Tag:public wastewater disposal system



UDC 628.2:006.057.2
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.04.04

Bagaev Iurii, Gundyreva Tat’iana, Shipulin Roman

On amendments to the Decree of the RF Government
of September 15, 2020 No. 1430 (for discussion)


An example of regulating process indicators of pollution discharge by public wastewater disposal system facilities is given. The attention is focused on the following issues: process indicators of the EU countries and Russia, regulations for a high-water intake of Siberia, the impact of anthropogenic load on the surface runoff in large cities. Of particular note are the nuances of comparing process indicators of the best available technologies and the cost-effectiveness of their achievement for the upgraded facilities. The established low indicator for suspended solids practically determines an increase in the required volumes of «aeration tank-sedimentation tank» structures or a significant decrease in the output of the existing treatment facilities, or the construction of tertiary treatment facilities. The former principle of accounting for the process capability of the existing facilities while establishing standards for the permissible pollution discharge and corresponding indicators of standard water protection technologies is considered. The feasibility of improving the established process indicators for suspended solids, ammonium nitrogen and phosphorus as phosphate for the upgraded treatment facilities is shown taking into account the regional specific features of the anthropogenic load on the receiving water.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.12.03
UDC 628.31

Palagin Evgenii, Strelkov A. K., Pavlukhin A. A., Bykova P. G.

On the regulation of surface runoff handling


An analysis of a number of amendments included in the current version of CP 32.13330.2018 «SNiP 2.04.03-85 Sewerage. Pipelines and wastewater treatment plants», in terms of designing systems for the surface runoff disposal and treatment, as well as possible options for regulating surface runoff discharges into public wastewater disposal systems and water bodies, taking into account the requirements of the current environmental legislation is presented. An assessment of the effect of the negative environmental impact category of the enterprise on the regulatory requirements to discharged wastewater is given. It is shown under what conditions and under what category it is advisable for an enterprise to operate its own surface runoff outfall to a water body or discharge wastewater into a public sewer.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.09.02
UDC 574.635

Rublevskaya O. N., Lysova Tat’iana

The experience of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» in developing programs for improving the environmental efficiency


The experience of developing programs for improving the environmental efficiency in the context of the requirements for their development and approval by the Interdepartmental Commission under the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation for the facilities of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» is presented: the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant, Northern Wastewater Treatment Plant, the Southwestern Treatment Facilities. The following issues have been accentuated: the specific features of developing programs for improving the environmental efficiency for water and wastewater utilities operating public wastewater disposal systems in settlements and urban districts that discharge effluents into the Baltic Sea catchment basin; the required dates for developing and approving the programs. Attention is drawn to the need for strict compliance with the requirements to the program components. Particularly noted are the nuances of comparing the actual quality of discharged effluents in relation to the technologically regulated substances with selected process parameters of the best available technology. Examples of the analytical evaluation of the choice of indicator values and technological solutions for the stages of the program activities are given. The focus is drawn toward the need to analyze all the best available technologies regulated by the adopted information and technical reference books. The aspects of highlighting the results of the inventory of pollution discharges in the programs are indicated.

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УДК 628.31
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.09.06

Pavlukhin A. A., Shuvalov M. V., Palagin Evgenii

Issues of classifying surface runoff, treatment technologies and methods (for the discussion)


An analysis of the qualitative composition of surface runoff and treatment requirements depending on the characteristics of the effluent receiving water are presented. A comprehensive approach is proposed while choosing process solutions and the basic composition of the treatment facilities to achieve the required treatment efficiency. For the implementation a classification of surface runoff and the main treatment processes with differentiation depending on the regulatory requirements to the effluent has been developed. The proposed classification provides for unifying the procedure for choosing the main process solutions.

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UDC 628.35
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.04.07

Bagaev Iurii, Kharkina O. V., Krasavin Grigorii, Gundyreva Tat’iana

Development of basic process solutions for the reconstruction
of wastewater treatment facilities in Novosibirsk


An example of process solutions for the reconstruction of existing wastewater treatment plants using increased concentration of activated sludge and acidification of primary sludge is given. It has been shown that achieving the required effluent quality (N–NH4 = 1 mg/l, N–NO3 = 9 mg/l, N–NO2 = 0.1 mg/l, Р–РО4 = 0.7 mg/l) during the reconstruction of the facilities, the implementation of nitrogen and phosphorus removal processes in existing aeration tanks, with the actual flow of incoming wastewater, is possible by increasing the concentration of activated sludge in the aeration tanks to 5.2 g/l, which requires the installation of tertiary treatment filters downstream sludge separation in the secondary settling tanks. The use of tertiary treatment facilities to remove suspended solids is determined in comparison with a more expensive construction of an additional biological treatment unit operating with medium doses of activated sludge. It is shown that the information and technical reference book ITS 10-2019 being a recommendation and not a mandatory document, allows for the use of filtration structures for effluent discharge into category B water bodies. The issues of the responsibility of the designers of basic process solutions for achieving the required effluent quality during the implementation of the project are considered for two cases: first – the main process solutions and the project is developed by one company; second – the main process solutions and the project are developed by different companies.

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