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UDC 628.1/.2:681.121.003.1

Lerner А. D., Domnin K. V., Boiko S. V., Kochetova M. G.

Justification of unaccounted-for water in water supply and wastewater management systems


In contexts of the public utilities reform the issues of justification and introduction of norms for unaccounted-for water in water supply and wastewater management systems become of special importance. Advanced approaches to the evaluation and norming of these values based on monitoring and analysis of unaccounted-for water in public water and wastewater systems of the Far East cities are suggested. The procedure of assessing unaccounted-for water in a wastewater disposal system was developed. An objective appraisal of this value will provide for economic justification of water and wastewater tariffs, task-oriented promotion of resources conservation by the public utilities and upholding the interests of water and wastewater companies (vodokanals) at the environmental authorities when establishing the limits on water abstraction from water sources and effluent discharge.

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