considered using the example of WTP-1 and WTP-2. It has been shown that using chlorammoniation technology at the water treatment facilities with different input points of ammonium sulfate makes provides for preparing drinking water that meets current standards for basic chemical and microbiological indicators.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.03.04
UDC 628.161.2:628.166-926.214

Kozin Dmitrii, Prokof’ev Valerii, Prokof’eva Taisiia

Experience of using ozone for deironing water of a complex composition


The purpose of the study was developing a process flow scheme and determining the main parameters of the ozonation method for removing iron and manganese compounds from process water. The studies were carried out in a pilot plant; the test object was circulating water at a power engineering facility in Bashkiria. To achieve this goal, a multi-stage experiment was conducted that provided for: determining the optimal doses of ozone, ozone contact time with processed water; choosing the main design options for using sorption filters; adjusting the filtration rate. The data of the experimental studies proving the effectiveness of the chosen method are presented. The results obtained provide for determining the costs of water treatment, estimating the operating costs, and compare the proposed and alternative methods for removing iron and manganese compounds.

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UDC 628.16.081.32
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.10.04

GERASIMOV M. M., Belyak А. А., SMIRNOV A. D., Arkhipova Elena, Metelitsa Ekaterina, Trost’ Andrei

Assessment of possible reducing the concentration of total organic carbon in drinking water by using powdered activated carbons


Processing of the data on permanganate index and total organic carbon for 2021–2022 revealed a clear correlation in the dynamics of changes in these indicators in both source and purified water. Samples of a number of brands of powdered activated carbons were tested in a process flow scheme of river water treatment. The test results showed that treatment with activated carbon provides for increasing significantly the efficiency of river water purification both in terms of permanganate index and in reducing the total organic carbon.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.02.03
UDC 574.632/.633

Chesnokova S. M., Savel'ev O. V.

Assessment of the oxygen regime, nitrification processes, trophicity and toxicity levels of minor stream water


The assessment of the level of pollution and the level of trophicity with nutrients depending on their concentration in a minor stream – the Sodyshka River was carried out. It is shown that in terms of the concentration of ammonium nitrogen and mineral forms of nitrogen, the watercourse throughout its entire length falls in the category «eutrophic»; whereas, in terms of the level of pollution with mineral phosphorus, only some the sections of the river downstream the Yur’evetskaia poultry farm and the mouth can be attributed to the eutrophic category. Permanganate oxidizability and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were used to define the degree of pollution of the watercourse with organic substances of various origin. It is shown that the river is classified as «very dirty» in terms of the total oxidizability (COD). It was found that in 62.5% of water sampling points the oxygen saturation rate (OSR) was below 60% indicating the low quality of water in the stream and low rate of oxidation of organic and inorganic substances in the hydroecosystem. The results of the correlation analysis showed that resistant to oxidation (non-oxidative by microbiota) allochthonous substances have the greatest effect on the degree of water saturation with oxygen (correlation coefficient 0.98). Based on the results of field studies of the concentration of various forms of mineral nitrogen, the intensity of nitrification processes in the river water was calculated. To identify the toxicity of water to zooplankton, zoobenthos, and fish, the aggregation index was used that defined the exceedance of the maximum permissible concentration of the main forms of nitrogen for fishery waters. Judging by the value of the aggregation index, the river water turned out to be toxic.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.06.01
UDC 628.161.2:926.214:

Alekseev S. E., Korsa-Vavilova E. V., Shmelev A. Ia.

Estimation of the effectiveness of ozone use in the purification of heavily contaminated water supply sources


Sources of drinking water supply (the Velikaia, Volga, Vychegda, Kotorosl’, Limenda, Solda, Severnaia Dvina, Tom’ and Tura rivers) are characterized by increased concentrations of organic compounds of natural and anthropogenic origin. The traditional technology of two-stage water clarification by coagulation in terms of the efficiency, in this case, is not applicable to the quality of the source water; as a result, by some indicators, drinking water periodically does not meet the current standard requirements. It is especially difficult to ensure the permissible maximum concentrations of organic substances in drinking water, as well as of compounds of iron, manganese and residual aluminum. To provide for the purification of such water, additional oxidation and sorption methods have been studied. The research results showed that preliminary ozonation of river water and (or) post-ozonation of water after filtration at a water treatment plant provide for increasing the efficiency of purification in terms of color, turbidity, removal of iron and manganese compounds; for reducing the concentration of residual aluminum, and improving the organoleptic characteristics. Sorption with ozonation significantly improves the quality of treated water and allows to ensure the permissible level of organic pollutants in drinking water.

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UDC 628.161.3

Alekseev S. E., Alekseeva L. P., Kourova L. V.

