Tag:surface runoff



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UDC 628.3.03:625.123

Strelkov A. K., Teplykh Svetlana, Bukhman N. S., Sargsyan A. M.

Analysis and specifications of filtration of surface runoff from railway track ballast section


Rail transport facilities are fixed structures that produce continuous impact on the environment. The main facilities – pollution sources among rail transport facilities are railway stations. In most cases polluted runoff from railway station tracks generated mainly as a result of atmospheric precipitations leaks through the surface relief, infiltrates into the subsurface, penetrates deeply and drains with underground water into the nearest water bodies. The processes of surface runoff filtration through multilayer porous media that are taking place in the ballast section of the railway track have been analyzed and specified. Possible hypotheses of liquid behavior and properties in multilayer porous media, in particular of the liquid on the surface of ballast section of the railway track accumulated as a result of atmospheric precipitations; steady and unsteady liquid seepage into the railway ballast depth; dissipation of oil product spills on railway tracks are presented.

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UDC 504.06

PANKOVA G. A., Rublevskaya O. N., Leonov L. V.

SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg»’s activities in the field  of mitigating the negative environmental impact


The results of the SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg»’s activities on eliminating raw sewage discharges into the city water bodies are presented. The use of advanced technologies that provided for reducing nutrients discharge with effluents of the wastewater treatment facilities is described, as well as the solution of the problem of wastewater sludge handling and utilization by introducing incineration technology that provided for abandoning sludge storing at special municipal landfills. The new and upcoming trends of the SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg»’s activities on mitigating the negative environmental impact: storm water volume metering and treatment; snow utilization; tackling the problem of hazardous pollutants, micro plastics and pharmaceuticals in particular, are laid. With the purpose of further reduction of pollutant discharges into the receiving water bodies (with raw sewage) the developed «St. Petersburg water supply and wastewater disposal development Scheme till 2025 inclusive of the 2030 prospects» envisages complete elimination of raw combined and domestic wastewater discharges into receiving water bodies before 2022; elimination after 2030 of discharge of 50% of surface runoff without treatment into the separate municipal storm sewer (at present only 2% of surface runoff passes treatment). The Scheme includes a comprehensive information database on the water supply and wastewater disposal systems as well as the urban planning documents and schemes prepared for other directions of engineering and energy complex of St. Petersburg.

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UDC 504.064

Strelkov A. K., Teplykh Svetlana, Gorshkalev P. A., Sargsyan A. M.

Surface runoff pollution of water bodies


The results of studying the water of the Kondurcha River in the Samara Area and surface runoff from one of the railway stations are presented. The comparative analysis of the results of studying water samples from the water body in the monitoring section is given. The prediction of water quality changes in the water body for the next several years in relation to the following pollutants: BODfull, suspended solids, oil products and total iron is presen­ted. The trend of the growing negative impact of polluted surface runoff from the surroundings of railway objects on water sources persists owing to the growth of cargo tonnage; the concentrations of pollutants in the water bodies are increasing.

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UDC 628.17.001.4

Zhmakov G. N., Dil'man R. V., Pankov S. I.

Protection of the Imeretinskaia Lowland from surface runoff flooding


Short information on the engineering-construction solutions of removing surface runoff from a development area on the Imeretinskaia Lowland territory of the Krasnodar Area is presented. Its surface is slightly elevated above the sea level (from 0.7 to 4 m); therefore, pressure removal of 100% storm runoff which at times becomes a disaster (during heavy rains) and causes significant damage to the territory is required. Removing surface runoff from residential areas of the Olympic park also requires advanced treatment. Taking into account the construction conditions the entire territory has been divided into five drainage areas to reduce the depth of the collection network and engineering structures. In each area a complex including a pumping station, an accumulating tank and advanced treatment facilities has been designed and built. The surface area of the drainage sites significantly differs from each other (30–440 ha). Following the extended survey and substantiation of the pumping equipment choice angular flow pumps with capacities 5 and 12.1 m3/h and 12.5 m head were selected. Taking into account the partial removal of pollutants in the accumulating tank two-stage filtration was used for advanced surface runoff treatment. Wastewater is treated with «Aqua-Aurat™18») coagulant and processed in the filters of the first stage with quartz sand media. To provide for the complete removal of residual dissolved oil products wastewater is supplied to the rapid gravity sorption filters of the second stage with MIU-S2 activated carbon media. The accumulating tank is cleaned from sludge regularly 2–3 times a year using a bucket loader. Sludge generated in the process of chemical wastewater treatment is dewatered in a belt filterpress. Dewatered sludge is disposed to the solid waste landfill.

