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ГВС 628.3:625.042

Strelkov A. K., Teplykh Svetlana, Gorshkalev P. A., Sargsyan A. M.

Calculating the charge for the negative environmental impact produced by rail transport facilities


Basing on the results of chemical analyses and regulatory requirements to the environmental protection activities the analysis of the impact of surface runoff from rail transport facilities on the environment was carried out. Different charges imposed on natural resource users for water body pollution are described. The efficiency aspects of investing in the development of wastewater treatment and polishing are addressed. The costs associated with treatment will depend on the wastewater flow that determines the capacity of the treatment facilities, as well as on the required concentration of pollutants in the effluent that determines the required level of treatment, i.e. the number of stages and treatment technology. Under the conditions of the capital investment tightness it would be reasonable to determine the efficient investment trends in each particular case. The maximum permissible discharge of any pollutant will depend on its permissible concentration in wastewater that is assumed as a basis for designing treatment facilities. The evaluation of the investment efficiency is carried out by specifying the discharge of pollutants into water bodies that will determinate the cumulative expenses. The minimum cumulative expenses including the annual construction and operation expenditures as well as the effluent charge could be determined for every pollutant. To substantiate the expediency of surface runoff collection, removal and treatment the calculation of charging for nonpoint discharge of the surface runoff from rail tracks was carried out.

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  2. Strelkov A. K. [Indirect method of determining pollution concentrations in train track surface runoff]. Vodosnabzhenie i Sanitarnaia Tekhnika, 2013, no. 8, pp. 67–70. (In Russian).
  3. Strelkov A. K. [Evaluation of the ecological state of technical right-of-way]. Put’ i Putevoe Khoziaistvo, 2014, no. 3, pp. 31–34. (In Russian).
  4. Teplykh S. Iu. [The impact of rail track surface runoff on water bodies]. Put’ i Putevoe Khoziaistvo, 2012, no. 5, pp. 27–29. (In Russian).
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  6. Strelkov A. K., Teplykh S. Iu., Gorshkalev P. A., Sargsian A. M. [Pat. 2534807 RF, IPC G 01 N 1/00, G 01 N 33/42. Method of sampling for inspection of a polluted section of a rail track]. Otkrytiia. Izobreteniia, 2014, no. 34. (In Russian).
  7. Strelkov A. K. [The current state of the problem of rail track surface runoff collection and treatment]. Nauchnoe Obozrenie, 2014, no. 4, pp. 123–129. (In Russian).

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