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UDC 628.147.2:65.012.2

Khramenkov S. V., Orlov V. А., Primin Oleg

Computerized support of the Moscow water pipeline renovation scheduling strategy


Comprehensive evaluation of the expediency criteria of pipeline relaying or renovating involves a lot of calculations, large bulk of operating and diagnostic data processing. It becomes possible only if computer-aided programs are available that provide for a basis for a valid assessment of the pipeline renovation project and scope of work. Scheduling Pipe Renovation program has been designed by MosvodokanalNIIproject OJSC in cooperation with Mosvodokanal MPUE and used for Moscow water pipeline maintenance.

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UDC 628.27

Shuvalov M. V., Sopyryaev M. N.

Analysis of City Sewerage Networks Operation


Results of the analysis of the data base on operation failures of sewerage networks of the city of Samara during the last 9 years of their operation are presented. From the point of view of reliability the gravity sewerage networks are the weakest element of the city wastewater disposal system. According to the statistical data the clogging is the cause of 99% of failures of functioning of the sewerage network. Most of the clogging (over 97%) happens at pipelines of up to 250 mm diameter. In the course of drawing up the schedules of planning-preventive works the operation departments should take into account the seasonality and pay particular attention to the sections of sewerage network with pipes of small diameter. During the reconstruction of gravity sewerage pipelines of less than 250 mm diameter it is recommended to use plastic pipes and pipes of larger diameter.

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UDC 628.144.62-192

Primin Oleg

Analysis of factors producing an effect on the integrity and environmental safety of water distribution networks


The environmentally safe construction and operation of public utilities facilitates to a large extent the sustainable deve­lopment of cities and communities. Pipelines of a water distribution network can be referred to the basic elements of the municipal water supply system and, as operational practice shows, are most vulnerable. Transition to market economy, reforming housing and public utilities under conditions of wear and aging of engineering life support systems of the Russian cities and communities, lack of material and financial resources for their renovation have significantly exacerbated the ecological situation in the country. Unsatisfactory condition of the water supplying pipelines in most of the cities, imperfect operation management result in numerous pipeline failures and, consequently, in material and environmental damages caused by the changing hydrogeological territorial regime, underflooding, raw wastewater discharge into water bodies and surface spills, increased soil corrosiveness etc. In that context supplying the population with sufficient amount of drinking water of the required quality and environmental safety of water use have been most urgent issues in Russia. The integrity and environmental safety have been the main requirements set to the public water supply pipelines. The results of studying the assessment and analysis of the factors effecting the integrity and environmental safety of the water distribution pipelines are presented. The assessment and analysis of the external factors (parameters, characteristics) that can produce a significant effect on both the pipe integrity and environmental safety and their efficient lifetime are the basis of developing the measures on improving the reliability of the municipal water distribution pipelines.

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UDC 628.292.62-192

Il'in Iu. A., IGNATCHIK V. S., Ignatchik S. Iu., Melnik E. A., Probirsky M. D.

Influence of Tear-and-Wear of Vertical Pumps on Reliability, Safety and Power Consumption of Sewerage Pumping Stations


Results of the study of influence of tear-and-wear of vertical pumps on reliability, safety and power consumption of sewerage pumping stations on the example of the Main pumping station of the Central aeration station of St. Petersburg are presented. Principal points of the methods of calculation of reliability of pumping stations operation are expounded. The methodology formalized with the use of programs for a computer can be applied for concrete calculations of reliability of such pumping stations. The safety of a wastewater disposal system, conditions of urban human environment, ground water, water basins, and profitability of the SUE St. Petersburg Vodokanal’s enterprises depend on reliability of operation of stations with a designed discharge rate of up to 1,5 mill. m3/day.

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UDC 696.11

Butko D. A., Danekiants A. G., Mel’nikov I. S.

