
Number 2 / 2013

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UDC 349.6:628.396


Legal and technologic principles of toxic and highly mineralized wastewater management


Federal Law «On water supply and wastewater management» in effect from the 1st of January 2013 is lacking regulatory requirements to the processes of handling toxic and highly mineralized wastewater, whereas 2.01.28-85 SNiP (Construction rules and norms) specify the regulation of landfilling industrial solid and liquid wastes listed in the inventory of branch ministries. In relation to handling toxic wastewater it is recommended to be guided by «Criteria of hazardous waste ranging to classes of hazard to natural environment» Instructional Guidelines issued by RF Ministry of Natural Resources (2003). The clause-by-clause comments to Federal Law «On water supply and wastewater management» suggest to permit disposal of liquid wastes (wastewater) of the first and second classes of hazard as well as highly mineralized wastewater into deep horizons of the earth's crust isolated from fresh underground and surface waters. The permission must be in line with Natural Resource Law.

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UDC 628.171.033

Lerner А. D.

On errors in rationing water consumption in the amended version of «Guidelines on establishing and determining public services standards»


Since most of the population of the Far East does not have domestic water meters the economic activities of water and wastewater utilities are based mainly on the established water consumption and wastewater discharge normative standards. Their objective assessment affects significantly the current tariffs for population. The pointed comments on the suggested amendments to No. 258 RF Government decree of March 28th, 2012 «Amendments to Guidelines on establishing and determining public services standards» are presented in relation to previously issued «Guidelines on establishing and determining public services standards» promulgated with No. 306 RF Government decree of May 23rd, 2006.

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All-Russia Congress of Water and Wastewater Companies (VODOKANALS)




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«WasteTech–2013» – main event of the year in environmental protection sector




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UDC 628.16.081

Alekseeva L. P., Yegorov V. F., Staroselets L. N., Panicheva S. A., Adayeva S. N.

Reducing residual aluminium concentration in drinking water at the Yaroslavl South water treatment plant


The aspects of elevated residual aluminium concentrations in drinking water at the Yaroslavl South water treatment plant are considered. On the basis of analyzing the data on water quality the effect of separate parameters on the residual concentration of aluminium was revealed. The experimental results of investigating the Volga river water treatment with the use of different coagulants and flocculants are presented. The expediency of replacing aluminium sulfate and Praestol-650 flocculant with aluminium oxychloride coagulant in cold seasons is shown.

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UDC 628.16.066.7

Volftrub L. I., Yegorov V. F., Staroselets L. N., Panicheva S. A., Lashmanova E. O., Yunok S. A., Moulikov R.

Upgrading flocculation tanks, settling tanks and clarifiers at the water treatment plants


The methods of improving the design of flocculation tanks, settling tanks and clarifiers with floc blanket based on the use of thin-layer – recirculating flocculation and thin-layer precipitation processes are presented. When employed in new construction the footprint of the facilities is reduced 2–3 times; whereas during the upgrade of the existing facilities their capacity increases together with water quality improvement and reduction of chemical consumption. The design of thin-layer self-cleaning modules manufactured in bulk in the form of polyethylene honeycomb blocks of polyethylene film more than 250–300 μm thick is presented. The positive long-term experience of operating the upgraded facilities located at the public, industrial and power water plants that are purifying natural water of different quality and using different treatment technologies was consolidated.

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UDC 628.16.094.7

Seliukov Aleksandr

Stabilization treatment of underground waters in the Tyumen North Region


The necessity of stabilization treatment of underground water used for potable water supply of the Tyumen North settlements is substantiated. The expediency of adding alkaline agents in the process of stabilization at the existing water treatment facilities in particular, is shown. Caustic soda is recommended as a stabilization agent. The in-process tests were carried out with water from Novomikhailovsk and Altymsk aquifiers that are most often used for potable water supply in the region.

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UDC 628.147.22:620.197.3

Portnova T. M., Veremey T. A., Bekrenev A. V., KINEBAS A. K.

Stabilization of corrosive water at the Petrodvoretz water treatment plant


In order to prevent corrosion in steel water distribution pipelines pilot tests of a water stabilization system fed with water from the South water treatment plant of Saint-Petersburg were carried out at the Petrodvoretz water treatment plant. During the entire period of chemical dosing steel passivation was achieved which provided for the tendency for iron concentration decrease at the test points of the Petrodvoretz water distribution network.

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UDC 628.161.2:546.(711+72)

Zhurba M. G., Savelyev S. P., Ourousov D. Yu., Gabliya Yu. A., Diachuk Sergei, Lykov V. V., Parusov Denis

Improving the technology of deironing and demanganation of the underground waters in Ulyanovsk


An improved design of two-stage technology of deironing and demanganation of underground waters with the use of floating polystyrene foam media at the Ulyanovsk water treatment facilities was suggested and tested. At the first stage the processes of aeration-degassing, contact filtration and filtration rate regulation of the second stage filters are carried out. It was established that manganese removal from the underground water of Arkhangelsk water intake can be carried out only by additional dosing 0.6–0.8 mg/l of 4–5% potassium permanganate solution before the filters of the second stage. In doing so the time of chemical being in contact with the filter media of the second stage can be reduced from 20 to 4–5 minutes.

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