Tag:state regulation



bbk 000000

UDC 556.18:061.3

Khramenkov S. V.

State Regulation, Legislation and International Activities in the Water Sector


Issues of the state regulation and development of legislative basis in the sphere of water supply and sewerage services are covered. Currently, in the Russian Federation the following problems are not defined at the legislative level: the public and legal status of enterprises of water supply and sewerage services, methods of market regulation of water supply and water disposal services, rules of conduct for its participants, guarantees of safe, reliable and uninterrupted water supply and water disposal. To solve the issues raised it is necessary to have a united organizational center of activities aimed at legislative support of the water branch. To modernize the water sector it is proposed to reconstitute the scientific and technical council at the RF Ministry of Regional Development and organize the All-Russian data bank on the best available techniques as well.

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