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UDC 628.316:66.081.63

Pervov A. G., Matveyev N. A.

The use of membranes for surface runoff and recycling car wash water treatment


The results of investigating the technology of surface runoff and recycling car wash water treatment with the use of reverse osmosis systems equipped with specially designed membrane units with «open» channel that provide for processing water with high concentration of suspended matter are presented. For processing raw wastewater in the membrane unit two concentrating stages are used: at the first stage – reverse osmosis membranes that ensure high quality treatment, and at the second stage – nanofiltration membranes that ensure concentrating solutions with high salt content with the minimum power consumption. The specific feature of the technology is in the utilization of the reverse osmosis concentrate that is removed from the system together with wet sludge. The results of the laboratory studies of storm water membrane treatment with the use of special roll elements with «open» channel and new BLF membranes are presented. It is stated that increasing permeate output to 0.9 results in 2.5–3-fold decrease of the equipment capacity. Car wash water undergoes the same treatment. The pilot tests show that increasing salt concentration in recycling water higher than 17 000 mg/l is impractical. The relationships of the increase of pollutant concentration in permeate and membrane capacity depending on the increase of the salt content in water under treatment and the ratio of volume concentrating in a reverse osmosis unit are presented. The parameters of membrane units operating with wastewater of this type with efficient removal of oil products, detergents and other pollutants are determined. Possible utilization of concentrate is shown.

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UDC 628.218:628.334.6

Yermolin Yu. A.

On the calculation of the capacity of intermediate storage tanks
in storm sewer networks (further to the discussion)


Within the framework of the announced discussion («Calculation method for determining the capacity of intermediate storage tanks in storm sewer networks», article by G. Gudkov, published in No. 6 of the journal for 2020), the results of one particular case of developing a method of approximate calculation of the capacity of an intermediate storage tank in a storm sewer were critically «analyz» and «accuracy» criteria. It is noted that in some cases, with a high degree of uncertainty of the initial data, these criteria may contradict each other. It is concluded that the approximation of rain hydrographs by more simple functions of time, convenient for subsequent analysis, is acceptable without any significant loss of accuracy. On this basis, an expression was obtained for calculating the capacity of an intermediate storage tank in storm sewer networks. The compact formula is more convenient for engineering calculations than the one presented in the above-mentioned article.

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UDC 504.064

Teplykh Svetlana, Strelkov A. K., Bukhman N. S., Gorshkalev P. A.

Mathematical modeling of water course pollution with surface runoff from railroad tracks


The directions of railroad tracks located in the Ryazan, Tambov, Penza, Ulyanovsk, Orenburg Regions, Mordovia, Tatarstan, and Bashkiria are considered. The parameters and characteristics of the railroad tracks of the Kuibyshev railway on the section of the Samara Region: the length of the section, number of crossings with water bodies, average crossing value per 1 km, crossed water bo­dies, the length of the water flow along the railroad tracks, specific combined index of river water pollution are presented. The average value of railway crossings with water bodies in the Samara Region is 0.549/km, i. e. approximately one crossing per every 500 m. Correspondingly in every 500 m surface runoff from the road track and adjacent area enters the water body from four sides. A method of mathe­matical modeling of surface runoff from railroad bed entering water bodies is proposed provided water bodies are located parallel to transport trunk railways in the presence and introduction of previously ignored additional pollution into water bodies. The requirement for surface runoff from railroad and water body crossings treatment is substantiated.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.03.07
UDC 628.221

Palagin Evgenii, Strelkov A. K., Pavlukhin A. A., Bykova P. G.

Determining the calculated depth of rainfall while designing surface runoff treatment facilities


Summarized data on the maximum depth of rainfall disposed to the facilities for the purification of surface runoff from residential and industrial areas of the first and second groups are presented. The basic regularities of the rainfall distribution over the territory and their analysis are given. The possibility of using the three-parameter Kritsky-Menkel distribution to determine the depth of precipitation with a given period of a single excess is proved. The obtained dependences of the depth of rainfall on the location of the weather station can be used for a preliminary pre-project evaluation of the depth of rainfall subject to the disposal to the surface runoff treatment facilities. For enterprises of the first and second groups using the three-parameter Kritsky-Menkel distribution is possible while determining the depth of rainfall with a given period of a single excess of at least 0.14 years.

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UDC 628.212.2
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.04.05

Grekov Mikhail, Elagin Sergei, Kozinets Galina, Chechevichkin Viktor, Leonov L. V., Klokov Aleksandr, Chechevichkin A. V., Iakunin L. A.

