Tag:continuous flow installation



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UDC 628.33:551.577.21

IVKIN P. A., MENSHUTIN Yu. A., Sokolova E. V., Fomicheva E. V., Kedrov Yu. V.

The efficiency of storm water treatment facilities of continuous flow type


The analysis of technical parameters and process efficiency of some modifications of continuous flow storm water treatment facilities manufactured by international and Russian vendors that have been widely used nowadays for storm and melt water treatment is presented. Continuous flow installations operate as part of a gravity storm water collection system without any accumulating tank under highly irregular hydraulic load conditions. On the basis of process calculations made according to the effective in RF design rules and norms as well as on the basis of the practical data analysis a number of essential process and design faults are revealed that account for low sanitary and environmental efficiency and high operating vulnerability of such installations during surface runoff treatment.

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