Tag:energy efficiency



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UDC 628.2/.3:658.52.011.56

Regotun A. A., Daineko O. N., Smirnov Aleksandr Vladimirovich

Automated control of the treatment facilities on the basis of mathematical models


The applicability of the mathematical models in the control of wastewater treatment facilities in terms of the operational issues solutions is considered. A possible option of using the software package on the basis of ASM mathematical models in the control of the biological treatment plant with retrofitting into the control system of the entire wastewater treatment facilities is presented. The gene­ral principles of control system building with the integrated mathematical model of the biological treatment process are described. The comparative analysis of the popular advanced software simulation packages and the simulation software developed by My Project Company is sited. By the example of the standard aeration tank configuration the possible and easy integration of the software into practically any advanced SCADA-system is demonstrated. The contrary case is described: the use of the software in the highest level of the automated process control system of the wastewater biological treatment.

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UDC 628.166.085
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.03.06

Bogun P. V.

Effect of the reflection from the reactor walls
on the energy efficiency of UV water disinfection units


The results of a theoretical study of possible improving the effective dose of irradiation in a water disinfection unit with ultraviolet (UV) radiation without increasing the lamp power, as well as studying the effect of the radiation reflection from the reactor inner surface on the operation of the disinfection units are presented. The calculations were carried out for the most popular design with one lamp and a cylindrical reactor with specular reflection from the walls. The calculations have shown that at a high reflection coefficient of radiation and at certain ratios of the effective length of the propagation of UV radiation in water and the dimensions of the reactor, the energy efficiency, i. e., the plant capacity per unit of power consumed, can be increased by 35–40 % compared to the already known designs.

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UDC 628.146

Zaytseva S. G.

The use of advanced pipe accessories as a method of reducing water losses and improving energy efficiency


The reduction of physical water losses alongside with the improvement of water distribution energy efficiency is an important challenge both in Russia and all over the world. Described in the paper is the method of water losses reduction developed by the International Water Association (IWA) on the basis of four directions of activities, i. e. pressure control in the distribution network; leak detection and elimination; routine maintenance, repair and rehabilitation of the fittings and pipes; prompt elimination of distribution network failures. Comprehensive activities in the abovementioned fields allow reducing water losses to an economically acceptable level. Simple and efficient measures are replacement of valves and fittings as well as introduction of advanced safety valves, repair accessories and pressure control valves in the distribution network.

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UDC 696.11

Butko D. A., Danekiants A. G., Mel’nikov I. S.

Choosing the optimal water supply schematic for a high-rise building


The task of enhanced studying scientific substantiation of the selection of a water supply system schematic with the development of criterial indicators (parameters) of optimization is formulated. The analysis of the state of real estate construction market provided for making a substantiated choice of a model building for which seven different versions of water supply schematic were designed and hydraulic and technical and economic calculations were made. The core indicators of reliability were calculated with the use of three methods. The significance coefficients are proposed that determine the degree of impact of a single assembly failure on the general system robustness. The regularities of the fitting failure-free operation probability changing with increasing the number of storeys in a building were determined. An algorithm of choosing an applicable water supply schematic was drawn up that was based on the question-answer method and took into account the basic data on the number of storeys, pressure limitations, building design features, redundancy possibility and (or) necessity as well as additional equipment installation. The optimization parameters were determined: material characteristics, reliability and energy consumption. To solve the formulated task a uniform integral equation of reliability-economic index is proposed. The coefficients and all relevant numerical values assumed depending on the schematic under considera­tion are cited. Inserting basic data into the equation provides for the coordinates for definition domain development. Each schematic in view of its specificity has a definite range of values (definition domain).

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UDC 697.3:621.577

Porompka S., Makhov L. M.

Rain Water as a Factor of Enhancement of Power Efficiency of Heat Pumps


A scheme of the use of a heat pump with an underground collector damped with rainfall with the help of a special system is developed. The enhancement of power efficiency and a coefficient of weekly output of heat pumps due to purposeful flushing of underground collectors without additional auxiliary power is proved. When using the flat collector with a flushing system the expenditures for operation and maintenance of a heat pump of water-brine type go down from 735 to 688 Euro per year. Capacity of heat extraction is increased with the help of wetting of squashy ground from 10 to 30 Wt/m2 aproximately.

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UDC 628.32:65.012.45


Common Information Space of an Enterprise


The information infrastructure of the State Unitary Enterprise Vodokanal Sankt-Peterburga helping to ensure reliability, uninterrupted operation, high output, safety, and confidentiality is described.

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UDC 628.35:004.69

Egorova Yu. A., Levin D. I., Liushina L. F., Petropavlovskii S. A., Bazhenov V. I., Danilovich Dmitrii, Noskova I. A.

