Tag:reagent treatment



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UDC 628.161.2:546.72/.711

TESLA V. G., ALEKSEEV V. S., Koulakov V. V.

On the criteria of choosing the best available water treatment technology as applied to the Amur water intake (Komsomolsk-on-Amur city)


While choosing the technology of underground water conditioning it is advisable to be geared to the recommendations in SP 31.13330.2012 «Water supply. Public utilities», «Classifier of natural water treatment technologies» (NII VODGEO, 2000) as well as to minimizing the environmental impact. It is shown that intraformational treatment of underground waters meets to the maximal extent the requirements to the best available technologies and domestic standards developed on the basis of ISO 14000 International Standard. By the example of the Amur water intake of Komsomolsk-on-Amur city the complete conformity of the designed technology of intraformational iron and manganese compounds removal to the above-mentioned criteria with account of the specific water composition is noted. In discussing the specific features of underground water chemical treatment the attention is drawn to the inadmissibility of large-scale use of precursor – potassium permanganate for water conditioning. It is suggested to evaluate additionally the water treatment technology with account of the economical efficiency.

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UDC 628.

Ganbarov E. S., Safarova A. S.

Treatment of Wash Water of Filters and Water Disinfection at Water Treatment Complexes of the Azerbaijan Republic


Results of studies carried out for determination of efficiency of clarification and investigation of influence of quantity and quality of the wash water supplied to a head of treatment facilities on the subsequent process of treatment are presented. For full disinfection of water it is proposed to use a disinfectant received by electrolysis of a solution of salts of alkaline metals and mineralized ground water directly at the territory of water treatment station.

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UDC 628.33

Barinov A. M., Barinov M. I.

Optimization of operation modes and improvement of operation conditions of surface runoff treatment facilities


Common drawbacks of packaged units for urban runoff treatment are considered. The task of the study was regulating and optimizing the operation modes of the existing facilities in order to improve the effluent quality to meet the standards. By the example of the unit that was most suitable for the generally accepted treatment process flow scheme the analysis of the operation of a laminar sedimentation tank module under design conditions was carried out. To determine the operation efficiency in the hydrodynamic mode physical experiments (by adding a chemically inactive tracer to wastewater being treated) and computer simulation were carried out. To upgrade the laminar sedimentation tank the chemical treatment stage was introduced into the process flow scheme. Adding coagulant provided for improving the treatment efficiency; however, the required concentrations of suspended solids in effluent downstream the sedimentation tank (10 mg/dm3) were not met. The efficiency of the sedimentation tank in hydrodynamic mode was improved by using stepped feed and distributed collection of wastewater in a modular unit as well as by using an air distribution system located in the lower central part of the laminar sedimentation tank module. This type of the design provided for coarse bubble aeration over the entire surface area of the chamber at the required mixing rate. The implemented design changes in the laminar sedimentation tank module resulted in the efficiency of urban runoff treatment before the further tertiary treatment meeting the regulatory requirements.

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UDC 628.16.081

Fomina V. F., Fomin A. V.

The experience of operating pressure flotation facilities for the purification of low-turbid colored water of the Vychegda River (on the occasion of 10 years of the startup of pressure flotation facilities
at the water treatment plant of Syktyvkar)


The results of operating the pressure flotation facilities with a capacity of 65,000 m3/day commissioned in May 2006 at the water treatment plant of Syktyvkar are considered. During 10 years the pressure flotation facilities have been successfully operating and ensuring high-level clarification of drinking water. The analysis of the main water quality indicators after each treatment stage showed that the pressure flotation method had been the most efficient for purification of low-turbid colored water of the Vychegda River. It is stated that during certain seasons color increase higher than 150–200 grades and temperature decrease result in complications with meeting the standard for permanganate oxidizability; therefore more detailed selection of chemical agents and dosage optimization is required. At the optimal coagulation operation mode the method of pressure flotation provides for enhanced water clarification to less than 1 mg/l turbidity which allows using filters as barrier facilities in case of turbidity breakthrough.

