Tag:nutrients removal



DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.06.04
UDC 628.35:665.666.6

Kevbrina M. V., Gavrilin A. M., Pronin A. А.

Introduction of advanced technologies during the construction and upgrade of the wastewater treatment facilities operated by Mosvodokanal JSC


The experience of introducing advanced technologies for wastewater treatment at the wastewater treatment facilities in Moscow is considered; process flow schemes for the structures of different capacities are described. Since the late 1990s, the Engineering and Technology Center of Mosvodokanal JSC has been working on the development and introduction of advanced wastewater treatment technologies with the removal of nutrients. Since the composition of wastewater differs at different treatment facilities, it is not possible to “transfer” foreign technologies without correction and adaptation; moreover, sometimes the development of technology “from square one” is required. For more than 20 years, a stepwise introduction of advanced technologies has been carried out at the Moscow treatment facilities of South Butovo and Zelenograd, at the nutrients removal block at the Lyuberetskie wastewater treatment facilities, at the new block of the Kurianovskie Wastewater Treatment Facilities. At present, the reconstruction of the Lyuberetskie Wastewater Treatment Facilities (old and new blocks) is underway, the reconstruction of the old part of the Kurianovskie Wastewater Treatment Facilities is planned, the treatment facilities of the Troitsk and Novomoskovsk administrative districts in Moscow have been under upgrade. The experience of Mosvodokanal JSC was used in the development of an ITS 10-2015 reference book of the best available technologies. A variety of process solutions provides for ensuring the standard quality of effluent for the conditions of different facilities.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.01.05
UDC 628.356:628.52:629.5.083.7

Ponomarenko A. M., Vlasov Dmitrii, Belov N. A., Ganin Andrei, Zinchenko Aleksandr

Innovative directions for the development of the Liuberetskie wastewater treatment facilities


The Moscow wastewater disposal system is a complex system of engineering structures; its reliable and efficient operation is one of the most important components of the sanitary and environmental well-being of the city. In order to comply with the environmental requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, Mosvodokanal JSC has been actively involved in the reconstruction and upgrade of the municipal wastewater treatment facilities in recent years. Currently, the implementation of a large-scale project for the comprehensive reconstruction of the Liuberetskie wastewater treatment facilities has been underway. Within the framework of the project introducing advanced energy and resource-saving technologies for wastewater treatment and sludge treatment is planned. Much attention is paid to the problem of removing odors from the wastewater treatment facilities. During the reconstruction of the Liuberetskie wastewater treatment facilities the following advanced technologies are being introduced: enhanced wastewater treatment with nutrients removal (nitrogen and phosphorus); removal of nitrogen compounds from reject water using Anammox technology and removal of phosphorus compounds to obtain a mineral fertilizer – struvite; thermal decontamination of wastewater sludge with the generation of finished products and their subsequent sale at cement plants as an alternative fuel; installation of covers and systems for vent emissions purification.

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UDC 628.2/.4:006.35

Kharkina O. V.

The use of methods for calculating biological wastewater treatment facilities (for discussion)


Current requirements to the quality of effluent of wastewater treatment facilities call for introducing nitrification, denitrification, and phosphorus removal processes into the biological wastewater treatment, in addition to aerobic oxidation of organic compounds. The impossibility of ensuring the quality of effluents to be discharged into fishery water bodies in terms of nutrients MPCs values ​​is explained by the incorrect solutions designed for the introduction of biological wastewater treatment processes, and incorrect approaches to the design of facilities. The section «Wastewater disposal and treatment» of the Expert and Technological Council of the Russian Water Supply and Wastewater Association receives a lot of questions from water professionals interested in the methods of calculating wastewater treatment facilities and, primarily, biological treatment facilities. In this regard, the section «Wastewater disposal and treatment» of ETC RAWW develops Recommendations on the use of methods for calculating wastewater treatment facilities. This document, though not mandatory for execution, will contain information reflecting the viewpoints of the research workers, engineers, technologists, designers and experts in the operation of wastewater treatment facilities, members of the section. The Recommendations will include the results of calculations performed according to various methods and models, as well as conclusions indicating the possibility or impossibility of using certain calculation methods, as well as their limitations and correctness. It is planned to publish by parts the information on various calculation methods, techniques, approaches to calculations, as well as documents containing one or another approach to the design of wastewater treatment facilities is prescribed. After the analysis has been carried out, the consolidated material will be published in the form of Recommendations. This paper presents an analysis of the information contained in SP 32.13330.2018 on the calculation of biological wastewater treatment facilities as the most urgent problem presently.

