

DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.03.07
UDC 628.316.12:628.52

Gimaletdinov Rustem, Usmanov Marat, Valeev Salavat, Bodrov Viktor, Paskaru Konstantin, Vezhnovets Viktor

Sorbent based on modified hydrolysis lignin for the purification
of wastewater from oil refineries


The results of studies of using SynergySorb® PS-1000 sorbent based on modified hydrolysis lignin for the purification of wastewater from large oil refineries are presented. Owing to the developed system of micro- and mesopores, the sorbent effectively absorbs light fractions of hydrocarbons, thus reducing the total content of oil products in wastewater and the intensity of odor near open treatment facilities. The total dynamic exchange capacity of the sorbent for oil products was 0.605 g/g while filtering wastewater from one of the largest Russian oil refineries. The average treatment efficiency before the breakthrough of oil products was 94%, the intensity of effluent odor as a result of tests was reduced from 5 to 2 points. Spent SynergySorb® PS-1000 sorbent belongs to the 4th hazard class (low hazard) in terms of toxicity and ecotoxicity.

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