Tag:surface runoff



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UDC 628.22

Vereshchagina Lidiia, Gromov Grigorii, Ten A. E., Khudiakova Dar’ia

Analysis of foreign and domestic approaches to the hydraulic calculation of gravity storm sewer networks


In accordance with the requirements approved by the Decree of the RF Government of September 5, 2013 No. 782 «On the development of water supply and wastewater disposal schemes» (as amended on May 22, 2020), projects of the developed water supply and wastewater disposal schemes for settlements and urban districts of the Russian Federation with a population of 150 thousand people and more must include an electronic model. At the same time, the software used for the electronic model must ensure the performance of hydraulic calculations, including rainwater (storm) sewer networks operating in gravity and pressure modes. Analysis of literature data and official websites of software manufacturers show that at present in Russia no domestic software for calculating gravity storm sewer networks that meet the requirements of the current regulatory document – SP 32.13330.2018 «SNiP 2.04.03-85. Sewerage. External networks and structures» that regulates the design of wastewater systems for settlements, urban districts is available. Foreign companies working in the Russian market have certain experience in this area. In this regard, the possibilities of software products of various companies have been studied that provide for the electronic models allowing to perform hydraulic calculations and design gravity systems for the surface runoff disposal. The authors have analyzed European regulatory documents, including BS EN 752: 2017, and also performed verification calculations in terms of determining the flow rates of surface (rain) runoff. The results show that the use or adaptation of foreign software products to the design environment in Russia is not possible because of their inconsistency with the applied design dependencies and the requirements of the current regulatory documents of the Russian Federation.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.01.07
UDC 628.24

Ten A. E.

Analysis of methods for hydraulic calculation of surface runoff disposal systems


In the context of the improvement of advanced domestic and international technologies, materials and treatment equipment used to protect the environment from anthropogenic pollution, designing new systems for the removal and treatment of surface runoff and methods for their calculation that involve the latest achievements of the sectoral science and technology and optimization of the algorithm for performing operations and practical techniques for their hydraulic calculation, is of special actuality. Currently, domestic and international companies have entered the Russian market offering innovative designs of surface runoff disposal systems that have a wide range of applications owing to their design, operational features and the ability to withstand heavy loads. An example of such an innovative design of an open surface runoff disposal systems is ASO Qmax system. The analysis of international and domestic approaches to the hydraulic calculation of surface runoff disposal systems, of the possibility of their adaptation to the Russian conditions is presented.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.04.04
UDC 628.355

Zoubov M. G., Vilson Elena, Litvinenko Viacheslav, Kadrevich Artem

Biological treatment of surface runoff from industrial sites
in bioreactors with brush media


Surface runoff from industrial sites differs not only in the irregularity in formation, but also in the concentration of specific substances typical for the production process, as well as in the pollution concentrations changing over time. For example, surface runoff from airfields during the cold season contains anti-icing fluids, most of these contain ethylene glycol. Surface runoff of fertilizer factories contain high concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds and low concentrations of organic pollutants identified by BOD. Biological treatment of this runoff in vitro is not carried out, as a rule. The results of studies by «ECOSTECH» R&D Center (a company of ECOS Group) are presented, indicating the feasibility of biological treatment of this type of surface runoff using immobilized bacterial cultures on a biomass carrier – brush media. The attached biomass is specified by the bacterial cells immersed in the matrix remaining active for a long time under the conditions of the absence of wastewater or contaminants to which the biocenosis is oriented. Once the supply of wastewater with high concentrations of ethylene glycol is resumed, the bioreactor reaches the regime of biodegradation within a week eliminating the introduction of a special bacterial culture into the facility. According to the studies, reaching the stationary operating conditions of the bioreactor with brush media for all indicators (ethylene glycol, COD, BOD5, nitrogen forms) takes less than nine days. Also presented are the results of studies on the treatment of surface runoff from fertilizer production enterprises or fertilizer terminals. Biological treatment of this type of surface runoff is specified by the use of the Anammox process.

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UDC 628.33

Gandurina L. V., Kvitka L. A., Nikitin R. A., Ansimov A. D.