Choosing the optimal water supply schematic for a high-rise building


The task of enhanced studying scientific substantiation of the selection of a water supply system schematic with the development of criterial indicators (parameters) of optimization is formulated. The analysis of the state of real estate construction market provided for making a substantiated choice of a model building for which seven different versions of water supply schematic were designed and hydraulic and technical and economic calculations were made. The core indicators of reliability were calculated with the use of three methods. The significance coefficients are proposed that determine the degree of impact of a single assembly failure on the general system robustness. The regularities of the fitting failure-free operation probability changing with increasing the number of storeys in a building were determined. An algorithm of choosing an applicable water supply schematic was drawn up that was based on the question-answer method and took into account the basic data on the number of storeys, pressure limitations, building design features, redundancy possibility and (or) necessity as well as additional equipment installation. The optimization parameters were determined: material characteristics, reliability and energy consumption. To solve the formulated task a uniform integral equation of reliability-economic index is proposed. The coefficients and all relevant numerical values assumed depending on the schematic under considera­tion are cited. Inserting basic data into the equation provides for the coordinates for definition domain development. Each schematic in view of its specificity has a definite range of values (definition domain).

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UDC 628.1/.2.001.2

Pupyrev E. I.

Selecting the technology of water treatment in the present-day economic environment


A formal approach to the evaluation of water treatment technologies that provides for comparing quality parameters, costs, reliability and availability indices is suggested. It is shown that one and the same technology being preferable at one settlement, however, is unpractical for applying somewhere else. It depends on the local economic environment, water quality, reliability requirements etc. It is possible to select the best technology for any settlement basing on local conditions. For design people the formal approach to the evaluation of the selected technology can be simplified, particularly for the cost–quality or quality–reliability ratios.

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UDC 628.3:62-192

Alekseev M. I., Yermolin Yu. A.

method of sewer net segmentation and equivalenting


The design procedure of evaluating a most important index of the municipal sewer net reliability, i.e. relative amount of raw sewage spills resulting from the failure of separate sewer sections is suggested. The design procedure is using a typical characteristic of the system, i.e. its tree-type structure, and lies in the formal substitution of the sewer net for one dummy equivalent pipeline with the reliability parameters that are evaluated with the use of the known rates of failure and rehabilitation of the original (existing) sewer elements. The design procedure is simple and can be used directly by the companies that are operating municipal sewers.

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UDC 628.24:62-192

Alekseev M. I., Yermolin Yu. A.

Reliable operation of wastewater collection systems and ways of its improvement


Characteristics of the three constituents of a municipal wastewater collection system, i.e. structural, design and operational are presented. Their impact on the reliable operation of the entire wastewater collection system is discussed. The reasons of reliability degradation of each of the constituents are analyzed. Based on the analytical results the specific features are considered and a number of administrative and technical measures to improve the reliability of the wastewater collection system both at the design stage and in the process of operation are suggested.

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УДК 628.17.001.4

Primin Oleg, Aliferenkov A. D., Otstavnov A. A.

Regulatory support of ductile iron pipe use in Russia


The integrity and environmental safety are among basic requirements imposed to the municipal water and wastewater systems. An appropriate choice of pipe material is of primary importance for ensuring water transportation pipeline integrity. For many years steel and cast iron have been the main pipe materials used in public water supply in Russia. Lately ductile iron pipes widely used overseas and in Russia, in the Moscow water supply system, in particular, have been competing with steel (metal) pipes. The wider use of ductile iron pipes in drinking water supply until recently was restrained by the lack of the proper regulatory framework, including general lack of instructions on the use of ductile iron pipes in Construction Rules 31.13330.2012 «Water supply. Public utilities» (Revised edition of Construction rules and regulations 2.04.02-84*). The information on these pipes and on the introduction of amendments to Construction Rules 31.13330.2012 related to the use in water supply systems, and also amendments to Construction Rules 66.13330.2011 «Design, construction pressure water pipelines and sewers with the use ductile iron pipes» in relation to their use in soft and subsi­ding soil is presented. The amendments were approved by the Ministry of Housing and Construction of Russia and put into force on April 30, 2015.

