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UDC 628.336.098.4

Vanyushina A. Ya., Danilovich Dmitrii

Anaerobic digestion – the key technology of municipal wastewater sludge treatment (part 1)


The technologic options of municipal wastewater sludge treatment are considered with different approach to stabilization of organic matter. The technologic and environmental consequences of raw wastewater sludge landfilling are considered: emission of malodors, dewatered sludge re-thinning that entails re-dewatering are described. It is shown that traditional aerobic stabilization that was widely used last century does not meet the present day requirements both to power consumption and decomposition depth. The processes of autothermal thermophilic aerobic digestion and composting that provide for the production of safe and high-quality fertilizer from sludge are considered. It is concluded that the use of these processes is economically limited to the option of land utilization of the entire sludge volume. The issues of domestic approach to digestion that consist in using thermophilic mode with extremely low retention time of sludge in a digester are considered. The largest share of small particles in sludge digested by such technology caused numerous problems with dewatering in 1960–80-ies. The ways of solving these problems at the Kur’ianovo and Liubertsy wastewater treatment facilities in Moscow including the use of advanced dewatering equipment are described. It is concluded that in the XXI century anaerobic digestion of wastewater sludge in digesters does not have any other comparable alternative for large and mid-sized wastewater treatment facilities. The main trends in using digestion process, digester design, the methods of enhancing the process (thermal hydrolysis, disintegration, ultrasonic, phasing, recycling of digested sludge) are considered. The information on biogas properties is consolidated. (To be continued).

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UDC 628.336.098.4

Danilovich Dmitrii, Vanyushina A. Ya.

Anaerobic digestion – the key technology of municipal wastewater sludge treatment (part 2)


The technologic options of municipal wastewater sludge treatment are reviewed with different approaches to stabilization of organic matter. The technologic and environmental consequences of raw wastewater sludge landfilling are described. Aerobic sludge stabilization processes are considered. It is concluded that their use is restricted to the options when land utilization of the entire sludge volume is possible. It is shown that traditional aerobic stabilization that was widely used last century does not meet the present day requirements both to power consumption and organics decomposition depth. The aspects of the domestic approach to digestion that consist in using thermophilic mode with extremely low retention time of sludge in a digester are considered. The ways of solving these problems at the Kouryanovo and Lyubertsy wastewater treatment facilities in Moscow are described. It is concluded that in the XXI century anaerobic digestion of wastewater sludge in digesters does not have any other comparable alternative for large and mid-sized wastewater treatment facilities. The main trends in using digestion process, digester design, methods of enhancing the process are considered. The information on biogas properties is consolidated and various options of its utilization are reviewed. Process flow schemes with the use of digesting and combining with other sludge treatment processes (drying, incineration), methods of digested sludge utilization are considered. The information on environmental aspects of digestion – reducing greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint – is given. The technologies of purification of return flows of digested sludge dewatering are described. The advanced sludge treatment flow scheme based on digestion and recommended for large-scale facilities is given.

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UDC 628.336.3

Drozd G. Ya., Bizirka I. I.

Commercialization of landfilled sludge


The problem of municipal and industrial wastewater sludge utilization is analyzed. The option of environmental utilization of sludge by its commercialization in building and agricultural sectors is considered. To provide for the wide use of the considered approaches the following is required: full expert consideration; development of engineering specifications for every product type; introduction of amendments and supplements into the regulatory and legal framework; development of valid mechanisms of implementing sludge utilization projects; development of ways of tax exemption of profit received from the sales of waste-derived products and receiving state aids for reducing interests on bank loans.

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UDC 628.336.429

Kriven' A. P.

Selecting the equipment for wastewater and industrial sludge dewatering


The basic process parameters when selecting dewatering equipment are as follows: capacity; water content of sludge fed for dewatering; water content of dewatered sludge; dry matter retention efficiency; suspended solids concentration in filtrate (centrate). The comparative analysis of the technologic and economic aspects of using the most popular equipment for wastewater sludge dewatering is presented. The specific features of using centrifuges, belt filter presses and screw dehydrators are considered. Screw dehydrators for wastewater sludge dewatering at small-scale treatment facilities are described.

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UDC 628.336.5

Nikolaev Yu. A., Kevbrina M. V., Dorofeev A. G., Vanyushina A. Ya., Agarev Anton

High technology of methane digestion of wastewater sludge with biomass recycling


The technology of methane digestion of wastewater sludge with biomass recycling developed at Mosvodokanal MPUE is presented. The technology advantages ensure reducing the dry weight of sludge compared to the traditional digestion due to deeper decomposition of ash-free matter, and saving the sludge transportation, dewatering and utilization costs. Introduction of the technology at large-scale facilities will provide for eliminating the problem of hydraulic overloading.