Effect of dispersion characteristics of suspended solids
on the parameters of surface runoff treatment


Quantitative and dispersion characteristics of insoluble pollutants in rainfall and snow-melt water and its effect on the parameters of removing pollutants from water by sedimentation, chemical free and chemical filtration are considered. It is shown that the concentration of suspended solids in surface runoff multiply exceeds the concentration of oil products whereupon these pollutants are present in the form of two-component particles. In the particles oil products or inorganic admixtures can be adsorbed components, and during sedimentation of surface runoff suspended solids and oil products are being removed synchronically. The concentration and kinetic consistency of suspended solids from residential areas are lower than those from highways; which reduces the sedimentation time in the storage settling tank and concentration of pollutants in settled water. During 1–3 days of settling tank empting monotonic reduction of suspended solids concentration in settled water before filtration occurs. Fluctuation range depends on the sedimentation time in the settling tank, initial suspended solids concentration and tank empting time. The use of coagulants before filtration of settled surface runoff from highways provides for improving the treatment efficiency and obtaining sustained quality of filtered water.

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UDC 628.353

Chesalov S. M., Lion Iu. A., Ptitsyn V. V., Malozemov A. V.

Gabion filtration facilities for surface runoff treatment


The design and characteristics of gabion filtration treatment facilities developed and designed by the specialists of «ECOLANDSHAFT-XXI century» NPO LLC are presented. The analysis of wastewater and effluent samples collected at different seasons of the year from the inlet and outlet of the different gabion facilities showed that the efficiency of treatment both in terms of suspended solids and oil products and COD, BOD5 met the maximum permissible pollutant concentrations set for fishery waters. Gabion facilities are open gravity facilities, which do not require any chemicals, pumps, electricity or premises for their operation. They include two sections, each of them having four treatment stages: accumulating settling tank; filtration chamber with granular bed; bioplato; filtration chamber with sorbent. Gabion facilities include bioplato as a mandatory and very important element for treatment which is a shallow impoundment seeded with macrophytes and which ensures removing a number of pollutants. Due to the use of gabions, bioplato and chemical free treatment the gabion facilities can be qualified as nature like facilities which can be retrofitted into the landscape and have an attractive look becoming a part of the landscape. By now more than 120 gabion filtration treatment facilities with up to 15 years service time have been designed and built. The facilities provide for the treatment of surface runoff from highways, industrial sites of technology and industrial parks.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.02.05
УДК 628.24

Gromov Grigorii, Ten A. E., Dzhumagulova N. T., Brianskaia Iuliia

Hydraulic characteristics and calculation of the innovative systems of surface runoff disposal


In the context of the intensive development of new domestic and foreign technologies, materials and equipment used to protect the environment from anthropogenic pollution, the development of advanced systems for surface runoff removal and treatment is of special actuality. These systems provide for using the latest achievements of the sectoral science and optimizing the algorithm for performing operations and practical methods for the hydraulic calculations. An example of the innovative surface runoff disposal system is ASO Qmax, that refers to an open system of channels for the collection and disposal of surface runoff formed during precipitation. However, the widespread use of these facilities in Russia is hampered by the lack of a method for the hydraulic calculations, including tables for the selection of cross-sections (diameters) of channels that meet the requirements of the Russian guidelines and regulations for the design of surface runoff disposal systems. In this regard, the subject of this paper is the estimation of the hydraulic characteristics of pipelines, channels of ASO Qmax drainage system. The results of theoretical and experimental studies of the hydraulic characteristics of ASO Qmax system with account of the adaptation for the Russian conditions and regulatory requirements, as well as the justification of the recommended parameters for their use are presented.

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UDC 628.312:556.164

Palagin Evgenii, Gridneva M. A., Bykova P. G., Nabok T. Yu.

Study of the dynamics of surface runoff composition of the urban lands


The qualitative composition of surface runoff of urban lands is affected by significant fluctuations. Studying its dynamics, determining possible regularities and causes of these fluctuations can be conveniently carried out with the use of the mathematical apparatus of the time series analysis. The procedure of seasonal decomposition was applied to the time series of monthly dynamics with the annual periodicity of seasonal fluctuations with the help of the multiplicative model. The results of the quantitative chemical analysis of surface runoff at the «XXII Party Congress» outfall of the Samara municipality for 2004–2016 were used as benchmark data. As a result of the performed analysis the occurrence of the seasonal regularities of the surface runoff composition changes was determined. The seasonal indices of 15 effluent quality parameters were determined: BODfull, suspended solids, mineralization, chlorides, sulfates, ammonium ion, nitrite ion, nitrate anion, phosphates (as phosphorus), total iron, copper, zinc, aluminium, oil products, and detergents (anionic). Based on the given seasonal decomposition of the time series the qualitative assessment of the effect of the trend, seasonal and random components on the unsteadiness of the surface runoff quality parameters was performed.

