Tag:wastewater treatment



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UDC 628.1/.3:66.013.5

Meshengisser Yu. M.

30 years of growth and development


The analysis of engineering works in the field of water supply and sanitation indicates that the market demands are much higher than the supply. The time it takes to establish a qualified engineering company is 7–10 years. As experience shows there should be continuity in engineering; it requires personnel of various qualifications who can work in one team. The period 2015–2020 is characterized by significant growth of both the Ecopolymer Group of companies and, first of all, MY PROJECT engineering company. MY PROJECT simultaneously implements 16–18 large-scale integrated projects with up to 20 packages each. All stages of design work are supervised by a project engineering manager (PEM). A great deal of experience has been accumulated in undergoing the environmental and technical expertise of projects for the reconstruction of large-scale treatment facilities with a capacity of more than 50 thousand m3/day.
In the last two years alone, 15 positive expert opinions have been received. The products of Ecopolymer Manufacturing Enterprise (Kaluga Region) are not only highly competitive in efficiency and quality with imported counterparts, but in a number of types of equipment are superior to them - the import phaseout program is in full play. The products of «Ecopolymer» ME are recommended by the RF Ministry of Construction for the introduction at the enterprises of housing and utilities infrastructure of the Russian Federation suggesting the reliability and quality of the equipment.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.06.03
UDC 628.35:665.666.6

Kevbrina M. V., Gavrilov Dmitrii, Belov N. A., Agarev Anton

Analysis of the operation of acidifiers after the reconstruction of the block of the Liuberetskie Wastewater Treatment Facilities


Municipal wastewater in Moscow after primary settling contains insufficient organic matter for the sustainable removal of nitrogen and phosphorus to the standard quality during treatment. Therefore, while designing the reconstruction of the old block of the Liuberetskie Wastewater Treatment Facilities in Moscow, the acidification (prefermentation) method was chosen as the most efficient process solution for enriching wastewater with easily decomposable organic matter (obtaining organic acids during acidic fermentation of raw sludge from primary settling tanks). Upon the completion of the reconstruction of the old LWWTF block at the end of 2021, primary sludge acidifiers were put into operation. Launching acidifiers provided for enriching primary water with easily decomposable organic matter (volatile fatty acids, including acetate) resulting in the improved efficiency of denitrification and biological dephosphorization processes in the aeration tanks. Two or three weeks after the acidifiers had been put into the operation mode, the quality of effluent for nitrogen as nitrates and phosphorus as phosphates was meeting the MPC for fisheries. The process parameters of the acidifiers (hydraulic retention time, residence time for dry matter, the rate of volatile fatty acids formation, the degree of recirculation, the dry matter concentration in the incoming flow) corresponded to those recommended in the literature. Possible situations of abnormal operation of acidifiers have been analyzed and recommendations have been developed to eliminate the causes.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.06.04
UDC 628.356.24

Grigor’eva Anastasiia, Abiev Rufat

The influence of the design of the mixing device on the efficiency of mass transfer during pneumo-mechanical aeration of wastewater


Aeration is the most energy-intensive process in wastewater treatment. The expenditures for air oxygen supplied for biological treatment are about 60% in the treatment cost structure. Thus, the efficiency of mass transfer and reduction of air consumption is an urgent task for the enterprises that look for improving the economic efficiency of their activities. The purpose of this work is to determine the effectiveness of a pneumo-mechanical aeration system using a turbine mixer and a new conical mixer designed by the authors, as well as to compare the efficiency of gas dispersion in pneumatic and pneumo-mechanical aeration systems. As a criterion for comparison, SOTE (Standard Oxygen Transfer Efficiency) indicator that is the main process parameter that provides for comparing the effectiveness of different aeration systems, is selected. The second efficiency criterion is SAE (Standard Aeration Efficiency) indicator, i. e. the ratio of the amount of oxygen dissolved in liquid to the amount of the electrical energy consumed. As a result of experimental studies, it was found that the conical mixer was as efficient as the turbine one in the rate of saturation of water with oxygen, while consuming much less electrical energy. With the development of a bevel wheel mixing in the «gas-liquid» system in large-sized apparatus became possible owing to the low resistance of the blades, which is especially important for aeration tanks with a small depth in the process of biological wastewater treatment under the conditions of the significant reduction in the effectiveness of the pneumatic system.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.06.04
UDC 628.35:665.666.6

Kevbrina M. V., Gavrilin A. M., Pronin A. А.

