01 2021

Number 1 / 2021

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.01.01
UDC 628.167.069.84

Tcherkesov A. Yu., Shchukin S. A., Denisova Irina

Study of the catalytic iron oxidation of hydrogen sulfide by air oxygen in a reactor with a membrane separator


The results of studies of the catalytic iron oxidation of hydrogen sulfide by air oxygen in a reactor with a membrane separator are presented. The studies were carried out in a laboratory setup. An artificially prepared model hydrogen sulfide-containing water served as the object of study. The laboratory setup was a reactor vessel where hydrogen sulfide was oxidized by air oxygen in the presence of iron hydroxide that acted as a catalyst for the process. The separation of purified water and Fe (OH)3 was carried out by ultrafiltration. All the experiments were executed under the conditions recommended for the iron catalytic oxidation of hydrogen sulfide: concentration of iron (III) hydroxide 2 g/dm3, pH 7–8, residence time in the reactor 1 hour, air consumption 2 m3/m3, temperature 20–23 ºС. The oxidizing ability of the method has been experimentally confirmed at the above standard values of the indicators. A regression equation has been obtained that describes the catalytic oxidation of hydrogen sulfide by air oxygen in a reactor with a membrane separator. The presented method can be recommended in the process flow schemes of natural hydrogen sulfide-containing water purification for the purposes of drinking water supply.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.01.02
UDC 620.1/.2:681.518.3:54.084

Dmitrieva E., Tereshchenko Vasilii, Shliakhtun Anna

Experience and prospects of using the laboratory information system in testing laboratories of municipal water utilities


The task of confirming the high level of quality of the conducted research places analytical laboratories of water utilities before the need of being certified for compliance with the requirements of the state and international standards (updated GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2019, etc.), involving the introduction of an intralaboratory control (IC), a quality management system (QMS), passing the procedures of interlaboratory comparative tests (ICT). As a result, the workload on the laboratory personnel significantly increases, the efficiency of the work of engineers and laboratory assistants declines, the costs of the laboratory activities increase. The use of laboratory information systems (LIS, LIMS), i. e. software tools for the automation of business processes that provide for the comprehensive solution of the tasks of accredited laboratories is considered as a way to optimize the laboratory’s activities; and it is simple and transparent to increase the efficiency of their activities. An example of such information systems is LIS «Khimik-Analitik» that has been successfully cooperating with the laboratories of water utilities throughout Russia for more than 20 years. Today, LIS meets almost all the requirements to the accredited laboratories, i. e. entering the results of analysis (including directly from the equipment) and their metrological processing in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory documents, compiling report documents, accounting of inventory items with possible integration with accounting systems, maintaining QMS journals, drawing up route plans and job setup. The access to LIS documents and development of calibration characteristics is possible through web services. LIS is available in various configuration options, the minimum of which is LIS for IC software product.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.01.03
UDC 628.2:614.71

Ponomarenko A. M., Vlasov Dmitrii, Basov N. S., Novikov S. N., Koudryavtsev N. N., Kostyuchenko S. V.

On the choice of methods for removing malodorous substances from vent emissions of the transportation and wastewater treatment system


Over the past seven years, Mosvodokanal JSC has been actively implementing a program on eliminating the emission of malodorous substances at the wastewater transportation and treatment facilities: wastewater treatment facilities, wastewater pumping stations, etc. As part of the program, the necessary covering of open storage tanks (receiving chambers, discharge canals, grit chambers, primary settling tanks, etc.). Various methods of removing malodorous substances have been approbated including experimental-industrial and pilot tests. Based on the results of the field trials of various installations for removing malodorous substances from air, as well as with account of the technical and economic assessment of the operating costs, Mosvodokanal JSC is introducing sorption systems based on the photosorption-catalytic purification method. The implementation of the program ensured a tenfold reduction in the general background of malodorous substances on the premises of the facilities providing for the elimination of odors in the nearby residential areas of the city.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.01.04
UDC 628.2:614.71

Ponomarenko A. M., Vlasov Dmitrii, Basov N. S., Novikov S. N., Koudryavtsev N. N., Kostyuchenko S. V.

Engineering aspects of arranging odor removal at the wastewater treatment facilities of Mosvodokanal JSC


The arrangement of odor removal at the wastewater treatment facilities is a technically challenging and expensive task. In the process of the implementation a number of problems arise that the technical staff of the treatment facilities has not previously run into. The experience of Mosvodokanal JSC in implementing the odor removal program at the wastewater treatment facilities in Moscow is discussed. Currently, as part of the comprehensive upgrade of the main treatment facilities – Kurianovskie, Liuberetskie, Zelenogradskie and Butovskie, as well as during the construction of new small and medium-sized wastewater treatment facilities in New Moscow, the necessary covering of open storage tanks is being carried out. The systems for collecting vent emissions from under the cover are equipped with modern air ventilation systems for removing malodorous substances. At present, the total background of emissions of malodorous substances on the premises of the treatment facilities has been reduced dozens of times providing for the elimination of odors over the nearby areas of the city. In 2021 it is planned to complete the entire set of measures to remove malodorous substances at the Kurianovskie and Liuberetskie wastewater treatment facilities of Mosvodokanal JSC.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.01.05
UDC 628.356:628.52:629.5.083.7

