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UDC 628.

Ganbarov E. S., Safarova A. S.

Treatment of Wash Water of Filters and Water Disinfection at Water Treatment Complexes of the Azerbaijan Republic


Results of studies carried out for determination of efficiency of clarification and investigation of influence of quantity and quality of the wash water supplied to a head of treatment facilities on the subsequent process of treatment are presented. For full disinfection of water it is proposed to use a disinfectant received by electrolysis of a solution of salts of alkaline metals and mineralized ground water directly at the territory of water treatment station.

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  1. Ganbarov Je. S. Issledovanija sovmestnoj obrabotki osadkov vodoprovodnyh stancij i stochnyh vod // Melioracija i vodnoe hozjajstvo. 2006. № 3.
  2. Ventcel' E. S., Ovcharov L. A. Prikladnye zadachi teorii verojatnostej. – M.: Radio i svjaz', 1983.

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