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UDC 628.33

Gandurina L. V., Kvitka L. A., Nikitin R. A., Ansimov A. D.

Effect of dispersion characteristics of suspended solids
on the parameters of surface runoff treatment


Quantitative and dispersion characteristics of insoluble pollutants in rainfall and snow-melt water and its effect on the parameters of removing pollutants from water by sedimentation, chemical free and chemical filtration are considered. It is shown that the concentration of suspended solids in surface runoff multiply exceeds the concentration of oil products whereupon these pollutants are present in the form of two-component particles. In the particles oil products or inorganic admixtures can be adsorbed components, and during sedimentation of surface runoff suspended solids and oil products are being removed synchronically. The concentration and kinetic consistency of suspended solids from residential areas are lower than those from highways; which reduces the sedimentation time in the storage settling tank and concentration of pollutants in settled water. During 1–3 days of settling tank empting monotonic reduction of suspended solids concentration in settled water before filtration occurs. Fluctuation range depends on the sedimentation time in the settling tank, initial suspended solids concentration and tank empting time. The use of coagulants before filtration of settled surface runoff from highways provides for improving the treatment efficiency and obtaining sustained quality of filtered water.

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UDC 628.

Ganbarov E. S., Safarova A. S.

Treatment of Wash Water of Filters and Water Disinfection at Water Treatment Complexes of the Azerbaijan Republic


Results of studies carried out for determination of efficiency of clarification and investigation of influence of quantity and quality of the wash water supplied to a head of treatment facilities on the subsequent process of treatment are presented. For full disinfection of water it is proposed to use a disinfectant received by electrolysis of a solution of salts of alkaline metals and mineralized ground water directly at the territory of water treatment station.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.04.01
UDC 628.161.3:544.77.052.22

Gandurina L. V., Frog B. N., Giro Kristina

Clarification of turbid water with the use of Praestol 650 flocculant


The efficiency of the individual use of the cationic flocculant Praestol 650 for the purification of turbid water is considered, depending on the turbidity of the source water and the conditions of flocculation. It is shown that the priority parameters that determine the effectiveness of the individual use of the cationic flocculant Praestol 650 for the purification of turbid natural water are the intensity and duration of mixing in the flocculation chamber. With a duration of at least 20 min and an average gradient of mixing rate G = 340 s-1, the efficiency of turbidity reduction is 96% (final turbidity being 7 mg/l). A 96% efficiency of the non-ionic flocculant with a molecular weight of 5–7 million was determined in a suboptimal flocculation mode with a mixing period of 5 min and G = 65 s-1.

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UDC 628.349

Adel'shin A. B., Adel'shin A. A., Grishin B. M., Bikunova M. V.

Oilfield wastewater treatment with the use of centrifugal apparatuses


The task of the studies was improving the efficiency of polydisperse oil particles removal from oilfield wastewater. The process is complicated with the presence of adsorption (inhibiting) shells of mechanical impurities on fine-dispersed oil droplets. A new technology of oilfield wastewater treatment is suggested that provides for wastewater pretreatment in hydraulic cyclones equipped with cylindrical (tubular) overflow chambers that allow stimulating the processes of oil droplets coalescence. The flow sheet of a pilot plant for studying the processes of emulsified oil droplets growth is presented. The plant comprises a hydraulic cyclone connected to the upper and lower overflow chambers. Oilfield wastewater of «Tatneft» OJSC was chosen as a test subject (oil concentration 710–800 mg/l). It was stated that the coalescence efficiency was determined by the vortex value parameter in overflow chambers and by the time of wastewater treatment in the centrifugal field. Processing the test results on the oil droplet size distribution showed that the optimal vortex parameter values for the upper overflow chamber of the hydraulic cyclone were within 20–23; whereas for the lower overflow chamber – 16–18.5. The recommended time of wastewater treatment in the upper and lower overflow chambers was relatively 24.5 and 18.5 seconds. It was experimentally determined that the residual oil concentration after oilfield wastewater treatment in the hydraulic cyclone and two hours sedimentation was less than 72 mg/l at 91% treatment efficiency. It was 6% higher compared with the wastewater sedimentation efficiency after treatment in the hydraulic cyclone only. The design of BGTO plant (hydraulic cyclone block – overflow chamber – sedimentation tank) is suggested that provides for the efficient treatment of oil effluents on industrial scale.

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UDC 628.161.3
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.03.02

Gandurina L. V., Budykina T. A., Iantsen O. V.

Removing fine clay impurities from natural water


The effect of the clay impurities (loams, clays, bentonites, kaolin) origin that determines the turbidity of natural water, on the kinetics of their sedimentation was studied. The percentage of clay impurities with a hydraulic size of 0.11 mm/s was determined. The effectiveness of the independent use of Praestol 650 cationic flocculant for removing clay impurities of various origin from turbid water is considered. It was established that the efficiency of natural water purification depended on the mineral composition and disperse characteristics of clay particles and could be increased for kaolinite-containing clay impurities from 69 to 91% by optimizing the flocculation parameters. It was shown that the optimal dose of Praestol 650 flocculant did not depend on the origin and disperse characteristics of clay particles and was 0.2 mg/l at an initial water turbidity of 107–187 mg/l. The possible use of the kinetic and flocculation characteristics of clay impurities in natural water to identify their mineral composition is considered.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.07.02
UDC 628.16.065.2