Integrated upgrade of the Samara municipal wastewater treatment facilities


The experience of «Samarskie Kommunal’nye Sistemy» LLC in designing, constructing and upgrading the municipal wastewater treatment facilities with a capacity of 450–750 thousand m3/day is presented. Considering the adverse ecological state of the midstream and downstream of the Volga River the task of improving the efficiency of wastewater treatment is of top priority that has been approved by the Program adopted by the Department of Energy and Public Utilities of the Samara Area for 2013–2019. The results of retrofitting wastewater biological treatment technology on the basis of UCT Process with unique zone and recycling layout barrangement by modifying the existing capacities of four-corridor aeration tanks are presented. The justified technical solutions of the key facilities that determine the energy and structural efficiency of the project of upgrading the air blower house with the use of mechanically regulated air blowers (the capacity range of each 59.4–132.1 thousand Nm3/h) and constructing two sludge pumping stations with 15000–27360 m3/h regulated wastewater flow are set. The process automated control system has been introduced. The tied to time design works required fast and efficiency calculation methods with the use of process simulation modeling in GPS-X environment (ASM2d model), computerized fluid dynamics – in ANSYS Fluent environment. The prediction of the dynamics of the treatment efficiency changing within 24 hours while ensuring average daily concentrations in mg/l – suspended solids – 15.5; BOD5 – 5.7; COD – 34.9;
N–NH4 – 0.25; N–NO2, N–NO3 – 7.02; P–PO4 – 0.68 is given. Relatively high washout of suspended solids is caused by the significant design value of sludge index 150 сm3/g. In the implementation phase of the environmentally efficient measures the construction of tertiary treatment facilities valued at 400 million rubles (about 30% of the total cost of the upgrade of the entire facilities) was rendered economically unviable. Before commissioning the actual energy saving of 13 mln kW·h/year including 8.8 mln kW·h/year owing to the replaced air blowers, 4.2 mln kW·h/year owing to the sludge pumping stations with submerged pumps that replaced airlift was achieved. The performance targets of the projects and the technical solutions applied measure up to the best available technologies.

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UDC 628.12/.14+628.17

Rakitskii D. S., Egorova Yu. A., Nagornyi S. L., Tabunkov A. S., Polst'ianov V. N., Vorob'ev A. G., Chernosvitov M. D., Shmigol V. V.

Integrated approach to the upgrade  of booster pumping stations in Samara


The applicability of improving the reliability and energy efficiency of the water supply system of Samara is specified. The main me­thods and means of step-by-step implementation of the plan of upgrading booster pumping stations are described. The description of software and hardware system chosen for the implementation of the set task is presented. The data on the reduction of the total power consumption by 37 pumping stations is given. Frequency regulation of the pumping units operation provided for 40% reduction of the power consumption; the introduction of the adaptive regulating algorithm for the stations with parallel operation of several pumping units provided for 27% reduction of power consumption. The estimated reduction of power consumption with replacing pumping units after the introduction of the adaptive regulating algorithms was 18%. 8% reduction of the failure rate in the distribution network owing to the average pressure reduction in the distribution network and due to the improvement of the operational control efficiency by obtaining complete exact information on the process parameters in real-time mode was noted. The system introduction predetermined operating personnel downsizing and simplifying the organizational-technical measures for the maintenance of the pumping stations. The criteria expedient to be used in estimating the operation efficiency of the stations are indicated. The diagrams of the operation parameters of a number of upgraded pumping stations are presented. The recommendations on the further upgrade of the booster pumping stations on the Samara territory are quoted.

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UDC 628.147.2

Karmazinov F. V., Melnik E. A., Ipatko M. N., Il'in Iu. A., IGNATCHIK V. S., Ignatchik S. Iu.

The method of evaluating the economic efficiency of water supply systems with pumping stations equipped with tanks


A method of evaluating the economic efficiency of the water supply systems with pumping stations equipped with tanks is presented that provides for optimizing at the design stage water conveying systems in remote areas. These systems are characterized by: low energy efficiency because of the pressure loss during water discharge and low network reliability during bypass operation caused by pressure fluctuation. The method takes into account the specific features of simultaneous operation of two subsystems: pipeline and valving subsystem and booster pumping subsystem. The selection of net discounted flow rate over the life cycle as a uniform optimization criterion for all the subsystems is substantiated. It is stated that the economic and energy efficiency of the investment projects of upgrading water conveying systems is a function of the actual inlet pressure in the supply pipelines and depends on the engineering measures aimed to improve it. These measures include the use of valves for downstream pressure control, mini-hydropower units and auxiliary low head pumping stations. By the example of Parnas booster pumping station in St. Petersburg it is shown that the use of the developed method allows improving the reliability coefficients of the water supply system to P(t) > 0.95 with simultaneous 17% reduction of the net discounted flow rate over the life cycle. In this case depending on the actual inlet water pressure in the supply pipeline the energy consumption of a pumping station is reduced by 22–60%.

