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UDC 628.147.2:65.012.2

Khramenkov S. V., Orlov V. А., Primin Oleg

Computerized support of the Moscow water pipeline renovation scheduling strategy


Comprehensive evaluation of the expediency criteria of pipeline relaying or renovating involves a lot of calculations, large bulk of operating and diagnostic data processing. It becomes possible only if computer-aided programs are available that provide for a basis for a valid assessment of the pipeline renovation project and scope of work. Scheduling Pipe Renovation program has been designed by MosvodokanalNIIproject OJSC in cooperation with Mosvodokanal MPUE and used for Moscow water pipeline maintenance.

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UDC 725.41:628.1/.2

Sedov A. M.

Architectural look at the Moscow water and wastewater treatment facilities


Water and wastewater treatment facilities are the most important branch of the infrastructure of any modern megacity. At the same time they are big architectural complexes with their own building, space planning and style specific features. For the first time a short review of the biggest Moscow water and wastewater treatment facilities: Rublevo, East, North and West water treatment plants; Kur’ianovo and Liubertsy wastewater treatment plants, as architectural projects is given. The main construction stages are traced; the architectural features including style are considered. The style characteristic of buildings is given in linkage to the main construction stages. The problems of improving the quality of the facilities design are touched upon with account of their specific features, the current situation and solicitous attitude to the historical and architectural heritage and traditions. The main architectural problems that arise in the process of reconstruction of the existing buildings and facilities related, in particular, to the improvement of their energy efficiency are framed. The issue of solicitous attitude to the historical buildings and harmonious integration of the new projects has emerged full blown only during the last decades. At present the new potential of the construction sector, various high-tech materials, structures and systems provide for implementing efficient and harmonious architectural solutions.

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UDC 628.24:620.197:620.193.8

Primin Oleg, Ten A. E., Gromov Grigorii

Protection of sewers from corrosion


Accidents on sewers accompanied by the destruction of building structures have been a most serious problem not only for the water industry but also for the entire city. In the world the damage from the deterioration of reinforced concrete sewer tunnels and in-line structures due to corrosion is estimated at billions of euros per year. A way out of the current situation with corrosion in sewers can be timely and prompt repair and rehabilitation using protective coatings applied by trenchless methods. One of the methods of sewer rehabilitation is lining the internal walls of the sewers with plate composite materials (blocks) or continuous protective coatings where polymer concrete can be used. Polymer concrete comprises a thermosetting organic binder (usually epoxy resin) and a large amount of dispersed filler (talc, aerosil, crushed quartz, basalt, granite chips, etc.). The special composition of filler materials and advanced production technologies ensures the high qualities of polymer concrete. An assessment of the technical and economic indicators of the reconstruction of existing sewers and canals using polymer concrete blocks is given. Through a realistic example it is shown that the most effective option of the reconstruction of a sewer canal while ensuring environmental safety is lining with polymer concrete blocks (segments).

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.08.03
UDC 628.1/.3:697.911

Zoubov M. G., Obukhov Dmitrii, Diachuk Sergei

Engineering examination as the basis for the successful reconstruction of natural and waste water treatment facilities


During the operation of natural and waste water treatment facilities, conditions may change in relation to those accepted in design decisions. As a result, the treatment facilities cease to perform the functions assigned to them. Before the reconstruction of such water treatment and wastewater treatment facilities, engineering and technical examination is the basis for making the right technical and technological decisions. The examination involves a decision-making algorithm aimed at achieving the goals set while designing.Through the example of one of the food industry enterprises, the authors considered the positive impact of an extended engineering examination for the acception of correct technical and technological solutions that provide the proper quality of wastewater treatment with optimal capital investments.

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UDC 628.35:004.69

Egorova Yu. A., Levin D. I., Liushina L. F., Petropavlovskii S. A., Bazhenov V. I., Danilovich Dmitrii, Noskova I. A.