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UDC 628.32:62-192

GALPERIN E. M., Komarov D. S.

On integrity and maintenance of sewers


The issues of the integrity and maintenance of gravity sections of sewers are discussed. The pipelines (water, heat and gas) of the municipal utility infrastructure are characterized by pressure flow of the work product. Depressurization in such pipelines causes failures. Determining the initial stage of a gravity sewer failure is very difficult; therefore minor pipe leakages under small pressure can continue for prolonged periods. This fact requires sewer regular maintenance to ensure its integrity. However, the regulatory documents in many cases do not take into account the operation experience. Main sewer failures are blockages and structural damages. To reduce the number of blockages it is suggested to increase the minimum diameter of outdoor sewer pipes to 200 mm. To improve the conditions for sewer repair draining of pipes is recommended. A layout of installing a permanent bypass for sewer section draining for inspection, maintenance and repairs is suggested. Relatively small length of the drained sections (150–200 m) will provide for laying bypass pipe with significant fall eliminating excess digging in so that high liquid velocities and flows are ensured, and reduced bypass dia­meter and energy saving are predetermined. Permanent bypasses provide for high quality maintenance that in the long run extends the service life of the facilities.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.03.01
UDC 628.2

Primin Oleg

On the development of Technical Regulations on the safety of water distribution and sewer networks of public water supply and wastewater disposal systems (for discussion)


The issues of reliability of pipelines of water and sewer networks of Russian cities and settlements are considered. Considerations (by way of discussion) on the need for the development and adoption of Technical Regulations on the safety of water and sewer networks of public water supply and wastewater disposal systems are presented. The Technical Regulations will establish the requirements to water and sewer networks that will be mandatory for use and compliance on the territory of the Russian Federation. It is noted that the water industry in Russia is currently lacking a uniform system developed on the basis of the practice of applying mandatory requirements to pipe products used in water and sewer networks and their mandatory certification. The scope of application of such Technical Regulations is proposed, i. e. networks of public systems of cold water supply and wastewater disposal (sewerage) at all stages of their life cycle, as well as materials and articles, pipes, fittings, manholes and related processes of design, construction, operation, maintenance, current repairs and overhaul works, conservation and abandonment of water supply and sewer networks.

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UDC 628.

Ignatchik S. Iu.

Ensuring of Reliability and Power Saving When Designing the Facilities for Wastewater Transporting


Main propositions of methods of the designing of facilities for wastewater transporting, a collector – aeration station system as an example, at increased discharge of wastewater are considered. The consistency of substantiation of the decision ensuring that the system will guarantee reliable transporting and reduction of operation costs is presented. The numerical evaluation is limited with probabilistic [probability of no-failure operation P(t), intensity of failures λ and repairs μ] and parametric [output Q(t) and power consumption W(t)] indices of the system. The methods of calculation developed make it possible to substantiate technical decisions ensuring the reliability and power saving when reconstructing the facilities for wastewater transporting with due regard for requirements for human environment protection.

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UDC 628.218

Chupin R. V.

Optimization of the prospective plans of water supply
system development under the tight financing conditions


The transition to market relations determined a new for our country technology of the urban utility systems management. This technology can be presented in two stages. The first stage is the development of the water supply and wastewater disposal plans; the second one – is the implementation of these plans on the basis of the investment programs of the public utility sector. The investment programs are shaping the financial support of the development and upgrade of wastewater disposal systems by means of the investment component in the tariff; charges for connecting newly built capital construction projects and targeted financing from separate state and municipal programs, loans and credits. Under this approach the determinants are the investments and their limitation in stages and wastewater disposal system development periods. In connection with this new problems and challenges arise related to the efficient allocation of these investments in the construction of new and upgrade of the existing water and wastewater projects. Based on the developed models and methods of substantiating the structure and parameters of wastewater disposal systems a method of shaping and optimizing the options of wastewater disposal system development under the tight financing conditions is proposed.

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UDC 628.144:006.015.7

Bivalkevich A. I., Davydov A. B.

