Tag:sewerage system



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UDC 628.32.62-192.004.1

Bogomolov M. V., Dudchenko T. O., Pakhomov A. N., Streltsov S. A., Khamidov M. G., Belov N. A.

Improvement of Operational Reliability of Wastewater Disposal System of Moscow


The reliable and efficient operation of the wastewater disposal system of Moscow is one of the most important components of sanitary and ecological well-being of the city. Under the conditions of water saving and an annual reduction in volumes of water consumption and wastewater disposal the priority directions of development of the wastewater disposal system are improvement of water treatment quality and reliability of networks and facilities operation. With that end in view the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise Mosvodokanal (MSUE) introduces new methods of renovation of sewerage networks using widely up-to-date computer technologies and geoinformation systems, carries out the reconstruction of water treatment facilities. This complex of measures makes it possible to reduce considerably the risk of emergency situations.

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UDC 628.27

Vasilyev V. M., Morozov G. V., Zhukov S. V.

Problems in sewer network operation and ways of their elimination


The main problems arising during the operation of sewer networks – blockages, network deterioration and odors are highlighted. The causes of their occurrence are considered and methods of their elimination are proposed. Under the conditions of Russia blockages are most likely to occur as a result of errors in design and erection. These are violation of the pipe turnout grade, pipe diameter mismatch, turnout grade fault because of soil movement, unsatisfactory state of sewer and pipeline failure. Design and erection errors and low cultural level of the users of the sewer system can lead to the emission of high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide. Any blockage in the sewerage system is accompanied by foul odor above ground that is explained by the emission of hydrogen sulfide. By using advanced computer aids it is possible to keep account of all the factors that affect the useful life of sewers. Systematization of the obtained data and its further use provide for extending the pipe life and reduce the expenditures for renovation and maintenance of sewers. The paper is written on the basis of designing and operating the sewer networks in Saint-Petersburg.

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UDC 628.24

Zhmakov G. N.

Designing pressure and vacuum public sewers


In Russia until recently only gravity sewers have been used for public sewers. With advent of sparsely populated territories of low-rise development the gravity sewers become unreliable and require high operational expenditures; therefore, pressure and vacuum public sewers are used with increasing frequencies. Because of the high flow rate and turbulence the threat of blockage of these pipelines is low. In vacuum sewers wastewater is aerated; therefore no corrosion occurs. Comparing to the expenditures for a free slope sewer the construction the costs saving in case of a vacuum sewer amounts up to 50%. Pressure sewer includes receiving tanks, mini sewage pumping stations, air-blowing (compressor) stations, pressure pipelines with valves and fittings. Vacuum sewer includes curtilage chambers, collecting pipelines and a vacuum station combined with a sewage pumping station. The formulas for pump capacity calculations are presented. The examples of lay out solutions are given.

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bbk 000000

UDC 628.3:658.26.004.18

Streltsov S. A., Khamidov M. G., Bitiev A. V.

Reduction of Specific Consumption of Electric Power for Wastewater Disposal


The Moscow sewerage represents the complex system of engineering facilities reliable and efficient operation of which is one of the most important components of the city’s sanitary and ecological well-being. The sewerage system of Moscow has been constructed and operates with due regard for a great volume of consumption of energy resources: electric power, heat as well as the use of potable water for own technological needs. Under the conditions of water saving and annual reduction of water consumption and wastewater disposal the reduction of energy resources consumption is one of the basic goals.

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UDC 628.17.001.4

Kofman V. Ya.

Chemical information study of wastewater


The research discipline «Chemical information study of wastewater» has originated and made rapid strides since the beginning of 2000-ies in response to the demand of developing the channels of acquiring the information on the use of broad spectrum of banned narcotics and pharmaceuticals, on the effect of toxic substances, on some health indicators of the population and its size inside the territory under the study. Compared to the traditional methods of questioning and social-epidemiologic studies that imply the compilation of statistics, study of medical reports, acquisition of the information on the production and sale of the relevant medications the considered approach has certain advantages and provides for establishing continuous monitoring almost on a real-time basis. The method includes measuring the concentrations of active substances and/or metabolites of the medications studied that enter the sewer as a result of the excretion from the human organism and using the method of this data processing to determine the level of consumption of medications or narcotics by the population living on the territory served by the sewer network. Similarly the level of the population exposure to the impact of pollutants can be determined. The data obtained in some countries with the use of the considered approach corresponds to the results of the traditional studies, and, in some cases is a successful supplement. It is supposed that the significance and efficiency of the method will grow as well as under the conditions of the sewer network upgrade.

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