Tag:best available techniques



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UDC 628.35:661.5

Smirnov Aleksandr Vladimirovich, Bogatyrev M. M., Ivanova Iu. A.

Wastewater treatment facilities of Adler city


The wastewater treatment facilities in Adler (Greater Sochi Area), some of the most modern facilities in Russia were built as a part of the Olympic infrastructure. The Adler wastewater treatment facilities were designed on the basis of innovative solutions: for the first time 3-D engineering was applied; the best available techniques were taken into account; zero emission system was implemented – all the facilities are covered by airproof covers; the air from the facilities is supplied to the gas cleaning system; sludge handling includes dewatering and drying; consequently the amount of sludge is reduced and sludge is disinfected. The process scheme stipulated by the project includes primary mechanical treatment of wastewater, full biological treatment, tertiary treatment and effluent disinfection. The system of generated sludge utilization includes mechanical dewatering in centrifuges with subsequent additional drying. The design concept behind the project formulated more than 10 years ago (2008 project) determined the development path of the advanced treatment technologies and served as an example of the wastewater treatment facilities built according to the principle of the best avai­lable techniques.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.02.05
UDC 628.3:504.064

Saakian Iu. Z., Grigor’ev A. V., Kravets E. A., Rudakov E. N., Faddeev A. M., Shkarupa A. A.

Analysis of the «Methods of developing standards for permissible discharges of substances and microorganisms into water bodies for water users» against the background of the water protection legislation
(for discussion)


The analysis of the current edition of the «Methods of developing standards for permissible discharges of substances and microorganisms into water bodies for water users», approved by the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated December 17, 2007 No. 333 for consilience and compliance with the regulations of the water protection legislation, is carried out. Uncertainty of the application of the Methods in the conditions of the impact of natural and anthropogenic factors that are independent of a specific water user on the quality of water has been identified. The provisions of the Methods contradict the principles of regulating the impact on water bodies based on the best available technologies shown on the examples of approved process indicators of the concentrations of various industrial pollutants in wastewater. An analysis of the system of regulating the permissible impact on water bodies and the geographical differentiation of water quality standards within the boundaries of the Russian Federation, together with the system of water quality targets, also showed that the Methods do not comply with the basic principles of the water protection legislation.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.06.04
UDC 628.35:665.666.6

Kevbrina M. V., Gavrilin A. M., Pronin A. А.

Introduction of advanced technologies during the construction and upgrade of the wastewater treatment facilities operated by Mosvodokanal JSC


The experience of introducing advanced technologies for wastewater treatment at the wastewater treatment facilities in Moscow is considered; process flow schemes for the structures of different capacities are described. Since the late 1990s, the Engineering and Technology Center of Mosvodokanal JSC has been working on the development and introduction of advanced wastewater treatment technologies with the removal of nutrients. Since the composition of wastewater differs at different treatment facilities, it is not possible to “transfer” foreign technologies without correction and adaptation; moreover, sometimes the development of technology “from square one” is required. For more than 20 years, a stepwise introduction of advanced technologies has been carried out at the Moscow treatment facilities of South Butovo and Zelenograd, at the nutrients removal block at the Lyuberetskie wastewater treatment facilities, at the new block of the Kurianovskie Wastewater Treatment Facilities. At present, the reconstruction of the Lyuberetskie Wastewater Treatment Facilities (old and new blocks) is underway, the reconstruction of the old part of the Kurianovskie Wastewater Treatment Facilities is planned, the treatment facilities of the Troitsk and Novomoskovsk administrative districts in Moscow have been under upgrade. The experience of Mosvodokanal JSC was used in the development of an ITS 10-2015 reference book of the best available technologies. A variety of process solutions provides for ensuring the standard quality of effluent for the conditions of different facilities.

