Number 2 / 2018
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UDC 628.161:544.723
Gvozdev V. A., Portnova T. M., Iatsinevich N. V.
Regeneration of the sorption capacity of granulated activated carbon
The analysis of the Neva River water quality parameters shows the changes in the chemical, biological and physical composition of the water under the environmental impact. Microbial as well as organic chemical pollutants get into the water source. Among all the monitored drinking water quality indicators the customers recognize bad smell at once. Double-layer filter bed (sand and activated carbon) provides for the efficient removal of colloid compounds and finely dispersed particles with low hydraulic size. Herewith the granulated carbon layer traps various organic compounds and water soluble oil products. Owing to the process of chemical compound oxidation (destruction) by ozonation and subsequent treatment with sorbent the chemical substances that flavor water with taste and smell are removed; as well as the color and permanganate value are lowered. When using powdered activated carbon at the filtration facilities achieving the treatment efficiency and estimation of the costs are required because in case chlorine-containing chemical is added to the water immediately after activated carbon is introduced the consumption of disinfection chemicals significantly increases. Thus, it is very important to include a sorption unit with granulated activated carbon to improve the reliability of water treatment. The efficiency of water treatment with granulated activated carbon was tested in K-6 unit at the Southern Waterworks of Saint-Petersburg. The evaluation of the water quality parameters after carbon reactivation was made. Reactivation of Filtrasorb TL 830 activated carbon under the selected process conditions provides for the satisfactory regeneration of the material sorption capacity while preserving its mechanical properties.
Key words
potable water , water treatment , powdery activated carbon , granulated activated carbon , reactivation , sorbent , sorption
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UDC 628.1/.2:336.7
Berezin S. E., Pupyrev E. I., Bazhenov V. I., Samburski Georgi
Development of the method of life cycle costing of the equipment, systems and facilities for water supply and wastewater disposal
The Expert-Technological Board of the Russian Water and Wastewater Association has developed «The method of life cycle costing of the equipment, systems and facilities for water supply and wastewater disposal». The method was presented at X Conference of Russian Vodokanals (September 19–22, 2017, Kaliningrad), and at the present moment it is under approval of the Federal Anti-Monopoly Service. The analysis of the life cycle cost estimate methods – international (for the purpose of the compliance with the state procurements) and domestic (their use is not of system character). The calculation dependencies are presented also with account of discounting expenditures of the current cost in time. The categories of pertainance of the calculation objective are presented: the first – equipment, products; the second – capital construction projects. The adaptation of the estimate indicators to the international practice is accompanied with the support of the generally accepted abbreviation to simplify the procedure of the foreign representatives participating in the Russian tenders. The references to the examples of the approbation of the life cycle cost calculation in accordance with the functional specific features of the developed method related to the technical and technologic aspects as well as to the projects – research and design and experimental, public-private partnership, performance and leasing contracts are given.
Key words
water supply , water disposal , life cycle cost , estimation procedure , discounting expenditures
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UDC 628.33:665.622.43
Urmitova N. S., Abitov R. N., Nizamova A. Kh., Khabibullin R. R.
The use of coarse coalescent materials in the units for oil field water treatment
The Republic of Tatarstan is a federal subject of Russia with high technology and economic level including petrochemical, oil extraction and oil refining industries. At the oil extraction facilities big amounts of oily water are generated. Reuse of this water for oil reservoir flooding to improve the production rate is an efficient method of utilization. Before the injection oil and mechanical admixtures must be removed from wastewater. This is provided by sedimentation method. To enhance the process wastewater pretreatment is used. Coalescence process with the use of granulated coalescent porous media is one of the most efficient methods. To enhance the treatment process granulated coalescent materials based on polymers and expanded clay were developed. As a result of experimental studies it was concluded that coarse hydrophobic media with increased filtration rate that work in self-regeneration mode is the best material for coalescence. Herewith the purification level is improved and the duration of sedimentation process is cut by half and more.
Key words
filtration , oil field water , coalescent media , coalescent nozzle , pretreatment , grain particle size , self-regeneration
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UDC 628.17.001.4
Kofman V. Ya.
Chemical information study of wastewater (review)
The research discipline «Chemical information study of wastewater» has originated and made rapid strides since the beginning of 2000-ies in response to the demand of developing the channels of acquiring the information on the use of broad spectrum of banned narcotics and pharmaceuticals, on the effect of toxic substances, on some health indicators of the population and its size inside the territory under the study. Compared to the traditional methods of questioning and social-epidemiologic studies that imply the compilation of statistics, study of medical reports, acquisition of the information on the production and sale of the relevant medications the considered approach has certain advantages and provides for establishing continuous monitoring almost on a real-time basis. The method includes measuring the concentrations of active substances and/or metabolites of the medications studied that enter the sewer as a result of the excretion from the human organism and using the method of this data processing to determine the level of consumption of medications or narcotics by the population living on the territory served by the sewer network. Similarly the level of the population exposure to the impact of pollutants can be determined. The data obtained in some countries with the use of the considered approach corresponds to the results of the traditional studies, and, in some cases is a successful supplement. It is supposed that the significance and efficiency of the method will grow as well as under the conditions of the sewer network upgrade.