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UDC 628.169.2:628.336.8
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.09.08

Grigorieva Zh. L., Lobanov Fedor

Geotubing – a promising trend in dewatering and environmentally safe storage of biosludge


Possible use of geotubing for static dewatering and environmentally safe storage of biosludge is considered. Efficient chemicals have been provided for eliminating malodors, binding heavy metal ions, and disinfecting biosludge. The features of the application of static geotubing technology are emphasized. The proposed technology provides for the significant reduction of the area for biosludge deposit and elimination of the environmental impact during its storage with the maximum usability preservation. Advantages of the developed technology are as follows: savings on capital construction, mobility, continuous technological process, eliminating problems of process water absence, obtaining a leachate that meets the requirements for discharge to treatment facilities, low energy intensity, low operating costs, equidistribution of financial resources for the entire period of the project implementation, production of environmentally friendly product, possible work performance when convenient for the customer.

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UDC 628.336.41

Pokhil Yu. N., Bagaev Iurii, Ivanov N. A., Ivanov A. N.

Innovation Technology of Wastewater Sludge Dewatering at Sludge Beds


The technology of highly effective dewatering of wastewater sludge at sludge beds using the principally new flocculant «Сибфлок®» on the basis of polyethylene oxide and special facilities – wells for sludge water disposal is described. This technology has been tested at more than ten Vodokanals of Russia and Kazakhstan at facilities of 150–700 000 m3/day of wastewater capacity under the different climatic conditions. Sludge dewatering using the new technology makes it possible to obtain the sludge with moisture content of 70–75% and after predrying in a summer period – with moisture content of 40–60%. The technology is unified and can be easily included practically in any flow charts. Additional equipping of sludge beds needs minimal expenses. The sludge dewatered at sludge beds using the flocculant «Сибфлок®» get the properties inherent to natural soils, lend itself well to composting and other types of processing.

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UDC 628.169.7:628.381

KOZLOV M. N., GRACHEV V. A., Khramenkov S. V., Shchegolkova N. M., Vanyushina A. Ya., Agarev Anton

The use of soils with addition of water and wastewater sludge for industrial crop cultivation


Industrial crop cultivation for biofuel production with the use of municipal solid wastes as fertilizers is a promising technique of improving energy efficiency. Comprehensive large-scale studies of technical crop sowing (false saffron, spring rape, false flax, brittle willow) were carried out on an experimental field with soil application of water and wastewater sludge. It was shown that soil application of sludges under oil-plants provided for the significant additional yield of rape, false flax and false saffron. The yield of tree crops was higher with the application of wastewater sludge; whereas technical herbage crops (false saffron, false flax, rape) showed higher yield with water sludge application. Under unfavorable weather conditions the application of sludge enhances the drought resistance of crops. When cultivating oil-plants on soils with high pollution concentration the seeds do not absorb hazardous substances; therefore no special safety measures are required when processing the plants for biofuel production.

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UDC 628.336.3

Kofman V. Ya.

Wastewater sludge handling in Europe(review of foreign publications)


A review of foreign literature on wastewater sludge treatment and utilization is presented. Regulatory requirements to wastewater treatment facilities operation in EC countries are given. Total characteristic of wastewater sludge is given together with sludge treatment methods (chemical stabilization, anaerobic and aerobic digestion, dewatering, thermal drying etc.), ways of utilization (storage, incineration, agricultural use, pyrolysis, gasification, wet oxidation etc.)

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UDC 628.31.504.3.054

Rublevskaya O. N.

Measures on preventing malodors release at the facilities
of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg»


SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» has been introducing and testing different equipment for gas purification with the aim of preventing malodors release at the wastewater facilities. The experience of applying gas purification technologies at these facilities is analyzed. It was determined that the specified features of STOPKR sorption-plasma-catalytic gas purification unit and OPVS biological air oxidizing unit are efficiently used at the sewage pumping stations. The economic inexpedience of using STOPKR method at input concentrations of toxic substances higher than 1 g/m3 is a disadvantage. Testing OPVS filter in sewers showed positive results. The disadvantages of OPVS filter are in clogging of filter elements during operation as well as difficulties in processing multicomponent gas mixtures and mixtures of variable composition because of the specificity of the resulting microbial strains. The results of pilot testing TSUF-2000-400-I gas purification system showed the absence of malodors around sewer wells and convenient operation of the unit. The use of different filters including GreenKomplekt carbon filter-based units did not give any meaningful results. To control odor at the wastewater sludge landfills fine spraying of deodorant solution along the periphery of the landfill was suggested. At the sludge incineration plants exhaust gases pass three-stage purification with the use of electrostatic precipitation. At the wastewater treatment facilities the construction of either entire process flow or partially closed system was suggested. The prospects if introducing various technical and technological methods at each of the wastewater facilities are determined.