Optimization of water supply and distribution in the municipal water supply system


The integrity of the water distribution system of any city or community has been one of the main factors that provide for the reliability of the entire water supply system. When developing projects for the upgrade of water supply and distribution systems an actual state of movement of water flows in pipelines with steady losses should be obtained. Based on this data the water head in areas with low geodetic marks can be adjusted by installing network pressure regulators. Their use allows increasing the efficiency and integrity of the water supply system by reducing the failure rate in the areas of low and stabilized pressure as well as by reducing the static and dynamic load on the pipelines. The degree of reliability of the water supply and distribution system depends not only on the optimality of the decisions made at the design and construction stages but also on the set of measures for the operation of the facilities. Reduction of operating costs is achieved by optimizing operating modes and maintaining the technical and energy parameters of the structures that change with wear, aging, reducing the throughput capacity of the water supply and distribution system.

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UDC 628.

Karmazinov F. V., Probirsky M. D., IGNATCHIK V. S., Ignatchik S. Iu., Kuznetsov P. N.

Optimization of the wastewater disposal system


In the Federal Law of the Russian Federation «On water supply and wastewater disposal» the challenges and principles of the national policy in this field have been defined. One of the challenges is «improving energy efficiency by water conservation». The experience of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» shows that achieving the above-noted challenge apart from installing water meters is possible by zoning the distribution networks and reducing the working pressure in them. However, alongside with the positive situation in water consumption in the water supply system of St. Petersburg two contrary trends have emerged that favour the increase in wastewater disposal amount: increase in wastewater inflow during the rainy season and increase of general coefficients of wastewater disposal irregularity. The contradiction emerged between the safety requirements of the branch law «On water supply and wastewater disposal», the requirements of the law «On environmental protection» related to the accidental wastewater discharge and wastewater treatment level on one side, and the changed operation conditions (increased developed land, off-design rains, increased irregularity coefficients) on the other side. Because of this meeting the requirements of the legislation and government regulations in the process of the operation of the wastewater disposal system of St. Petersburg that was basically designed and built many years ago actually is not possible. Under current conditions when the large-scale upgrade of the wastewater disposal system of the megacity is not possible the optimal resolution of the above-mentioned conflict is establishing the system of the municipal wastewater disposal system control. This will provide for solving a number of optimization tasks with criteria stated in the branch law in the form of indicators of reliability, quality, energy efficiency.

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UDC 628.24:621.397

Shchavelev A. S., Tsvilii S. V., Slivenko K. B.

The experience of introducing TV-inspection of sewers


Sustainable operation of utility distribution systems is an essential condition of ensuring comfortable life in megacities. Integrity and long operational life are the main requirements to the different-purpose pipelines (gas and water supply, sewers etc.). Regular TV-inspections of sewer condition provide for more efficient distribution of operation and repair expenditures, reduction of emergency repairs. The practical experience of establishing a TV-inspection laboratory in «Tumen Vodokanal» LLC and the results of its activities during 2011–2013 are presented. TV-inspection is an advanced technology of evaluating technical condition of underground utility distribution pipelines and engineering structures. The efficiency of the pipeline TV-inspection method when introduced into the flow process is shown. For the entire period of operation the TV-inspection laboratory specialists have investigated more than 350 objects, i. e. more than 46 kilometers of sewers, among them 30 kilometers of newly built networks. By means of using TV-inspection the time for determining the causes and locating blockages, leaks and other sewer pipe failures is reduced. Therefore, the amount of excavating and hence the general cost of repair works is reduced. Significant improving the culture and quality of construction works is an unconditional success of the laboratory activities. During two and a half years of the laboratory operations the number of facilities approved for operation on the first try increased more than 10-fold, whereas the number of defects to be eliminated with relaying or repair of pipe sections reduced more than 20-fold.

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UDC 628.1/.2:62-192

Alekseev M. I., Baranov L. A., Yermolin Yu. A.