Experience of all-season use of FOPS®-K filter to remove debris from the surface runoff of a residential area


In residential areas that are places of residence and various activities of the population, a significant amount of solid materials of various origin and dispersion is formed that can be defined as debris (or municipal sweepings for roads). While interacting with atmospheric precipitation, this debris enters public wastewater disposal systems disrupting their operation («Rules for cold water supply and wastewater disposal»). To solve this problem, experimental studies were carried out to estimate possible removing debris from surface runoff using a FOPS®-K filter (basket type). The premises of the university campus was chosen as an experimental residential area where debris of biological, anthropogenic and technogenic origin accumulated. The results of testing FOPS®-K filter for two cycles (each for 12 months) showed that using the filter provided for removing not only large debris but also a significant part of the sand (3/4 of the total dry matter) from the surface runoff up to the size except 0.04 mm. It was established that all components of the debris captured by the filter contained 3–66.3 g/kg of oil products. During the tests, the debris was regularly removed from FOPS®-K filter (once every 3 months).

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UDC 628.212.2/3

Vatin N. I., Grekov Mikhail, Leonov L. V., Probirsky M. D., Rublevskaya O. N., Chechevichkin A. V., Iakunin L. A.

The experience of year-round operation of FOPS® filter in the purification of surface runoff from technologically disturbed resident areas


At present residential areas in big cities in particular, have been exposed to technogenic pollution related to heavy traffic, development of managed territories including areas close to big shopping and leisure centers and other crowded places. In order to improve the quali­ty of life for the citizens and reduce the negative impact on the environment special attention shall be paid to the collection, removal and treatment of surface runoff from such territories. The purpose of testing FOPS®-MU filter during four seasons (spring – summer – autumn –winter – spring) was the assessment of the efficiency and practicability of operating this equipment for surface runoff treatment. In the process of observations it was stated that the main source of the pollution of surface runoff from resident areas (suspended solids, oil products, iron, manganese) was automobile transport. Peak concentrations of some pollutants reached 150–400 maximum permissible concentrations set for the effluent discharged into the municipal sewer. Year-round continuous operation (for 13 months) of FOPS®-MU filter showed high treatment efficiency in relation to different pollutants during the entire testing period without any loss of the operating capacity including after the negative temperature period. The high performance characteristics of FOPS®-MU filter were also promoted by using FOPS®-K filter-basket for collecting waste.

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UDC 628.

Vereshchagina Lidiia, MENSHUTIN Yu. A., SHVETSOV V. N.

The experience of using «Recommendations on designing the systems of collection, disposal and treatment of surface runoff from territories allotted for settlement and industrial sites, and on determining the conditions of its discharge into water bodies»


The experience of using «Recommendations on designing the systems of collection, disposal and treatment of surface runoff from territories allotted for settlement and industrial sites, and on determining the conditions of its discharge into water bodies» developed at NII VODGEO Federal State Unitary Enterprise in substitution of previous «Temporary re­commendations on designing facilities for processing surface runoff from industrial sites and determining the conditions of its discharge into water bodies» is considered. The high demand for the developed document by the experts in the process of designing and approving project documents on construction and upgrade of engineering structures of storm sewers is noted. The use of advanced methods of calculating surface runoff amount and flow rate provides for minimizing the capacity of the treatment facilities at guaranteed meeting the requirements of the regulations on the conditions of disposal and quality of surface runoff effluents. The list of priority water quality parameters to be guided when choosing a treatment process flow scheme is presented. The basic technical solutions of surface runoff collection, disposal and treatment are formulated. The principle of wastewater flow separation and accumulation is suggested together with the technologies of its engineering implementation that provide for reasonably reducing the investments for the construction of treatment facilities under the existing environmental legislation and design regulatory framework. The need for updating the section on the recommendations on determining the conditions of surface runoff disposal into water bodies that was developed following the amendments to the RF Water Code and enactment of the new regulatory and procedural documents related to developing the regulations on permissible impact on water bodies and permissible discharges for water uses is noted.

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UDC 628.212.2/.316

Prodous O. A., Mikhailov A. V.

