

bbk 000000

UDC 628.161.2:546.(711+72)

Zhurba M. G., Savelyev S. P., Ourousov D. Yu., Gabliya Yu. A., Diachuk Sergei, Lykov V. V., Parusov Denis

Improving the technology of deironing and demanganation of the underground waters in Ulyanovsk


An improved design of two-stage technology of deironing and demanganation of underground waters with the use of floating polystyrene foam media at the Ulyanovsk water treatment facilities was suggested and tested. At the first stage the processes of aeration-degassing, contact filtration and filtration rate regulation of the second stage filters are carried out. It was established that manganese removal from the underground water of Arkhangelsk water intake can be carried out only by additional dosing 0.6–0.8 mg/l of 4–5% potassium permanganate solution before the filters of the second stage. In doing so the time of chemical being in contact with the filter media of the second stage can be reduced from 20 to 4–5 minutes.

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