Integrated upgrade of the Samara municipal wastewater treatment facilities


The experience of «Samarskie Kommunal’nye Sistemy» LLC in designing, constructing and upgrading the municipal wastewater treatment facilities with a capacity of 450–750 thousand m3/day is presented. Considering the adverse ecological state of the midstream and downstream of the Volga River the task of improving the efficiency of wastewater treatment is of top priority that has been approved by the Program adopted by the Department of Energy and Public Utilities of the Samara Area for 2013–2019. The results of retrofitting wastewater biological treatment technology on the basis of UCT Process with unique zone and recycling layout barrangement by modifying the existing capacities of four-corridor aeration tanks are presented. The justified technical solutions of the key facilities that determine the energy and structural efficiency of the project of upgrading the air blower house with the use of mechanically regulated air blowers (the capacity range of each 59.4–132.1 thousand Nm3/h) and constructing two sludge pumping stations with 15000–27360 m3/h regulated wastewater flow are set. The process automated control system has been introduced. The tied to time design works required fast and efficiency calculation methods with the use of process simulation modeling in GPS-X environment (ASM2d model), computerized fluid dynamics – in ANSYS Fluent environment. The prediction of the dynamics of the treatment efficiency changing within 24 hours while ensuring average daily concentrations in mg/l – suspended solids – 15.5; BOD5 – 5.7; COD – 34.9;
N–NH4 – 0.25; N–NO2, N–NO3 – 7.02; P–PO4 – 0.68 is given. Relatively high washout of suspended solids is caused by the significant design value of sludge index 150 сm3/g. In the implementation phase of the environmentally efficient measures the construction of tertiary treatment facilities valued at 400 million rubles (about 30% of the total cost of the upgrade of the entire facilities) was rendered economically unviable. Before commissioning the actual energy saving of 13 mln kW·h/year including 8.8 mln kW·h/year owing to the replaced air blowers, 4.2 mln kW·h/year owing to the sludge pumping stations with submerged pumps that replaced airlift was achieved. The performance targets of the projects and the technical solutions applied measure up to the best available technologies.

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UDC 628.32/.356.085

Linev S. P., Grigorieva E. V., Minakova N. S., Voskoboynikova V. E.

The Lipetsk Aeration Station at the Service of Ecological Safety of Region


The plan of development of the biological treatment facilities of the city of Lipetsk using the modern technologies and equipment for waste water treatment is presented. The experience of attraction of investments under conditions of limited budget financing is considered. A full complex of actions on reconstruction of treatment facilities will make it possible to ensure high-quality treatment of the city’s waste water in accordance with the requirements for discharge into fisheries water bodies, which will improve the sanitary-epidemiological conditions of the Voronezh River.

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UDC 628.32.004.69

Gogina Elena, Salomeyev V. P., Rouzhitskaya O. A., Pobegailo Yu. P., Makisha N. A.

Methodological approach to planning the upgrade of wastewater treatment facilities


The results of analyzing the operation of wastewater treatment facilities are presented. The basic provisions that shall be taken into consideration during the upgrade of wastewater treatment facilities are specified. A comprehensive solution of the environmental issues is suggested: upgrade of the entire facilities and not of separate units; introduction of advanced technologies with an account for local conditions and specific features of the facilities operation; designing the facilities according to the regulatory requirements to the effluent discharge.

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UDC 628.292.004.69

Nikitin A. M., Karabanov Yu. Z., Girikov A. O.

Modernization of Sewerage Pumping Stations


The experience in reconstruction and complex modernization of the sewerage pumping stations with replacement of outdated equipment and pump units, introduction of the automated systems of control of technological processes and application of energy saving technologies is summarized. The successful realization of a great number of innovative technological decisions made it possible to improve the level of organization and control of operation of the whole complex of pumping stations, to ensure the optimal conditions of their operation excluding emergency situations thereby, to reduce operating costs, to increase the service life of pump units and auxiliary equipment, to improve the reliability of their work and ecological safety.

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UDC 628.35.004.69

Dzenis Lech, Gogina Elena, Gurinovich A.i D.

Small-scale treatment facilities upgrade using SBR technology


The issues of wastewater treatment facilities reconstruction with the use of sequencing batch reactor (SBR-cyclic reactor) are considered. Regulations for effluent discharge into water bodies of different purpose significantly differ in the Russian Federation and European Union. However, the experience of European countries in the field of wastewater treatment facilities upgrade is of great interest and can be used on the territory of Russia with some changes in the process flow diagram. The description of the process in a cyclic SBR is presented. The operation cycle of a typical reactor used for wastewater treatment is described. By the example of upgrading wastewater treatment facilities with different capacities in Poland the capabilities of reconstructing different types of facilities with batch reactor retrofit are shown. The example of converting a double-deck settling basin into a cyclic reactor is given. The capacity of the facilities in this case is not used in full. Therefore, if needed the output of the wastewater treatment facilities can be increased. The second example shows the upgrade of the rectangular biological treatment unit of the wastewater plant. The third example presents the reconstruction of a septic tank that was equipped with the systems of wastewater aeration, mixing, feeding and removal. The information on the equipment used in the process of converting various tanks into the batch reactor is quoted. The basic design parameters of a SBR are presented. The quality parameters of wastewater treatment in SBRs conform to the EC standards for effluent discharge into water bodies.