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UDC 628.2/.3:006.057
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.02.05

Samburski Georgi, Pogorelyi Anton, Leont’eva S. V., Nikitina Svetlana

Aspects of designing wastewater treatment facilities in terms of the BAT process indicators: priorities and consequences


Switching to the concept of the technological regulation occurs simultaneously with implementing a number of federal environmental projects including those included in the Ecology National Project. Considering that water utilities, through the spectacle of Rosprirodnadzor are among the main polluters of water bodies, the construction of new and upgrade of the existing treatment facilities is the focus of public authorities, regulators and, naturally, the wastewater facilities operators themselves. The paper considers potential and possible inconsistencies of the current design expectations based on the technological indicators of the best available technologies and the very concept of using the best available technologies that does not imply stasis but the development and consistent tightening of those same technological indicators.

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UDC 556.18:061.3

Khramenkov S. V.

State Regulation, Legislation and International Activities in the Water Sector


Issues of the state regulation and development of legislative basis in the sphere of water supply and sewerage services are covered. Currently, in the Russian Federation the following problems are not defined at the legislative level: the public and legal status of enterprises of water supply and sewerage services, methods of market regulation of water supply and water disposal services, rules of conduct for its participants, guarantees of safe, reliable and uninterrupted water supply and water disposal. To solve the issues raised it is necessary to have a united organizational center of activities aimed at legislative support of the water branch. To modernize the water sector it is proposed to reconstitute the scientific and technical council at the RF Ministry of Regional Development and organize the All-Russian data bank on the best available techniques as well.

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UDC 628.1/.2

Khramenkov S. V.

Problems of Development of the Water Industry for Providing the Population of Russia with Pure Water


The water industry is the most important factor in modernization of the economy and development of not only large but also small cities and settlements. The development of housing and communal complex, oriented on the provision of the guaranteed access of the population to potable water of high quality is considered as a task of national significance. The decision of problems of the water industry requires highly qualified staff. Investing in training them is the most important and well paid back part of investments. Russia can and should become one of the world leaders in the sphere of rational water use, application of innovative technologies in practice, the complete provision of the population with pure potable water. For this it is necessary to unite the efforts of the professional community, state and local authorities.

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UDC 628.1/.3

Meshengisser Yu. M.

Track record and «Ecopolymer» Company development path


The research and production activities of «Ecopolymer» Company for 25 years including the development of theoretical methods and programs of wastewater treatment quality assessment, designing powerful research installations of European level and computation software; executing turn-key projects (complete set of products and services from one supplier) have been summarized. The Company’s developments have been tested and introduced at the high capacity treatment facilities. «Ecopolymer» Company is associated with such notions as retechnologisation and advanced concept of water supply and wastewater disposal project, construction and upgrade management. The best available technologies have been used in all the projects including nitri-denitrification and phosphorus removal, advanced high efficiency equipment and process automated control systems. The next stage of «Ecopolymer» Company development was the separation of production and engineering business. My Project brand includes designing «turn-key» projects of treatment facilities construction and upgrade, and complete supervision of their implementation. We have established a real school of professional engineers that have advanced knowledge, creativity, energy and interpersonal skills.

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UDC 628.35:004.69

Egorova Yu. A., Levin D. I., Liushina L. F., Petropavlovskii S. A., Bazhenov V. I., Danilovich Dmitrii, Noskova I. A.

