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UDC 628.52

Steglenko A. V.

Control over Reeking Emissions from Sewerage Facilities


The Yatagan plant used for treatment of air for gases generated at sewerage treatment facilities is described. This equipment has been developed by the Ecopromika Co. in cooperation with scientists of the M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University and the D. I. Mendeleev Russian University of Chemistry and Technology.

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UDC 628.1/.2

Khramenkov S. V.

Problems of Development of the Water Industry for Providing the Population of Russia with Pure Water


The water industry is the most important factor in modernization of the economy and development of not only large but also small cities and settlements. The development of housing and communal complex, oriented on the provision of the guaranteed access of the population to potable water of high quality is considered as a task of national significance. The decision of problems of the water industry requires highly qualified staff. Investing in training them is the most important and well paid back part of investments. Russia can and should become one of the world leaders in the sphere of rational water use, application of innovative technologies in practice, the complete provision of the population with pure potable water. For this it is necessary to unite the efforts of the professional community, state and local authorities.

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UDC 628.24:620.197:620.193.8

Primin Oleg, Ten A. E., Gromov Grigorii

Protection of sewers from corrosion


Accidents on sewers accompanied by the destruction of building structures have been a most serious problem not only for the water industry but also for the entire city. In the world the damage from the deterioration of reinforced concrete sewer tunnels and in-line structures due to corrosion is estimated at billions of euros per year. A way out of the current situation with corrosion in sewers can be timely and prompt repair and rehabilitation using protective coatings applied by trenchless methods. One of the methods of sewer rehabilitation is lining the internal walls of the sewers with plate composite materials (blocks) or continuous protective coatings where polymer concrete can be used. Polymer concrete comprises a thermosetting organic binder (usually epoxy resin) and a large amount of dispersed filler (talc, aerosil, crushed quartz, basalt, granite chips, etc.). The special composition of filler materials and advanced production technologies ensures the high qualities of polymer concrete. An assessment of the technical and economic indicators of the reconstruction of existing sewers and canals using polymer concrete blocks is given. Through a realistic example it is shown that the most effective option of the reconstruction of a sewer canal while ensuring environmental safety is lining with polymer concrete blocks (segments).

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UDC 628.3.004.69

Modernization and Reconstruction of Sewage Treatment Facilities of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise Vodokanalof the City-Resort of Anapa


Features of the wastewater treatment in resort towns are described. The ways of enhancement of operation efficiency of sewage treatment facilities of the MUE Vodokanal of the city-resort of Anapa are considered. A brief characteristic of two variants of modernization of treatment facilities are presented. The first variant stipulating the partial replacement of equipment makes it possible to reduce expenditure and enhance efficiency of wastewater treatment at the most unsatisfactory operating parts of the flow chart. The second variant demands significant capital investments, changes in the flow chart and replacement of equipment, but at the same time economic efficiency and the required quality of wastewater treatment according to all the indicators are achieved.

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UDC 628.21:001.4:006.354

Shuvalov M. V.

On the necessity of correcting scientific terms and definitions in the field of wastewater disposal


The results of analyzing the texts of the RF Federal legislation, RF Codes, federal standards, Code of practice, Sanitary Regulations and Norms (SanPiN), scientific and technical literature, course books are presented. The specific use of standardized scientific wastewater disposal terminology is defined. Significant differences in the terminology used in Federal Law «On water supply and wastewater disposal» and some other documents (codes of practice, federal standards, sanitary regulations and norms) were revealed. By the dramatic example of the confusion in the terminology a document is set where similar by implication terms, actually synonyms, are presented as independent notions. It is noted that the terms used in some present-day textbooks on wastewater disposal do not meet the operating standards. The lack of the systematic approach to the terminology complicates the procedures of designing and constructing as well as training in this field. Therefore using the standardized terms and their definitions in all types of documentation, scientific and technical literature, course books and reference materials is vital.

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UDC 628.214:532.595.2

Primin Oleg

Ensuring reliable and environmentally safe operation of pressure sewers


Surge in a pipeline is a significant factor that is affecting the environmental safety and reliability of the public wastewater disposal system. In case of an emerging surge noticeable pressure fluctuations occur that could cause pipeline burst and damage of the related hydraulic and mechanical equipment (pumps, valves etc.). It results in sewage spills, material and environmental losses. The main causes of an emerging surge in municipal pressure sewers can be as follows: mains fai­lure, imperfections of the control schemes of the main pumping units at the sewage pumping stations. To ensure reliable operation of the pumping stations the use of hydromechanical devices as well as of high-speed emergency switching on automatic and protection devices including controlled electric drives and softstarters is provided. It was determined that in wastewater disposal practice hydromechanical fittings that reduce the surge effect shall be used. To prevent from surge water discharge through bypasses with installing safety valves and hydraulic tanks is used. In addition to wastewater discharge from pumping stations pressure sewers of intricate shape shall be equipped with air intake and relief devices at the intermediate points. It is found that surges in operation of sewage pumping stations can be eliminated by improving the reliability of external power supply by establishing truly independent power sources, designing combined power supply schemes, high-speed automatic switchover devices in 6–10 kV switchboards of big stations.

