


UDC 628.21:628.52
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.09.03

Svitskov S. V., Lobanov Fedor, Rublevskaya O. N., Klokov Aleksandr, Malykh Ol’ga

Current methods of odor control in accordance with Amendment No. 2 of CP 32.13330.2018


In connection with the increasing demands of the environmental health, the issue of eliminating unpleasant odors holds a specific place. This problem is especially relevant for wastewater facilities; accordingly, it is reflected in the new editions of sectorial regulations and reference books. The main recommendations of Code of Practice 32.13330.2018 regarding the measurement, control and elimination of odor from organized and unorganized odor sources at wastewater disposal and treatment facilities are highlighted. The practical experience of applying the technologies specified in the CP 32.13330.2018 is described.

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UDC 504.06

Skryabin A. Yu., Popovian G. V., Tron' I. A.

Study of the factors effecting the intensive growth of microalgae in the Don River


The factors enhancing the growth and evolution of the microalgae species composition in the Don River were studied. The effect of phosphorus on the phytoplankton growth rate was proved. The sources of nutrients incoming to the water bodies were analyzed. The factors of anthropogenic eutrophication of water bodies are presented: dyke construction facilitating the reduction of the river flow rate; decay of the vegetation on the lands immersed during the construction of water reservoirs and canals; intensive development of industrial production, agricultural activities, cattle breeding; increase of household and industrial use of synthetic detergents. The strategy of controlling water source bloom is proposed: bloom suppression during its development directly in the water body; the use of biological treatment methods (rehabilitation of the natural biocenosis by seeding certain microalgae species – different Chlorella strains and some species of herbivorous fish, e.g. silver carp; elimination of household and industrial use of phosphorus-containing detergents and their replacement with phosphate free detergents; strengthening of control of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer use in agriculture; construction and stepwise reconstruction or upgrade of wastewater treatment facilities that provide for enhanced removal of nitrogen and phosphorous compounds.

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UDC 614.7:613.15

Budarina O. V., Pinigin M. A., Iakovlev N. V.

Living standards in the area close to wastewater treatment facilities – sources of odor nuisance


A review of literature data on the assessment of the impact of atmospheric air pollution on the living standards in the areas close to the enterprises – the sources of odor including wastewater treatment facilities is presented. Numerous studies have shown that perceptible odor in the atmospheric air and irritation caused by it results not only in the deterioration in the quality of life of people, but also in some disorders – somatic (headache, short wind, irritation of the respiratory tract, general malaise, etc.) and emotional (overstrain , fatigability, depression, etc.). At the same time, often the maximum permissible concentrations of certain pollutants are not exceeded which keeps the regulatory authorities from taking appropriate measures in relation to the enterprise. Therefore, in case of numerous complaints from the residents about odors and, as a result, deterioration of health and living standards it is necessary to significantly expand the approaches associated with assessing the impact of emissions from enterprises – sources of odor, primarily wastewater treatment facilities due to their commonness. To this end it is proposed to introduce into the regulation and monitoring practice the criteria compliance with which can ensure the absence of odor nuisance in the atmospheric air. In assessing the potential effects of odors on public health the comprehensive analysis of air pollution using various methods (instrumental and olfactory-odorimetric) and with a simultaneous survey of the population living under the conditions of different exposure levels to odor nuisance is of great importance. Conducting comprehensive and multi-attribute research will significantly improve the level of scientific knowledge in this field and open the door for controlling odor in the atmospheric air, in particular, when planning measures to reduce emissions of odorous substances.

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UDC 504.06

Skryabin A. Yu., Popovian G. V., Tron' I. A.

Microalgae as a factor affecting the organoleptic properties of the Don River water


Stringent hygienic requirements are set to the drinking water quality: epidemiologic, radiation and chemical safety, favorable organoleptic properties. The applicable regulatory documents control a number of parameters; however, other factors exist that affect the water safety and potability. In particular, among these are the amount and species composition of microalgae in water. Massive microphyte growth in surface water sources during water bloom raises serious difficulties in the process of water treatment and severely affects such regulated parameters as color and taste. The laboratory workers at «Rostovvodokanal» JSC have made observations of the microphyte growth in the Don water for 34 years. During this period the evolution of the species composition of microalgae in the Don River has been investigated. It was proved that certain cyanobacteria species affect the organoleptic properties of water. The efficiency of different water treatment methods of odor strength reduction is considered. For the operating water treatment plants the method of water odor strength reduction with the use of rapid gravity filter by natural aeration is suggested.