Introduction of advanced technologies during the construction and upgrade of the wastewater treatment facilities operated by Mosvodokanal JSC


The experience of introducing advanced technologies for wastewater treatment at the wastewater treatment facilities in Moscow is considered; process flow schemes for the structures of different capacities are described. Since the late 1990s, the Engineering and Technology Center of Mosvodokanal JSC has been working on the development and introduction of advanced wastewater treatment technologies with the removal of nutrients. Since the composition of wastewater differs at different treatment facilities, it is not possible to “transfer” foreign technologies without correction and adaptation; moreover, sometimes the development of technology “from square one” is required. For more than 20 years, a stepwise introduction of advanced technologies has been carried out at the Moscow treatment facilities of South Butovo and Zelenograd, at the nutrients removal block at the Lyuberetskie wastewater treatment facilities, at the new block of the Kurianovskie Wastewater Treatment Facilities. At present, the reconstruction of the Lyuberetskie Wastewater Treatment Facilities (old and new blocks) is underway, the reconstruction of the old part of the Kurianovskie Wastewater Treatment Facilities is planned, the treatment facilities of the Troitsk and Novomoskovsk administrative districts in Moscow have been under upgrade. The experience of Mosvodokanal JSC was used in the development of an ITS 10-2015 reference book of the best available technologies. A variety of process solutions provides for ensuring the standard quality of effluent for the conditions of different facilities.

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UDC 628.353:661.5

Iantsen O. V.

Enhanced wastewater treatment with nitrogen compounds removal  in biofilters


Biofilters mainly built in Russia in 1960–1970-ies in most cases are a part of small-scale treatment facilities. At present most biofilters are in serviceable condition (owing to the specific design), however they provide for incomplete biological treatment. The results of the laboratory studies of the wastewater treatment technology in biofilters are presented. Several process flow schemes are considered, optimal modes of the facilities‘ operation are suggested. The properties of different filter media were studied. The advantages and drawbacks of the technologies and media studied are noted. Health-related and chemical parameters of the water treated are set. The diagrams that reflect running processes of nitrification-denitrification are presented. The use of a two-stage four-zone process flow scheme of biological wastewater treatment is substantiated. The suggested process flow scheme will provide for the wide use of biofilters both in upgrading the existing facilities and in designing new ones.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.08.03
UDC 628.35:628.16.067.3:581.526.325

Kevbrina M. V., Gavrilov Dmitrii, Belov N. A., Agarev Anton

Removing suspended solids from effluent in the process of tertiary treatment by microfiltration in disk filters with flat and volumetric filtration


Mosvodokanal JSC carried out tests of a pilot microfiltration plant based on a disk filter with a fabric filter cloth. The pilot plant supplied by Mediana-Filter RPC JSC has been designed for removing suspended solids from effluent in the process of tertiary treatment. Disk microfiltration with fabric filter cloth (volumetric filtration type) provides for removing suspended solids to 4 mg/l in the effluent after biological treatment while using fabric filter cloth of 10 µm typical size and to 2 mg/l while using 5 µm filter cloth. At 8.5 m/h filtration rate the consumption of wash water for the pilot plant for 10 µm filter cloth was 0.7–1.4% of the water flow, and 5.8–6.8% for 5 µm filter cloth. Beside suspended solids present in the suspension, COD, BOD5, total nitrogen and total phosphorus are also removed. Microfiltration plants of volumetric type are similar to the plants of flat type and can be used to ensure high quality tertiary treatment of effluent after biological treatment to remove suspended solids.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.08.03
UDC 628.1/.3:697.911

Zoubov M. G., Obukhov Dmitrii, Diachuk Sergei

Engineering examination as the basis for the successful reconstruction of natural and waste water treatment facilities


During the operation of natural and waste water treatment facilities, conditions may change in relation to those accepted in design decisions. As a result, the treatment facilities cease to perform the functions assigned to them. Before the reconstruction of such water treatment and wastewater treatment facilities, engineering and technical examination is the basis for making the right technical and technological decisions. The examination involves a decision-making algorithm aimed at achieving the goals set while designing.Through the example of one of the food industry enterprises, the authors considered the positive impact of an extended engineering examination for the acception of correct technical and technological solutions that provide the proper quality of wastewater treatment with optimal capital investments.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2019.10.03
UDC 628.1/.3:303.6

Pukemo M. M., Pupyrev E. I.