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UDC 628.357.661.5

Kofman V. Ya.

Culturing microalgae for nutrients removal from wastewater (review)


Research works in the field of microalgae culturing with the use of wastewater as substrate have gained ground overseas. In this way the removal of nutrients used for biomass growth as well as of some heavy metals and other pollutants is provided. A description of process flow schemes of wastewater treatment combined with microalgae culturing and basic indicators of wastewater treatment facilities operation is presented. Three options of retrofitting a microalgae culturing plot are considered: at the end of the process flow scheme for enhanced nutrients removal from wastewater and biomass production as a raw material for biofuel; at the beginning of the process flow scheme with possible utilization of both nutrients for microalgae culturing and organic carbon that improves the biomass output; the scheme that provides for feeding only nutrient enriched solution from dewatering aerobically digested sludge are considered. Microalgae can be a valuable raw material for production of biofuel, food supplements, fertilizers, soil conditioners and adsorbents. However, for the implementation of such schemes large production areas are required, therefore their use is expedient for small-scale treatment facilities or facilities located in small towns or rural areas. Beside that a solution for some technological problems is required. The keen interest in the research in this field in different countries shows that the wastewater treatment technology with the use of culturing microalgae is an upcoming trend for experts.

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UDC 628.35


On the criticism of the NII VODGEO method of designing
biological wastewater treatment facilities with nutrients removal


The analysis of the critical notes published in the article by Ph. D. (Engineering) D. A. Danilovich and Engineer A. N. Epov «Comparative analysis of the methods of designing biological wastewater treatment facilities with nitrogen removal» in which the opponents make the following statements: the NII VODGEO method is «manual» and simplified, cannot be considered as mathematical model; the specific nitrification rate parameter cannot be used in calculations; the effect of temperature and other factors are not taken into account; «simplified» equations of enzyme kinetics cannot be used for nitrification-denitrification processes because of the inadmissible distortions under the impact of factors that these equations do not take into account; sludge age is determined by the effluent quality regardless of the pollutant concentration in the incoming wastewater; in sludge growth calculations sludge age shall be used; the residual concentration of a substance (in effluent) does not depend on its initial concentration; aeration tank calculations shall be based on sludge age is presented. Based on the detailed analysis of the comments and statements of the opponents their inconsistency and lack of proof is shown. It is proved that not a single substantial fact damaging the NII VODGEO method has been mentioned in the article, and the conclusions made by the authors are unfounded and unsubstantiated. The conclusion is made that the availability of a reliable and approved national calculation method will provide for restricting the unsubstantiated use of inadequate, untested calculation methods; eliminating unjustified construction and upgrade overpricing, uncontrolled engaging of untested foreign inventions in the projects; reducing the level of corruption in this field; implementing correctly the developed best available technologies in domestic practice. It is noted that up to now the calculation method included in SNiP 2.04.03-85 has been the only opportunity for the experts to design and control the facilities for municipal and industrial wastewater biological treatment. Consequently, improving and updating a universal, scientifically grounded and field-proven domestic method of designing the facilities for municipal and industrial wastewater biological treatment with regard to the nutrients removal has been a crucial and pending task. The attention is called to the need of urgent restoration of the expert competency, the revival of the Russian scholarly traditions on the basis of the immense scientific and practical capacity established by our predecessors.

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UDC 628.345.1

Rublevskaya O. N., Kolosov D. E., PANKOVA G. A.

