Tag:water and wastewater systems



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UDC 628.1/.2:65.012.45

Obuzdin S. Iu., Alekseev A. V., Novitskii N. N.

Automation of the operation modes and centralized control
of the water supply systems at «Vodokanal» MUE of Irkutsk
on the basis of electronic models


The principles of adopting technologic solutions of the control of the public utilities development and functioning under the conditions of their territorial, structural and timed disunity at the water supply and wastewater disposal enterprises are considered. A possible way of solving these problems based on the use of end-to-end simulation and designing the enterprise consolidated information area with the help of «ANGARA» Information Computer Environment is proposed. The brief description and main functions of «ANGARA» are presented. «ANGARA» ICE was designed at the laboratory of pipeline and hydraulic systems of Melentiev Energy Systems Institute for the automation of the processes of developing, supporting and using electronic models of pipelines of arbitrary type and with different levels of complexity in solving application tasks of studying, designing and operating them. The information-computer complex possesses the essential set of graphical, information and analytical functions required for the development, correction and analysis of pipeline system schemes of different type. Using the example of automation of designing the operation modes and centralized control of the water supply systems at «Vodokanal» MUE of Irkutsk the possibility of using the obtained results in solving new tasks that involve dynamic models of load flow is considered.

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UDC 628.14/.21:621.391

Petsching Sylvia, Huainig Michael, Ovsiankin A. A., Lobanov Fedor

Cableless video inspection of pipelines with the help of built-in system of leak detection


The main application areas of Pipe-Inspector® inspection device designed to carry out video inspection of water distribution pipelines and sewers for long distances (up to 50 km) without interrupting the operation are considered. The acoustic system of leak detection provides for the high picture quality and additional photographic recording. The main areas of using Pipe-Inspector® for sewer inspection are: detection of sections with big deposits to evaluate the necessity of cleaning the canal; detection of leaks or damages; routine maintenance; possible inspection of long canal sections. As an illustration the use of Pipe-Inspector® system for the inspection of the water distribution system in Westfriesedijk, The Netherlands is presented. The municipal water company supplies water to 1.5 million private houses, companies and institutions.

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UDC 628.1/.2:65.012.6

Gvozdev V. A., Kurganov Iu. A.

SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg»: measures on import substitution in-progress


Measures that SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» is implementing to promote domestic production of goods for water and wastewater utilities are presented. The import substitution policy maintained at the enterprise already delivers positive results. The share of imported products in total purchases in 2017 was reduced from 30% in 2014 to 1.5%. Beginning from 2015 Vodokanal of St. Petersburg has been in close contact with the Russian enterprises-manufacturers of products for water and wastewater utilities. Joint activities on promoting Russian products are carried out on the principles of transparent information exchange and co-resolution of arising problems. At present the problem of import substitution of tubular products has been practically solved. There are domestic manufacturers of shutoff and control valves and pumping equipment, and foreign brands that have established local manufacturing in Russia. In the process of reconstruction domestic water meters, pressure gauges and pumping equipment are used. Besides, in the Southern water supply zone «NEMO-AQUA» domestic software has been introduced. In order to overcome the technological inferiority of the Russian industry establishing domestic production of goods with improved characteristics compared to available similar products is required. This approach will provide for increasing the share of applied innovative technologies, products and materials.

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UDC 330.322:628.1/2

Petukhov O. E., Oleinikov D. A.

Investment projects implemented in Rostov Vodokanal


«Evraziiskii» JSC has been implementing two large-scale infrastructure projects in the Rostov Area with a total cost of more than 41 billion rubles. These projects are «The Rostov Water» and «The Clean Don River». The investments will provide for developing an integrated and efficient water and wastewater infrastructure of the city of Rostov-on-Don with an account for the development needs of the city for the next 30 years. «The Rostov Water» is the biggest not only in Russia but also in the Eastern Europe investment project in the water sector implemented on the PPP principle. The project covers the territory with a population of more than 1.2 million people. The project implementation period is 2004–2023. «The Clean Don River» project is aiming at the development of the elements of the public wastewater disposal infrastructure of the city of Rostov-on-Don that will provide for improving the living conditions of the population by improving the level of wastewater treatment; connecting more customers to the municipal sewer; improving the environmental safety of wastewater treatment. The project is being implemented on the PPP principle. The project includes constructing the first stage of No. 62 sewer, upgrading the second stage of the wastewater treatment facilities with improving the capacity, constructing a number of utilities on the wastewater treatment facilities site by a private investor. Implementing «The Clean Don River» project will provide for eliminating the infrastructure problems that limit the development of industrial and housing construction in Rostov-on-Don, improving the living conditions of the citizens, business, economic activities, and investment attractiveness of the city.

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UDC 628.218

Chupin R. V.