Gandurina L. V., Frog B. N., Mashtakova Ekaterina

The use of organic coagulants for turbid water clarification


The results of studies of the coagulating ability of domestic organic coagulants of well-known brands for the treatment of turbid waters with color not exceeding the water quality target, depending on the characteristics of the coagulants, water turbidity and process parameters of coagulation and sedimentation are presented. The efficiency of using organic coagulants VPK-402, Kaustamin-15 and Biopag to reduce the turbidity of water caused by fine-grained clay particles with a hydraulic size of less than 0.01 mm/s is considered. It was found that VPK-402 coagulant characterized by the highest molecular weight, possessed the greatest coagulating ability. It was shown that the dose of the coagulant did not exceed 0.4 mg/l with an increase in the turbidity of the source water to 750 mg/l. The maximum reduction in water turbidity by sedimentation with the use of organic coagulants is observed with a flocculation time of 20 minutes, where 83–84% of the resulting flocs have a hydraulic size of more than 0.8 mm/s.

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UDC 628.3.001.2

Ponomarev V. G., Oulanovsky Ya. B., Korolyov M. A.

Designing wastewater treatment facilities


An approach to the selection of industrial wastewater treatment technologies and design calculations is considered. The authors analyzed the advanced design solutions with specifying their drawbacks and mistakes often made. The process solutions used in installations made by Stroyengineering LLC and practically approved during the onsite operation are described.

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UDC 628.35

Ponomarev V. G.

Design and implementation of wastewater treatment projects


The analysis of technical solutions of surface run-off treatment process flow schemes is presented. The attention is focused on the necessity of selecting a treatment system in every specific case relying on the analysis of wastewater type and local drainage system. In addition the technological orientation of the local industries discharging their effluents into the municipal sewer shall be considered. One of the possible solutions of the given problem is the expediency of treatment of industrial effluents discharged into the storm sewer at the local treatment facilities located on the surface in a separate building or box at the industrial enterprise's premises.

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UDC 628.161.3:628.169

Karmalov A. I., Naimanov A. Ia., Martynenko Grigorii, Naimanova Asiiat

Reconstruction of the facilities for reusing wash water
from de-ironing plant filters


The object of the study is wash water from multi-layer rapid filters of a deironing plant and flocculant solution used for the wash water treatment. The purpose of the work is developing an optimal process flow scheme for the treatment of wash water for the subsequent reconstruction of the facilities for wash water treatment at the deironing plant in Tomsk. In the course of work, experimental studies were carried out of the interaction of the wash water generated after washing the rapid filters of the artesian water deironing plant in Tomsk with flocculant solution of various concentrations. As a result of the study, the optimal process flow scheme for the wash water treatment was selected; the dose of the flocculant solution was 0.3 g/m3 and the concentration of the flocculant solution was 0.05%. The extent of adoption was as follows: the results of the work were used in the reconstruction project of the wash water treatment facilities at the de-ironing plant in Tomsk. The data on the flocculant dose and concentration of the flocculant solution will be used in the operation of the facilities after the reconstruction. The effectiveness of the flocculant solution is determined by the degree of water clarification visually and in a lab environment by determining the concentration of iron oxide in clarified water. The economic efficiency of the selected process flow scheme is due to the return of 7200 m3/day of water for reuse saving more than 7% of the daily costs for water abstraction.

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UDC 628.16.081.32:628.094.3-926.214

Shushkevich E. V., Babaev A. V., Smirnov A. V., Sourayeva N. O., Grigoryev A. S.

Improving the water treatment technology at the West water treatment plant


In January 2011 newly built ozonation and activated carbon filtration facilities with a capacity of 250,000 m3/day were put into operation at the West water treatment plant in Moscow. The facilities are fully automatic. Monitoring and control of the treatment process is carried out from the central control room. The technology of ozonation in combination with activated carbon filtration ensures high efficiency of organics removal (color, permanganate oxidability, total organic carbon), deodorization, and improvement of the drinking water taste, allows minimizing the formation of chlororganics (chloroform). The amount of water treated with new technology was 490,000 m3/day or 43% of the total supply to the city.

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UDC 628.221
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.09.09

Semenov Aleksandr, LATISHEV N. S., Petruk Roman

Modern solutions for the accumulation and purification of rainfall and snow-melt water


Developed in 1960–1980s process flow schemes for the purification of rainfall and snow-melt waters are not always effective nowadays. At the treatment facilities of airports, housing and public utilities, railway transport, etc., the company successfully applies advanced wastewater treatment technology using equipment of its own production. Instead of the traditional scheme, the treatment facilities use the method of dynamic separation of wastewater, i. e., the simultaneous separation of oil products and suspended solids.

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UDC 628.33:551.577.21

IVKIN P. A., Menshutin Iurii, Sokolova E. V., Fomicheva E. V., Kedrov Yu. V.

The efficiency of storm water treatment facilities of continuous flow type


The analysis of technical parameters and process efficiency of some modifications of continuous flow storm water treatment facilities manufactured by international and Russian vendors that have been widely used nowadays for storm and melt water treatment is presented. Continuous flow installations operate as part of a gravity storm water collection system without any accumulating tank under highly irregular hydraulic load conditions. On the basis of process calculations made according to the effective in RF design rules and norms as well as on the basis of the practical data analysis a number of essential process and design faults are revealed that account for low sanitary and environmental efficiency and high operating vulnerability of such installations during surface runoff treatment.

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Журнал ВСТ включен в новый перечень ВАК

Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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