
Number 8 / 2015

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UDC 628:658.5

Mambetov Arsen

EKOTON Industrial Group: philosophy of quality


In 2011 EKOTON Company entered the world market that required from the production departments meeting the higher industrial quality and production capacity standards. Meeting the standards became possible through three components: advanced machinery equipment, good manufacturing practices and active involvement of every member of the labor collective. The use of the advanced equipment, e.g. laser and hydroabrasive cutters, provides for the high efficiency and wide range of the workable products at the blank sections of the company’s enterprises. For the next mechanical operations NC lathes and millers are used that provide for the required accuracy. The use of robot welders, advanced welding machines and bench work tools at the final stage of the assembly work ensures the required quality of the products. Much attention is paid to the correct machining of stainless steel and aluminium. All the requirements to the storage, transportation and machining of these materials are taken into consideration to ensure long-term corrosion resistance. The main emphasis in the production process is made on the professional skills of the company employees and competent work activity management. Personification of the responsibility provides for involving the workers of the production area in teamwork, whereas the introduction of PLM-system in combination with 5S method of workplace organization provides for cost reduction and comfortable working conditions.

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UDC 628.336.42

Zlatkovskii O. A.

EKOTON chamber-membrane filter presses


The wide range of chamber and membrane filter press application alongside with the design and control system improvements allow considering this type of equipment as a solution to numerous typical and special tasks of industrial slurry and wastewater filtration. At the same time the large variability of tasks necessitates designing a wide standard series of filter presses with different specifications. Individual filter press selection and manufacture suppose considering both filtration properties of particular slurry and the parameters of the operational flow scheme, mode of operation, site-specific conditions, production resource, characteristics of the related equipment, filter press place in the general layout of the filtration area.

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UDC 628.336.429

Kriven' A. P., Ovcharova I. V.

JD Multi-Disk Dehydrator – an innovative solution  for sludge dewatering


«EKOTON» Industrial Group has been broadening the range of equipment for wastewater sludge dewatering. In addition to belt and chamber filter-presses, and screw dehydrators «EKOTON» Company in cooperation with TSURUMI PUMP, Japanese company, launched the licensed production of JD Series Multi-Disk Dehydrators. The unique design of the dehydrator precludes even a theoretical risk of working chamber clogging, whereas continuous self-cleaning of filtration pores with rotating disks during the operation of the unit provides for the filtrate discharge even when dewatering sludge containing fats and oils. The information on the design of JD Multi-Disk Dehydrator, the principle of operation of the dewatering facilities on the basis of this unit, the main advantages and diffe­rences compared to screw dehydrators is presented. The recommendations are given for the fields of domestic market application of the new equipment for dewatering wastewater sludge and industrial slurries of different origin.

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Ростовскому Водоканалу – 150 лет

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Svetlitskii S. Iu.

Чистая вода для ростовчан


Девиз холдинга «Евразийский», в который входит и Ростовский Водоканал: «Единство цели открывает бесконечные возможности для ее достижения». Цель Ростовского Водоканала важна и благородна – обеспечивать людей чистой водой, способствовать градостроительному росту инфраструктурным развитием. Вот уже 150 лет Водоканал Ростова-на-Дону развивается вместе с городом, помогая ему расти и вширь, и ввысь.




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UDC 628.1

Chapters of the Rostov Vodokanal history




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Belousov S. A., Kalinichenko T. V.

Child Ecology Centre of Rostov Vodokanal – an important component of the environmental activities of the company




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UDC 330.322:628.1/2

Petukhov O. E., Oleinikov D. A.

Investment projects implemented in Rostov Vodokanal


«Evraziiskii» JSC has been implementing two large-scale infrastructure projects in the Rostov Area with a total cost of more than 41 billion rubles. These projects are «The Rostov Water» and «The Clean Don River». The investments will provide for developing an integrated and efficient water and wastewater infrastructure of the city of Rostov-on-Don with an account for the development needs of the city for the next 30 years. «The Rostov Water» is the biggest not only in Russia but also in the Eastern Europe investment project in the water sector implemented on the PPP principle. The project covers the territory with a population of more than 1.2 million people. The project implementation period is 2004–2023. «The Clean Don River» project is aiming at the development of the elements of the public wastewater disposal infrastructure of the city of Rostov-on-Don that will provide for improving the living conditions of the population by improving the level of wastewater treatment; connecting more customers to the municipal sewer; improving the environmental safety of wastewater treatment. The project is being implemented on the PPP principle. The project includes constructing the first stage of No. 62 sewer, upgrading the second stage of the wastewater treatment facilities with improving the capacity, constructing a number of utilities on the wastewater treatment facilities site by a private investor. Implementing «The Clean Don River» project will provide for eliminating the infrastructure problems that limit the development of industrial and housing construction in Rostov-on-Don, improving the living conditions of the citizens, business, economic activities, and investment attractiveness of the city.

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UDC 504.06

Skryabin A. Yu., Popovian G. V., Tron' I. A.

Microalgae as a factor affecting the organoleptic properties of the Don River water


Stringent hygienic requirements are set to the drinking water quality: epidemiologic, radiation and chemical safety, favorable organoleptic properties. The applicable regulatory documents control a number of parameters; however, other factors exist that affect the water safety and potability. In particular, among these are the amount and species composition of microalgae in water. Massive microphyte growth in surface water sources during water bloom raises serious difficulties in the process of water treatment and severely affects such regulated parameters as color and taste. The laboratory workers at «Rostovvodokanal» JSC have made observations of the microphyte growth in the Don water for 34 years. During this period the evolution of the species composition of microalgae in the Don River has been investigated. It was proved that certain cyanobacteria species affect the organoleptic properties of water. The efficiency of different water treatment methods of odor strength reduction is considered. For the operating water treatment plants the method of water odor strength reduction with the use of rapid gravity filter by natural aeration is suggested.

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UDC 628.166

Skryabin A. Yu., Zharov A. A.

Introduction of safe technologies of water disinfection and elimination of hazardous industrial facilities


The problems related to the use of liquid chlorine for drinking and wastewater disinfection at the «Rostovvodokanal» JSC facilities in the city of Rostov-on-Don are considered. It is pointed to preventing the operation of hazardous industrial facilities within the city boundaries. Alternative technologies of drinking water disinfection are considered. The comparison of international and domestic drinking water disinfection equipment with the use of low concentrated sodium hypochlorite solution was made. The process and technical solution suggested by «Ecofes» SPE was chosen. The question on the inadequacy and imperfection of the water disinfection technology was raised. It was decided to use ultraviolet irradiation at the second stage of water disinfection. «LIT» Trading Company LLC was chosen as a principle supplier. It was also decided to abandon disinfection of effluents with chlorine. At present within the frames of the integrated investment projects based on PPP principle «Rostovvodokanal» JSC is constructing and operating facilities that ensure efficient and safe drinking water and effluent disinfection.

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