Key words
wastewater , sewerage system , narcotics and pharmaceuticals , toxic substances , public wastewater treatment facilities , back calculations method
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UDC 628.31:581.55
Shchukin I. S.
Study of oil products and heavy metals removal from surface runoff in phytofilters
Internationally the use of bioengineered facilities including phytofilters in the treatment of surface runoff from urban lands is gaining ground. The use of phytofilters in moderate climate belts has some restrictions related to the decline in treatment efficiency during the periods of near-zero temperatures because of the retardation of biochemical processes in plants and soil microorganisms. A technical solution of the described problem is proposed that consists in adding materials with sorption and ion-exchange properties (peat and zeolite) into the filter media. The efficiency of removing oil products and heavy metals (lead, copper, aluminium, iron) from the simulated solution of surface runoff in a pilot laboratory phytofiltration plant with the use of higher plants: common reed grass (Phragmites commnis), mace reed (Tpha latiflia) and Iris pseudacorus was studied. The efficiency of removing oil products was 95.5–98.9%, and that of heavy metals – 66–99.3%. It was stated that during the vegetation period partial phytoregeneration of the filtration media from the trapped oil products and heavy metals occurs under the effect of higher plants and rhizospheric microflora. By experiment it was determined that the efficiency of phytoregeneration from oil products decreases in series: common reed grass – Iris pseudacorus – mace reed; from heavy metals: Iris pseudacorus – common reed grass.
Key words
oil products , surface runoff , heavy metals , phytofilter , phytoregeneration , rain gardens
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UDC 628.218
Chupin R. V.
Optimization of the prospective plans of water supply system development under the tight financing conditions
The transition to market relations determined a new for our country technology of the urban utility systems management. This technology can be presented in two stages. The first stage is the development of the water supply and wastewater disposal plans; the second one – is the implementation of these plans on the basis of the investment programs of the public utility sector. The investment programs are shaping the financial support of the development and upgrade of wastewater disposal systems by means of the investment component in the tariff; charges for connecting newly built capital construction projects and targeted financing from separate state and municipal programs, loans and credits. Under this approach the determinants are the investments and their limitation in stages and wastewater disposal system development periods. In connection with this new problems and challenges arise related to the efficient allocation of these investments in the construction of new and upgrade of the existing water and wastewater projects. Based on the developed models and methods of substantiating the structure and parameters of wastewater disposal systems a method of shaping and optimizing the options of wastewater disposal system development under the tight financing conditions is proposed.
Key words
reliability , ecological safety , redundant layout , seismic resistance , optimal management of water supply and wastewater disposal system development , quantitative indicators , tight financing
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UDC 628.1.2:658.26.004.18
Usachev A. P.
Control of centrifugal pump parallel operation
The problems related to the cable capacity of pumping units during their parallel operation (one with variable-frequency control, another one – without variable-frequency control) are considered. In the traditional control schemes (without variable-frequency control) the problem is solved by throttling of each pump with cable capacity levelling of their drive motors. This function is usually carried out by the operator in manual mode. Based on the conducted analysis an algorithm of pump control was developed that provided for their safe operation in the working area and maximum energy efficiency. It is proposed to carry out controlled throttling of the pump without variable-frequency control by controlling the position of the set point of the pump with variable-frequency control at the working area interface. To ensure failure-free operation of the pumping station in case of the pump with variable-frequency control emergency shutdown it is recommended to change the system of the pump without variable-frequency control for automated pressure maintaining with the help of throttling. To implement the given algorithm the use of a special process controller with the sufficient computing power (STK 500 type) and series SP 200 blocks is proposed.
Key words
power saving , frequency regulation , centrifugal pump , parallel operation , throttling
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UDC 621.644:621.643.2-034.13
Prodous O. A., Dzhanbekov B. A.
Pipes with polyurethane coating for the construction of the Teberda group water main
The problem of drinking water deficiency in the southern regions of Russia (at the North Caucasus) can be solved by the construction of a large-diameter and long water main for water transportation from the artesian sources located in the Karachay-Cherkessia Republic. The analysis of the advanced efficient durable polymer materials for pressure pipelines having the high hydraulic potential and operating in the zone of extreme seismicity was carried out. The economic efficiency of using ductile iron pipes with polyurethane inner coating in the construction of the Teberda group large-diameter water main is shown. The specific head losses along the length of a 500 mm water main are cited that are 2.5 times less than the specific head losses in pressure polyethylene pipes of the same diameter.
Key words
pipeline , polymeric materials , pressure losses , drinking water deficiency , pump energy consumption