Substantiating the use of aluminium sulfate for the elimination of phosphorus from wastewater at the Saint-Petersburg wastewater treatment facilities


The article opens a series of three articles dedicated to the introduction of aluminium sulfate as a chemical for chemical removal of phosphorus compounds from wastewater. The urgency of the task of eliminating nutrients from wastewater is described; the primary concern of removing phosphorus for the protection of water bodies from eutrophication is substantiated. A short literature review including the practice of chemical removal of phosphorus from wastewater in USA and European Union is presented. Special features of the basic chemicals – calcium, aluminium and iron compounds – essential for the practical application of chemical removal of phosphorus are described. The second article will present the evaluation of the toxicity of aluminium and iron compounds; the results of investigating the impact of iron and aluminium salts on the aeration tank biocenosis and sludge mixture dewaterability will be discussed. The third final article will present a detailed report on the introduction of aluminium sulfate as a chemical for chemical removal of phosphorus compounds from wastewater at the Saint-Petersburg wastewater treatment facilities.

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UDC 628.356.1

Danilovich Dmitrii

The experience of improving and evaluating the efficiency of aeration systems


The experience of improving and evaluating the efficiency of aeration systems of the new line of the Liuberetskie wastewater treatment facilities of the Moscow wastewater system is described. In the operation of the treatment line with a design capacity of 500,000 m3/day biological removal of nitrogen and phosphorus used. Upon five years of operation Austrian-manufactured AQUASTRIP membrane type plate aerators were replaced with Russian-manufactured АR-420Т disk membrane systems. This provided for significant increa­sing wastewater flow to the new line. In the course of studies two methods of evaluation of the aeration system efficiency were compared: the classical approach of direct «gas cap» measurement and the calculation method. In order to implement the calculation method a technique of evaluating the actual aeration efficiency of aeration tanks was developed based on the fundamental principles of the mass balance of the treatment processes. This technique allows calculating the actual efficiency of oxygen utilization supplied to the aeration system from the actual operation data for any time interval and with regard to any aeration tank number. In the course of the experiment about 9% divergence of the results of the two methods was obtained which corresponded to the measurement errors accepted as a basis of the calculations. The measurements and calculations showed that the specific efficiency of oxygen dissolution was around 6% per 1 meter of the aerator immersion depth which complied with the information submitted by the manufacturer («Ecopolymer-M» CJSC), and by 30% higher than shown by AQUASTRIP aerators. The developed method can be used both in evaluating the aeration system efficiency for the certain wastewater treatment facilities and in making the intra-sectoral analysis (benchmarking). The calculated values of the atmospheric oxygen actual dissolution efficiency and power consumption per 1 kilogram of the actually dissolved oxygen are recommended for being used as the target indicators of the wastewater treatment facilities’ improvement instead of the generally accepted air consumption (power consumption) per 1 m3 of wastewater.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2019.10.06
UDC 628.355

Kevbrina M. V., Akmentina A. V., Dorofeev A. G., Agarev Anton, Aseyeva V. G., KOZLOV M. N., Nikolaev Yu. A.

Advanced technology of municipal wastewater treatment
with granular sludge


Increasing the specific biochemical capacity of the facilities using the so-called granular activated sludge is one of the promising areas for the development of biological wastewater treatment technologies. Granular sludge is microbial biocenosis specializing in the decomposition and mineralization of substances present in wastewater. The main distinction from regular sludge is due to two important factors: the composition of the basic structural unit of granular sludge – granules, and a high sedimentation rate (up to 20 m/h). This provides for developing sludge doses of up to 10 g/l in bioreactors of wastewater treatment. The results of the development of the first biotechnology in Russia for municipal wastewater treatment of using granular activated sludge are presented. The technology has been implemented at the facilities of Mosvodokanal JSC. The technology of aerobic biological treatment in a sequencing batch reactor with sequential nitri-denitrification and an upward flow of wastewater provides for the quality of effluent that meets the standards for maximum permissible concentrations for discharge into fishery bodies. Technical and economic comparison of the developed technology with the technology of removing nutrients in flow-through aeration tank showed that the life cycle costs of the facilities with partially granulated activated sludge are 1.4 times less than the costs of traditional biological treatment technology (for a capacity of 1000 m3/day).