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UDC 628.312.004.69

Petrushin I. N., Kobiakova N. V., Rouzayev V. I., Belyaeva S. D., Kuznetsov D. A., Sedykh T. N., Androsova E. I.

Upgrading the wastewater treatment facilities  of the Istra city and Istra Area


The necessity for the reconstruction of the wastewater treatment facilities of the Istra city and minor wastewater treatment facilities operated by MUE «Istrinskii Vodokanal» of the Istra Area was stipulated by stringent requirements to the effluent quality that were not possible to meet at the existing facilities, and also by the actual wastewater flow increase and equipment wear. The reconstruction provides for the introduction of modern equipment and advanced technologies of wastewater treatment and sludge handling while making maximal use of the existing buildings and facilities. The maximum amount of work was carried out during reconstructing biological treatment line of the Istra wastewater treatment facilities. The project includes allocating nitrification-denitrification zones in the aeration tank and replacing the outdated aeration system with a system with disk fine-bubble membrane aerators. To improve the operation efficiency of the biological treatment facilities and reduce power consumption advanced air blowers were installed. Tertiary treatment facilities were upgraded; drum screens were replaced with microscreen filters. To solve the problem of sludge utilization the composting technology is being developed. Booster pumping stations were upgraded with installing power-operated grinding screens. The project of upgrading wastewater treatment facilities of Dedovsk town (20,000 m3/day) and Obushkovo village was designed. In 2008 the reconstruction of the wastewater treatment facilities of Snegiri holiday home was completed. The design of the biological treatment facilities making use of the biolfilter building and two sections of percolating biofilters proved to be an interesting engineering solution. At present the step-by-step reconstruction with capacity increase of the wastewater treatment facilities in Pavlovskoe and Onufrievo settlements, and Rozhdestveno village is underway. The entire project is implemented by the specialists of the Istra Vodokanal in cooperation with BIFAR Scientific-Production Firm that has developed the basic process solutions and design documentation.

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UDC 628.1/.3

Meshengisser Yu. M., Zbrokh S. Yu., Vavilov O. Yu.

The experience of implementing projects financed by international institutions


The aspects of Russian companies participating in water and wastewater projects financed by international institutions are considered. Case study of Ecopolymer Group experience in implementing the projects of wastewater facilities reconstruction in Kishinev, Rostov, Taganrog, Zaporozhye and Vologda financed by European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and other institutions is presented. A brief description of the reconstruction objects is given; the results of work done are presented. Specific features and conditions of the successful contract execution are defined.

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UDC 628.35:004.69

Strelkov A. K., Stepanov S. V., Strelkov D. A., Doubman I. S.

The experience of upgrading wastewater treatment facilities of Zhigulevsk


The experience of designing, constructing and upgrading wastewater treatment facilities (16,200 m3/day) in Zhigulevsk, Samara Area is described. Prior to the reconstruction the technical condition of the facilities was satisfactory. However, the effluent quality parameters exceeded the maximum permissible levels for BOD, suspended solids, nitrogen compounds, phosphates and oil pro­ducts. The efficiency of primary settling related to BOD5 and suspended solids was about 50% resulting in BODfull: total mineral nitrogen: phosphorus of phosphates ratio changing from 100:12.5:1.7 to 100:21.8:3.16. Despite the deterioration of this primary effluent parameter in the process of nutrients removal it was decided to retain primary settling in the design layout because of the insufficient capacities of the existing aeration tanks. The techno­logy of nitrification-denitrification with anoxic and aerobic zones and chemical phosphorus removal is suggested. The bioreactor capacity was increased 1.5 times by establishing the third process line in addition to the existing ones; besides the construction started from the nitrification-denitrification aeration tank to provide for the sustai­nable effluent quality for the entire reconstruction period.
For tertiary treatment a filter-bioreactor with a brush head was used. Disinfection is carried out by UV-irradiation in a trough-type unit without changing the gra­vity effluent flow. The design documentation was approved by the state expertise of the construction pro­jects. By now a considerable part of the facilities has been constructed and put into operation. The successful experience of Zhigulevsk wastewater treatment facilities reconstruction carried out without interruption of wastewater inflow can be overspread among the similar projects in medium-scale cities of the central part of Russia.

