
Number 11 / 2012

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SHVETSOV V. N., Iavtushenko Marina, Rouzayev V. I., Belyaeva S. D., Klimov V. Ya.

Municipal wastewater in Podolsk will be treated with advanced technologies




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UDC 628.112.24:504.054:628.58

Rastorguev A. V., Ivanov V. A.

Protecting underground water intakes from chloroganic pollution


Recent investigations carried out both in Russia and abroad witness wide spread occurrence of chlororganics in underground waters originating from different pollution sources. The data on the advanced intraformational technologies of protecting underground waters from dissolved cholorganic forms are presented. On the basis of numerical model studies the possibility of applying some of the technologies in actual practice are evaluated.

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UDC 628.161.3

FESENKO L. N., Ignatenko S. I., Fedotov R. V.

Desiliconization of drinking water by modified media filtration


A brief evaluation of water desiliconization technologies is given. The results of experimental investigations of eliminating silicic acid compounds from water by deposition on aluminum and iron hydroxides, contact coagulation in a granular bed and modified media filtration are presented. Activated aluminum oxide filtering media modified with 0.5% sodium aluminate solution attains twice as much sorption capacity (compared to media regeneration with alkali) in relation to orthosilicates. Herein 95–97% desiliconization efficiency is ensured alongside with simultaneous reduction of water hardness. Non-waste technology of underground water desiliconization with modifying chemical reuse and generation of crystalline dewatered alumosilicate used in ceramics production as process wastes was developed.

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UDC 628.179.3

Khramenkov S. V., Primin Oleg

The problems and ways of reducing water losses


The evaluation of the results of investigating drinking water loss reduction in the transportation system is presented. The analysis of the pipeline reliability and actual estimate of unaccounted-for water losses formed the basis of developing a strategy of water loss reduction. The strategy represents a system of controlled administrative and technical measures focused on operating the basic elements of the water supply system so that to minimize the losses during drinking water delivery to the consumer. Four main principles of actual water loss control are presented. The indicators and parameters that characterize phased-in introduction of the water loss management strategy in the Moscow water supply system are given. Implementing the strategy will ensure reducing the amount of unaccounted-for water losses in the Moscow water supply system to 6.8% of the total supply by 2016.

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UDC 627.8.62-192

ROZANOV N. N., TIMOFEEVA E. A., Boykova I. G., Vermenko V. V., Volokhova M. N., Mouratova L. N.

The appraisal of the technical state and operation reliability of waterworks


The results of evaluating the technical condition and reliability of waterworks carried out by NII VODGEO OJSC Center of Expertise are presented. Most typical violations and drawbacks revealed during the expert appraisal of the safety statements of the waterworks technical state and operating conditions are identified. The lack of monitoring the environmental impact of waterworks is particularly noted. A set of actions on eliminating the revealed drawbacks and improving the safety level of waterworks is suggested.

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UDC 621.671

LEZNOV B. S., Vorobiev S. V.

The operation of centrifugal pumps with variable speed
(The termination, the beginning see here)


The technologic aspects of using variable speed drives in pumping units are considered. The operation of centrifugal pumps with variable speed of the impeller is analyzed with account of the impact produced by water mains characteristics on the working parameters of pumping units. It is shown that reducing the pump impeller rotation speed can in some cases result in cavitation, surging, pump rotation speed resonance and resonance of the free lateral vibration of the shaft. Possible pump operation with rotation speed higher than the rated value is considered.

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UDC 628.3:62-192

Alekseev M. I., Yermolin Yu. A.

method of sewer net segmentation and equivalenting


The design procedure of evaluating a most important index of the municipal sewer net reliability, i.e. relative amount of raw sewage spills resulting from the failure of separate sewer sections is suggested. The design procedure is using a typical characteristic of the system, i.e. its tree-type structure, and lies in the formal substitution of the sewer net for one dummy equivalent pipeline with the reliability parameters that are evaluated with the use of the known rates of failure and rehabilitation of the original (existing) sewer elements. The design procedure is simple and can be used directly by the companies that are operating municipal sewers.

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UDC 628.356

Berezin S. E.

Choosing the method of air blower control for wastewater aeration


The following methods of aeration airflow control by air blowers at the wastewater treatment facilities are considered: throttling with a baffler upstream the inlet fitting of the air blower; varying the shaft speed with the variable frequency electric drive; changing the angle of airflow attack with turning vanes inside the blower upstream and downstream of the impeller.

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UDC 628.196

Koutcherenko D. I.

Removing biologic fouling and mechanical deposits from recycling water supply systems by hydroimpulsive cleaning


The method of hydroimpulsive cleaning of the recycle water supply systems that prevents biologic fouling and mechanical deposits in heat-exchangers and pipelines at minimum material inputs and power consumption is presented. The results of the industrial-scale experimental studies are given. The method of hydroimpulsive cleaning provides for the elimination of heat-exchanging equipment outage for cleaning; reduction of raw material and power losses for cooling water pumping; improvement of the process unit efficiency by regular deposit removal and maintaining the maximum heat transfer coefficient of the heat-exchange apparatus.

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