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UDC 628.355

Gogina Elena, Gul’shin I. A.

Simulation of energy efficient biological wastewater treatment process in a circulation oxidation ditch


In the National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering comprehensive work is carried out in the field of simulating energy efficient wastewater treatment processes in circulation oxidation ditches. Notably, process flow schemes of removing nitrogen compounds from wastewater at low dissolved oxygen concentrations are considered. The study is aiming at the determination of optimal process modes of biomass activity under different conditions in the course of implementing experimental schemes. The summarized results of the second stage of the comprehensive study of energy efficient wastewater treatment in circulation oxidation ditches are presented: the efficiency dependency of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification at variable oxygen regimen has been determined, the mechanism of biomass adaptation and specific features of biomass bringing to the operating regime has been studied. The experimental plant model is described that provides for considering not only biochemical but also more detailed hydraulic specific features of the experimental process.

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UDC 628.35:66.081.63

Kalachev D. A.

New age of membrane technologies: HUBER VRM unit


The information on the developments of HUBER Company in the field of wastewater and sludge treatment with the use of advanced technologies is presented. The company experts have been developing various system options: from mechanical treatment to hi-tech membrane biological reactors. The use of membrane bioreactor provides for reducing the volume of aeration tanks, since it ensures operating biological treatment stage with activated sludge concentration up to 8 g/l (or to 12 g/l in the MBR filtration chamber); abandoning secondary settling tanks, tertiary treatment and disinfection stages (if needed) resulting in the reclamation of additional space. Beside strict requirements to the efficiency of treatment it is important to note the reduction of operation expenditures, for energy in particular. HUBER Company has developed a reliable and energy efficient solution – HUBER VRM membrane unit. The basic innovative solution in the designed membrane filtration unit is a unique AirBoost system.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.08.04
UDC 628.35

Popov Nikita, Grigor’eva Anastasiia, Zalyotov S. V.

Experience in the reconstruction of the wastewater treatment facilities operated by MUE Teplovodokanal of Pushchino


In the early 1990s, after the introduction of new regulations for the quality of effluent, as well as due to a significant reduction in the available funding for water supply and wastewater disposal facilities, a tendency arose of a widespread violation of the requirements to the quality of wastewater treatment in the context of the impossibility of improving the situation. With the resumption of the economic growth at the beginning of the 21st century, Russia began to allocate public funds for the reconstruction of large-scale treatment facilities in order to provide for the required level of wastewater treatment by way of retrofitting advanced technologies. The access to financing for the reconstruction of wastewater treatment facilities is possible on the condition that the full-fledged project documentation that has passed the state expert appraisal is available. The experience of reconstructing small-scale wastewater treatment facilities in Pushchino that failed to be included into any budget financing program, is described. With the support and recommendations of relevant organizations and specialists, a list of measures was compiled for the stage-by-stage improvement of the wastewater treatment technology, taking into account the available funding. One of the first stages while implementing the measures was the introduction of the advanced technology for the biological removal of nutrients with the allocation of anaerobic and anoxic zones in traditional aeration tanks with mechanical activated sludge mixing. Russian-made vertical hyperbolic mixers were chosen as mixing devices. After the reconstruction of the first block of aeration tanks combined with the installation of mixers directly by the equipment supplier, the first positive results were obtained, i. e., the achieved indicators for organic substances and nitrogen group compounds were better than the required ones.

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УДК 621.65:62-531.3:628.1/.2

Bagaev Iurii, Karpov N. V., Usachev A. P.

Specific features of frequency regulation of parallel pumps


One of the options of energy efficient operation of pumping units at the water and sewage pumping stations under pump impeller speed variation with the help of variable-speed electric drives widely used at present time is considered. One variable-speed electric drive is installed either for a group of operating units or on a single pump. Installing a variable-speed electric drive on each operating unit at first sight seems to be a very expensive measure; therefore more often one electric drive is installed for a group of pumps (2–3 units). However, in this case cavitation processes can arise, the dynamic loa­ding on the pump shaft and bearings can increase, the lifting efficiency can decrease, and in the long run the pump energy efficiency can drop. The data of the theoretic and practical substantiation show that installing variable-speed electric drives on each operating pumping unit provides for weakening of the above-mentioned shortcomings, whereas the energy efficiency improves.

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UDC 628.171.033

Shmigol V. V., Chernosvitov M. D., Kukolkin V. N., Polst'ianov V. N.

