Tag:sewerage treatment facilities



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UDC 628.35:661.5

Smirnov Aleksandr Vladimirovich, Bogatyrev M. M., Ivanova Iu. A.

Wastewater treatment facilities of Adler city


The wastewater treatment facilities in Adler (Greater Sochi Area), some of the most modern facilities in Russia were built as a part of the Olympic infrastructure. The Adler wastewater treatment facilities were designed on the basis of innovative solutions: for the first time 3-D engineering was applied; the best available techniques were taken into account; zero emission system was implemented – all the facilities are covered by airproof covers; the air from the facilities is supplied to the gas cleaning system; sludge handling includes dewatering and drying; consequently the amount of sludge is reduced and sludge is disinfected. The process scheme stipulated by the project includes primary mechanical treatment of wastewater, full biological treatment, tertiary treatment and effluent disinfection. The system of generated sludge utilization includes mechanical dewatering in centrifuges with subsequent additional drying. The design concept behind the project formulated more than 10 years ago (2008 project) determined the development path of the advanced treatment technologies and served as an example of the wastewater treatment facilities built according to the principle of the best avai­lable techniques.

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UDC 628.315.2

Ambrosova G. T., Timofeev S. L., Rafal’skaia Tat’iana, Mansurov R. Sh., Kruglikova Anastasiia

Impact of natural and climatic factors on the efficiency
of open wastewater treatment facilities operation


The problem associated with the impact of natural and climatic factors on the efficiency of wastewater treatment in open treatment facilities is considered. The analysis of methods for calculating the basic units for mechanical treatment (primary settling tanks) and biological treatment (aeration tanks and secondary settling tanks) of municipal wastewater is presented. It is indicated that at the design stage of the complexes it is important to calculate correctly the temperature of the incoming wastewater. The long-term practice of operating municipal wastewater treatment facilities has shown that with a long retention time in open facilities waste liquid can be cooled during the cold period of the year and heat up to about 1.5–6 °C during the warm one. In the first case this negatively affects the processes of sedimentation of suspended solids in settling tanks and oxidation of organic substances in aeration tanks; whereas in the second case this negatively affects the saturation of mixed liquor in aeration tanks with oxygen resulting in a reduced treatment level. The purpose of the work was to develop recommendations that allow at the design stage of wastewater treatment facilities to correctly calculate the temperature of waste liquid in open structures for a certain project that has specific climatic conditions. To achieve this goal the data of laboratory and in-process control of the operating wastewater treatment complexes were analyzed. A theoretical analysis of the currently used methods for designing wastewater treatment facilities has been made; research has been carried out at the operating facilities. Mathematical models widely used in heat engineering have been studied to determine heat losses from the open surface and through enclosing structures as well as the heat input from solar energy and exothermic reactions.

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UDC 628.336.3

Kofman V. Ya.

Wastewater sludge handling in Europe(review of foreign publications)


A review of foreign literature on wastewater sludge treatment and utilization is presented. Regulatory requirements to wastewater treatment facilities operation in EC countries are given. Total characteristic of wastewater sludge is given together with sludge treatment methods (chemical stabilization, anaerobic and aerobic digestion, dewatering, thermal drying etc.), ways of utilization (storage, incineration, agricultural use, pyrolysis, gasification, wet oxidation etc.)

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UDC 614.7:613.15

Budarina O. V., Pinigin M. A., Iakovlev N. V.

Living standards in the area close to wastewater treatment facilities – sources of odor nuisance


