
Number 4 / 2013

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On the 100th anniversary of «Water Supply and Sanitary Technique» Magazine




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UDC 628.31.006.82

Belyaeva S. D., Korotkova E. V.

New national standards for the wastewater sludge utilization and disposal


The new Russian Federation standards have been developed: GOST R 54534-2011 «Resources conservation. Wastewater sludges. Requirements to the utilization for disturbed lands reclamation»; GOST R 5453-2011 «Resources conservation. Wastewater sludges. Requirements to the disposal to landfills». The standards set the requirements to wastewater sludge when used for disturbed lands remediation and landfilling. Different methods of sludge treatment that provide for meeting the requirements set by the standards including natural seasoning on stabilization beds, blending with inert materials, composting with organic filler etc. are considered.

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UDC 628.336.3

Drozd G. Ya., Bizirka I. I.

Commercialization of landfilled sludge


The problem of municipal and industrial wastewater sludge utilization is analyzed. The option of environmental utilization of sludge by its commercialization in building and agricultural sectors is considered. To provide for the wide use of the considered approaches the following is required: full expert consideration; development of engineering specifications for every product type; introduction of amendments and supplements into the regulatory and legal framework; development of valid mechanisms of implementing sludge utilization projects; development of ways of tax exemption of profit received from the sales of waste-derived products and receiving state aids for reducing interests on bank loans.

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UDC 628.336.3

Kofman V. Ya.

Wastewater sludge handling in Europe (review of foreign publications)


A review of foreign literature on wastewater sludge treatment and utilization is presented. Regulatory requirements to wastewater treatment facilities operation in EC countries are given. Total characteristic of wastewater sludge is given together with sludge treatment methods (chemical stabilization, anaerobic and aerobic digestion, dewatering, thermal drying etc.), ways of utilization (storage, incineration, agricultural use, pyrolysis, gasification, wet oxidation etc.)

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veist-tek-2013UDC 504.064:628.35

Shashkina P. S., Shchegolkova N. M.

Ecological state of the small river in the Moscow Area after nutrients removal unit commissioning


The results of monitoring the ecological state of the Pekhorka River (the Moscow Area) on the hydrochemical and hydrobiological water quality parameters are presented. The river water contains more than 90% of the Lyubertsy (Moscow) wastewater treatment facilities effluents. The nutrient removal unit retrofitted into the treatment process was commissioned in August 2006. The regular ecological monitoring carried out by Mosvodokanal OJSC staff showed that from that moment the nitrogen concentration in the river water downstream of the treatment facilities discharge decreased by more than 30%, and that of phosphorus – by 50%. Beginning from 2006–2007 till the present moment the increase of phyto-and zooplankton species diversity has been observed.

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UDC 628.171.033

Khmelnikov B. V., Mikhailov P. D.

Myths and actuality of the new normative standards for using public services


Some comments to «The rules of setting up and specifying the normative standards for using public services» approved by RF Government decree of May 26, 2006, No. 306 are given. The aspects of setting up the normative standards for using public cold and hot water and wastewater services are considered. The explanations of the Municipal Economy Centre that developed the Rules on the most commonly encountered issues are presented.

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ekotonUDC 628.334.5

Ponomarenko E. A., Pesin S. D., Melnik D. V.

EkoTON equipment for circular secondary settling tanks


The results of EkoTON Research and Production Company improving the design of sludge suction device for circular secondary settling tanks are presented. The reasons of sludge washout from the settling tanks and high moisture content of removed sludge are considered. Technical solutions on upgrading the equipment for wastewater treatment facilities and improving the operation factor of settling tanks are proposed. With that no rebuilding of either structural units of settling tanks or connected utilities is required.

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UDC 621.643:691.175.699.841

Granovsky A. V., Dottuev A. I., Khasanov T. M.

Investigating seismic stability of REHAU cross-linked polyethylene pipelines


The results of experimental evaluation of seismic stability of REHAU pipelines of different trademarks and diameters are presented. The experiments were carried out on a vibroplatform of pendulum type with two degrees of freedom. The pipelines were filled with water at 10–95 C temperature and 7–11 bar pressure. From the experimental tests (impact tests and repeated pulse tests) the integrity of pipelines made of cross-linked polyethylene at vibration and frequency-amplitude range equal to 7–9 numbers on the MSK-64 scale was evaluated.

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UDC 696.117.001.24

Svintsov A. P., MUKARZEL S. A., Shchesnyak L. E.

The method of designing a tap head for water supply fittings


The method of hydraulic designing a tap head for water supply fittings with a flat locking couple with a passageway made in the form of a curved drop is presented. The developed design is characterized with a high regulating capacity that provides for changing the water flow proportional to the turn of the tap handle. With this wastage of water is decreased.

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