The prospects of improving the energy efficiency of boosting pumping stations


«Samarskie kommunal’nye sistemy» LLC has been providing cold water supply, wastewater collection and treatment on the territory of the Samara urban district. One of the main tasks of the enterprise is improving the energy efficiency of boosting pumping stations. For this purpose a comprehensive approach to the selection of the number and trademark of pumping units as well as to the practicability of installing variable-speed drives is required. In contrast to the projected pumping stations with calculating the duty cycle of the pumps, with the existing stations solving the problem of minimi­zing wasteful energy losses requires studying the established water consumption pattern; determining the required pressure at the pumping station outlet and available pressure in the municipal distribution network. The problem of maintaining optimal pressure at the boosting pumping station outlet shall be considered: constant maximum design pressure; changed as per schedule; depending on the flow rate. Arranging a complete water audit, identifying illegal water consumers and optimizing the operation of block pumping stations with the use of variable-speed drives will provide for the significant reduction of water and energy consumption. The comparison of the dynamics and specific water consumption in separate residential buildings with the operation of the block boosting stations supplying water to separate residential buildings and blocks and with the existing regulation is presented. The diagrams of the specific water consumption patterns and variations in water consumption within 24 hours are given. The conclusions related to the prospects of improving the energy efficiency of the boosting pumping stations operated by «Samarskie kommunal’nye sistemy» LLC are drawn.

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UDC 628.3:658.26.004.18

Kofman V. Ya.

Improving the operating efficiency of the wastewater treatment facilities overseas (review)


The review of power efficient technologies of wastewater treatment used at the wastewater treatment facilities overseas is presented.

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UDC 628.17.001.4

Naumov A. L., Sud’ina O. S.

Improvement of Energy Efficiency of Pipeline Systems of a Building


Problems of the power saving in construction can be solved by means of reducing heat losses through the enclosing structures, installing heat and water meters, using nontraditional sources of heat supply et al. Issues of energy saving in pipeline engineering systems in the course of designing are not studied enough while a considerable part of power consumption by the systems of engineering support of buildings (up to 80%) falls on the drives of pumps and ventilators of pipeline networks: heating, water supply, ventilation, and air conditioning. Economic indexes are considered as criteria of energy efficiency of pipeline networks. The method of reduced expenditures is used for calculations.

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UDC 628.1.2:658.26.004.18

Usachev A. P., Karpov N. V.

Enhancement of Energy Efficiency of Pumping Plants at Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal Systems


One of the ways of enhancement of energy efficiency of pumping plants at water supply and wastewater disposal systems introduced successfully at the Municipal Unitary Enterprise Gorvodokanalof Novosibirsk is considered. The matter is the introduction of high-voltage stations of frequency control of pump units with power voltage of 6–10 kV. Variants of frequency regulation and experience in their introduction at pumping stations are presented. The experience in operation of the stations of frequency control demonstrates their high efficiency not only in power saving but also concerning the rest operational indices including provision of the stable and guaranteed water supply to all consumers in particular.

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UDC 628.3:62-531.3.003.13

Shadrin V. A.

Improving the energy efficiency


Retrofitting frequency converters at the water and sewage pumping stations of Tchelyabinsk MUE «Water Supply and Wastewater Management Production Association» as part of the «Program of energy conservation and efficiency improvement in MUE «Water Supply and Wastewater Management Production Association» for 2010–2014» is reported.

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UDC 628.336.71

Khramenkov S. V., Pakhomov A. N., Streltsov S. A., Kevbrina M. V., Vanyushina A. Ya., Agarev Anton

Improving the efficiency of wastewater sludge pretreatment by high temperature hydrolysis before digestion


The results of investigating activated sludge and primary sludge thermal pretreatment with the purpose of improving the efficiency of anaerobic digestion are presented. The highest efficiency of activated sludge organics transfer into readily soluble form is ensured after thermal hydrolysis at 160°C. The solubility of primary sludge organic matter increases evenly with the temperature increase in the range of 100–200 °С. The maximum biogas output in the ultimate digestion test is increasing after activated sludge hydrolysis at 160°С, primary sludge hydrolysis – at 180–200°С. Digestion in a continuous mode after activated sludge pretreatment at 140–160 °С results in 53% gas generation increase. Any further hydrolysis temperature increase produces a negative impact on gas generation and disintegration of activated sludge ashless matter. Thermal hydrolysis of primary sludge in thermophilic mode is not efficient. Pretreated sludge dewatering performance is improved; consequently the flocculant dosage can be reduced by 0.8–1.0 kg/t DS.

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UDC 628.14:62-531.3

Spirin E. V., Radetskii Mikhail, Lobyntsev S. V., Andriianets Petr

Improving the operation of the Novosibirsk water supply system


In Novosibirsk over the past 20 years a set of measures has been implemented using equipment and technologies that have significantly improved the reliability and efficiency of the water supply system. Networks and facilities of the water supply system designed and built in the 1960–1980-ies have a large reserve for upgrade that will allow significantly improving their efficiency, reducing operating costs and improving the quality of water supply. As a result of the measures taken the company not only provides for the high-level water supply in the context of limited financial resources but also ensures the development of the city.

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