A review of literature data on the assessment of the impact of atmospheric air pollution on the living standards in the areas close to the enterprises – the sources of odor including wastewater treatment facilities is presented. Numerous studies have shown that perceptible odor in the atmospheric air and irritation caused by it results not only in the deterioration in the quality of life of people, but also in some disorders – somatic (headache, short wind, irritation of the respiratory tract, general malaise, etc.) and emotional (overstrain , fatigability, depression, etc.). At the same time, often the maximum permissible concentrations of certain pollutants are not exceeded which keeps the regulatory authorities from taking appropriate measures in relation to the enterprise. Therefore, in case of numerous complaints from the residents about odors and, as a result, deterioration of health and living standards it is necessary to significantly expand the approaches associated with assessing the impact of emissions from enterprises – sources of odor, primarily wastewater treatment facilities due to their commonness. To this end it is proposed to introduce into the regulation and monitoring practice the criteria compliance with which can ensure the absence of odor nuisance in the atmospheric air. In assessing the potential effects of odors on public health the comprehensive analysis of air pollution using various methods (instrumental and olfactory-odorimetric) and with a simultaneous survey of the population living under the conditions of different exposure levels to odor nuisance is of great importance. Conducting comprehensive and multi-attribute research will significantly improve the level of scientific knowledge in this field and open the door for controlling odor in the atmospheric air, in particular, when planning measures to reduce emissions of odorous substances.

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UDC 628.35

Ksenofontov Boris, Kolesnikov V., Chernikova L., Pochuev N.

Combined facilities for wastewater treatment in Russian cities and communities


The operation of biological treatment facilities in certain regions of the Russian Federation is complicated by the low air temperature in the cold season when its value drops down to –50°С, and the raw sewage temperature drops to about 6°С. There is much tension around this issue in case of low-flow wastewater treatment. When this occurs, it is suggested to locate the treatment facilities indoors with an optimal operating temperature providing for the efficient removal of pollutants including nutrients. At the same time, in contrast to aeration facilities with alternate zones of nitri-denitrification, the main bump for the sustainable development of amino autotrophs, aminoheterotrophs and denitrifiers is provided on the biofilter bed at combined facilities, which is confirmed by the studies carried out at a number of operating treatment facilities. In addition, the use of composite materials in biofilter bed allows reducing the specific power consumption to 0.3 kW/m3. Possible processing of the bulk of wastewater from septic tanks and cesspools has also been confirmed.


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UDC 628:339

Korziukov N. I., Zviagin G. K., Os'kin D. V.

WAMGROUP® Company – 10 years in Russia


WAMGROUP® Italian Company has been among world leaders in developing and manufacturing equipment for mechanical treatment of wastewater. The specialists of the company offer a number of innovative solutions that meet the specific demands of the companies designing water wastewater treatment facilities. The information on the implemented project of wastewater treatment facilities in Bokino village of the Tambov Region in the Tambov Area with the use of GCP mechanized screw screens is presented. The process line consists of several wastewater treatment stages including mechanical (removal of coarse litter and sand), biological (removal of organics and nutrients), and several stages of tertiary treatment, sedimentation and filtration. At the final stage of the process line the effluent is UV disinfected and discharged into the Tsna River. Commissioning the newly built wastewater treatment facilities provided for improving the living conditions for the residents, the ecological state of the Tsna River which is the main waterway in the Tambov Area, and the safety and quality of the beaches in the city of Tambov.

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UDC 628.32.004.69

Bagaev Iurii, Veshkurtsev V. M., Gundyreva Tat’iana, Khutornyuk G. N.

Modernization of Sewerage Treatment Facilities


The basic technical decisions and a description of the new equipment introduced at sewerage treatment facilities of the city of Novosibirsk are presented. It is told about the methods used when repairing pipelines and capacitive facilities. Modernization is carried out at all stages of treatment: at the main pumping station, mechanical and biological treatment facilities, sludge treatment facilities. Measures carried out make it possible to improve the quality of wastewater treatment, to reduce the discharge of polluting substances into the Ob. Modernization of the operating treatment facilities owing to the use of up-to-date equipment made it possible to improve the reliability of operation of the complex as a whole, to reduce the volume of sludge intended to further utilization, to reduce the negative influence on the environment and improve the city ecology.

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UDC 628.356.1:621.61

Posupon'ko S. V., Sagakov I. O., Butko A. V.

Optimization of the power consumption at the air blower house of «Rostov Wastewater Treatment Plant» Production Facility


The air blower house is the main electric consumer at the wastewater treatment facilities. Possible ways of energy saving at the Rostov Wastewater Treatment Plant are considered. With this purpose the measures aimed at the optimization of the operation of TSNV 800/1,6 centrifugal air pump were taken. As part of the studies the operation of the air blower house in winter period was investigated together with the possible power efficient mode of TSNV 800/1,6 centrifugal air pump operation using the method of gate valve throttling at the suction pipe. The tests showed that 60° opening the throttling vale provided for the most efficient operation of the blower. During the tests the stable and efficient operation of TSNV 800/1,6 blower at 90 to 60° reduction of the opening angle of the throttling valve with the reduction of the power consumption. Basing on the results of the studies the schedules determining the method of operation of the blowers at the wastewater treatment plant were developed.