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UDC 628.35

Iavtushenko Marina, Tarasova O. V., Rouzayev V. I., Belyaeva S. D., Bibyaev A. V., Belyaev M. A.

Commissioning the upgraded biological treatment plant at the Podolsk wastewater treatment facilities


The results of commissioning the upgraded biological treatment plant at the Podolsk wastewater treatment facilities are presented. The start up of the basic equipment, mixers and recycle pumps installed in anaerobic and anoxic zones; the secondary settler equipment; the new Korean NEUROS NХ-300 air blowers was carried out. The tertiary treatment unit washing regime during commissioning was defined. Commissioning of the UV-disinfection plant was carried out. The operational parameters of the treatment facilities were monitored by the automatic analyzers and sensors data; the laboratory control was carried out as well. Exceeding the incoming wastewater flow compared to the design value was noted; exceeding suspended solids and phosphate concentrations in the incoming wastewater was registered. However, despite the excess of the incoming wastewater flow and increased concentration of pollutants, the treatment facilities ensure advanced elimination of organic matter and nutrients.

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UDC 628.11.004.69


Reconstruction of Water Wells in Countryside


Measures concerning the reconstruction of standing idle and operating wells of agricultural water supply are considered. These measures include the restoration of wells capacity using the reagent methods, redistribution of a water inflow to a filter for spare intervals with the help of special devices, liquidation of sanding up installing the additional polyvinyl chloride edge filter. Recommendations are oriented, in the first place, to wells capturing friable, water containing deposits.

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UDC 504.06:711.4

Il'ichev V. A., Kolchunov V. I., TIMOFEEVA E. A., Bakaeva N. V.

Reconstruction of urban areas and utilities on the principle of biospheric compatibility


Insufficient accountancy of laws of interaction between the society and nature can result in urban development being accompanied by significant negative (anthropogenic and technogenic) impact on the natural environment which tends to result in catastrophic consequences for the biosphere and man. The present-day urban development innovative practice based on the principles of biospheric compatibility is considered. The design solution of reconstructing the river embankments in Orel is analyzed from the standpoint of the feasibility of the functions of a biospherically compatible city and introduction of innovative constructional and architectural and planning concepts. With regard to the project of embankment reconstruction the numerical implementation of the method of calculating the indicators of the biotechnosphere of cities and communities is presented; the quantitative indices of the urban functions feasibi­lity are determined. The obtained results of the numerical analysis of the urban functions feasibility provide for predicting the urban development, evaluating the comfort and safety of the urban environment from the standpoint of its biospheric compatibility. In view of the analysis results the conclusion of the principal need in adopting a new town-planning policy and introducing the biospherically compatible technologies of construction and upgrade of the urban utilities is drawn.

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UDC 628.35

Obuzdin S. Iu., Gubin D. I.

Reconstruction of the right-bank wastewater treatment facilities
of Irkutsk


Practically in all Russian cities the deterioration of the water and wastewater networks and facilities averages about 70%. Many of the facilities have been not only worn but also outmoded and do not meet the current technical and environmental requirements. The right-bank and left-bank wastewater treatment facilities of Irkutsk for many years have been overloaded: at the design capacity of 300 thousand m3/day the actual incoming wastewater flow has been 360 thousand m3/day. Lately, due to the significant reduction of the specific water consumption the incoming wastewater flow has reached 295 thousand m3/day. However the composition of the wastewater in relation to many parameters changed significantly; whereas the treatment efficiency lowered. As a result of the long time operation without heavy overhaul under the conditions of the corrosive wastewater a great number of reinforced concrete storage tanks, pipelines and equipment have been in poor state and need dismantling, repair, replacement and upgrade. In order to improve the efficiency of wastewater treatment the following basic process stages have been proposed: primary mechanical treatment; grit removal; biological treatment with nitrogen removal in the processes of nitrification-denitrification; chemical phosphorus removal by sedimentation method; enhanced treatment (organics and ammonia nitrogen removal) in a moving-bed bioreactor; suspended substances removal by enhanced tertiary treatment in sand filters; UV-disinfection. Upon complete reconstruction the required wastewater treatment level will meet the sanitary standards of the effluent quality to be discharged into water bodies.