Information security of the water supply and sanitation utilities as in the case of the Baikal natural area (in order of discussion)


A new concept for wastewater metering and charging for the sanitation services for the Russian Federation is considered. Introducing multilevel digital control of water consumption and sanitation services rendered to the customers, operating companies and treatment facilities in order to reduce the ecological risks and environmental damage from illegal wastewater disposal by the customers is proposed. A new mechanism for collecting and consolidating information data from water supply and sanitation facilities has been developed that provides for implementing the concept of sustainable water use, improving the quality of service of sanitation systems, reducing the operating costs and failure rate. It is proposed to introduce a number of amendments in regional legislation related to charging for water consumption and sanitation services.

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UDC 628.17.001.4

Baltser D. V.

Investigating amounts and physical and chemical properties of by-product coke plant effluents


The results of investigating generation and composition of by-product coke plant phenolic effluents are presented. Balance flow scheme of phenolic effluents entering a biochemical treatment unit has been designed. It was established that the specific flow rate of phenolic effluents per 1 tonne bulk coke was 0.65 m3/h compared to 0.4–0.5 m3/h standard rate, i. e. exceeding the standard value was obvious. The need of designing and establishing the system of by-product coke plant effluent management from the moment of their generation was specified.

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UDC 628.356

Kharkina O. V., Shotina K. V.

Research in Operation of Nitri-Denitrification Aerotanks with Heightened Doses of Activated Sludge


Specialists of the MSUE Mosvodokanal have developed the technological method making it possible to develop purposefully activated sludge having a sludge index reduced stably for technology of biogenic elements removal and heightened speed of sedimentation. It makes it possible to increase the oxidation capacity of aerotanks as regard the chemical oxygen consumption and ammonium nitrogen. In the issue of pilot studies carried out the rise of oxidation capacity by 1,6–1,7 times owing to the change of technological conditions of the unit operation has been achieved. The method developed makes it possible to reconstruct aerotanks for biological treatment of wastewater for nitrogen and phosphorus without reduction of hydraulic loading.

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UDC 628.1/.3

Meshengisser Yu. M.

Track record and «Ecopolymer» Company development path


The research and production activities of «Ecopolymer» Company for 25 years including the development of theoretical methods and programs of wastewater treatment quality assessment, designing powerful research installations of European level and computation software; executing turn-key projects (complete set of products and services from one supplier) have been summarized. The Company’s developments have been tested and introduced at the high capacity treatment facilities. «Ecopolymer» Company is associated with such notions as retechnologisation and advanced concept of water supply and wastewater disposal project, construction and upgrade management. The best available technologies have been used in all the projects including nitri-denitrification and phosphorus removal, advanced high efficiency equipment and process automated control systems. The next stage of «Ecopolymer» Company development was the separation of production and engineering business. My Project brand includes designing «turn-key» projects of treatment facilities construction and upgrade, and complete supervision of their implementation. We have established a real school of professional engineers that have advanced knowledge, creativity, energy and interpersonal skills.

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UDC 628.35:62-278

Gubanov L. N., Katraeva I. V., Rosenvinkel K.-Kh., Borkhman A., Kolpakov M. V., Kouzina Yu. S.