Indicative and adaptive management of the water supply
and wastewater disposal system development


The transition to market relations determined a new for Russia concept of public utilities management. This concept can be presented as two stages. The first stage is the elaboration of water supply and wastewater disposal development schemes; the second stage is the implementation of the scheme on the basis of investment programs of the public utilities complex. The investment programs provide for the financial support of the development and upgrade of water supply and wastewater disposal systems by means of the investment component in the tariff, connection charge for newly built capital construction projects and target financing of separate state and municipal programs, loans and credits. The important indicators of water supply and wastewater disposal systems are as follows: specific water consumption per capita per day; water leaks per one kilometer of the pipeline; power consumption per one cubic meter of supplied or consumed water; integrity, safety, seismic resistance etc. Indicator management is the development and implementation of measures directed for improving or reaching certain values of these indicators. On the basis of the indicative planning theory a method of elaborating development options, their estimation, selection of the preferred option under the conditions of the uncertainty of the specific water consumption, cost indicators and limitations on the investments into the construction and upgrade of water supply and wastewater disposal systems is proposed.

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Reliability of water and wastewater FACILITIES

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UDC 628.1/.3.196


The complexity of the reliability index of water and wastewater facilities
(to be discussed)


Reliability has been the most important feature of water and wastewater facilities. However no clear consistent definition of this notion and the procedure of calculating its indicators have been formulated so far. At present it can be done only with use the mathematical tool of the reliability theory. Most of the published editions on that subject offer one of the failure-free performance parameters as a reliability index without considering the fact that water and wastewater facilities are maintainable. Hereof it follows the need of using the integrated reliability index that takes into account both failure-free performance and maintainability. For the calculation of this index Markov model with continuous-time discrete state is used.

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UDC 628.179.34

Lerner А. D.

Some aspects of the unaccounted-for-water problem in public water supply systems


Until recently the regulatory documents in the Russian Federation have not prescribed any determination of unaccounted-for-water in the public water supply systems. As a guidance manual «The Instructions on Evaluation and Regulation of Unaccounted-for-Water in Public Water Supply Systems» and «Methods of Determining and Regulating Unaccounted-for-Water and Water Losses in Public Water Supply Systems» were used that are not valid by the present moment. These documents had no force since they had not been registered in the RF Ministry of Justice. The mentioned documents were replaced with Order of the RF Ministry of Civil Engineering and Public Utilities No. 640-pr of October 17, 2014 «On the approval of the Methodical Guidelines on the calculation of hot, drinking and process water losses in public water supply systems during treatment and transportation». The advantages and some drawbacks of the Methodical Guidelines are considered. The field of the document application is limited to the development of water supply balance diagrams for the water services companies, whereas the methodologic solution to the unaccounted-for-water problem could provide for substantiating, for examples, the water tariffs, water abstraction limits, and for developing the programs of water and resources conservation for the company itself. Neither the process consumption, nor the losses at the water intakes and their infrastructure facilities were taken into account. The incorporation of the comments presented in the article will provide for finding solutions to most of the problems faced by vodokanals in a more substantiated way.

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UDC 628.194

Afanas'ev A. A., Beliaeva D. M., Shaporenko V. N., Rodionov A. E.

Advanced equipment for safe air exchange  in clean water tanks


The substantiation of the lack of engineering support of drinking water quality in relation to the hygienic regulations before supply to the customers is given. The comparative analysis of the engineering solutions of clean water tank maintenance is presented. Basing on the experience of designing water and wastewater networks the design of air exchange unit has been developed that outperforms the existing engineering solutions. The main advantage of the air exchange unit compared to the typical absorbing filter is the compactness that allows eliminating the costs of attaching generic design documentation, reducing the total cost of equipment and building and assembly works. The developed air exchange unit for clean water tanks is successfully replacing outdated standard absorbing filters. The fabrication materials ensure environmental resistance and allow operating the unit virtually in any climatic region at the temperature of –60 to +40 °С.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2019.08.08

UDC 006.3:628.1

Pavlinova I. I.

Regulatory and legal framework in the field of water supply and sanitation


At present the approach to the process of developing a new regulatory framework and product quality control has been essentially changed. «MosvodokanalNIIproject» JSC already 80 years has been designing water supply and sanitation systems with the use of the RF regulatory and legal framework. Aside from designing the Institute has been well experienced in developing regulatory documents (sanitary norms and rules, codes of practice etc.). The analysis of the regulatory and legal framework conducted in the field of designing, constructing and operating water supply and sanitation systems shows that this matter has been settled at the federal level; however, at the regional level its in-depth analysis is needed. Every so often improvement and, in some cases, revision of the approved key documents is required. Avoiding shortfalls in the regulatory framework is possible only with the careful analysis of the technical and technological solutions involving a wide range of experts and with the correct amendments to the effective regulatory and legal acts.