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.07.04
UDC 628.35:665.666.6

Vlasov Dmitrii, Novikov S. N., Gavrilov Dmitrii, Skitovich Iuliia, Kevbrina M. V., Iliukhin Roman

Implementation of the first and second stages of the integrated upgrade of the Liuberetskie Wastewater Treatment Facilities of Mosvodokanal JSC


The Liuberetskie Wastewater Treatment Facilities have been the significant facilities of the Moscow wastewater disposal system that secure solution to the wastewater treatment tasks. In order to comply with the environmental requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, Mosvodokanal JSC has been actively involved in the upgrade and modernization of the municipal wastewater treatment facilities in recent years. Since 2019 the works have been in progress to implement a large-scale project for the comprehensive upgrade of the Liuberetskie Wastewater Treatment Facilities. To date, two stages of the reconstruction have been completed. As a result, the emission of wastewater odors into the atmosphere has been practically eliminated at the new facilities, the efficiency of mechanical wastewater treatment has been improved, and the high quality of effluent has been achieved including nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), so that the effluent quality meets the current process standards based on the best available technologies.

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UDC 628.35

Dubovik Ol’ga, Markevich R. M., Antonov K. V.

Improvement of biological removal of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds from wastewater under the conditions of cascade denitrification


In view of ever toughening requirements to wastewater treatment the optimization and intensification of wastewater treatment facilities operation become priority areas. The flow process scheme of wastewater biological treatment at the Minsk Wastewater Treatment Plant is represented by traditional aeration tanks and aeration tanks with organized cascade denitrification scheme. The main component of this scheme is the lack of inner recycle and possibility of dispersed inflow of clarified wastewater over the aeration tank zones. This provides for the presence of easily oxidizable organic substances in every anoxic zone. In view of building-up of pollutants in incoming wastewater and toughening the requirements to their removal the intensification of the biological stage has been an important aspect of the treatment facilities operation. The research objective was the scheme of cascade denitrification at the operating treatment facilities for the optimization of which different options of clarified wastewater distribution over the aeration tank zones were used. Wastewater entering the cascade denitrification is characterized by insufficient quantity of organic substances because a significant amount of industrial wastes. To increase the amount of organic substances it was decided to take out of service the primary settling tank and to reduce the frequency of sludge removal. The chosen optimal distribution of clarified wastewater over the aeration tank zones and increase of organic loading the efficiency of phosphate removal increased from 60 to 70%; and that of nitrogen removal – from 61 to 67%.

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UDC 628.35:665.666.6
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.07.02

Agarev Anton, Kevbrina M. V., Gavrilov Dmitrii, Belov N. A., Zharkov A. V.

Process solutions to increase the efficiency of wastewater treatment with a low concentration of organic matter


Through the example of the Moscow wastewater treatment facilities, the ways of improving the efficiency of treatment of low-concentrated wastewater in terms of organic matter are considered: the acidification of raw sludge, addition of an external organic substrate, use of technologies independent of the concentration of organic substances. In the presence of refluxes containing nitrogen and phosphorus, the use of organic matter-independent technologies is promising to reduce the nitrogen and phosphorus load on the main biological treatment line. Process solutions that improve the efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus removal from low-concentrated wastewater in terms of organic matter at the Liuberetsky and Kurianovsky treatment facilities are as follows: acidification of raw sludge to increase the concentration of readily available organic matter; local treatment of refluxes from the sludge treatment facilities to reduce the nitrogen and phosphorus load on the biological treatment using the Anammox process and obtaining a mineral fertilizer – struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate). At the small-scale wastewater treatment facilities of New Moscow, the addition of yeast condensate as an additional organic matter provides for increasing the BOD5/Ntotal ratio from 3.2 to 4.3, which under these conditions is sufficient for the successful denitrification and biological dephosphorization processes. This made it possible to ensure the standard level of removing nitrogen of nitrates and phosphorus of phosphates and, as a result, reduce the consumption of the chemical (ferric chloride).

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