The use of ceramic membranes as submersible modules in membrane bioreactors


The results of laboratory testing the use of flat and tubular ceramic membranes as submersible modules in membrane bioreactors are presented. The studies were carried out with the use of flat ceramic membranes manufactured by ItN Nanovation German company and tubular membranes from Russian University of Chemical Engineering named after D. I. Mendeleyev. It was established that for the use in activated sludge media membranes with 200 nm pore size can be recommended; however, the transmembrane pressure shall be higher than –0.3 bar.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.08.01
UDC 676.011:628.1/.3

Petrova Liudmila, Shcherbakova Julia, Sizova Irina

New level comprehensive approach: living water engineering


The experience and competencies in the water supply and wastewater disposal market gained by ECOS Group over more than 30 years of development and professional growth, are invaluable. Based on the long history of implemented projects, scientific, technical, design and production experience, ECOS Group today offers innovative solutions to urgent and challenging tasks, quickly responds to rapidly changing conditions in the wastewater treatment and effluent reuse market, follows new trends in the professional environment. Ecos Group takes into account crisis processes in the economy and the specific needs of clients with care for the planet, people, the future, and the profession. A comprehensive approach to the implementation of projects ensures at every stage the fulfillment of the commitments eliminating the risks of unjustified costs and reducing damage to the environment.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.06.07
UDC 628.544:54-414

Moniak Tat’iana, Romanovskii Valentin

Magnetic sorbents from galvanic sludge for oily wastewater treatment


The results of studying the properties of sorbents prepared from galvanic sludge in relation to oil products are presented. For the synthesis, the method of solution combustion synthesis was chosen. Glycine was used as a reducing agent in a stoichiometric ratio with the oxidizing agent. X-ray phase analysis of the obtained samples showed that they contained iron mainly in the form of a magnetite phase. The total static exchange capacity and specific surface area of the synthesized sorbent samples (up to 130 m2/g) were determined from the sorption of the methylene blue dye. The oil capacity of the obtained materials (up to 3 g/g) is not inferior to the natural sorbents of oil products. Preparing magnetic oil sorbents is possible by the combined use of waste iron and nickel-containing galvanic sludges resulting in the reduction of the negative anthropogenic impact on the environment and elimination of the expensive technologies.

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UDC 628.1.2:62-278

Frenkel V. S.

Membrane Technologies: Past, Present and Future (the North America as an Example)


Basic tendencies in the field of development of membrane processes for water and wastewater treatment in the North America are covered. Main characteristics, basic trends and features of the use of membranes including membrane bioreactors are presented. Characteristics necessary for assessment and selection of the best membrane technologies for each certain project are compared. Membrane treatment has become the fastest growing sector in water treatment, wastewater treatment and water desalination. Four types of membranes are used according to membrane pore size: microfiltration (MF), ultrafiltration (UF), nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO). All four principal types of membrane guarantee the removal of the entire spectrum of water pollutants and can be used as a stand-alone technology for a majority of applications. Integrated membrane processes combining different membrane types are becoming a cutting edge approach to meet strict water/wastewater quality regulations because they allow the smallest possible system size, minimize chemical consumption, and provide the most cost-effective solution for the greatest number of applications.

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UDC 628.35:665.666.6
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.08.06

Kevbrina M. V., Gavrilov Dmitrii, Agarev Anton

Methodological approaches to the design of acidifiers for primary sludge to enhance the processes of nitrogen and phosphorus removal from municipal wastewater


The experience of introducing the process of raw sludge acidification at the Moscow wastewater treatment facilities is summarized. Two types of acidifiers have been operated at the Kuryanovskie and Lyuberetskie Wastewater Treatment Facilities in Moscow: acidifiers-thickeners and acidification reactors (mixers) with subsequent rinsing and thickening in a separate thickener. The main indicator for the acidification process is the solids retention time (SRT, solids retention time). At Moscow wastewater treatment plants, it was 3.5 days, that was the optimal value. Extra formation of BOD5 (an increase in acidificate-enriched primary water compared to primary water) from 17.8 ± 9.1 to 31 ± 17.5 mg/l and specific BOD5 formation of 0.1 mg/mg of suspended solids, or 0.15 mg/mg of ashless matter (an increase in acidificate-enriched primary water compared to primary water in specific formation of BOD5 from 1 mg of suspended or ash-free matter settled in primary settlers and sent to the acidifier) was shown. Formulas are derived for calculating the basic process indicators: hydraulic retention time, retention time as dry matter, the rate of formation of volatile fatty acids. An algorithm of process calculations for designing sludge acidifiers of primary settling tanks in order to enhance the processes of removing nitrogen and phosphorus from municipal wastewater is presented.