Integrated upgrade of the Samara municipal wastewater treatment facilities


The experience of «Samarskie Kommunal’nye Sistemy» LLC in designing, constructing and upgrading the municipal wastewater treatment facilities with a capacity of 450–750 thousand m3/day is presented. Considering the adverse ecological state of the midstream and downstream of the Volga River the task of improving the efficiency of wastewater treatment is of top priority that has been approved by the Program adopted by the Department of Energy and Public Utilities of the Samara Area for 2013–2019. The results of retrofitting wastewater biological treatment technology on the basis of UCT Process with unique zone and recycling layout barrangement by modifying the existing capacities of four-corridor aeration tanks are presented. The justified technical solutions of the key facilities that determine the energy and structural efficiency of the project of upgrading the air blower house with the use of mechanically regulated air blowers (the capacity range of each 59.4–132.1 thousand Nm3/h) and constructing two sludge pumping stations with 15000–27360 m3/h regulated wastewater flow are set. The process automated control system has been introduced. The tied to time design works required fast and efficiency calculation methods with the use of process simulation modeling in GPS-X environment (ASM2d model), computerized fluid dynamics – in ANSYS Fluent environment. The prediction of the dynamics of the treatment efficiency changing within 24 hours while ensuring average daily concentrations in mg/l – suspended solids – 15.5; BOD5 – 5.7; COD – 34.9;
N–NH4 – 0.25; N–NO2, N–NO3 – 7.02; P–PO4 – 0.68 is given. Relatively high washout of suspended solids is caused by the significant design value of sludge index 150 сm3/g. In the implementation phase of the environmentally efficient measures the construction of tertiary treatment facilities valued at 400 million rubles (about 30% of the total cost of the upgrade of the entire facilities) was rendered economically unviable. Before commissioning the actual energy saving of 13 mln kW·h/year including 8.8 mln kW·h/year owing to the replaced air blowers, 4.2 mln kW·h/year owing to the sludge pumping stations with submerged pumps that replaced airlift was achieved. The performance targets of the projects and the technical solutions applied measure up to the best available technologies.

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УДК 628.316.6:628.166
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.04.01

Pokhil Yu. N., Novoshintsev V. N., Kostyuchenko S. V., Volkov Sergei, Tkachev Andrei

Комплексное решение проблем обеззараживания природных и сточных вод в современных условиях в масштабах г. Новосибирска


Рассматриваются основные аспекты практического применения технологических решений в сфере обеззараживания природных и сточных вод, позволяющих обеспечить современные нормативные и законодательные санитарно-эпидемиологические требования, на примере МУП г. Новосибирска «ГОРВОДОКАНАЛ». В системе водопровода и канализации г. Новосибирска создан один из крупнейших в России комплексов обеззараживания природных и сточных вод с применением УФ-излучения общей производительностью 1 650 000 м3/сут. В системе водоснабжения города внедрена современная мульти­барьерная технология, предусматривающая комбинированное применение УФ-излучения и хлорирования, позволяющая создать надежный барьер в отношении всех типов вирусов, в том числе вируса COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2), и цист патогенных простейших. В результате применения УФ-обеззараживания питьевой и сточной воды обеспечивается соблюдение новых санитарных правил и норм СанПиН 1.2.3685-21 «Гигиенические нормативы и требования к обеспечению безопасности и (или) безвредности для человека факторов среды обитания». Обеззараживание сточных вод на городских очистных сооружениях канализации г. Новосибирска УФ-излучением полностью удовлетворяет требованиям по применению наилучших доступных технологий, сформулированных в Информационно-техническом справочнике ИТС 10-2019 «Очистка сточных вод с использованием централизованных систем водоотведения поселений, городских округов». На УФ-станциях применено УФ-оборудование отечественного производства на основе современных мощных амальгамных ламп низкого давления. Комплексное и своевременное применение современной технологии обеззараживания УФ-излучением как при водоподготовке, так при очистке сточных вод на объектах МУП г. Новосибирска «ГОРВОДОКАНАЛ» обеспечило выполнение самых строгих современных требований санитарного и экологического законодательства РФ.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.11.01
UDC 502/504


Criterial approach to substantiation of the best available techniques for engineering protection against hazardous techno-natural processes


Prediction of measures and construction of facilities for engineering protection from hazardous processes has a number of specific features that should be borne in mind while developing a method for substantiating the best available techniques. The mathematical tools that provide for substantiating the choice of a technology for engineering protection from hazardous techno-natural processes, that can be assigned to the best available techniques, are under development. One of the approaches is presented that allows, on the basis of quantitative assessments, to substantiate the choice of an option of engineering protection against hazardous techno-natural processes. This approach is based on the expert-analytical method for assessing the risk from hazardous natural-technogenic processes that has been widely used in recent years. Mathematical tools have been proposed that provide for reasonably approaching the choice of the best available technique for engineering protection against hazardous techno-natural processes, taking into account the capabilities of the owner, his position in the current situation and development prospects.