The experience of using peat filtration for surface runoff treatment


The 20-year experience of using peat filtration technology for surface runoff treatment has been described. The advantages of the technology are given; the simplicity of operation in a large range of surface wastewater amount is noted. The choice of treatment techno­logy and filtering materials is a rather complicated task, since it requires achieving effective purification at minimum cost and without using extra electricity. The natural origin of peat, its availability, good filtering properties, ease of disposal and low cost determine the prefe­rence of its use in surface runoff treatment technologies. In the period 1994–2018 a group of companies developed a system for passive mechanical treatment of surface runoff using peat filtering materials. At the facilities of the North-West Federal District of the Russian Federation more than 900 systems for the purification of surface runoff of various amounts were introduced including more than 300 on the R-21 Kola highway and large Pulkovo-3 facilities with a capacity of 700 m3/h in St. Petersburg. The absence of the need to use electricity even in minimal amounts has provided for the efficiency of such technologies. The widespread introduction of peat filtration can be attributed to the best available technologies.

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UDC 628.35:62-278

Pervov A. G., Matveyev N. A., Karasyev P. L., Motovilova N. B.

Removing oil products and detergents from surface runoff with the use of reverse osmosis systems


The studies of developing advanced technologies of surface runoff treatment from oil products and detergents are presented. The technologies are based on the process of reverse osmosis with the use of membrane units of a new type with an «open channel». Eliminating the causes of deposit formation can provide for ten-fold increase of the incoming water concentration in the units. The amount of concentrate (aqueous solution containing concentrated pollutants) is reduced to less than 1% of the initial water amount. With such small amount the concentrate is removed together with sludge. The estimations of the economic benefit of the rational utilization of surface runoff for technical purposes are presented.

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UDC 628.311

Palagin Evgenii, Strelkov A. K., Bykova P. G., Tsypin A. V., Vdovin D. V.

Rainfall parameters for the calculation of the capacity  of surface runoff treatment facilities


The summarized data on the maximum depth of the rainfall that is completely removed to the treatment facilities (like the runoff from the group 1 residential and industrial areas in big cities of the Russian Federation) is presented. The analysis of the revealed regularities was carried out. The calculated values of the rainfall depth obtained in the course of observations at 87 meteorological stations on the territory of the Russian Federation are needed for calculating the capacity of the surface runoff treatment facilities and can be used in the process of making designs for settlements where the data of the meteorological stations is representative. The rainfall depth that provides for removing at least 70 % of the annual rainfall to the treatment facilities in most cases corresponds to the upper limit of the recommended range of 5–10 mm.

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UDC 628.334.2.004.69

Kalinin A. V.

Sand Catching Chamber of an Improved Design


An improved design of a chamber meant for catching of large fractions of pollutants of mineral origin (sand) by means of their sedimentation is offered. The chamber makes it possible to increase the transporting capacity of a surface wastewater flow in large collectors of a water disposal system without disturbance of its hydraulic conditions and sedimentation of suspended organic particles. A simple and economic scheme of sludge removal from the chamber is presented.

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UDC 628.312:504.064

Bykova P. G., Palagin Evgenii, Gridneva M. A., Pavlukhin A. A.

Surface runoff of Samara: effect of the seasonal factors


Surface runoff is still one of the main sources of pollutants discharged into water bodies. By the example of the storm sewer system of Samara urban district the detailed qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the discharged wastewater are considered. The storm sewer of Samara receives surface runoff and drainage water from the urban territory and territory of industrial enterprises, clean surface runoff, drainage flow from heat distribution networks and process effluent generated in the process of the network maintenance. The data is presented on the assessment of the seasonal variation of the effluent quality. A representative set of indicators for monitoring purposes and diagnostics of the state of the wastewater disposal system is presented. The representative diagnostic set includes the following indicators: рН, BODfull, suspended solids, dry residue, ammonium, nitrates, nitrites, copper, aluminium, oil products. The results of the studies of interaction between the raw water quality coming to the pumping filtration station of Samara and characteristics of the surface runoff discharged upstream the same water body are cited. It is shown that the water source turbidity and color are related to certain qualitative parameters of the surface runoff. The level of this interaction is estimated; calculation dependencies are proposed. The need for the further implementation of the municipal program of the storm sewer system of Samara urban district is substantiated.

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UDC 628.29/.31

Shuvalov M. V., Strelkov A. K., Shuvalov S. V., Tarakanov D. I.

Designing the project of surface runoff treatment facilities in Samara


The results of developing design and engineering documentation of the main intercepting sewer and treatment facilities for surface runoff from the drainage area of the Volga downhill of Samara are presented. The runoff produces a negative impact on the river intake of the two main municipal pumping-filtration stations. Designing and constructing these projects are implemented within the frames of the high-priority activities envisaged by the Master Plan of Samara approved in 2008. The route of the main rainwater sewer approved in the project provides for the possible connection of eleven outfalls discharge untreated surface runoff into gulleys of the Volga downhill. The process of surface runoff treatment envisages four stage water treatment with flow rate and pollutant concentration equalization in accumulating tanks: the first stage – mechanical treatment (screening, sedimentation in grit chambers and accumulating tanks); the second stage – physical and chemical treatment (coagulation of pollutants, sedimentation in laminar settling tanks); the third stage – enhanced treatment (filtration in contact clarifiers, two-stage filtration in sorption filters with MIU-S media); the fourth stage – UV water disinfection.