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UDC 628.3:658.26.004.18

Kofman V. Ya.

Improving the operating efficiency of the wastewater treatment facilities overseas (review)


The review of power efficient technologies of wastewater treatment used at the wastewater treatment facilities overseas is presented.

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UDC 628.35

Matуushenko Evgeny, Gundyreva Tat’iana

Improving the efficiency of wastewater treatment facilities with chemical phosphorus removal from reject water


The problems associated with the eutrophication of water bodies receiving effluents containing phosphorus in residual concentrations are described. The reasons for the most intensive phosphorus release into the intrasite sewage system during sludge processing are given. It has been established that the discharge of this wastewater into the head structures of wastewater treatment facilities leads to an increase in the nutrients loading (nitrogen and phosphorus), suspended solids, COD. The results of experimental studies on the selection of the optimal type and dosage of the chemical for the removal of phosphates from reject water generated during municipal wastewater sludge treatment are given. The purpose of the research is to find ways to remove phosphorus to eliminate the increase in phosphorus concentration in the receiving chamber observed as a result of reject water discharge from the sludge treatment facilities, and to ensure the wastewater treatment of the intrasite sewage system of the treatment facilities with minimal construction and operating costs as well as to produce reusable sludge. A process flow scheme of the nutrients removal from the wastewater of intrasite sewage system of the treatment facilities of Novosibirsk is proposed. The process provides for the sludge that after stabilization and decontamination can be used as organic fertilizer for industrial crops.

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UDC 628.237.2:628.521
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.06.06

Vasiliak L. M., Sobur Denis

Why is ozone not used in world practice to control odors
from the wastewater disposal system?


The reasons that limit possible using ozone to remove hydrogen sulfide and other malodorous substances coming from the wastewater treatment facilities and wastewater pumping stations are analyzed. It is shown that one of the main disadvantages is the long time required to remove malodorous substances to the required low concentrations. The main reaction of ozone interacting with hydrogen sulfide is presented, its rate is analyzed, and it is shown that the typical duration of the reaction ranges from tens of minutes to several hours. The difficulties of using ozone to remove hydrogen sulfide, associated with the chemical resistance of the latter, are presented. The ozone concentrations required for the effective cleaning, and the number of ozone molecules consumed to remove one hydrogen sulfide molecule are estimated. Data are provided on the use of ozone to remove volatile organic compounds, including phenol and formaldehyde. Issues related to the disposal of reaction products and safety precautions of ozone use are also discussed.

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UDC 628.356.1:621.61

Bitiev A. V., Basov N. S., Novikov S. N., Smolenskii A. V., Ustiuzhanin A. V., Bazhenov V. I.

Predicting energy-efficient effect of the controlled air delivery
at the Novo-Liuberetskie Wastewater Treatment Facilities


Стратегия развития АО «Мосводоканал» предусматривает
The corporate strategy of «Mosvodokanal» JSC envisages the systematic practical application of energy-efficient solutions substan­tiated by the method of mathematical prediction of the energy-efficient effect of the controlled air delivery at the air blower house of Block No. 1 of the Novo-Liuberetskie Wastewater Treatment Facilities in Moscow. The controlled air delivery to the aeration tanks for the biological wastewater treatment processes has been proposed as a key and cost effective method of energy conservation. The energy-efficient effect was determined by comparing the resultant energy consumption of two states of the predictable air deliver system – the basic state without control and controlled one. In the process of data and measurement method generation the calibrated metering devices of the operating SCADA system and data of the certified laboratory were used. The experimental survey of the air blower house with N750-23-6 units was carried out. The average decrease of air delivery resulting from the equipment deterioration for the 35 years’ operating period was 5.8–10.4%; the operation pressure decrease was 40.7–5.4%. The isoentropic coefficient of performance of N750-23-6 units was 75% at 79% rating. The method of predicting the energy-efficient effect including the mathematical model of energy input is considered. The model provided for 1.27% average ratio error at the verification against the actual environment of the operating object. The mathematical prediction of the energy-efficient effect revealed 32.5% or 11,343.97 thousand kWh/year reserve or 30,061.52 thousand ruble/year (VAT excluded) savings. Adjustable blade control of the air blowers was chosen as the technical basis of the energy efficiency. The study results formed the basis for the energy service contract.