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UDC 628.161.004.6

Meshengisser Yu. M., Ulchenko V. M.

Retechnologization and Reconstruction of Water Treatment Systems


Basic propositions of the concept of water treatment systems retechnologization and its distinctions from retechnologization of wastewater treatment facilities are stated. Recently in the course of reconstruction of water supply facilities growing attention is paid to ecological aspects of their operation and such reconstruction is practically impossible without retechnologization. The process of retechnologization of water treatment and treatment of sediment of natural high- colored and slightly turbid water is described on the example of the State Unitary Enterprise PO Sevmash in the city of Severodvinsk of the Arkhangelsk Region. In the city of Sharya the EcopolymerGroup has executed the retechnologization of the water supply station with the aim to increase the capacity of operating facilities. The reconstruction of water supply treatment facilities in the city of Kovel (Ukraine) has made it possible to reduce iron content in potable water and improve operation characteristics of the facilities.

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DOI 10/35776/MNP.2019.09.08
UDC 628.353:661.5

Iantsen O. V.

Advanced solutions for the reconstruction of small-scale wastewater treatment facilities: design and calculation


The advanced solutions proposed for the reconstruction of small wastewater treatment facilities that contain biofilters are considered. The peakpoint of designing and constructing biofilters occurred in the 1960–1970s. At present biological filters are often used for wastewater treatment. It is proposed to use them again as the basic treatment facilities. These structures, as a rule, are structurally reinforced concrete tanks; so it is advisable to develop new process flow schemes taking into account the use of existing structures. Three process flow schemes with different combinations of nitrification and denitrification zones are considered. Graphic results of sanitary and technical analyses of a number of indicators are presented on the basis of which sufficient purification efficiency is shown that allows discharging effluents into fishery water bodies. A method for calculating biofilters for specific media materials is proposed. It is concluded that the height of the structure depends not only on the required level of purification, the parameters of the incoming water but also on the type and size of the media material. The proposed process flow schemes will provide for the wider use of biofilters both in the reconstruction of existing and in the design of new treatment facilities.

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UDC 628.216
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.11.07

Strelkov A. K., Shuvalov M. V., Palagin Evgenii, Pavlukhin A. A., Teplykh Svetlana

Development of a combined drainage system within the boundaries of the historical settlement of Samara


The paper dwells upon the development of a combined drainage system within the boundaries of the historical settlement of Samara. The issues of centralized storm sewer systems that discharge their effluents into the Saratov reservoir, are considered. Of particular interest is the historical part of the city where architectural and historical monuments are located including an egg-shaped sewer laid at the beginning of the twentieth century. The effect of water consumption reduction on the fill rate of the pipelines and underloading of the municipal wastewater treatment facilities is shown. The physicochemical composition of surface runoff, as well as maximum permissible concentrations for the Volga River are considered. To correct the situation, using regulating (storage) tanks is proposed to develop a centralized combined drainage system at ten outfalls into the Volga and Samara rivers. A general sequence for the regulation, treatment and discharge of surface runoff has been developed presented in the horizontal diagram of the discharge of surface runoff. Possible development of a combined drainage system with the use of regulating tanks in a public storm sewer for the outfalls located within the boundaries of the historical part of Samara will solve the problem of removing surface runoff and provide for the partial additional workload on the municipal wastewater treatment facilities.

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UDC 628.3:658.26.004.18

Streltsov S. A., Khamidov M. G., Bitiev A. V.

Reduction of Specific Consumption of Electric Power for Wastewater Disposal


The Moscow sewerage represents the complex system of engineering facilities reliable and efficient operation of which is one of the most important components of the city’s sanitary and ecological well-being. The sewerage system of Moscow has been constructed and operates with due regard for a great volume of consumption of energy resources: electric power, heat as well as the use of potable water for own technological needs. Under the conditions of water saving and annual reduction of water consumption and wastewater disposal the reduction of energy resources consumption is one of the basic goals.

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