02 2022

Number 2 / 2022

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We have been creating the most reliable pipelines for 20 years


Торговый Дом «Уральский стандарт» широко известен в секторе поставок труб для водоснабжения и водоотведения не только на российском рынке, но и в странах ближнего зарубежья. В активе компании – поставки труб диаметром до 1600 мм в Олимпийский Сочи, в Астану для ЭКСПО–2017, в Москву для АО «Мосводоканал». Главный конст­рукционный материал всех трубопроводов – высокопрочный чугун с шаровидным графитом (ВЧШГ) отечественного и зарубежного производства.




DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.02.01
UDC 628.1.033:658.562.012.7

Novikov A., Samburski Georgi

General issues of compliance of drinking water quality in public water supply with the regulatory requirements


The issues of drinking water quality compliance with the requirements of the current sanitary legislation are extremely acute and require the most correct and uniform solution. Non-compliance of drinking water quality with the current regulatory requirements can have consequences of different levels; thus, it is important to understand what level of non-compliance allows considering the water as fine and safe in relation to the services provided by the public drinking water supply; and what level requires the development and coordination of action plans to bring the quality of drinking water into compliance with the established requirements. The general principles for estimating the compliance of drinking water in public water supply systems with the regulatory quality requirements are considered.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.02.02
UDC 628.16.067.3:581.526.325

Kevbrina M. V., Gavrilov Dmitrii, Stolyarova E. A., Strikhar Yu. V., Agarev Anton, Klimova Nataliia

Efficiency of microfiltration in disk filters with plane and volume filtration in the process of removing phytoplankton from water from surface sources


«Mosvodokanal» JSC has completed testing DynaCloth automatic self-cleaning fiber disc microfilter for the Moskva River water. The tests were carried out during the periods of intensive phytoplankton growth eliminating the use of chemicals. The filtration surface area of the filter was 0.45 m2. At 4–8 m3/h water flow rate the hydraulic load was 9–18 m/h. Wash water flow was 1.1–3.3% of the water flow in the unit depending on the type of the filter cloth. Different types of algae dominated in the Moskva River water in different periods. In general, at the peak diatom number their concentration during filtration decreased less than by 53%. The decrease in the number of green algae at the peak of their growth occurred by 56–60%, and that of blue-green algae – by 36%. Cells of diatoms and green algae coenobia are larger than blue-green cells; accordingly, the efficiency of their capture by the filter was higher than that of blue-green algae. The results of the studies carried out for the Moskva River water showed that microfiltration in disk filters with fiber filter cloth can be a promising method for removing phytoplankton (about 50%) from low-turbid eutrophicated waters.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.02.03
UDC 628.165:66.081.6

Mazhuga Aleksandr, Kagramanov Georgii, Parusov Denis, Бланко-Педрехон А. М.

Aspects of the desalination of mineralized water in arid
and water-deficient territories


Supplying drinking water in coastal arid and water-deficient regions has been an urgent problem due to the population growth and progressive pollution of natural waters. To desalinate seawater, evaporation (distillation) or a membrane separation process – reverse osmosis – is usually used. The justification for choosing a seawater desalination method and the productivity of desalination plants is based on the solution of a number of closely related engineering, economic and environmental tasks. Water desalination involves relatively high energy costs; therefore, reducing the costs can be provided by increasing the fuel heat-availability factor, that is, by using cogeneration (cogeneration of heat and electricity). This determines the comprehensive technology of desalination using membrane methods of demineralization followed by the evaporation of the reject water. Herewith, the balance of the reverse osmosis and evaporator plant performance is determined by the ratio of the generated thermal and electrical energy.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.02.04
UDC 628.3:533.54

Andreev Sergei, Stepanov S. V., Stepanov A. S., Kniazev Vladimir

New process flow scheme for wastewater treatment by pressure flotation


The results of calculating a circulation unit for converting the Q–H-characteristics of an impeller pump with the withdrawal of the useful fluid flow upstream the waterjet pump are presented. Mathematical dependencies are obtained that adequately describe the process of the operation of the circulation unit for the conversion of the Q–H-characteristics of an impeller pump. It has been theoretically substantiated and experimentally proved that replacing a high-pressure waterjet pump in the circulation unit with two sequentially operating medium-pressure waterjet pumps ensures the sustainable atmosphere air ejection and reliable operation of the pressure flotation unit, provided the hydraulic efficiency of the circulating unit is reduced from 42 to 33% and the useful flow rate Qн decreases slightly. The proposed process flow scheme of pressure flotation that involves the use of a circulation unit to convert the Q–H-characteristics of an impeller pump with two medium-pressure waterjet pumps operating in series, provides for abandoning the use of an expensive compressor and replacing a high-pressure impeller pump with a cheaper pump with lower operating pressure.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.02.05
UDC 628.32:22.765

Semin M. M., Tokarev Nikolai, Iavtushenko Marina, Lobanov Fedor, Chukalina Tat’iana, Plekhanov A. V.

