Tag:pressure pipeline



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UDC 628.144:532.542:691.175

Averkeyev I. A., Gimazieva D. R.

Analysis of methods of hydraulic calculation of pressure pipelines  made of polymer materials


The analysis of the most pressing for today methods of hydraulic calculations used in domestic design of pressure pipeline systems made of polymer materials was carried out. The methods of hydraulic calculation of pressure pipes were considered on the basis of: pipe friction number formula for hydraulically smooth pipes suggested by F. A. Shevelev; Kolbruk formula (widely used overseas); formula suggested by A. Ia. Dobromyslov. The analysis of the methods was carried out in relation to the applicability and validity of the results of the hydraulic calculations of pressure pipelines. The aim of the analysis was to assist the designer in choosing the most comfortable method of hydraulic calculations of pressure pipes made of polymer materials.

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UDC 628.14/.21:621.391

Petsching Sylvia, Huainig Michael, Ovsiankin A. A., Lobanov Fedor

Cableless video inspection of pipelines with the help of built-in system of leak detection


The main application areas of Pipe-Inspector® inspection device designed to carry out video inspection of water distribution pipelines and sewers for long distances (up to 50 km) without interrupting the operation are considered. The acoustic system of leak detection provides for the high picture quality and additional photographic recording. The main areas of using Pipe-Inspector® for sewer inspection are: detection of sections with big deposits to evaluate the necessity of cleaning the canal; detection of leaks or damages; routine maintenance; possible inspection of long canal sections. As an illustration the use of Pipe-Inspector® system for the inspection of the water distribution system in Westfriesedijk, The Netherlands is presented. The municipal water company supplies water to 1.5 million private houses, companies and institutions.

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UDC 621.644.01.004.69

Orlov V. А., Averkeyev I. A., Koblova E. V.

Hydraulic component of alternative pipe materials and protective coatings in trenchless renovation of pressure pipelines


The results of experimental hydraulic studies of trenchless renovation of pressure pipelines with different protective coatings are analyzed. The studies were carried out in the laboratory of the Water Supply Faculty of the Moscow State Civil Engineering University. The cross-plots of specific resistance – diameter of pipelines made of different materials (protective coating) relationship are presented. The solution of the task of evaluating hydraulic compatibility of some pipe materials and protective coatings used in the relative technologies of trenchless renovation is given.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.04.08
UDC 628.144:532.542

Orlov V. А., Zotkin S. P.

Study of changes in the coefficient of hydraulic friction of materials of pressure pipes at different temperatures


Reducing the cost of electricity for the mechanical transportation of water through pressure pipelines by reducing the hydraulic resistance of the inner walls of the pipes is of current importance. This circumstance predetermines the need for appropriate hydraulic testing of alternative materials that can be used in the design and construction of pipeline systems. The aim of the study is to identify the nature of the change in the value of hydraulic friction depending on the temperature conditions of the transported water and the environment in certain ranges, with the subsequent possible control of the transportation process with a minimum of energy costs. The set goals are achieved by experimental computational and analytical approaches to determining the dynamics of changes in the hydraulic parameters of pipelines made of various materials. A comprehensive analysis of the experimental and calculated data obtained using patented automated systems for determining the coefficients of hydraulic friction for a polyethylene pipe and a pipe made of unplasticized polyvinylchloride, and the dynamics of changes in these coefficients depending on the temperature of the transported water and the temperature conditions of pipeline laying is presented.

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UDC 628.218
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.06.07

Chupin V. R., Skibo Denis

Substantiation of the efficiency of installing emergency storage tanks at wastewater pumping stations


Improving the reliability of wastewater disposal systems is provided by measures that prevent the intrusion of raw wastewater into the ground and spills onto the land surface. Such measures include backing up pressure and gravity pipeline sections of the network, using their accumulating capacity and installing emergency storage tanks. Based on the life cycle cost assessment, studies of the effectiveness of using emergency storage tanks at wastewater pumping stations were carried out. It is shown that with a certain length of pressure pipelines of two or more strings, the option of installing emergency storage tanks may be most economically viable. As a result, dependences of the efficiency of installing emergency storage tanks on the pressure pipeline length and pumping station capacity were obtained. For wastewater disposal systems in Irkutsk, all wastewater pumping stations are divided into two groups with emergency storage tanks and two pressure pipelines. The results of the study will be useful in updating the scheme for the development of the water supply and wastewater disposal systems of the city.

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UDC 628.32.62-192.004.1

Bogomolov M. V., Dudchenko T. O., Pakhomov A. N., Streltsov S. A., Khamidov M. G., Belov N. A.

Improvement of Operational Reliability of Wastewater Disposal System of Moscow


The reliable and efficient operation of the wastewater disposal system of Moscow is one of the most important components of sanitary and ecological well-being of the city. Under the conditions of water saving and an annual reduction in volumes of water consumption and wastewater disposal the priority directions of development of the wastewater disposal system are improvement of water treatment quality and reliability of networks and facilities operation. With that end in view the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise Mosvodokanal (MSUE) introduces new methods of renovation of sewerage networks using widely up-to-date computer technologies and geoinformation systems, carries out the reconstruction of water treatment facilities. This complex of measures makes it possible to reduce considerably the risk of emergency situations.

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UDC 628.144:532.542

Prodous O. A.

Predicting head loss in pipelines made  of different polymer materials


The availability of manufacturing tolerances for the outer diameter and wall thickness in the operating standards for pipes made of different polymer materials results in changes in the values of the calculated inner diameter, flow velocity and friction loss. The demand for the calculation of head loss for the subsequent count in the operation of pipelines made of different polymer materials is shown. It is proposed to set regulated maximum values of pipe wall roughness and include them into the operating standards for pipes: to develop the limits of the altitudinal roughness parameter Ra; to develop the method of in-process monitoring of the roughness parameter Ra during pipe manufacture similar to GOST 12586.0-83 «Reinforced-concrete pressure vibrohydromoulded pipes». Based on this method the manufacturer of the pipes will have to enter the numerical values of roughness parameter Ra into the passport of the pipe lot so that it will be possible to predict friction losses for the length of the designed pipeline; to recommend an instrument for in-process monitoring of the inner wall roughness parameter of pipes made of polymer materials upon the substantiation of the choice; to prepare the method of in-process monitoring of the wall roughness parameter of pipes made of polymer materials for including it into the requirements of GOST 18599-2001, Р 52134-2003, Р 54560-2011.

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