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UDC 628.2/.4:006.3:349.6
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.02.02

Danilovich Dmitrii, Frog Dmitrii

The main innovations introduced by Amendment No. 2 to the Code of Practice CP 32.13330.2018 «Sewerage. Pipelines and Wastewater Treatment Plants»


The main prerequisites for the development of Amendment No. 2 to CP 32.13330.2018, and the tasks facing this work are described. The main innovations introduced by Amendment No. 2 are considered. The principles of synchronization of the system of engineering regulation of wastewater treatment processes with environmental regulation of discharges; clarification of the provisions for determining the estimated wastewater inflows; additions to the subsection on drain stations are described. The main additions and clarifications in terms of wastewater and sludge treatment technologies are described and justified (Chapter 9 of the Code of Practice), namely: updated requirements for intrahour safety factors while calculating channels and flumes; supplemented requirements for reliability in the design of channels of bar screen buildings and the data for calculating the amount of screenings depending on bar spacing; specified conditions for the use of sewage regulators; requirements for the calculation of primary settling tanks, aeration tanks, secondary settling tanks; recommendations for the removal of phosphorus; requirements for the redundancy of sludge dewatering equipment in case of the lack of spare sludge beds; introduced formulas for calculating the pollution of primary effluent; recommendations for sludge acidification from primary settling tanks; requirements for the redundancy of submersible electromechanical equipment of aeration tanks and for the regulation of sludge discharge from secondary settling tanks; detailed recommendations on the use of filtration beds for receiving effluents; the limits of applying mandatory dechlorination while using chlorine and the allowability of using prefabricated units.

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UDC 628.2/.3:006.057
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.02.03

Danilovich Dmitrii, Frog Dmitrii, Vereshchagina Lidiia

The main revisions proposed in Amendment No. 3 to CP 32.13330.2018 «Sewerage. External networks and structures»


The main revisions CP 32.13330.2018 «Sewerage. External networks and structures» proposed in Amendment No. 3, developed by the Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences in 2023 are described. The following concepts were introduced: basic technical solutions and requirements for their development, industrial storm sewer systems at industrial enterprises and requirements for their design. The requirements to the existing wastewater disposal systems have been clarified. The revised and extended requirements have been established for the use of one- and two-stage wastewater screening, acidification of primary sludge, biological wastewater treatment methods, UV disinfection of effluents, stabilization and disinfection of wastewater sludge, thermal drying and thermal utilization of sludge. Requirements to the disposal of wastewater sludge have been simplified.

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UDC 628.1/.2.001.2

Pupyrev E. I.

Features of Designing of Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal Systems in Russia


Modernization of water supply and wastewater disposal systems in Russia did not become a nation-wide problem. The Pure Water Program for realization of which 9 milliard roubles were allocated for 3 years after long discussions essentially failed. Development and modernization of regional systems of water supply and wastewater disposal are executed at the expense of own and borrowed funds of the operators of the water branch. It determines the specificity of designing of systems in Russia.

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UDC 628.1/.2:621.644.075

Prodous O. A., Terekhov L. D.

Selection of polyethylene pipe grades for trenchless rehabilitation of water and wastewater pipelines


In the world practice different methods of trenchless rehabilitation of water and wastewater pipes are used. Selecting a method of trenchless rehabilitation is recommended solely after having compared the cost of the set of process equipment, its payback period and hydraulic characteristics of the pipeline before and after the rehabilitation. A method of substantiating the selection of polyethy­lene pipe grades for trenchless rehabilitation of water and wastewater pipelines is presented. The method of selecting the diameter of polyethylene pipes is as follows: for a certain pipe material the inner diameters of the pipeline under rehabilitation and pulled through polyethylene pipe are determined according to the existing standards; the ratio between the inner diameter of the pipeline of the section under rehabilitation and the outer diameter of the polyethylene pipe pulled through (by any method) should differ by only one standard size by grades; for comparison the hydraulic characteristics of the pipeline before and after the trenchless rehabilitation are determined by tables (handbooks); the cost of the process equipment, payback period and the hydraulic characteristics of the pipeline before and after the rehabilitation are compared. Thereafter the diameter of the pulled through polyethylene pipes is accepted. A comparative analysis of the hydraulic parameters for two methods of trenchless rehabilitation with the use of 160–400 mm diameter polyethylene pipes was carried out. The results of comparing the hydraulic characteristics of a pipeline in the process of rehabilitation with and without host pipe destruction are presented.

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UDC 628.2/.4:006.3
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.03.04

Danilovich Dmitrii

Obtaining design data for the calculation of wastewater treatment facilities for communities in accordance with Amendment No. 2 of CP 32.13330.2018


The main innovations introduced by Amendment No. 2 to CP 32.13330.2018 «Sewerage. Pipelines and Wastewater Treatment Plants» with regard to obtaining design data for calculating wastewater treatment facilities for communities are considered. The main content of the new D Appendix as part of this Code of Practice, dedicated to this issue, is outlined, where the instructions are differentiated on obtaining design data for calculations provided the primary design data is sufficient, or insufficient. In particular, the specified requirements for taking into account predicted changes in the drainage sewer territory, determining the daily and hourly coefficients of unevenness, and determining the calculated concentrations of pollutants are described.

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UDC 504.062.4:628.334

Orlov B. V., Boykova I. G., Pechnikov V. G.

Ecological Rehabilitation of the Moscow Municipal Wastewater Disposal System


The suggestions about modernization of the disposal and treatment system of surface runoff from the territory of Moscow with due regard for environmental requirements set for water objects-water receivers have been developed by specialists of MosvodokanalNIIproekt on the basis of investigations of many years. The prognosis of possible reduction in pollution level of the city’s water objects as a result of execution of complex of measures aimed at the reconstruction of the wastewater disposal system and enhancement of the level of improvement of the city’s territories has been made on the basis of the analysis of change of pollutants concentration in the surface runoff in the course of its movement along the different parts of the wastewater disposal system. The suggestions take into account interconnection and interaction of all city’s water-management systems and can be used for search of optimal solutions concerning organization of surface runoff disposal and treatment for certain water collecting basins as well as in the course of actualization of the General scheme of disposal and treatment of surface runoff from the territory of Moscow together with the Program of rehabilitation of the city’s water objects.

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Журнал ВСТ включен в новый перечень ВАК

Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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