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UDC 628.54:676

Feofanov Yu. A., Tarasenkov Viktor, Cherniat’ev Anatolii

Specific features of paper mill wastewater treatment


The results of the operation of local and all-factory wastewater treatment plants of a separately located paper mill using waste paper and cellulose as raw materials are considered and analyzed. The following characteristic features of the factory wastewater are indicated: significant fluctuations in flow rate and composition, high concentration of organic matter, elevated temperature, etc. The conditions for the effective operation of the local treatment facilities, including chemical treatment and two-stage pressure flotation when using waste paper and cellulose as raw materials, are noted. The unit costs and amount of effluent pollution discharged after local treatment have been determined. The data on the efficiency of the all-factory biological treatment facilities including a moving-bed bioreactor and aeration tanks, are presented. Dependencies of the main process parameters of the facilities have been obtained that provide for predicting the treatment efficiency. Measures are proposed to improve the operation of local facilities and biological wastewater treatment facilities of a paper mill.

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UDC 628.164-92:66.081.63
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.05.01

Kasatochkin A. S., Larionov S. Iu., Kharitonov Nikolai, Shilov Mikhail, Savochkin Andrei, Riabchikov Boris

Purification of water with high permanent hardness and salinity


Chemical softening methods have been widely used in the practice of water treatment, primarily in the energetics and industry for softening, decarbonization and decoloration of water. In combination with reverse osmosis, they provide for preparing water of the required qualitative composition. In drinking water supply softening methods are used quite rarely due to a number of circumstances, such as the need to use various chemicals that are not typical for public water supply; generation of a large volume of sludge subject to subsequent processing, and, what is most important, resulting in highly alkaline water with pH of more than 10 unacceptable for drinking water. However, in case only but water sources with such a complex composition are available, then chemical methods have to be used. In Mediana-Filter Research and Production Company, JSC studies were carried out to obtain high-quality water from an underground source of uncharacteristic salt composition, with a high content of sulfates and low alkalinity, provided that the purification technology should generate minimum liquid waste. After testing several technology options in pilot plants, a scheme was proposed that met the requirements of the customer. It should be noted that underground water of the southern regions of the country has a partially similar salt composition, so the results of pilot tests can also be applied to obtain drinking water from similar sources.

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UDC 628.33/.35:622

Maksimov E. A., Vasil'ev V. I.

Treatment of mining waters generated during gold ore extraction


The technologies used for treatment of mining waters generated during extraction of nonferrous and precious metals are considered. An industrial plant was designed that combined a multiple-tray clarifier and chemical treatment of mining water; the optimal operation mode with the aim of reaching the calculated parameters for designing treatment facilities was adjusted. An experimental plant for treatment of mining water at the Kochkar mine in Chelyabinsk Area was designed and tested. Aluminium sulfate, ferrous sulfate, ferric sulphide are recommended for the use as chemical agents. The recommended horizontal water flow velocity in the multiple-tray clarifier is 5–6 mm/s. The duration of water clarification with these velocities is 8-9 minutes, i.e. several times less than the sedimentation period in horizontal sedimentation tanks use in the traditional treatment technology. The suggested plant with the use of multiple-tray clarifiers provides for reducing the capital expenses for the mine treatment facilities compared to the traditional process flow scheme. At that the operation expenditures are reduced by 50–60%.

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UDC 628.17.001.4

Semenov V. V., Rodionov S. N., Naslednikova A. F.

Improving the efficiency of chemical treatment
of wastewater of fat-and-oil production


Wastewater of food industry enterprises is a complex physical and chemical system. Under production line conditions the high treatment efficiency of the main wastewater stream is provided with the help of chemical treatment with further solid phase separation by dissolved-air flotation method. The treatment process flow scheme used at the plant includes collection of wastewater of different composition and chemical treatment with subsequent sedimentation carried out in a batch reactor-settling tank, is characterized by the long process time and low efficiency. For the optimization of the treatment process it was suggested to replace the equipment with a comprehensive system including chemical dosing units (coagulants, flocculants), a pH-correction unit, a flocculator with static mixers and a dissolved-air flotation unit at retaining the collection and accumulation system of wastewater of different composition. The results of implementing different process flow schemes of chemical treatment of fat-and-oil production wastewater (mayonnaise section, refining section, mustard production) are presented. Chemical treatment of wastewater coming from the mayonnaise section provides for more than 97% COD and BOD5 elimination, more than 99% of fat removal and more than 98% of suspended solids removal. Chemical treatment of wastewater coming from the refining section provides for more than 65% COD and 45% BOD5 treatment efficiency, and more than 45% suspended solids removal. The treatment efficiency of wastewater coming from mustard production is more than 60% of COD and BOD5 elimination; more than 90% of suspended solids removal and more than 99% of fat removal.