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UDC 628.336.44

Knoer P., Buechler M., Poisson A., Chepurnov A. V.

Low-temperature two-stage wastewater sludge drying


Practical aspects of wastewater sludge drying are considered. The new technology and INNODRY® 2E units are described that offer the following advantages: safety operation, simple and reliable mechanisms, minimization of air discharge, low polluted condensate, power efficiency owing to the built-in heat recovery system, safe dried sludge granulate produced and simple handling of granulate.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2019.08.05

UDC 628.212.2

Variushina G. P.

Surface runoff disposal – an important contribution to the protection of water bodies


Information on the research and design solutions developed by the experts of «MosvodokanalNIIproject» JSC in the field of surface runoff treatment from the territory of Moscow, the causes of water sources pollution with raw surface runoff in the 1970s. The basic characteristics of the complexes for the enhanced treatment of surface runoff, the developed projects of wastewater treatment facilities for industrial enterprises with a catchment area of 0.3; 1; 5; 10 and 15 ha. It is shown that the effectiveness of surface runoff treatment meets the requirements to water bodies of commercial fishing importance. At the same time, for dewatering of sludge generated in the retention basin of wastewater treatment facilities, a grit dewatering bay is included into the process flow scheme, and an oil separator is used to collect floating oil products. The novelty of the developed technology for neutralization of surface runoff and sludge treatment has been acknowledged by five patents of the Russian Federation, approved by Gosstroy of the Russian Federation, the Central Department of Fisheries Examination and Review and Protection and Renewal and Acclimatization Standards, the Moscow City and Moscow Region Sanitary Service, Moskompriroda and Mosgosekspertiza services. The contribution of the research workers of the laboratory for the treatment of natural, industrial-storm wastewater and sludge processing to the solution of problems of surface runoff treatment is demonstrated. The information about the history of development and promising areas of research activity of the laboratory, its plans in the organizational, methodological and educational work with young professionals is given.

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UDC 628.336.42

Rublevskaya O. N., Krasnopeev A. L.

Experience in Introduction of Up-to-Date Technologies and Methods of Wastewater Sludge Treatment


New up-to-date technologies are needed for the solution of problems of utilization of sludge generated in the course of wastewater treatment. In St. Petersburg before the introduction of a burning technology the whole sludge preliminary dewatered at centrifuges was stored at special landfills. During the last fourteen years the whole quantity of sludge from the city’s sewerage treatment facilities is burnt. However the sludge accumulated at landfills during preceding years continues to influence negatively on environment. To eliminate this influence it was decided to process the sludge stored at landfills. With that end in view the advanced technology of sludge geotube dewatering has been chosen. Since the summer of 2009 the industrial application of this technology began at the Northern landfill.

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UDC 628.31.504.3.054

Kaszuk Brice, Lobanov Fedor

The main trends in the use of deodorization to control malodorous substances


Elimination of odors caused by malodorous substances at the wastewater treatment facilities is provided with the use of oxygen-containing organic substances by interaction in the air between molecules of sulfur or nitrogen compounds (with sour or fishy smell) and molecules of oxygen-containing substances. Depending upon the composition of malodorous air which contains usually up to 5–8 different compounds (hydrogen sulfide and mercapto compounds; ammonia and various amines) different combinations of aldehydes and ketones are selected. The use of various combinations of odor-blockers provides for the optimal air deodorization results. Deodorant compounds can be used only if the concentration of malodorous substances is lower than maximum permissible limits for atmospheric air. The statistic and dynamic methods of oxygen-containing organic substance molecules distribution in the air are presented. The recommendations on the use of deodorants for odor control at different public utilities (wastewater sludge mechanical dewatering facilities, pumping stations, sewers, settling tanks, ventilating systems) are given.