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UDC 628.31:581.55

Shchukin I. S.

Study of oil products and heavy metals removal from surface runoff in phytofilters


Internationally the use of bioengineered facilities including phytofilters in the treatment of surface runoff from urban lands is gaining ground. The use of phytofilters in moderate climate belts has some restrictions related to the decline in treatment efficiency during the periods of near-zero temperatures because of the retardation of biochemical processes in plants and soil microorganisms. A technical solution of the described problem is proposed that consists in adding materials with sorption and ion-exchange properties (peat and zeolite) into the filter media. The efficiency of removing oil products and heavy metals (lead, copper, aluminium, iron) from the simulated solution of surface runoff in a pilot laboratory phytofiltration plant with the use of higher plants: common reed grass (Phragmites commnis), mace reed (Tpha latiflia) and Iris pseudacorus was studied. The efficiency of removing oil products was 95.5–98.9%, and that of heavy metals – 66–99.3%. It was stated that during the vegetation period partial phytoregeneration of the filtration media from the trapped oil products and heavy metals occurs under the effect of higher plants and rhizospheric microflora. By experiment it was determined that the efficiency of phytoregeneration from oil products decreases in series: common reed grass – Iris pseudacorus – mace reed; from heavy metals: Iris pseudacorus – common reed grass.

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UDC 347.265.6:504.064
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.12.08

Iantsen O. V., Gogina Elena, Kolosova Kamilla, Spasibo Elena

Исследование характеристик поверхностных сточных вод


The results of studies of surface runoff (rainfall and snow-melt waters) are presented. The qualitative composition of surface runoff from various catchment areas in the urban environment was determined for the subsequent estimation of their possible splitting, local treatment and reuse. The problems of battery limits associated with the discharge of polluted surface runoff are considered, and possible ways to solve the identified problems are proposed. The results of the studies prove the possibility of rational use of surface runoff by legal customers to split the flows and draw up discharge reduction plans. It is advisable to reuse rainfall and snow-melt waters collected from the roof of a building, including as process water for a number of facilities using a minimum amount of the treatment equipment.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2019.08.06

UDC 628.22

Vereshchagina Lidiia, Ten A. E., Gromov Grigorii, Khudiakova Dar’ia

Method of hydraulic calculation of the innovative designs
of surface runoff disposal


The method of hydraulic calculation of open canals of the surface runoff drainage system ACO Qmax is presented. The canals are designed to collect and drain surface (rain, snowmelt and street flush water) runoff from urban areas of various functional purposes: parking lots, warehouse complexes, shopping centers, transport terminals, highways, service area facilities, industrial areas with heavy traffic, marine and river terminals, airfields, sports facilities, local park and other areas where the use of open drainage systems is allowed. The method was developed by the experts of MosvodokanalNIIproject JSC taking into account the legislative, regulatory and procedural documents of the Russian Federation governing the design of systems for the removal and treatment of surface runoff from the territory of settlements. The method is based on the results of experimental studies on determining the hydraulic characteristics of canals of the ACO Qmax drainage system that are a sort of open systems and are widely used in the EU countries for land improvements.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.04.04
UDC 628.29:556.164

Primin Oleg, Vereshchagina Lidiia

Method for estimating the incoming flow of surface runoff in the urban storm sewer


According to the provisions of the Water Code of the Russian Federation No. 74-FZ and Federal Law No. 416-FZ «On Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal», all enterprises operating public wastewater disposal systems, including surface runoff drainage systems, shall, in accordance with the established procedure, keep a commercial record of the volume of wastewater received by the operated systems, as well as of the volume of wastewater discharged into water bodies. The method for accounting for the volume of surface runoff discharged into public systems of communities and into urban water bodies, as well as the specific features of applying the method with the use of calculations. It is shown that the implementation of justified methods for accounting for the volume of surface runoff discharged from urban territories into water bodies will ensure the reliability and legitimacy of the calculations of the volumes of received (removed) surface runoff in the process of the state monitoring of water bodies, determining the basis of charging for the negative environmental impact and setting tariffs for the customers using sewer network.