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UDC 628.179.2

Balaev I. S., Gert A. A., Spiridonov N. E.

Problems in operating return water cycles and new approaches
to their solution


The main problems arising in operating water return cycles in process systems with the use of fan-cooling towers are described. These are biological fouling and slime deposits on the heat exchangers, water distributors and cooling tower fillers. The comparative data on the standard requirements to return water and actual data at the industrial enterprises is presented. It is noted that the actual quality of return water does not meet the requirements to the concentration of suspended solids, iron oxides and organic pollutants (permanganate oxidizability, BOD, total microbial count) explaining the difficulties in chemical treatment of return water. A new approach to the calculation of return water pollution with suspended solids in makeup water and air dust for different climatic conditions (flood, winter, drought) at different stripping coefficients is presented. On the basis of the calculations it is concluded that during return water chemical treatment the stripping coefficient shall be preferably maintained less than 2. In order to raise it the removal of suspended solids, iron oxides and organic pollutants from makeup water and part of return water is required. For this purpose by way of example «DYCLAR» technology of dynamic water clarification is presented.

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UDC 628.336.44

Guliaeva I. S., D'iakov M. S., Glushankova Irina

Thermal treatment of municipal wastewater sludge containing heavy metals


In the process of municipal wastewater sludge incineration ash is generated that contains concentrations of heavy metals which limits its further practical use and requires land filling on industrial waste dumps. The carried out research was aiming at the development of detoxification of wastewater sludge in the process of thermal destruction with the production of a product of useful quality. In the course of studies the samples of dewatered wastewater sludge from the Perm municipal treatment facilities were used. The wastewater treatment facilities receive domestic wastewater and industrial effluents from machinery works that provide for the increased concentration of heavy metals both in wastewater and in sludge. During thermochemical processing of the Perm municipal wastewater sludge wastes from potash fertilizer production (flotation potash chloride, sodium chloride) can be used as an agent that provides for utilizing heavytonnage wastes and reducing the costs of wastewater sludge utilization. It was stated that wastewater sludge pretreatment with concentrated potassium chloride or calcium chloride solutions with the subsequent incineration at 900–1000 °C provided for heavy metals transfer to gaseous phase in the form of metal chloride aerosols that were further absorbed by alkaline agent solution. The generated mineral residue contains 5–7% phosphorus (as Р2О5) in the form of calcium phosphate or potassium phosphate and trace elements that allow using it as a compound fertilizer.

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UDC 628.161.3

Zhurba M. G., Govorova Zh. M., Petrov Iu. V., Govorov O. B.

The technology of water purification from the source in conditions of high anthropogenous impact (substantiation, design, introduction)


The concept of «efficient water purification» is suggested, the selection criteria are set out. Process flow diagram of water abstraction and purification facilities has been designed including: primary water purification with removal of suspended solids and phytoplankton in prefilters with floating media; chemical water treatment in the process of clarification in lamella plate clarifiers and filtration in two-stage filters with inert and heavy media with regular addition of fine-granulated sorbent between the stages; combined water disinfection with the use of weak sodium hypochlorite solution and uv-radiation. The results of pre-design testing the technology of the Don River (the Bol’shaia Kalancha river arm in conditions of high anthropogenous impact) water purification at the test bench are presented. Chemical free water filtration in prefilter media provides for reducing phytoplankton loading approximately by 26–38% and suspended solids loading by 10–35% at the basic facilities at less than 50 m/h filtration rate. Uniform and efficient mixing and floc formation are provided within 0.5–1.5 and 10–15 minutes, relatively, at the speed of the mixer blade rotation of 185 and 60 rpm and recommended coagulant dosage of 2.5 mg/l (10 mg/l in case of sharp deterioration of the water quality). The operation of a nanofiltration plant during the period of water quality deterioration ensured reducing hardness, total dissolved so­lids, sulfate and chloride concentrations. The basic process parameters of separate units of the process flow scheme that provide for reliable compliance with the standard water purification degree are defined. Based on the study results the recommendations on designing were developed and the water abstraction and purification facilities with a capacity of 150,000 m3/day were designed. At present the facilities are under construction.

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Журнал ВСТ включен в новый перечень ВАК

Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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