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UDC 628.17.001.4

Shchetinin A. I., Esin M. A., Malbiev B. Yu., Regotun A. A.

Simulation of Biochemical Processes of Wastewater Treatment as a Basis of WWTFs Retechnologization


In accordance with the requirements of environmental legislation it is necessary to introduce the best available technologies at biological WWTFs. In the course of development of plans of reconstruction and capital repair of sewerage treatment facilities it is necessary to carry out the variant examination of flow charts of treatment on the basis of imitation simulation. A detailed analysis and comparison of different models of processes with activated sludge have been conducted. Treatment processes at large number of facilities have been simulated with the help of the Ecosim 3P program developed by the Ecopolymer Company. It is shown that the imitation simulation makes it possible to ensure a high accuracy of treatment results prediction. An approach to the retechnologization of treatment facilities based on mathematical models of biochemical processes with activated sludge has been developed. This approach tested experimentally at a whole number of biological treatment stations has made it possible to carry out their retechnologization resulted in considerable reduction of biogenic elements in treated water.

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UDC 628.31

Danilovich Dmitrii

Best available technologies in municipal wastewater management


On the basis of developing amendments of the Russian environmental legislation and analyzing the international experience the basic principles of applying the concept of best available technologies (BAT) to municipal wastewater management were developed. Twelve groups of best available technologies are suggested covering the entire range of economically achievable engineering and organizational measures carried out by water and wastewater utilities to minimize the environmental impact. Within these groups specific definitions of the best available technologies were set forth.

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UDC 628.35

Kevbrina M. V., Gavrilin A. M., Dorofeev A. G., KOZLOV M. N., Aseyeva V. G.

Best available technologies of wastewater treatment:  implementation experience of «Mosvodokanal» JSC


Owing to the transfer to process standardization from 2019 (Federal Law No. 219-FZ) natural resource users are bound to introduce the best available technologies. Advanced technologies of municipal wastewater treatment ensuring the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus have been used in Russia at less than 10% of the wastewater treatment facilities. When transferring to process standardi­zation many water utilities will face the problem of upgrading wastewater treatment facilities. Successful practical experience of water utilities where BATs have been already used at wastewater treatment facilities will be useful for choosing the optimal process flow scheme. The introduction of advanced wastewater treatment methods has been a priority task for «Mosvodokanal» JSC. For a long period the company has developed and adapted to the conditions of the Moscow wastewater treatment facilities the process flow scheme of wastewater treatment with the removal of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) which is the best available technology. This made it possible to introduce this technology at the Lyuberetskie and Kuryanovskie wastewater treatment facilities – the largest and extremely large-scale facilities as well as at small- and mid-scale wastewater treatment plants in Minzag and Shchapovo settlements (Prefecture of Troitsky and Novomoskovsky Administrative Districts, Moscow). Experts of «Mosvodokanal» JSC developed a pre-design concept of the reconstruction of the aeration tanks at the treatment facilities of Cherepovets and the local treatment facilities of the Optina Pustyn monastery (Kozelsk, Kaluga Region) with the introduction of nutrients removal technology. The practical experience gained in «Mosvodokanal» JSC shows that the best available technologies have been developed, can be introduced and operate successfully.

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UDC 628.21:504.054

Vereshchagina Lidiia, SHVETSOV V. N.

New approaches to the regulation of effluent discharge to water bodies


The list of the regulatory legal acts – federal laws, RF government decrees and executive orders is presented as well as the decrees of the RF Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment enacted for the past years. The purpose of the enactment is the reform of the environmental legislation in the field of the governmental regulation of the impact the economic activity produces on water bodies; the regulation consists in transferring from the existing principles of regulating pollutants discharge based on the water quality standards for water bodies of commercial fishing importance to the regulation based on the best available techniques. Special attention is paid to Decree of the RF Government of September 13, 2016 No. 913 and Decree of the RF Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of November 15, 2016 No. 598 on the introduction of amendments to «Methods of developing the standards of permissible discharges of substances and microorganisms into water bodies for water users» (2007). The informative technical guidebook ITS 10-2015 «Wastewater treatment in the public wastewater disposal systems of communities, municipal districts» is considered. The need in reviewing the provisions of section 9 of the technical guide «Recommendations for designing the systems of collection, removal and treatment of the runoff from residential areas, industrial sites; and determining the conditions for effluent discharge into the water bodies» (2015) developed by the experts of «NII VODGEO» JSC is substantiated.