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UDC 628.3.004.1

Voloshin K. I., Karabanov Yu. Z., Timofeev S. L., Berestnev S. V., Osintsev R. G., Zhunev Oleg, Timofeev P. S.

Cooperation for the Benefit of Ecology


It is told about the introduction of equipment of the Scientific-Production Company ECOTONfor modernization of treatment facilities of the city of Novosibirsk: tubular aerators, the automated complex of mechanical grates with a screw conveyor and a press-compactor, sluice gates, rake grates, belt filter-presses, screw transporters. The joint project of the Scientific-Production Company ECOTONand the Municipal Unitary Enterprise Gorvodokanalof Novosibirsk is oriented on the improvement of wastewater treatment and optimal reduction of expenditures for works execution. The use of equipment of the ECOTONCo. for the purpose of modernization of sewerage treatment facilities makes it possible to solve the problems of energy and resources saving.

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UDC 628.336.4

Smirnov Aleksandr Vladimirovich, Zinchenko D. B., Badulin R. V.

Typical engineering solutions of a wastewater sludge
mechanical dewatering plant


An illustration of a comprehensive typical solution is presented for the construction of a wastewater sludge mechanical dewatering plant based on filter press use for wastewater treatment facilities. Choosing the method of wastewater sludge treatment has been a complicated engineering task that demands special research and experiments at simulated or operating wastewater treatment facilities. Herewith the sludge dewatering properties, dewatering equipment type and cost, as well as the technology of the subsequent sludge handling with account of sludge utilization shall be taken into consideration and specified. The advantages of new construction compared to the upgrade of the existing buildings, networks, equipment are shown. Two of the typical projects are presented – with the use of two and three filter presses. The developed engineering solutions provide for the shortened timescales of project design and cost. The typical projects have been executed with the use of advanced 3D-designing tools that provide for the visualization of the building, equipment and utility systems already at the design stage of the future wastewater sludge mechanical dewatering plant.

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UDC 628.33

Kuriatnikov E. A., El' A. M.

Unique design of settling tank covers  at the Moscow wastewater treatment facilities


The problem of eliminating malodors emitted from wastewater is well known in world practice and is solved by isola­ting open surfaces at the treatment facilities from the ambient atmosphere with covers. The international experience of designing the covers for settling tanks to eliminate malodors is described. The specific features of different cover designs (domed, flat, floating), their advantages and drawbacks are considered. The design of PBI floating cover and the experience of using it on a 54 m diameter primary settler at the Liuberetskie Wastewater Treatment Facilities in Moscow are described. Floating cover for a sludge scraper basin has an original design developed by the «Moselektro» engineers which has nothing comparable in the international practice. The main advantage of PBI cover is the possibility of repairing the equipment installed inside the settling tank eliminating complete cover dismantling. PBI cover has the minimum ventilation space that provides for the significant savings because of the low power consumption of the air cleaning system. PBI covers of any diameter can be installed on the storage tanks at the treatment facilities without any modifications of the building part. The results of the process and durability tests of the sludge scraper of new design that ensures the maximum stiffness and integrity of the system are presented.

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UDC 628.316:504.054

Koulakov A. A.

Environmental assessment of a «water body – effluent discharge» scheme


During the studies an approach to the environmental assessment of a «water body-effluent discharge scheme» was developed. Probability of meeting the design performance of biological treatment and environmental requirements at small-scale municipal wastewater treatment facilities was evaluated. Maximum permissible concentration exceeding factor both in effluents and river water before and after discharging by the example of the Vologda Region case study was determined. Relationships between hydraulic and chemical parameters of effluent receiving bodies and discharged effluents were defined.

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