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UDC 628.1.036:543.3

Serikov L. V., Shiyan L. N., Tropina E. A., Khryapov P. A.

Peculiarities of Measuring of Chromaticity of the West Siberian Region’s Ground Water


Results of the experimental study aimed at determining the chromaticity of the West Siberian Region’s ground water sampled from a depth of 80–200 m with the use of the chromaticity measuring methods recommended by GOST R 52769-2007 are presented. Difficulties of the determination of chromaticity are associated with the features of the chemical composition of ground water and are due to the generation of stable colloidal particles consisting of Fe(OH)3 and dissolved organic substances of humus origin. It is established that the chromaticity of ground water generally depends on the presence of colloidal compounds of iron and is characterized as seemingchromaticity of water.

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UDC 628.113.8:504.064.2

Boronina L. V., Sadchikov P. N.

The appraisal of surface water sources quality


The results of the statistical appraisal of the parameters indicating the growth of vast majority of pollutants in the total volume of water samples are presented. Herewith the absolute values of the basic growth are positive, which is the evidence of the pollution buildup compared to 2006. The positive values of chain growth indicate unfavorable dynamics of the gradual increase of the given substances in weight; whereas the relevant comparative values (basic and chain increase and growth rates) show their percentage build-up.

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UDC 628.27

Vasilyev V. M., Morozov G. V., Zhukov S. V.

Problems in sewer network operation and ways of their elimination


The main problems arising during the operation of sewer networks – blockages, network deterioration and odors are highlighted. The causes of their occurrence are considered and methods of their elimination are proposed. Under the conditions of Russia blockages are most likely to occur as a result of errors in design and erection. These are violation of the pipe turnout grade, pipe diameter mismatch, turnout grade fault because of soil movement, unsatisfactory state of sewer and pipeline failure. Design and erection errors and low cultural level of the users of the sewer system can lead to the emission of high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide. Any blockage in the sewerage system is accompanied by foul odor above ground that is explained by the emission of hydrogen sulfide. By using advanced computer aids it is possible to keep account of all the factors that affect the useful life of sewers. Systematization of the obtained data and its further use provide for extending the pipe life and reduce the expenditures for renovation and maintenance of sewers. The paper is written on the basis of designing and operating the sewer networks in Saint-Petersburg.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.03.07
UDC 628.316.12:628.52

Gimaletdinov Rustem, Usmanov Marat, Valeev Salavat, Bodrov Viktor, Paskaru Konstantin, Vezhnovets Viktor

Sorbent based on modified hydrolysis lignin for the purification
of wastewater from oil refineries


The results of studies of using SynergySorb® PS-1000 sorbent based on modified hydrolysis lignin for the purification of wastewater from large oil refineries are presented. Owing to the developed system of micro- and mesopores, the sorbent effectively absorbs light fractions of hydrocarbons, thus reducing the total content of oil products in wastewater and the intensity of odor near open treatment facilities. The total dynamic exchange capacity of the sorbent for oil products was 0.605 g/g while filtering wastewater from one of the largest Russian oil refineries. The average treatment efficiency before the breakthrough of oil products was 94%, the intensity of effluent odor as a result of tests was reduced from 5 to 2 points. Spent SynergySorb® PS-1000 sorbent belongs to the 4th hazard class (low hazard) in terms of toxicity and ecotoxicity.

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UDC 628.316.7:628.336.3
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.04.02

Svitskov S. V., Бикетов А. В., Zhunev Oleg

Control of deposit site malodors: «Wet Barrier» technology


The issue of malodors control is relevant for wastewater treatment facilities. Information is provided on the use of «Wet Barrier» technology to control malodor from large area sources, such as sludge beds, sludge lagoons, deposition sites and others. The «Wet Barrier» technology for neutralizing malodors has become widespread in Russia. The use of this technology is provided for by BAT 15b of «Wastewater treatment with the use of public wastewater disposal systems of communities, urban districts». Information and technical reference book of the best available technologies ITS-2019 and CP 32.13330.2018 «SNiP 2.04.03-85 Sewerage. External networks and structures» (with Amendments No. 1, 2). Novosibirsk Vodokanal monitors the effectiveness of the technology in order to select optimal operating modes using the olfactometry method in accordance with GOST R 58578-2019.

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