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UDC 628.218

Chupin R. V.

Optimization of the prospective plans of water supply
system development under the tight financing conditions


The transition to market relations determined a new for our country technology of the urban utility systems management. This technology can be presented in two stages. The first stage is the development of the water supply and wastewater disposal plans; the second one – is the implementation of these plans on the basis of the investment programs of the public utility sector. The investment programs are shaping the financial support of the development and upgrade of wastewater disposal systems by means of the investment component in the tariff; charges for connecting newly built capital construction projects and targeted financing from separate state and municipal programs, loans and credits. Under this approach the determinants are the investments and their limitation in stages and wastewater disposal system development periods. In connection with this new problems and challenges arise related to the efficient allocation of these investments in the construction of new and upgrade of the existing water and wastewater projects. Based on the developed models and methods of substantiating the structure and parameters of wastewater disposal systems a method of shaping and optimizing the options of wastewater disposal system development under the tight financing conditions is proposed.

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