Tag:sewage regulators



UDC 628.2/.4:006.3:349.6
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.02.02

Danilovich Dmitrii, Frog Dmitrii

The main innovations introduced by Amendment No. 2 to the Code of Practice CP 32.13330.2018 «Sewerage. Pipelines and Wastewater Treatment Plants»


The main prerequisites for the development of Amendment No. 2 to CP 32.13330.2018, and the tasks facing this work are described. The main innovations introduced by Amendment No. 2 are considered. The principles of synchronization of the system of engineering regulation of wastewater treatment processes with environmental regulation of discharges; clarification of the provisions for determining the estimated wastewater inflows; additions to the subsection on drain stations are described. The main additions and clarifications in terms of wastewater and sludge treatment technologies are described and justified (Chapter 9 of the Code of Practice), namely: updated requirements for intrahour safety factors while calculating channels and flumes; supplemented requirements for reliability in the design of channels of bar screen buildings and the data for calculating the amount of screenings depending on bar spacing; specified conditions for the use of sewage regulators; requirements for the calculation of primary settling tanks, aeration tanks, secondary settling tanks; recommendations for the removal of phosphorus; requirements for the redundancy of sludge dewatering equipment in case of the lack of spare sludge beds; introduced formulas for calculating the pollution of primary effluent; recommendations for sludge acidification from primary settling tanks; requirements for the redundancy of submersible electromechanical equipment of aeration tanks and for the regulation of sludge discharge from secondary settling tanks; detailed recommendations on the use of filtration beds for receiving effluents; the limits of applying mandatory dechlorination while using chlorine and the allowability of using prefabricated units.

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