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UDC 628.32
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.08.03

Ambrosova G. T., Vasil’eva Maiia, Vasil’ev Mikhail

Shortcomings and omissions in low-capacity wastewater treatment complexes being under design, construction or operation (for discussion)


In recent years, massive use of packaged plants designed for wastewater treatment in small settlements and food industry enterprises has been noted. Today, the market is saturated with offers from both domestic and foreign companies involved with designing, assembling and commissioning packaged plants based on advanced technologies for wastewater treatment that provide for reducing biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), suspended solids, nitrogen and phosphorus to maximum permissible concentrations. Thorough analysis of the designs of many packaged plants and recalculation checks, full-time training of operating personnel of the packaged units under operation, as well as on-site and remote participation in commissioning these facilities gave the authors of this article the opportunity to identify the reasons that mitigate the achievement of the required degree of wastewater treatment. The main reasons for the unsatisfactory performance of newly commissioned packaged plants are design faults, omissions and poor operation. Of the many reasons, only frequently occurring, poorly chosen engineering solutions are considered. Each unsuccessful technical solution is accompanied by detailed comments proving the negative effect on both the technological process and effluent quality. The use or even simple knowledge of the results of the work presented for discussion will prevent designers and manufacturers from the future replication of design shortcomings and omissions in newly constructed facilities, and will allow them to determine possible options for upgrading already operating packaged units to bring them to the normal process

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.02.04
UDC 628.3:533.54

Andreev Sergei, Stepanov S. V., Stepanov A. S., Kniazev Vladimir

New process flow scheme for wastewater treatment by pressure flotation


The results of calculating a circulation unit for converting the Q–H-characteristics of an impeller pump with the withdrawal of the useful fluid flow upstream the waterjet pump are presented. Mathematical dependencies are obtained that adequately describe the process of the operation of the circulation unit for the conversion of the Q–H-characteristics of an impeller pump. It has been theoretically substantiated and experimentally proved that replacing a high-pressure waterjet pump in the circulation unit with two sequentially operating medium-pressure waterjet pumps ensures the sustainable atmosphere air ejection and reliable operation of the pressure flotation unit, provided the hydraulic efficiency of the circulating unit is reduced from 42 to 33% and the useful flow rate Qн decreases slightly. The proposed process flow scheme of pressure flotation that involves the use of a circulation unit to convert the Q–H-characteristics of an impeller pump with two medium-pressure waterjet pumps operating in series, provides for abandoning the use of an expensive compressor and replacing a high-pressure impeller pump with a cheaper pump with lower operating pressure.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.05.05
UDC 622.794.25

Kotrelev V. M., Polosina Tat’iana, Novikov Gleb, Papush Pavel

Alfa Laval’s latest developments in sludge dewatering with decanter centrifuges


The innovative technologic solutions developed by Alfa Laval Company and implemented in Aldec G3 decanter centrifuge are considered. Alfa Laval Company produces two types of advanced decanter centrifuges for wastewater sludge dewatering (altogether there are more than 12 types of centrifuges for use in various fields: from the food industry and biopharmaceuticals to dewatering oil sludge or tailings of the mining industry). The use of Aldec G3 decanter centrifuge provides for the maximum reduction in the total cost of wastewater sludge dewatering. Described are the types of repair work for decanter centrifuges carried out in Alfa Laval, the only ISO-certified service center in Russia.

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UDC 628.355:004.942
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.12.06

Yermolin Yu. A.

On mathematical modeling a biological wastewater treatment process (for discussion)


The process of interaction between an organic pollutant and activated sludge underlies the biological wastewater treatment technologies at the wastewater treatment facilities. A mathematical dynamic model of such a process is proposed that is a system of two nonlinear differential equations that quantitatively show how the treatment process proceeds over time. While developing a model, considerations and arguments of a physical nature are given in detail for the inclusion of each member in it. The conditions for using a palliative version of the developed model, i.e., its linearized version, are discussed. As a result of calculations made using the model, for some situations analytical expressions were obtained that connected the parameters of the treatment process with the characteristics of the organic pollutant and activated sludge.

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