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UDC 628.21:504.054

Vereshchagina Lidiia, SHVETSOV V. N.

New approaches to the regulation of effluent discharge to water bodies


The list of the regulatory legal acts – federal laws, RF government decrees and executive orders is presented as well as the decrees of the RF Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment enacted for the past years. The purpose of the enactment is the reform of the environmental legislation in the field of the governmental regulation of the impact the economic activity produces on water bodies; the regulation consists in transferring from the existing principles of regulating pollutants discharge based on the water quality standards for water bodies of commercial fishing importance to the regulation based on the best available techniques. Special attention is paid to Decree of the RF Government of September 13, 2016 No. 913 and Decree of the RF Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of November 15, 2016 No. 598 on the introduction of amendments to «Methods of developing the standards of permissible discharges of substances and microorganisms into water bodies for water users» (2007). The informative technical guidebook ITS 10-2015 «Wastewater treatment in the public wastewater disposal systems of communities, municipal districts» is considered. The need in reviewing the provisions of section 9 of the technical guide «Recommendations for designing the systems of collection, removal and treatment of the runoff from residential areas, industrial sites; and determining the conditions for effluent discharge into the water bodies» (2015) developed by the experts of «NII VODGEO» JSC is substantiated.

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UDC 628.2/.4:006.3:349.6
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.01.03

Vereshchagina Lidiia

Standards for designing systems for the removal and treatment of surface runoff and unsettled requirements of the water protection legislation


The statutory regulation of designing engineering structures of the systems for the removal and treatment of surface runoff in communities, and the legislatively unsettled provisions of the current Code of Practice CP 32.13330.2018 «SNiP 2.04.03-85 «Sewerage. Pipelines and wastewater treatment plants» (with amendments No. 1 and 2) of the section «Removal and treatment of surface runoff» are considered. Proposals are made to introduce amendments to Article 60 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation No. 74-FZ and Article 16 of the Federal Law No. 7-FZ «On the Environmental Protection», with account of the specific features of the formation and conditions for the discharge of surface runoff into the public wastewater disposal systems and water bodies.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.06.02
UDC 628.2/.4:006.3:349.6

Vereshchagina Lidiia

On the need for revising the Code of Practice CP 32.13330.2018 «Sewerage. Pipelines and wastewater treatment plants» regarding the design of systems for the disposal and treatment of surface runoff from settlements


The regulatory framework for the design of systems for the disposal and treatment of surface runoff from the territory of settlements and industrial sites is discussed, in particular, the practice of applying the Code of Practice CP 32.13330.2018 «Sewerage. Pipelines and wastewater treatment plants. SNiP 2.04.03-85», enforced by the order of the RF Ministry of Construction of June 26, 2019. Structural changes of the regulatory document are considered, as well as the most common problems that design organizations and the state authorities of project expertise have to face while applying separate provisions in designing engineering structures for disposal and treatment of surface runoff from settlements. A list of the main paragraphs of CP 32.13330.2018 that require revision with the respective comments is presented.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.12.03
UDC 628.31

Palagin Evgenii, Strelkov A. K., Pavlukhin A. A., Bykova P. G.

On the regulation of surface runoff handling


An analysis of a number of amendments included in the current version of CP 32.13330.2018 «SNiP 2.04.03-85 Sewerage. Pipelines and wastewater treatment plants», in terms of designing systems for the surface runoff disposal and treatment, as well as possible options for regulating surface runoff discharges into public wastewater disposal systems and water bodies, taking into account the requirements of the current environmental legislation is presented. An assessment of the effect of the negative environmental impact category of the enterprise on the regulatory requirements to discharged wastewater is given. It is shown under what conditions and under what category it is advisable for an enterprise to operate its own surface runoff outfall to a water body or discharge wastewater into a public sewer.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2019.08.05

UDC 628.212.2

Variushina G. P.

