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UDC 628.144:532.542:691.175

Averkeyev I. A., Gimazieva D. R.

Analysis of methods of hydraulic calculation of pressure pipelines  made of polymer materials


The analysis of the most pressing for today methods of hydraulic calculations used in domestic design of pressure pipeline systems made of polymer materials was carried out. The methods of hydraulic calculation of pressure pipes were considered on the basis of: pipe friction number formula for hydraulically smooth pipes suggested by F. A. Shevelev; Kolbruk formula (widely used overseas); formula suggested by A. Ia. Dobromyslov. The analysis of the methods was carried out in relation to the applicability and validity of the results of the hydraulic calculations of pressure pipelines. The aim of the analysis was to assist the designer in choosing the most comfortable method of hydraulic calculations of pressure pipes made of polymer materials.

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  6. Dobromyslov A. Ia. Tablitsy dlia gidravlicheskikh raschetov truboprovodov iz polimernykh materialov. T. 2. Beznapornye truboprovody [Tables for hydraulic calculations of pipes made of polymer materials. V. 2. Gravity pipelines. Moscow, VNIIMP Publ., 2004, 128 p.].

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