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UDC 628.3:504.05

Lerner А. D., Inchagov А. D.

Regulation of wastewater discharges within the framework
of the national environmental policy


The interrelation of the environmental legal relations in the field of regulating pollution discharges into the water bodies and public utilities operation is considered. Regulation of wastewater discharges and environmental payments for the negative impact on the water bodies are directly interconnected. Above-limit payment for discharges is one of the factors of the bankruptcy of water and wastewater utilities. Amendments to the system of regulating the negative impact on the water bodies introduced in 2015 could neither solve the existing problems nor eliminate the contradictions between the interests of the institutions of the RF Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, water and wastewater utilities and national fiscal interests. According to the current methods of regulation drafting technically unachievable requirements to the effluent discharges are set to the water and wastewater utilities; and failure to observe them is subject to substantial financial responsibility. Shifting a part of the financial responsibility from water and wastewater utilities to business did not improve the economic performances of water and wastewater services but placed additional financial burden on business. No changes in discharge regulations that were envisaged in Federal Law No. 73-FZ of June 3rd, 2006 «On the enactment of the Water Code of the Russian Federation» occurred due to the lack of the regulatory and legal framework expected from the institutions of the RF Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection. The amendments to the environmental regulations introduced into the legal framework do not correlate with each other and reflect the interests of different institutions. It is evidence of the absence of the national environmental policy. The constituted statutory regulations must correspond to the provisions of the national environmental policy, solve the tasks set by the policy, eliminate the emerging contradictions. The basic principles that must make the foundation of the national environmental policy are presented. The main principles are the balance of the public interests, environmental interests, the interests of water and wastewater utilities and business, all-level budgets, technically achievable requirements to the negative impact and the priority of environmental protection over the national fiscal interests.

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UDC 628.2:006.057.2
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.04.04

Bagaev Iurii, Gundyreva Tat’iana, Shipulin Roman

On amendments to the Decree of the RF Government
of September 15, 2020 No. 1430 (for discussion)


An example of regulating process indicators of pollution discharge by public wastewater disposal system facilities is given. The attention is focused on the following issues: process indicators of the EU countries and Russia, regulations for a high-water intake of Siberia, the impact of anthropogenic load on the surface runoff in large cities. Of particular note are the nuances of comparing process indicators of the best available technologies and the cost-effectiveness of their achievement for the upgraded facilities. The established low indicator for suspended solids practically determines an increase in the required volumes of «aeration tank-sedimentation tank» structures or a significant decrease in the output of the existing treatment facilities, or the construction of tertiary treatment facilities. The former principle of accounting for the process capability of the existing facilities while establishing standards for the permissible pollution discharge and corresponding indicators of standard water protection technologies is considered. The feasibility of improving the established process indicators for suspended solids, ammonium nitrogen and phosphorus as phosphate for the upgraded treatment facilities is shown taking into account the regional specific features of the anthropogenic load on the receiving water.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.05.01
UDC 628.2/.4:006.3:349.6

Vereshchagina Lidiia, Danilovich Dmitrii, Frog Dmitrii

Overview of the main amendments to the Code of Practice CP 32.13330.2018 «Sewerage. Pipelines and wastewater treatment plants» in terms of designing the systems for the disposal and treatment of surface runoff introduced in 2021


An overview of the main changes in the design of the systems for the disposal and treatment of surface runoff (rain, melt water) in the current set of rules – CP 32.13330.2018 «SNiP 2.04.03-85 Sewerage. Pipelines and wastewater treatment plants», developed in 2021 by the specialists of the Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences and a number of other organizations is presented. It is noted that the purpose of amending the current regulatory document is, in particular, harmonization of its provisions with the articles of the environmental legislation that came into force on January 1, 2019 and the new regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation that provide for the transition to the principles of technological regulation of discharges in accordance with the technological indicators of the best available technologies. An overview of the most significant changes in CP 32.13330.2018 on the organization and calculation of the systems for the disposal and treatment of surface runoff is given.