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UDC 628.221

Vereshchagina Lidiia, SHVETSOV V. N.

Explanation of separate provisions of the Recommendations for designing the systems of the surface runoff from residential areas and industrial sites collection, disposal and treatment


Guidelines and regulations for designing the systems of surface runoff (rainfall, snow-melt, street washwater) from residential areas and industrial sites disposal and treatment are presented as well as the comments to the provisions of Code of Practice 32.13330.2012 «Sewerage. Public Utilities» and «Recommendations for designing the systems of collection, removal and treatment of the surface runoff from residential areas, industrial sites; and determining the conditions for its discharge into the water bodies» («NII VODGEO» OJSC). The above-noted documents permit disposal for treatment of the most polluted part of the surface runoff in the amount of more than 70% of the annual runoff from residential areas and industrial sites similar to them in pollution level, and the total runoff from industrial sites with the territories that could be polluted with specific substances with toxic properties or significant concentrations of organics. The common practice of designing engineering structures of separate and combined sewers that allow short-term discharges of part of runoff into water bodies through separating chambers (storm-overflow sewers) at heavy (storm) rains of rare occurrence is considered. The cases are considered related to the refusal of the territorial directorates of State expert assessment department and Russian Federal Fisheries Agency to allow activities in relation to the capital construction projects under design pursuant to article 60 of the RF Water Code that prohibits discharging wastewater without sanitary treatment and decontamination into water bodies.

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ГВС 628.3:625.042

Strelkov A. K., Teplykh Svetlana, Gorshkalev P. A., Sargsyan A. M.

Calculating the charge for the negative environmental impact produced by rail transport facilities


Basing on the results of chemical analyses and regulatory requirements to the environmental protection activities the analysis of the impact of surface runoff from rail transport facilities on the environment was carried out. Different charges imposed on natural resource users for water body pollution are described. The efficiency aspects of investing in the development of wastewater treatment and polishing are addressed. The costs associated with treatment will depend on the wastewater flow that determines the capacity of the treatment facilities, as well as on the required concentration of pollutants in the effluent that determines the required level of treatment, i.e. the number of stages and treatment technology. Under the conditions of the capital investment tightness it would be reasonable to determine the efficient investment trends in each particular case. The maximum permissible discharge of any pollutant will depend on its permissible concentration in wastewater that is assumed as a basis for designing treatment facilities. The evaluation of the investment efficiency is carried out by specifying the discharge of pollutants into water bodies that will determinate the cumulative expenses. The minimum cumulative expenses including the annual construction and operation expenditures as well as the effluent charge could be determined for every pollutant. To substantiate the expediency of surface runoff collection, removal and treatment the calculation of charging for nonpoint discharge of the surface runoff from rail tracks was carried out.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.06.06
UDC 628.218::628.334.6

Gudkov Aleksandr

Calculation method for determining the capacity of intermediate storage tanks in storm sewer networks (for discussion)


Целью работы является дополнение и уточнение методик, приведенных в действующей нормативно-методической базе, для инженерного расчета схем регулирования расходов в сетях дождевого водоотведения. Методом математического моделирования с применением системы компьютерной алгебры проанализированы три схемы регулирования, включающие емкости, насосы и разделительные камеры. Предложена универсальная расчетная формула определения объема регулирующего резервуара в схеме регулирования с опорожнением емкости насосами для всех типов разделительных камер. Установлены зависимости и приведены графики, показывающие влияние на величину объема резервуара коэффициента, который учитывает непостоянство расхода, отводимого разделительной камерой в коллектор. Для схемы регулирования без насоса и разделительной камеры подобрана степенная аппроксимирующая функция, позволяющая проводить расчет величины объема с приемлемой точностью, без чис­ленного интегрирования. Для двух схем регулирования с опорожнением самотеком предложены новые формулы определения объема регулирующего резервуара в широких диапазонах коэффициентов регулирования и параметров дождей. Приведены уточненные таблицы, упрощающие инженерные расчеты регулирующих резервуаров. Предложенные в работе формулы и таблицы позволяют рассчитывать емкость резервуаров для всех рекомендуемых схем регулирования расходов.

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