Ponomarenko A. M., Vlasov Dmitrii, Belov N. A., Ganin Andrei, Zinchenko Aleksandr

Innovative directions for the development of the Liuberetskie wastewater treatment facilities


The Moscow wastewater disposal system is a complex system of engineering structures; its reliable and efficient operation is one of the most important components of the sanitary and environmental well-being of the city. In order to comply with the environmental requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, Mosvodokanal JSC has been actively involved in the reconstruction and upgrade of the municipal wastewater treatment facilities in recent years. Currently, the implementation of a large-scale project for the comprehensive reconstruction of the Liuberetskie wastewater treatment facilities has been underway. Within the framework of the project introducing advanced energy and resource-saving technologies for wastewater treatment and sludge treatment is planned. Much attention is paid to the problem of removing odors from the wastewater treatment facilities. During the reconstruction of the Liuberetskie wastewater treatment facilities the following advanced technologies are being introduced: enhanced wastewater treatment with nutrients removal (nitrogen and phosphorus); removal of nitrogen compounds from reject water using Anammox technology and removal of phosphorus compounds to obtain a mineral fertilizer – struvite; thermal decontamination of wastewater sludge with the generation of finished products and their subsequent sale at cement plants as an alternative fuel; installation of covers and systems for vent emissions purification.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.01.06
UDC 628.166

Ponomarenko A. M., Vlasov Dmitrii, Basov N. S., Novikov S. N., Koudryavtsev N. N., Kostyuchenko S. V.

Experience in introducing UV disinfection of effluents at operating extremely large-scale treatment facilities


The experience of Mosvodokanal JSC in introducing the technology of effluent disinfection is presented. The paper describes the problem, typical for the Moscow treatment facilities, of ensuring the effluent disinfection in line with the regulatory requirements. The results of long-term experimental-industrial and pilot tests for the UV-disinfection of wastewater after biological treatment carried out at the Kurianovskie wastewater treatment facilities using domestic UV equipment, revealed the high efficiency and stability of disinfection up to the standard requirements under conditions of actual fluctuations in the physical and chemical indicators of wastewater quality. The high efficiency of UV disinfection in relation to specific microorganisms, resistant to chlorination, such as viruses, coliphages, protozoan cysts, has been established. The tests carried out provided for evaluating the effectiveness of UV disinfection and developing a concept for the application of UV disinfection at the Moscow wastewater treatment facilities.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.01.07
UDC 628.316.12:621.357

Ainetdinov Ravil’, Vasil’ev Aleksei, Kuznetsova Alla

Local facilities for plating wastewater treatment


The analysis of the operation of the existing facilities for plating wastewater treatment is presented. The results of the upgrade of structures and introduction of a system for reusing plating wastes after treatment are presented. The work was carried out at an operating enterprise in the automotive industry. The designer was given the task of providing for the tertiary treatment of effluents that had passed processing at the neutralization plant in order to return the effluent to the main process cycle. The implementation of the project for designing a system for effluent reusing ensured meeting the regulated indicators of process water for the washing operations of an industrial plating plant.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.01.08
UDC 628.12+621.65

Usachev A. P.

Specialized complete electrical equipment for the automation of pumping stations and energy-saving technologies


Information on the products of the Sibir-Mekhatronika enterprise – specialized complete electrical equipment for the automation of pumping stations and energy-saving technologies is presented. The equipment is designed for water, wastewater and heating pumping stations (including for heat producing enterprises).

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.01.09
UDC 628. 32:628.221

Tsyba A. A., Skolubovich Iurii, Pupyrev E. I., Ponomarenko A. M., Volkov Dmitrii

Environmentally friendly technology for the treatment of surface runoff from industrial sites


The issues related to the collection and treatment of surface runoff from the territories of industrial enterprises are stated. The analysis of the technologies for surface runoff treatment showed that the applied process flow schemes, generally, did not produce the required effect and were uneconomical. In addition, the technologies and equipment often do not provide for the utilization of wash water and sludge generated during the treatment of surface runoff. As a result, raw surface runoff containing suspended solids, oil products and other pollutants enters water bodies and produces a negative impact on the ecosystem of water bodies, public health and safety. In this regard, improving the technologies of surface runoff treatment to achieve high efficiency at minimal costs is a most urgent task. The characteristics of the composition of surface runoff from industrial sites are given through the example of a CPP facility in Novosibirsk. Surface runoff treatment methods are considered. The way of improving the technologies of surface runoff treatment with the use of structurally new treatment facilities, increasing the efficiency of chemical treatment and utilization of sludge is determined.

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