

bbk 000000

UDC 628.31.504.3.054

Rublevskaya O. N.

Measures on preventing malodors release at the facilities
of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg»


SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» has been introducing and testing different equipment for gas purification with the aim of preventing malodors release at the wastewater facilities. The experience of applying gas purification technologies at these facilities is analyzed. It was determined that the specified features of STOPKR sorption-plasma-catalytic gas purification unit and OPVS biological air oxidizing unit are efficiently used at the sewage pumping stations. The economic inexpedience of using STOPKR method at input concentrations of toxic substances higher than 1 g/m3 is a disadvantage. Testing OPVS filter in sewers showed positive results. The disadvantages of OPVS filter are in clogging of filter elements during operation as well as difficulties in processing multicomponent gas mixtures and mixtures of variable composition because of the specificity of the resulting microbial strains. The results of pilot testing TSUF-2000-400-I gas purification system showed the absence of malodors around sewer wells and convenient operation of the unit. The use of different filters including GreenKomplekt carbon filter-based units did not give any meaningful results. To control odor at the wastewater sludge landfills fine spraying of deodorant solution along the periphery of the landfill was suggested. At the sludge incineration plants exhaust gases pass three-stage purification with the use of electrostatic precipitation. At the wastewater treatment facilities the construction of either entire process flow or partially closed system was suggested. The prospects if introducing various technical and technological methods at each of the wastewater facilities are determined.

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  1. SanPiN 2.2.1/ Sanitarno-zashchitnye zony i sanitarnaia klassifikatsiia predpriiatii, sooruzhenii i inykh ob”ektov [Sanitary Regulations and Standards (SanPiN) 2.2.1/ Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of industrial enterprises, facilities and other structures]. (In Russian).
  2. GN Predel’no dopustimye kontsentratsii (PDK) zagriazniaiushchikh veshchestv v atmosfernom vozdukhe naselennykh mest [Hygienic standards (GN) Maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants in community air]. (In Russian).

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