From edition

«The human right on potable water is fundamental to life and health. Provision of sufficient and safe potable water is an indispensable condition of realization of all human rights», – so is fixed in the United Nations documents.

The “Water Supply and Sanitary Technique” Journal was founded in 1913 at the first stages of formation of water supply practice in Russia. For about a century, the Journal has been struggling for the prestige of the branch, recognition of its importance, dealing with the most important scientific and technical issues in the field of water supply and water disposal, water treatment, heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Results of scientific studies and progressive technical solutions published in the Journal have favored a full-scale introduction of new efficient technologies and designs into municipal services, industrial and rural construction.

The Journal covers the following scientific issues:

water supply: designs of facilities and flow charts of water treatment for domestic and industrial purposes; methods of softening, demineralization and desalinization, conditioning of water, production of superpure water; methods of hydraulic and technical and economic calculation of water supply systems for large industrial enterprises of cities and agricultural objects.

wastewater treatment and sewerage: theoretical fundamentals of wastewater and sludge treatment methods; new technological schemes, types and designs of facilities for mechanical, biochemical and physicochemical treatment of wastewater in various branches of industry; treatment of high concentrated wastewater and advanced treatment of runoffs; principles and methods of  secondary and consecutive use of industrial wastewater; methods of improvement of the existing technique of treatment and utilization of wastewater sludge;

use of water in complete cycles without wastes discharge into reservoirs;

waterworks in  water industry;

intake, use and protection against pollution and exhaustion of ground water;

automation and management of systems of water industry  and power saving;

heat supply, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning.


Drinking water supply
Discussing the norms
Corrosion protection
Wastewater system reliability
Reliability of hydraulic engineering structures
Power resources conservation
International exhibitions and conferences
Environmental protection
Russian Water & Wastewater Association
Water and wastewater companies (vodokanals) in Russia
Wastewater treatment
Wastewater sludge treatment
Sludge handling
Design engineering
Designing water and wastewater systems
Pipeline network rehabilitation
Water distribution networks
Innovations in water sector
Laws, standards, normatives
Automated and information management systems
Advanced technologies and equipment
Nanotechnologies in water treatment
Reconstruction of sewers
Water distribution network reliability
Water sources quality monitoring
Pipeline systems

The Journal is intended for scientists, production workers and designers and reflects the modern level of development of science, technology and techniques in the socially significant sphere of water supply, sewerage, and systems of water resources protection. The materials published in the Journal are reviewed by leading scientists and experts and characterized by a high degree of analyticity, novelty and urgency.

Today the magazine’s tasks are to cover issues of modernization of the branch, to render  active assistance to the economic, public and legal transformations in Russia, especially in such vital areas as the reforming of housing and communal services and introduction of ecologically safe technologies in manufacture, preservation and rational use of sources of potable water supply.

The Journal allows its readers not only to learn about interesting scientific and technological developments, book novelties, the most interesting dissertation investigations, conferences and seminars, but also to discuss them.

Authors of publications in the Journal are scientists, post-graduate students and engineers from different cities of the Russian Federation, foreign researchers and practical workers.

The «Water Supply and Sanitary Technique» Journal is included traditionally into the list of reviewed editions which are recommended by the High Certifying Commission of Russia for the publication of materials of theses for candidate and doctor’s degrees. This circumstance imposes additional responsibility.

Bibliographic databases: GeoRef, as well as eLIBRARY.RU, The Russian Index of Scientific Citing (RSCI), VINITI RAN, Speleological Abstracts.

The Journal is the important source of information in the branch, therefore the editorial staff and editorial board consider the revival of domestic applied science and technologies as their principal duty. Assistance to the restoration of the Russian scientific school is our general and main task which we can and should realize together.

The «Water Supply and Sanitary Technique» Journal is distributed by subscription in Russia, the countries of near and far abroad.

Журнал ВСТ включен в новый перечень ВАК

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