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УДК 628.17.001.4

Primin Oleg, Aliferenkov A. D., Otstavnov A. A.

Regulatory support of ductile iron pipe use in Russia


The integrity and environmental safety are among basic requirements imposed to the municipal water and wastewater systems. An appropriate choice of pipe material is of primary importance for ensuring water transportation pipeline integrity. For many years steel and cast iron have been the main pipe materials used in public water supply in Russia. Lately ductile iron pipes widely used overseas and in Russia, in the Moscow water supply system, in particular, have been competing with steel (metal) pipes. The wider use of ductile iron pipes in drinking water supply until recently was restrained by the lack of the proper regulatory framework, including general lack of instructions on the use of ductile iron pipes in Construction Rules 31.13330.2012 «Water supply. Public utilities» (Revised edition of Construction rules and regulations 2.04.02-84*). The information on these pipes and on the introduction of amendments to Construction Rules 31.13330.2012 related to the use in water supply systems, and also amendments to Construction Rules 66.13330.2011 «Design, construction pressure water pipelines and sewers with the use ductile iron pipes» in relation to their use in soft and subsi­ding soil is presented. The amendments were approved by the Ministry of Housing and Construction of Russia and put into force on April 30, 2015.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2019.12.05

UDC 628.144:532.542

Averkeyev I. A.

On special features of determining the coefficient
of equivalent polymer pipe roughness
(to be discussed)


The criteria of estimating the condition of the inner surface of water and wastewater pipelines are considered and appraised. In particular, the feasibility of using equivalent roughness Кэ coefficient as such a criterion is substantiated. Two main methods of determining Кэ parameter are presented and described: with the help of hydraulic experiments with subsequent processing of the results by Prandtl and Colebrook–White equations; direct measurement by a proficorder of the arithmetic mean deviation of the profile of the inner surface of the pipe from the midline Ra with the subsequent conversion to Кэ using the empirical dependence obtained by A. Ia. Dobromyslov. An assessment of the reliability of the results obtained by these methods is given. The feasibility of developing a standard regulating the procedure of determining the parameter Кэ and the mandatory in-process monitoring of it are considered.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.04.07
UDC 621.644

Chupin R. V., Morozova Svetlana, Bober Viktor

Substantiation of the diameters of pipelines of water supply
and wastewater disposal systems based on minimizing the costs of their life cycle


While designing urban water supply and wastewater disposal systems, substantiating the diameter of pipelines, the flow rate of water and wastewater is required. The existing approaches and regulatory requirements set forth in CP 31.13330.2012 are based, among other things, on the economic indicators calculated on the basis of the overhead costs for the construction and operation of water supply and wastewater disposal systems. At the same time, according to GOST R 587885-2019, the choice of a design option should be based on the life cycle costs of these systems. A method is proposed for calculating the optimal values ​​of pipe diameters and the velocity of water and waste liquid in pipelines based on the costs of their life cycle. The conducted numerical experiments showed that the optimal values ​​of the velocity depend on the flow rate of water and waste liquid, the cost of electricity and the number of years of the life cycle of water supply and wastewater disposal systems. New formulas are proposed for calculating economically justified values ​​of the velocity of water and wastewater for steel, cast iron and polyethylene pipes.

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UDC 628.1/.3(470.23-25)
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.09.01

Volkov Sergei

Transparency and social responsibility


Solving one of the main tasks of the life support of the city – providing residents and enterprises with high-quality water and wastewater services SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» has been always committed to such important principles as maintaining continuity of production, ensuring decent working conditions for employees and active interaction with St. Petersburg residents and urban organizations. The main activities of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» are presented.

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UDC 628:614.842.62:006.015.7
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.01.01

Skolubovich Iurii, Primin Oleg, Gogina Elena

Problems of engineering systems of water use and scientific research on their solution


The state of public water supply and wastewater disposal systems in a considerable number of cities and towns in Russia in terms of their wear and tear and reliability causes alarm. The problems that exist today in the field of housing and public utilities are largely due to the lack of resources available with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, and significant reduction in fundamental and applied scientific work in this area. Information is provided on the problems and possible solutions, on the tasks of scientific research discussed by «Engineering Systems of Water Use», the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences, the new composition of which included well-known scientists – experts in the field of water supply and wastewater disposal systems. It is noted that in recent years, due to underfunding in the field of public utilities, an advanced wear of water treatment facilities and pipelines of wastewater disposal systems, water supply and distribution systems occurs. It is shown that the innovative developments of Russian scientists have been hardly used. This was facilitated by the fact that until now it is more profitable for housing and public utilities companies to purchase finished foreign products than to participate in the development of their own production.