Evaluation of water and wastewater facilities life time under the conditions of periodic failure flow
(to be discussed)


It is customary to evaluate the reliability of water and wastewater facilities by a number of indicators; the most important among them being the failure rate, reliability function – probability of failure free operation of a project by the time, average time between neighboring failures (life time) of the project. An approximate analytical solution of the task of the project reliability evaluation is presented for the case when the failure flow rate influencing the project is a periodic piecewise constant time function. It was suggested to replace this nonstationary process with a fictitious stationary one. The formula was derived stating the constant failure rate of the equivalent fictitious flow through the parameters of the initial real process. This provides for the possible approximate solution of reliability tasks in analytic form that is suitable for practical use and further analysis.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.07.06
UDC 628.25

Skibo Denis, Chupin V. R., Ogniov Igor

Improving the environmental safety of wastewater disposal system on the basis of emergency storage tanks


A new structure is proposed – an emergency storage tank for wastewater pumping stations that provides for improving the environmental safety and controllability of the wastewater disposal system by regulating wastewater in underground storage facilities. Owing to the specific features the tank usable volume is filled with wastewater from gravity sewers; the wastewater is retained in it for a certain time and removed together with the sludge eliminating any additional pumping equipment. The range of application of the emergency storage tank extends to the systems for the disposal of domestic, storm and industrial wastewater. This innovative device should become an essential component of the municipal engineering infrastructure and meet environmental requirements for wastewater disposal. Structural solutions adopted in the development of a horizontal storage tank as the main multifunctional accumulating element are focused on the possibility of installing this structure in the built-up areas of the city, as well as in adverse hydrological conditions. To determine the usable volume of horizontal storage tanks the standard mathematical modeling approaches were used with the help of the approximation method. A method is proposed for calculating the storage capacity of the tank, as well as calculating the volume of the ballast chamber of a horizontal storage tank. The aspects of the resistance to floating up of underground elements are considered. The modular principle of the tanks design provides for installing it both by trenchless and cut-and-cover methods; whereas the available additional ballast opens the door for operating in difficult hydrological conditions. It is recommended to equip the existing and projected wastewater pumping stations with the developed emergency storage tank.

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UDC 628.146:628.25

Zaytseva S. G., Astrakhantsev D. V., Kirsanov A. A., Sopyryaev M. N.

The Use of Up-To-Date Pipeline Valves at Object of Municipal Enterprise Samaravodokanal


ME Samaravodokanal is one of the largest enterprises of the city, provides the population, industrial and heat and power engineering objects of the city of Samara with water supply and wastewater disposal services. The enterprise operates four complexes of pumping-filter stations of total output over 1 mil. m3/day, city treatment facilities of 1 mln. m3/day output, 182 relift pumping stations, and also1533,2 km of water supply and 1209,4 km of sewerage networks. The experience in the use of up-to-date pipeline valves at objects of ME Samaravodokanal is presented. General principles of the selection of a valve type depending on the place of application are formulated. The economic efficiency and technical advantages of adoption of up-to-date stop valves are shown.

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UDC 628.144:621.644.073

Primin Oleg, Aliferenkov A. D., Ten A. E.

The use of ductile iron pipes in karsted areas


In providing for the integrity of water and wastewater pipelines the correct choice of pipe material is very important. For many years the main pipe materials in the public water supply systems in Russia have been steel and cast iron. Lately ductile iron pipes have competed with polymer and steel pipes. The wide use of ductile iron pipes in drinking water supply systems until later has been inhibited because of the lack of an adequate regulatory environment. Introducing amendments to Construction Rules 66.13330.2011 «Design, construction of pressure water and wastewater networks with the use of ductile iron pipes» related to the use of ductile iron pipes in karsted areas will enhance the volume of drinking water pipeline construction in difficult geological environment. The amendments have been adopted by the RF Ministry of Construction and will be put in force starting from August 5, 2017. Reducing the cost of constructing new and reconstructing the existing utility systems in karsted areas with the use ductile iron pipes is ensured by improving their life cycle, integrity, environmental safety and reducing water losses.

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