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UDC 628.336.71

Khramenkov S. V., Pakhomov A. N., Streltsov S. A., Kevbrina M. V., Vanyushina A. Ya., Agarev Anton

Improving the efficiency of wastewater sludge pretreatment by high temperature hydrolysis before digestion


The results of investigating activated sludge and primary sludge thermal pretreatment with the purpose of improving the efficiency of anaerobic digestion are presented. The highest efficiency of activated sludge organics transfer into readily soluble form is ensured after thermal hydrolysis at 160°C. The solubility of primary sludge organic matter increases evenly with the temperature increase in the range of 100–200 °С. The maximum biogas output in the ultimate digestion test is increasing after activated sludge hydrolysis at 160°С, primary sludge hydrolysis – at 180–200°С. Digestion in a continuous mode after activated sludge pretreatment at 140–160 °С results in 53% gas generation increase. Any further hydrolysis temperature increase produces a negative impact on gas generation and disintegration of activated sludge ashless matter. Thermal hydrolysis of primary sludge in thermophilic mode is not efficient. Pretreated sludge dewatering performance is improved; consequently the flocculant dosage can be reduced by 0.8–1.0 kg/t DS.

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UDC 628.336.5.004.18

Rublevskaya O. N., Melnik E. A.

Tackling the problem of energy saving in the Saint-Petersburg wastewater system


The technologies of primary and secondary sludge treatment at the Saint-Petersburg wastewater treatment facilities are considered. The technologies of thermal hydrolysis and thermophilic and mesophilic digestion were suggested by European companies PWT (Germany), Veolia (OTV, France) and Cambi (Norway). Implementing the project of using the energy potential of wastewater sludge will allow Saint-Petersburg Vodokanal PUE to gain unique experience of systematic approach to the solution of sludge utilization problem.

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UDC 628.32.004.69

Sapozhnikova V. A., Steblevsky V. I., Domnin K. V., Men’kov L. L., Ioakimis G. E., Doushko A. O., Bezverhnaya O. S., Kireyev G. A., Dodousov A. A.

Developing a project of the Khabarovsk city wastewater system reconstruction


The main aspects of the Khabarovsk wastewater system reconstruction project are highlighted. The project includes the following tasks: reconstruction of the Main pumping station on the supply and pressure sewers; improvement of the wastewater treatment capacity; construction of sludge composting facilities; upgrade of the digesters and biogas utilization at a power mini-plant; sludge landfill engineering; development of tertiary treatment, disinfection and oxygenation facilities; off-site utilities engineering – gas, fiber optic line, cold water supply, power lines; gas facilities engineering in the treatment facilities area.

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UDC 628.336.71

Rublevskaya O. N., Probirsky M. D.

Reconstruction of the sludge incineration plant at the Central wastewater treatment facilities in St. Petersburg


The need for the reconstruction of the wastewater sludge incineration plant at the Central wastewater treatment facilities of St. Petersburg is substantiated. A short description of the technological processes of sludge incineration, flue gas purification and treatment of wash water generated in the process of gas purification is given. The advanced technologies of sludge pretreatment before incineration, flue gas purification, heat utilization, electric energy generation are presented. The results of the biochemical, toxicity, chemical and radiological studies carried out in SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» showed the possibility of using wastewater sludge incineration ash in the production of constructional materials. Cementing properties of ash that improve the structure and quality of constructional materials were determined. The use of ash in the production of concrete and bitumen concrete in amount of 10–12% of the concrete weight is also promising. The use of ash will improve the concrete strength by increasing the imporosity of the poured concrete, bitumen concrete. Solving the task of ash beneficial use will become a concluding stage in the package of measures on wastewater sludge utilization and will provide for zero waste process of wastewater treatment.

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UDC 628.33.004.6

Serebryakov D. V., Tuomikoski P.

Reconstruction of Typical Radial Settling Tanks with the Use of a Scraper System Finnchain


Difficulties of the operation of radial primary and secondary settling tanks with typical equipment for sludge removal (sludge disposal trucks IBR and sludge scrapers IPR) are stated. The scraper system Finnchain (Finland) devoids these shortcomings. A principle of operation of this equipment is described; basic operation data and its distinctions from analogues are presented.

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UDC 628.336.71:628.477
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.09.02

Rublevskaya O. N., Lysova Tat’iana, Sarkisov Artem

Sanitary and hygienic estimation of the impact of emissions of sludge incineration plants on the public health in St. Petersburg


The safety of the technologies applied for the disposal of wastewater sludge, in particular, the incineration technology, is confirmed by the results of emission control; it is an extremely important issue in the relationship between the water utilities responsible for this process and population served. The lack of available public data and information on the measures taken to ensure environmental protection and public health in the implementation and operation of sludge incineration technology does not provide for the population estimating to the full extent the current situation in such an important area of the urban economy. Explanations of approaches to sludge disposal and emission control in St. Petersburg are given on the basis of the actual document supported studies.

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