Evaluation of the efficiency of different chemicals in removing iron and organics from underground water


The composition and quality of underground waters in different regions of Russia substantially differ. Most underground waters contain elevated iron concentrations. Iron from underground water that contains oxygen and high concentrations of organic substances (humic and fulvic acids) that cause the water color is most difficult to remove. Besides, in oil producing regions underground waters occur that contain pollutants of anthropogenic origin: oil products, phenols, amines etc. In the process of such water purification integrated methods shall be used to provide for eliminating organic and non-organic pollution. The results of the studies of removing iron complex organic compounds from underground water in the Nefteyugansk region by different chemical methods: oxidation, alkalization and coagulation are considered. The impact of the conditions of using chemicals on the underground water purification efficiency was determined. It was shown that in removing complex iron compounds from water strong oxidizing agents and alkalizing chemicals could be used. To eliminate humic substances and organic compounds of anthropogenic origin coagulating chemicals must be used.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.01.04
UDC 628.316

Belov S. G., Naumchik G. O.

Reuse of stained wash water for washing fabric after dyeing


The processes of aqueous work up of the fabric used at the textile enterprise «Svitanak» OJSC were studied during the fabric preparation, dyeing and subsequent washing. The quality of wash water at various stages of washing the fabric after dyeing was studied by such indicators as the color intensity by dilution rate, COD, permanganate index, foaming capacity and pH. Experimental data are presented that prove the possibility of using ozone for the purification of the wash water mixture from the last six fabric washings after dyeing to the requirements to the quality of water supplied to the dye-finishing processes. An approximate economic calculation has been performed that proves a high economic effect of establishing the reuse of wash water regenerated with ozone for washing fabric after dyeing.

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UDC 628.16.065.2

Strelkov A. K., Egorova Yu. A., Bykova P. G., Kichigin V. I., Nesterenko O. I.

Selection of efficient chemicals for low turbid water purification  from surface water sources


The results of laboratory study of selecting chemicals and optimal dosage for the purification of low turbid water of the Saratov water reservoir are presented. The laboratory tests of aluminium polyoxychlorides (14 kinds) and aluminium sulfate (16 kinds) were carried out. Coagulants manufactured by domestic and foreign manufacturers were studied. The optimal dosages of coagulants and flocculants were determined. Two of the coagulants studied were selected that could ensure the maximum degree of water clarification at the minimum concentration of residual aluminium and permanganate value in drinking water. It was stated that water treatment exclusively with coagulants with subsequent sedimentation and filtration ensured meeting the state drinking water standard. The results of the experimental studies of coagulation of low turbid water of the Saratov water reservoir showed that the maximum water clarification was achieved by sedimentation at the optimal coagulant dosage of 9.6 mg/dm3 for Al2O3 and 0.2 mg/dm3 flocculant dosage. At that the pollution loading on filters is reduced and the filter run increases.

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UDC 543.31
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.01.03

Dzhabbarly B. R.

Development of a method for the online estimation of the permanganate index of water entering water treatment facilities


The paper dwells upon the development of a method for the online estimation of the quality of water supplied to water treatment facilities. A composite index is proposed co-charactering both the input parameter of the indirect estimation of water quality and the permanganate index. It is shown that the proposed composite index has a minimum from the Raman scattering signal. The magnitude of Raman scattering is calculated upon the composite index reaches a minimum. It is shown that the permanganate index can be represented as a sum of two components, where the first component is determined by fluorescent radiation, and the second one by the previously calculated optimal value of the Raman radiation. An extrapolation method for determining DOM or CDOM with a known value of one of these indices is proposed based on the linear relationship constructed between them.

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UDC 628.16.066.1(282.247.41)

Podkovyrov V. P., Arutyunova I. Yu., Yagunkov S. Yu., Shemyakin Yu. V., Strikhar Yu. V.

Technology of high-speed water clarification with the use of microsand


The Research & Development Centre of MPUE Mosvodokanal investigated a new process of high-speed water clarification. The presented technology is an upgraded option of the traditional technology of water clarification. It allows using the potential of coagulation-settlement processes to the maximum extent. These processes have been the vital stage of the water treatment technology. The results of the studies showed that the developed technology ensures more efficient color and permanganate oxidizability removal compared to the traditional water treatment process used; besides, it decreases drastically the concentration of residual aluminium in drinking water.

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UDC 628.1/.2:543.31

Egorova Yu. A., Bykova P. G., Kichigin V. I., Nesterenko O. I., Strelkova T. A.

Ecoanalytical control and monitoring of the water quality
in Samara municipality


In Samara municipality the industrial control of natural and drinking water quality is carried out by an accredited water quality testing center. The control is executed according to the program developed by «Samarskie Kommunal’nye Sistemy» LLC and approved by the Samara Area Department of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumers Protection and Welfare. The control is performed at all the stages of water treatment beginning from the water source to water posts in the distribution network. Monitoring the water conditions in the surface water source provides for controlling the treatment facilities operating mode and selecting the required chemical dosages at every stage of the treatment process. Industrial quality control of the wastewater coming to the municipal treatment facilities and of the effluent is carried out by a chemical and bacteriological accredited testing laboratory at every process unit from the recei­ving chamber to the discharge to the Saratov water reservoir (before the discharge the effluent is biologically tested for acute toxicity). Sludge generated in the process of wastewater treatment is tested at every stage for physical, chemical microbiological, parasitological, toxicological and radiological parameters. The efficiency of the biological treatment facilities is evaluated basing on the results of hyd­robiological analysis of activated sludge. The laboratory facilities and continuous renovation of the basic infrastructure are described. Special attention is paid to the laboratory staff development and achievements.

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