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UDC 628.3:504.06

Danilovich Dmitrii, Skobelev D. O., Shchelchkov K. A.

Determination of technological indicators of municipal wastewater treatment quality corresponding to the use of the best available techniques


In 2015 «Wastewater treatment in public wastewater disposal systems of communities, urban districts» information and technical gui­dance was compiled (ITG 10-2105). The document has been developed for the first time in Russia and has no parallels in European Union. One of the main problems in compiling ITG 10-2105 was developing the methodology of determining the technological indicators of the best available techniques. The analysis of this methodology was carried out in comparison with the existing in EC perspective approaches to the determination of the technological indicators including: projects selection and split up into groups; acquisition of data on the emissions into the atmosphere; selection of pollutants; analysis of the available information on discharges; differentiated determination of the emission level in relation to the best available techniques. The technological indicators of pollutants removed in the traditional biological treatment processes (suspended solids, BOD5, COD) were determined in the process of analyzing the data obtained by questioning the branch projects. Determination of the technological indicators for nitrogen and phosphorus compounds is based greatly on the expert assessment due to the small number of projects using BAT and due to the differences in the technologies applied. Generally the method for determining the technological indicators of BAT to the full extent corresponded to the practices currently used for this purpose in EC. In future during the preparation for ITG 10-2015 revision it is recommended to carry out monitoring and technological audit of BAT reference-projects as well as of the perspective technologies.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.09.02
UDC 574.635

Rublevskaya O. N., Lysova Tat’iana

The experience of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» in developing programs for improving the environmental efficiency


The experience of developing programs for improving the environmental efficiency in the context of the requirements for their development and approval by the Interdepartmental Commission under the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation for the facilities of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» is presented: the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant, Northern Wastewater Treatment Plant, the Southwestern Treatment Facilities. The following issues have been accentuated: the specific features of developing programs for improving the environmental efficiency for water and wastewater utilities operating public wastewater disposal systems in settlements and urban districts that discharge effluents into the Baltic Sea catchment basin; the required dates for developing and approving the programs. Attention is drawn to the need for strict compliance with the requirements to the program components. Particularly noted are the nuances of comparing the actual quality of discharged effluents in relation to the technologically regulated substances with selected process parameters of the best available technology. Examples of the analytical evaluation of the choice of indicator values and technological solutions for the stages of the program activities are given. The focus is drawn toward the need to analyze all the best available technologies regulated by the adopted information and technical reference books. The aspects of highlighting the results of the inventory of pollution discharges in the programs are indicated.

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UDC 628.161

NEFEDOVA E. D., Feofanov Yu. A.

The experience of operating new water treatment facilities
at the South Water Treatment Plant in Saint-Petersburg


The information on specific features of the process flow schemes of drinking water preparation at the municipal water treatment plants in Saint-Petersburg is presented. The process of drinking water treatment at the new water treatment facilities (K-6 Block) of the South Water Treatment Plant is described where the cutting-edge technologies of water treatment are used. The technologies ensure the standard drinking water quality as regards all the indicators prescribed by Sanitary Rules and Regulations at any possible changes in the Neva River water quality, in particular in case of unfavorable and accidental events in water sources (in case of accidental discharges, storms at the Ladoga etc.). An automated water quality control system with the use of flow-type analyzers fed with water samples taken continuously at different points of the treatment process has been introduced at the plant. This provides for the on-line information on the operation efficiency of separate units for operating control. The analysis of the operational data for K-6 Block that includes lamella clarifiers, double-layer filters with sand media and activated carbon is presented. Herewith wash water and sludge treatment and utilization are provided. The results of the comprehensive water quality analysis for 51 parameters at the outlet of K-6 Block at the South Water Treatment Plant are given.

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