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UDC 628.1/.2:681.121.003.1

Lerner А. D., Domnin K. V., Boiko S. V., Kochetova M. G.

Justification of unaccounted-for water in water supply and wastewater management systems


In contexts of the public utilities reform the issues of justification and introduction of norms for unaccounted-for water in water supply and wastewater management systems become of special importance. Advanced approaches to the evaluation and norming of these values based on monitoring and analysis of unaccounted-for water in public water and wastewater systems of the Far East cities are suggested. The procedure of assessing unaccounted-for water in a wastewater disposal system was developed. An objective appraisal of this value will provide for economic justification of water and wastewater tariffs, task-oriented promotion of resources conservation by the public utilities and upholding the interests of water and wastewater companies (vodokanals) at the environmental authorities when establishing the limits on water abstraction from water sources and effluent discharge.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.11.02
UDC 628.171.001.24

Chupin R. V., Morozova Svetlana, Chupin V. R.

Designing water supply and wastewater disposal systems in conditions of fuzzy values of prospective water consumption and population base


Designing municipal water supply and wastewater disposal systems is associated with overcoming various uncertainties of an economic, technical, natural and anthropogenic nature. The most significant of these are the design loads in terms of water consumption and wastewater disposal, as well as the population base that will use these utilities in future years. For this reason, CP 31.13330.2021 recommends not specific values, however, a range of values for specific water consumption, for example, 165–180 l/(day·person). Which one shall be taken into account is the problem. At the same time, designers must understand that the risks that arise in case of overestimation or underestimation of design loads are very high, since in both cases reconstruction will be required involving huge financial investments. A new approach is proposed to substantiate the parameters of water supply and wastewater disposal systems based on a fuzzy representation of the prospective population base and specific water consumption. This approach is based on the study of the area of uncertainty by dividing it into intervals with weighted membership functions, as well as on the application of decision theory methods based on the financial risk matrix. Herewith, the risks are estimated through the life cycle cost under various project implementation scenarios. The developed approach is recommended to be used while substantiating the parameters of prospective water supply and wastewater disposal schemes.

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UDC 628.1/3

Danilov A. N., KINEBAS A. K., Rublevskaya O. N., Gvozdev V. A.

Development of water supply and wastewater disposal technologies to supply Saint-Petersburg with clean water and protect the environment of the Baltic Sea Region


The description of process solutions applied by SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» for the development of the water supply and wastewater disposal systems in the XXI century is presented. Advanced technologies are the tools for achieving the core targets of the enterprise – delivering high-quality water supply and wastewater disposal services that will provide for the good living standards for the citizens, sustainable development of the metropolis, development of the water use culture and conservation of the Baltic Sea Marine. The information of the measures that provided for reducing the water consumption, improving the safety and reliability of the water supply of Saint-Petersburg is stated. The measures are highlighted that provided for the purification of 98.6% wastewater amount, allowed to introduce the technology of nutrients removal from wastewater at all the treatment facilities, to solve the problem of sludge utilization. The innovative technologies used in the construction and upgrade of sewers and networks are described. The information on the advanced solutions of snow utilization in the city is presented. The advanced technical solutions, materials and equipment applied at the facilities operated by SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» are the output of the continuous cooperation of the enterprise with domestic manufacturers, scientific and educational institutions, exchange of experience with the Russian and foreign water utilities.

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UDC 628(14+21):66.011

Primin Oleg, Gromov Grigorii

Designing an electronic model of water supply and wastewater disposal systems and model implementation by the example of a Russian city


Basing on the requirements set by the Russian legislation the development of the water industry and municipal utilities infrastructure shall be implemented in accordance with water supply and wastewater disposal plans. In case the city population exceeds 150 thousand inhabitants these plans shall include electronic models of water supply and wastewater disposal systems. The practical experience of «MosvodokanalNIIproject» JSC in the field of designing water supply and wastewater disposal plans for Russian cities shows that designing a proper electronic model requires significant scope of information including topological data for all the existing pipelines, geodesic marks of the pipelines, water consumer and pump characteristics, etc. Full data acquisition and displaying in electronic format can take a lot of time. In case the operator of the water and wastewater systems does not have a detailed electronic model at the first stage usually a decision is made within the frames of water supply and wastewater disposal systems engineering to design an enlarged version that will provide for estimating and analyzing the operation of water mains, main pumping stations and regulation facilities. Further on, based on the model analysis and approbation and on the city Masterplan and urban infrastructure the prospective models are developed. The experts of «MosvodokanalNIIproject» JSC successfully designed electronic models of water supply and wastewater disposal systems of Ufa, Irkutsk, Penza, and Orenburg. The experience of designing an electronic model of water supply and wastewater disposal systems by the example of a Russian city is presented.

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Журнал ВСТ включен в новый перечень ВАК

Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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