Surface runoff disposal – an important contribution to the protection of water bodies


Information on the research and design solutions developed by the experts of «MosvodokanalNIIproject» JSC in the field of surface runoff treatment from the territory of Moscow, the causes of water sources pollution with raw surface runoff in the 1970s. The basic characteristics of the complexes for the enhanced treatment of surface runoff, the developed projects of wastewater treatment facilities for industrial enterprises with a catchment area of 0.3; 1; 5; 10 and 15 ha. It is shown that the effectiveness of surface runoff treatment meets the requirements to water bodies of commercial fishing importance. At the same time, for dewatering of sludge generated in the retention basin of wastewater treatment facilities, a grit dewatering bay is included into the process flow scheme, and an oil separator is used to collect floating oil products. The novelty of the developed technology for neutralization of surface runoff and sludge treatment has been acknowledged by five patents of the Russian Federation, approved by Gosstroy of the Russian Federation, the Central Department of Fisheries Examination and Review and Protection and Renewal and Acclimatization Standards, the Moscow City and Moscow Region Sanitary Service, Moskompriroda and Mosgosekspertiza services. The contribution of the research workers of the laboratory for the treatment of natural, industrial-storm wastewater and sludge processing to the solution of problems of surface runoff treatment is demonstrated. The information about the history of development and promising areas of research activity of the laboratory, its plans in the organizational, methodological and educational work with young professionals is given.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.05.01
UDC 628.2/.4:006.3:349.6

Vereshchagina Lidiia, Danilovich Dmitrii, Frog Dmitrii

Overview of the main amendments to the Code of Practice CP 32.13330.2018 «Sewerage. Pipelines and wastewater treatment plants» in terms of designing the systems for the disposal and treatment of surface runoff introduced in 2021


An overview of the main changes in the design of the systems for the disposal and treatment of surface runoff (rain, melt water) in the current set of rules – CP 32.13330.2018 «SNiP 2.04.03-85 Sewerage. Pipelines and wastewater treatment plants», developed in 2021 by the specialists of the Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences and a number of other organizations is presented. It is noted that the purpose of amending the current regulatory document is, in particular, harmonization of its provisions with the articles of the environmental legislation that came into force on January 1, 2019 and the new regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation that provide for the transition to the principles of technological regulation of discharges in accordance with the technological indicators of the best available technologies. An overview of the most significant changes in CP 32.13330.2018 on the organization and calculation of the systems for the disposal and treatment of surface runoff is given.

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UDC 628.212.2

Strelkov A. K., Teplykh Svetlana, Gorshkalev P. A., Korenkova S. F., Sargsyan A. M.

Indirect method of determining pollution concentrations of train track surface runoff


The classification (categorization) of the train track and railway station ballast section pollution density has been developed and approbated. Each category of train track pollution density is specified and the criteria of the space interval attribution to a pollution density category are presented. The pollution concentration of train track surface runoff as a function of the ballast section pollution density is determined.

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UDC 628.212.2
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.01.07

Leonov L. V., Grekov Mikhail, Iakunin L. A., Elagin Sergei, Klokov Aleksandr, Chechevichkin A. V., Triaskin Mikhail

Experience of all-season use of FOPS® filter with natural zeolite for the treatment of surface runoff from technologically disturbed territories


The aspects of pollution of surface runoff from residential areas with heavy metals is considered, and the main sources of their inflow are described. The results of full-scale tests of FOPS®-Z filter (with natural zeolite media) are presented. The efficiency and level of heavy metals removal from surface runoff using the FOPS®- Z filter was estimated. Tests were carried out on a real residential area in St. Petersburg for seven seasons (2021–2022). The results of using FOPS®-K filter basket (installed upstream of FOPS®-Z filter) at the first stage of purification of surface runoff from the residential area are presented, as well as the results of a study of the fractional composition of wastes accumulated in the FOPS®-K filter basket for the entire period of testing.

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UDC 628.212.2:628.316
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.05.04

Glukhov Vladimir, Chechevichkin Viktor, Triaskin Mikhail, Chechevichkin A. V., Iakunin L. A.

Experience in the treatment of surface runoff of complex composition using multi-stage units based on FOPS® filters


Many years of experience in keeping track of the composition of surface runoff from various residential areas are described. An estimation was made of the actual contamination of surface runoff generated in the territories of tangible objects. The results of full-scale tests and practical operation of multi-stage units on the basis of FOPS® filters at various districts of St. Petersburg with heavily polluted surface runoff of a complex composition are presented. The actual composition of surface runoff from technogenic residential areas experiencing high traffic load differs significantly from the recommendations of current regulatory and technical documents. The sorption-filtration technology implemented with FOPS® filters has been a most technically developed technology that provides for designing multi-stage units for the integrated treatment of surface runoff.

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