Use of a chemical regulator at the wastewater treatment facilities operated by MUE Vodokanal of Podolsk


Possible use of natural minerals based on calcium carbonate (monocalcite) to correct pH (carbonate-bicarbonate equilibrium) in order to improve the treatment effect of activated sludge bacteria in the aeration tank and the sedimentation properties of activated sludge in the secondary settling tank is considered. The sedimentation properties of activated sludge are corrected because of the interaction between functional oxygen-bearing substrata of activated sludge flocculation bacteria and calcium ions. As a result, firm, rapidly settling flocs are formed and, consequently, the value of the sludge index decreases compared to the technological line and settling line operating in the regular mode. It is recommended to use a chemical regulator to normalize the operation of the aeration tank in winter (possible bioflotation), spring and autumn periods at high hydraulic loads.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.02.06
UDC 628.168: 628.16.094.3-926.214

Seliukov Aleksandr, Semenov Mikhail

Tertiary treatment by ozonation of municipal wastewater
after biological treatment


Приведены результаты технологических испытаний по доочистке биологически очищенных сточных вод озонированием. Необходимость глубокой доочистки городских сточных вод от органических соединений обусловлена серьезными изменениями природоохранного законодательства России в части требований к качеству очищенных сточных вод для водоприемников бассейна озера Байкал. Требуемое качество воды при сбросе – ХПК не более 20 мг/дм3. Испытания проводились на проточной лабораторной установке производительностью до 9 л/ч. Исходный сток с ХПК около 55 мг/дм3 предварительно подвергался предочистке фильт­рованием через песок, в результате чего ХПК снижалось до 40–42 мг/дм3. В качестве основного параметра при определении необходимой дозы озона использовалась «поглощенная доза озона» (Transferred Ozone Dose – TOD). Для ее расчета установка предусматривала возможность прямого определения концентрации озона как в подаваемой на обработку воде, так и в отработанной озоновоздушной смеси. Время обработки составляло 25 ± 5 минут. Для окисления использовались средние значения доз озона – 10–40 ­мг/дм3.
Полученная зависимость эффективности снижения ХПК стока от дозы озона позволила определить удельный расход озона, необходимый для окисления до заданного уровня, – 2 мгО3/мгХПК. Остаточное содержание растворенного озона в пробах воды составило 0,05–0,15 мг/дм3. Как показало биотестирование, по степени негативного воздействия на окружающую среду пробы воды после озонирования соответствуют V классу опасности.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.02.07
UDC 628.356

Sukharev Mikhail, Baranchikova N. I., Yepifanov S. P., Korel’stein L. B.

Calculation of pneumatic aeration systems in aeration tanks


The pneumatic aeration system of the aeration tank at the wastewater treatment facilities is considered. Prime costs of electricity at the treatment facilities go towards ensuring the operation of the aeration system, for which reason the problem of the optimal air distribution over all the operational zones is raised. At the same time, either the lack of air, even at some treatment stages, or its excess leads to a decrease in the treatment efficiency. Providing for the controlled air supply only with the use of measuring instruments is quite expensive; therefore, it is proposed to use a mathematical model for aerodynamic calculation of an aeration system with non-fixed air supply through aerators. Based on the results of the aerodynamic calculation, the adaptive control of air distribution in the aeration system with a change in the flow and quality of incoming wastewater, pressure-flow characteristics of aerators, pressure, temperature and humidity of the outside air can be provided. An example of the aerodynamic calculation of a pneumatic aeration system is given.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.02.08
УДК 628.161:691.311

Romanovskii Valentin, Kamarou Maksim

Направления использования фильтрата при производстве гипса из осадков коагуляции природных вод


Одним из важнейших аспектов разрабатываемых в настоя­щее время технологий является то, что они должны быть безотходными либо малоотходными. При производстве синтетического гипса из осадков коагуляции природных вод и отходов серной кислоты образуется кислый фильтрат, который по своему составу содержит соли Mg, Na, Ca и Fe. Предложена и проработана возможность использования фильтрата с высоким содержанием железа для получения магнитных сорбентов при удалении нефтепродуктов из водных сред, а также для получения фотокаталитических материалов при деструкции растворенных органических веществ. Исследование показало, что магнитные сорбенты обладают нефтеемкостью до 2 г/г. Полученные фотокаталитические материалы обладают также высокой эффективностью фотодеструкции красителя (кислотного телона синего) на уровне 80% при времени обработки 60 минут.

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