Tag:unaccounted-for water



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UDC 628.179.34

Lerner А. D.

Some aspects of the unaccounted-for-water problem in public water supply systems


Until recently the regulatory documents in the Russian Federation have not prescribed any determination of unaccounted-for-water in the public water supply systems. As a guidance manual «The Instructions on Evaluation and Regulation of Unaccounted-for-Water in Public Water Supply Systems» and «Methods of Determining and Regulating Unaccounted-for-Water and Water Losses in Public Water Supply Systems» were used that are not valid by the present moment. These documents had no force since they had not been registered in the RF Ministry of Justice. The mentioned documents were replaced with Order of the RF Ministry of Civil Engineering and Public Utilities No. 640-pr of October 17, 2014 «On the approval of the Methodical Guidelines on the calculation of hot, drinking and process water losses in public water supply systems during treatment and transportation». The advantages and some drawbacks of the Methodical Guidelines are considered. The field of the document application is limited to the development of water supply balance diagrams for the water services companies, whereas the methodologic solution to the unaccounted-for-water problem could provide for substantiating, for examples, the water tariffs, water abstraction limits, and for developing the programs of water and resources conservation for the company itself. Neither the process consumption, nor the losses at the water intakes and their infrastructure facilities were taken into account. The incorporation of the comments presented in the article will provide for finding solutions to most of the problems faced by vodokanals in a more substantiated way.

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UDC 628.1/.2:681.121.003.1

Lerner А. D., Domnin K. V., Boiko S. V., Kochetova M. G.

Justification of unaccounted-for water in water supply and wastewater management systems


In contexts of the public utilities reform the issues of justification and introduction of norms for unaccounted-for water in water supply and wastewater management systems become of special importance. Advanced approaches to the evaluation and norming of these values based on monitoring and analysis of unaccounted-for water in public water and wastewater systems of the Far East cities are suggested. The procedure of assessing unaccounted-for water in a wastewater disposal system was developed. An objective appraisal of this value will provide for economic justification of water and wastewater tariffs, task-oriented promotion of resources conservation by the public utilities and upholding the interests of water and wastewater companies (vodokanals) at the environmental authorities when establishing the limits on water abstraction from water sources and effluent discharge.

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UDC 628.179.34

Lerner А. D., Inchagov А. D., Sliusarenko A. V.

Ways to reduce unaccounted-for-water in public water supply systems


In the process of improving the efficiency of water and wastewater services the reduction of unaccounted-for-water is of crucial importance. New approaches to the evaluation of these amounts with the selection of physical losses of the utilities resource are suggested. The world experience of taking measures on reducing these amounts by concluding contracts with private operators guided by the actual results of achieving the projected reduction of the specific physical leakages and water losses is considered. The comparative financial evaluation of the measures on constructing water intakes and reducing unaccounted-for-water is presented. Economic, social and political factors inhibiting the process of actual reducing unaccounted-for-water are considered. The main reason of public utilities being reluctant to take measures on the reduction of water leakages lies in the lack of financial incentives and organizational projects. It is concluded that the owners of the water supply systems, as a rule local authorities, shall be involved in solving the problem. It is worth kee­ping in mind that reducing unaccounted-for-water (including the use of performance-based service contracting) shall not be considered as a new formula for eliminating numerous shortcomings in the operation of water utilities, because these shortcomings result from the more fundamental problems. Successful public water supply management without introdu­cing new capacities, in its turn, can predetermine the structural reforms required to ensure the efficient operation of water and wastewater services and private business in satisfying the growing water demand of population and industries.

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