
Number 3-1 / 2013

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The Second All-Russia Congress of Water and Wastewater Companies (Vodokanals)




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UDC 628.

Shushkevich E. V. , Bastrykin R. I., Aleshina E. V. , Bezroukova M. R.

Moscow water supply management: the experience of introducing hydraulic simulation of the water distribution network


Practical experience of designing, introducing and applying hydraulic simulation of the Moscow water distribution network is presented. In order to optimize the supply and distribution modes the tasks were identified that could be solved with the use of hydraulic calculation software; furthermore the perspectives of improving the water supply system were specified. Hence, the experts of Mosvodokanal OJSC have an advanced tool of analyzing the mode of the municipal water distribution operation.

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UDC 628.32:502.36

Il'in Iu. A., IGNATCHIK V. S., Ignatchik S. Iu.

Determining the environmental safety indicators of wastewater treatment facilities


A method of evaluating the environmental safety indicators of wastewater treatment facilities is presented. The method includes confirmatory analysis with the help of computer simulation of process technologies applied at the wastewater treatment complexes that consist of different purpose blocks in order to evaluate emergency outages affecting the effluent quality. The risk of possible failures of separate units that are parts of the process layout as well as the degree of environmental impact on the entire treatment facilities is determined.

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UDC 628.21.62-192

GALPERIN E. M., Strelkov A. K.

The reliability of municipal sewers


The aspects of the reliability of municipal sewers are considered. The reliable transportation of raw wastewater to the treatment facilities is extremely important for the normal town-living. At present there is no authorized quantitative index of sewer reliability. Municipal sewer is a comprehensive technical system and the reliability indices shall be designated as appropriate. The use of the mathematical model of such facilities provides for determining the complex of the sewer reliability indices. The factors that affect the sewer reliability are analyzed; specific measures of its improvement are suggested.

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UDC 628.345.9

Sizykh M. R., Batoyeva А. А., Timofeyeva S. S.

Local treatment of dye-finishing works wastewater


The high efficiency of using galvanochemical method for local treatment of dyeing and finishing works wastewater is presented. The comparative analysis of galvanic coagulation and traditional coagulation with ferric salts used for azo dyes waste treatment allowed to define that the treatment efficiency in terms of the iron dosage introduced is higher in the process of galvanic coagulation than in the process of chemical coagulation. It is caused by the different mechanisms of chemical and electrochemical coagulation. The process flow chart was developed and offered for local treatment of wastewater of woolskin dyeing with direct and acid dyes.

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UDC 628.345.1:544.77

Velyayev Yu. O., Mayorov D. V., Matveyev V. A.

Investigating the efficiency of using nepheline-based aluminosilicate coagulant


The results of investigating the efficiency of using aluminosilicate coagulant produced with the help of advanced technology of decomposing nepheline concentrate with 20–30% sulfuric acid are presented. The high efficiency of the produced chemical used for precipitating drill clay slicks, flotator discharge slurries and recycling water from apatite production; for removing copper, nickel, cobalt, fluorine, phosphorus and dissolved oil products from water is shown. The coagulant can be used for industrial and municipal wastewater treatment.

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UDC 628.35

Zalyotova N. A., Zalyotov S. V.

CONTUS® modular system for wastewater treatment


CONTUS® turnkey modular system for domestic wastewater treatment operating at an industrial enterprise is described. Shipping container 1CC is used as a module. Depending on the configuration MS CONTUS® units ensure the required quality of effluent up to the level corresponding to the maximum permissible concentrations for fishery water bodies. The technology includes biological treatment with suspended and fixed microflora and a «dry» biological polishing filter. Elements of different size made of synthetic floating material are used as a media for immobilized microflora. The treatment processes and structural assemblies of the unit are protected with a patent. The industrial-scale operation of CONTUS® modular system proves its high efficiency and reliability.

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UDC 628.543.1

Kofman V. Ya.

Treatment of municipal solid waste landfill leachate


A review of the international sources of information on the treatment of municipal solid waste landfill leachate is presented. The leachate of municipal solid waste landfill is a type of wastewater characterized by small variable volume and complicated chemical composition. The technologies of leachate collection and treatment overseas have been continuously improved. The processing schemes are, as a rule, combinations of biological, physical, chemical, and membrane processes. The most perspective in this field are SBR-reactors, membrane bioreactors, reverse osmosis units and ozonation systems. Leachate recycling and combined treatment with municipal wastewater, traditional aerobic and anaerobic processes, sedimentation lagoons and phytoremediation are also used. The process flow schemes include the processes of coagulation, flotation, chemical precipitation and adsorption.

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Israel – cradleland of the world environmental water use culture


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