

DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.03.04
UDC 628.161.2:628.166-926.214

Kozin Dmitrii, Prokof’ev Valerii, Prokof’eva Taisiia

Experience of using ozone for deironing water of a complex composition


The purpose of the study was developing a process flow scheme and determining the main parameters of the ozonation method for removing iron and manganese compounds from process water. The studies were carried out in a pilot plant; the test object was circulating water at a power engineering facility in Bashkiria. To achieve this goal, a multi-stage experiment was conducted that provided for: determining the optimal doses of ozone, ozone contact time with processed water; choosing the main design options for using sorption filters; adjusting the filtration rate. The data of the experimental studies proving the effectiveness of the chosen method are presented. The results obtained provide for determining the costs of water treatment, estimating the operating costs, and compare the proposed and alternative methods for removing iron and manganese compounds.

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